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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

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A review on solar tunnel greenhouse drying system

Rajendra Patil a,n, Rupesh Gawande b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering, Wardha 442102, Nagpur, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, 440001 Nagpur, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper mainly deals with review of research and development work on solar tunnel and greenhouse
Received 7 August 2015 type dryers operating in natural and forced convection mode by different researchers. The compre-
Received in revised form hensive explanation, basics and earlier work performed on solar tunnel greenhouse type dryers has been
9 November 2015
presented briefly. A technical and economical assessment shows that solar tunnel and greenhouse dryers
Accepted 22 November 2015
appear the most gorgeous option for use in rural areas. Trials on solar tunnel and greenhouse type dryer
show not only massive fuel savings but also great worth addition due to improved quality of dried
Keywords: product in terms of color, aroma and taste. However application of such dryers has not picked up due to
Greenhouse dryer higher capital investment, long payback period and lack of confidence in the technology. Nevertheless
Tunnel dryer
incessant research and development work should be carried out to overcome these factors. It is hoped
Solar energy
that this review work may be valuable and appropriate for further development work.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

2. Previous work on solar tunnel and greenhouse type dryers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

1. Introduction hybrid type. In direct solar dryers, collection of solar energy and
drying of product takes place in an enclosed insulated structure.
Drying is the process of removal of moisture from the product The simplicity and low cost of dryer makes it attractive for end
to a specified value due to application of heat energy. In short, users. However, control of drying temperature and poor quality of
drying is a combination of heat and mass transfer [1]. Many drying dried product are main limitations. In indirect dryers, air is heated
methods are available for drying of agricultural products. Sun in air heater and then flows over a product bed. The better con-
drying is the earliest method of drying agro-commodities and trolled of temperature in dryer results in efficient operation. High
having several disadvantages like spoilage of produce due to wind, cost and complex construction are the drawbacks of such dryer. In
dust, rain, insects, birds, storms etc. Also open sun drying requires mixed mode, products are exposed directly to solar radiations and
large land and drying time [2]. Hence to protect agricultural pro- hot air from solar collector. It is a combination of direct and
ducts from damage and to control the drying process, efforts had indirect solar dryers while in hybrid solar dryers, heat energy from
been made to improve sun drying to solar drying. solar radiations and fossile fuel or biomass is used for drying the
Solar drying is a technological process and works on principle agricultural product [4]. Solar dryers can also be classified
of greenhouse effect. Basically solar drying can be classified into according to the movement of air as natural and forced convection
two types of low temperature and high temperature dryers [3].
dryers. In natural (passive) convection dryer movement of air
Further it may be classified into direct, indirect, mixed mode and
takes place due to density difference, while in forced convection
mode (active) fan or blower is required to move the air through air
Corresponding author. Tel.:- +919604825862. heater and over the product. Active solar dryers are more efficient
1364-0321/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 197

Roof Cap

Solar Radiation

Drying Platform

Glass Roof

Shutter Open

Cold Air

Fig. 1. Passive glass – roof type greenhouse dryer.

