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Kaesha Malana Performance Task English

Poverty and Marxism: Examining Economic Inequality and Collective Solutions

Photo by Noel Celis, Philippine Star

Poverty remains one of the most pressing issues faced by societies worldwide,
perpetuating a cycle of deprivation and marginalization. In the search for viable solutions,
Marxism, a socio-political theory that critiques capitalism and advocates for a classless society,
has gained prominence. This feature delves into the complex relationship between poverty and
Marxism, exploring the core tenets of Marxism, its analysis of economic inequality, and the
potential for collective action to address poverty and create a more equitable society.

Marxism, rooted in the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, offers a critical analysis
of capitalism and emphasizes the inherent class struggle within it. According to Marxism, the
capitalist system perpetuates economic inequality, as the means of production are controlled by
a small capitalist class, while the majority of the population—the working class—labor for
minimal wages. This unequal distribution of wealth and power creates and perpetuates

Marxism views poverty as a consequence of structural economic inequality. It argues

that capitalism inherently prioritizes profit over the well-being of workers, leading to
exploitation and deprivation. The concentration of wealth and resources in the hands of a few,
coupled with the commodification of labor, widens the gap between the rich and the poor.
Marxism seeks to challenge this by advocating for the collective ownership of means of
production and the establishment of a classless society.

Marxism proposes collective action as a means to address poverty and create a more
equitable society. By organizing and mobilizing the working class, Marxists aim to challenge the
power structures that perpetuate economic inequality. Through labor unions, social
movements, and political parties, they seek to improve working conditions, advocate for fair
wages, and ensure access to essential services such as education and healthcare. Marxism
Kaesha Malana Performance Task English

argues that empowering the working class is essential to overcome poverty and transform

While Marxism provides a lens to understand and critique economic inequality, it has
faced various criticisms. Detractors argue that centralized control of resources and means of
production can stifle innovation and individual freedom. Furthermore, historical
implementations of Marxism have often led to authoritarian regimes. As an alternative, some
proponents of social democracy advocate for a mixed economy that combines regulated
capitalism with a robust welfare state, aiming to reduce poverty through progressive taxation,
social safety nets, and equal opportunities.

Poverty remains a deeply entrenched issue that demands multifaceted approaches.

Marxism offers a critical perspective on the systemic causes of poverty, emphasizing economic
inequality and advocating for collective action. While its practical implications have been
subject to debate and critique, Marxism's influence persists in shaping discourse on poverty and
social justice. Regardless of ideological leanings, the imperative to address poverty and promote
economic justice remains. By fostering dialogue and exploring diverse perspectives, we can
work towards comprehensive solutions that uplift the disadvantaged and strive for a more
equitable society.

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