than passive dryers in terms of speed and quality of drying. [1]. Further, the research work carried by different scientists in the
Though active dryers are better than passive dryers they are area of solar dryers used for grape drying was reviewed by Pan-
superb for drying of minute batches and not suitable in rural areas gavhane and Sawhney [11]. The various types of solar dryers were
due to requirement of power for operating the fans. These lim- discussed technically as well as economically and showed that
itations along with the fact of reducing drying time, encourages solar drying of grape is feasible. They suggest that solar dryer
the researchers to build up new designs like tunnel and green- should have maximum utilization factor and recommended forced
house type dryers. Tunnel is an enclosed duct except at entry and convection mode of drying for better control and reliability. Fud-
exit end and used for heating of air in numerous applications holi et al. [12] presented an inclusive review of different designs,
including drying. However greenhouse is a structure used for working principles and details of construction of solar dryers for
production of vegetables/flowers along with effective drying of drying of marine and agricultural products. Study revealed that the
large quantity of agro-commodities. Hence greenhouse structure technical directions in the upgrading of solar drying systems for
can be used all over the year making it more reasonable and have marine and agricultural produce are compact collector design,
low operating cost [5]. The dual function of greenhouse and dryer integrated storage, high efficiency and long life of drying system.
improves the return rate of investment [6]. Kumar et al. gives the The author also focused on water based solar collectors whereby
detailed types of greenhouse and suggested the even span and water to air heat exchanger can be used. A review article of dome
Quonset shape of greenhouse for maximum utilization of solar shape and roof even type solar greenhouse dryer was recently
energy [7]. The solar tunnel and greenhouse comes in the group of presented by Prakash and Kumar [5]. The study reveals that
direct and mixed type dryers and can be effectively operated in greenhouse dryer under forced convection mode was better for
both natural as well as forced convection mode [5]. Greenhouse high moisture products and greenhouse drying should be adopted
dryers are also called as tent dryers and basic form of passive to overcome the restrictions of traditional open sun drying. PV –
greenhouse dryer with inclined glass roof was presented by Brace integrated dryers can be used in remote areas.
Research Institute. The schematic of dryer is shown in Fig. 1 [8]. The main aim of this paper is to summarize the research and
Several researchers have done an excellent review work on development work for solar tunnel and greenhouse type dryers.
solar drying technology for drying of agricultural produce. A The comprehensive explanation, basics and earlier work per-
comprehensive review of various designs of direct, indirect and formed on solar tunnel greenhouse type dryers were presented
mixed mode solar cabinet dryers were presented by Sharma et al. briefly. It is hoped that this review work may be valuable and
[9] and they mentioned that processing of agricultural produce to appropriate for further development work.
a processed food can be a wise alternative to small land holder
farmers. Farmers can make extra money for value addition to the
product. Bal et al. [10] summarize a detailed review of research 2. Previous work on solar tunnel and greenhouse type dryers
and development work on solar dryers with thermal energy sto-
rage system for drying of agricultural food products. The thermal, The solar tunnel drying system is simple in construction and
physical, chemical and kinetic property of heat storage materials consists of a collector as well as drying tunnel connected in series.
were discussed for an appropriate selection of material for a par- Both collector and drying tunnel are covered with transparent
ticular application. The review study shows that thermal energy glasses or plastic sheets. The collector element contains black color
storage system increases the utility as well as reliability of solar metallic absorber plate while drying chamber has number of trays
dryer and latent heat storage system stores more heat per unit for loading the product to be dried. On the other hand a green-
volume than sensible heat storage system. Heat storage with house is basically an enclosed structure covered with stabilized UV
phase change material is a smart option. El-Sebaii et al. focused on resistant polythene sheets, acts itself as a solar collector and dry-
a numerous types of solar air collectors and solar dryers with and ing chamber. Such dryers are used for drying of multiple agri-
without heat storage media. From the available literature, they cultural products at low cost. The solar tunnel dryer of capacity
conclude that indirect mode forced convection solar dryers are 100–300 kg was developed in the mid of 1980s at Hohenheim
superior in quality and also recommends a more investigation on University, Germany and known as Hohenheim solar tunnel dryer.
sensible/latent heat storage media for accelerating the drying rate The Hohenheim tunnel dryer unit has been tested in 30 countries
198 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

Heat absorber

Clear fiberglass



Air Ducts
Fig. 2. Green house solar dryer (a) load supporting wall design and (b) shell design (not to scale).

like India, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda and Australia etc. for drying of Air Outlet
vegetables, fruits, herbs and indicates that this design is good
enough for small land holders in terms of consistency, price and
consumer – sociability in operation. Several investigators have
explored on solar tunnel and greenhouse dryers for drying of
various agricultural products.
Huang and Bowes [13] developed two types of greenhouse
namely the load supporting wall and shell type solar dryer as Collector
shown in Fig. 2. In the load supporting design, exterior as well as
interior walls were used to hold tobacco bulk racks and fiber glass
was used to transmit the solar radiations. The stagnant air space Fan
between the transparent outer surface and the heat absorber acts
as an insulation layer. The concrete slab and block foundation
served as an additional heat storage system. The corrugated fiber-
glass was used in shell design to form greenhouse with built-in Air Inlet
gravel energy storage system for night time usage. The gravel Fig. 3. Solar tunnel dryer for small quantities.
system was used to store excess solar energy. In this design instead
of walls, portable frames were used to support tobacco racks. Baffle Plate
Results showed that the load supporting wall design was better
and able to save 15–25% fuel as compared to the shell type design.
On the other hand the shell design showed better saving at
33–51% as compared to the commercial unit. The study showed
that drying of tobacco in both designs was feasible and gives better
performance due to use of energy storage system.
The solar tunnel greenhouse dryer for grape drying has been
investigated by many researchers namely Lutz et al., Eissen et al.,
El-Shiatry et al., Gentry et al. and Fohr and Arnand. Lutz et al.
Air outlet
designed and constructed a multi-use solar tunnel dryer for drying
of grapes, vegetables and medicinal plants at Greece. For minute Air Inlet
holding capacities (50–300 kg) collector and tunnel can be linked Fig. 4. Solar tunnel dryer for large quantities.
in series (Fig. 3), while for large quantities (up to 1000 kg) collector
and tunnel of dryer have to be set in parallel (Fig. 4). A radial fan velocity by 180°. Also more power is required to move the air over
operated by AC motor was used to move the air at 3 m/s over the the product. Eissen et al. [15] considered a similar type of tunnel
product. The dryer was tested for drying of 1000 kg of seedless
dryer for drying of 25 kg/m2 of fresh grapes and found that drying
grapes and they found that tunnel dryer took only 4–7 days for
was completed in 5–6 days with better quality raisins. The design
removal of moisture up to safe limit of 9% (w.b). The quality of
of solar dryer allows consistent drying and absolute protection of
dried grapes was excellent in terms of color, flavor and taste. This
grapes from insects, dust and rain.
dryer was effectively tested in Greece, Egypt, Yugoslavia and Saudi
A solar tunnel dryer (20 m length) for drying of 100–200 kg of
Arabia for drying of grapes, peppers, dates and onions. Finally
economic evaluation of solar tunnel dryer gives a payback period food per day under forced convection mode was proposed by El-
in the range of 2–3 years [14]. Instead of polythene foil, author Shiatry et al. [16]. The solar collector (1 m wide) and drying
used a costly air bubble foil which increases the cost of drying and chamber (2 m wide) was arranged in parallel (Fig. 4) to determine
payback period. In parallel arrangement of dryer, cost of drying drying period, electric power consumption, quality of produce in
increase due to requirement of baffles to turn the air at require terms of color, flavor, reconstitution properties, microbial count
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 199

and life expectancy. The dryer was tested for drying of tomatoes, enclosed with a polythene sheet of 200 μm. Result showed that
grapes, onions, potatoes, basil and wild marjoram under the moisture removal rate for coffee drying was 1.5 times faster than
metrological conditions of Egypt. A radial fan operated by 150 W open air drying and observed an increase in efficiency of 20–40%.
AC motor was used to circulate the air over the product. A 70% and An increase in temperature of air by 4–5 °C was also recorded
40% of reduction in drying time for grapes and other crops within within the dryer. The cost of construction of dryer was about USD
STD was observed as compared to natural sun drying. The highest 190 while cost to operate the electrical blower was less than 1 USD
electric consumption of 19.5 kW h for drying of 1000 kg of grapes for 12 h daily. Also Ochratoxin (OTA) forming fungi was not
was recorded; while only 4.4 kW h was consumed by radial fan for observed in solar dried samples [19]. From above results, STD was
200 kg of basil. The reconstitution test shows the excellent result a right option for drying of small and medium capacity agricultural
for potatoes and onions while only 75% of initial moisture content products at faster drying rate.
was reached by tomatoes. The faster drying rate was achieved Schirmer et al. [20] developed a multi-purpose solar tunnel
since STD receives heat energy from collector as well as from solar dryer for drying of banana under active mode at Thailand. The
dryer consists of a collector and drying tunnel in which 300 kg of
irradiations. A parallel arrangement of dryer and high electric
banana is spread in thin layer. Both collector and drying chamber
consumption increases the cost and payback period of dryer;
are joined in series and covered with UV plastic sheet. Three fans
however a better dried product was obtained.
powered by 53 W PV module were used to ventilate the tunnel
The greenhouse solar dryer for drying of grapes was studied by
dryer. The dryer was capable of producing the sufficient and
Fohr and Arnaud [17]. It consists of (Fig. 5) a few trays, fan, plastic
continuous flow of hot air temperature between 40 and 65 °C. The
film and a collector of 50 m greenhouse allied in face of the grape
quantitative examination showed that traditional sun drying had
stack hall. The fan was placed in the rear wall of stacked chamber
taken 5–7 days to dry the bananas while solar dryer took only 3–5
to achieve consistent air flow over the trays. Result showed that
days and produced better quality of produce. The anticipated
recycling of air was not economically feasible. Amir et al. [18]
payback period of dryer is about 3 years. Result shows that the
studied a solar tunnel dryer under forced convection mode for most effective factor on the moisture removal rate was the tem-
drying of coffee beans. The solar collector and a drying chamber perature of air inside the dryer. The introduction of STD seems to
were connected side by side. The centrifugal blower was used to be means of earning extra money for worth addition to the pro-
move the hot air into the drying tunnel through U-shaped duct. An duct. Gauhar et al. [21] fabricated a reduced size of solar tunnel
air stream rate of 400–900 m3/h was maintained by a centrifugal dryer based on the Hohenheim dryer design. The AIT (Asian
blower to achieve air temperature in the range of 40–60 °C. For Institute of Technology, Bangkok) solar tunnel dryer consists of a
drying of 500–600 kg of coffee beans, dryer took 50 h while tra- solar collector (4 m length), drying tunnel (4.30 m length) and five
ditional open sun drying required 75 h for the same moisture radial flow fans (14 W; 130 m3/h) to drive the moist air out of the
removal. The drying technique for coffee under polythene solar dryer. For hygienic and ergonomic reasons, the drier stands on a
tunnel dryer was also evaluated by Chapman et al. at Thailand. It 75 cm high brick plinth. Both the collector and tunnel are covered
consists (Fig. 6) of solar collector, a drying chamber and centrifugal with a 0.2 mm thick, UV-stabilized polythene sheet. No-load tests
blower. The dryer of 7 m  4 m  2 m in size was constructed and were conducted with both AC and DC/Photovoltaic operation of
the fans and reported that during AC operation of fans, the drying
Greenhouse temperature fluctuates with changes in solar insolation, while
Transparent film solar PV operated fans, reduces this variation as air flow rate is
directly related to the solar radiations. They also conducted
experiments separately, with AC and DC driven fans, for drying the
same quantity of chili (19.5 kg) at almost like weather conditions.
The chili took 3 days to get dried up in dryer with AC fans while
only 2 days are required for drying with PV operated fans. The
efficiency of the dryer for DC/PV operation was estimated at
2m x 2m 14.20% against 9.32% for AC operation. The full load capacity of AIT
Stake of trays dryer is about 85 kg of raw chilly per batch and payback period of
two years was estimated. The AIT dryer performs well with PV
driven DC fans, because they considerably diminish the fluctua-
tions in the drying air temperature with fluctuating solar irradia-
Black film
tion. Author does not utilized rated capacity of dryer thus full
drying potential of air inside the dryer was not used. The eco-
Fig. 5. Solar dryer with greenhouse. nomics of AIT dryer gives a pay-back age of around two years and
it can be reduced significantly if dryer is utilized for multi-
Clear Polyethylene products. The AIT dyer is specially designed for small land
Cover holder farmers.
Garg and Kumar [22] reported the thermal performance for
collector of a semi-cylindrical STD (Fig. 7). The thermal perfor-
mance was investigated under natural and forced convection
mode under metrological conditions of Delhi. The dryer essentially
consists of a solar collector and drying chamber in which the crop
is spread in thin layer. In forced convection mode, air at 5 m/s was
circulated at different flow rates and increase in air temperature
Drying Table
has been found out with the help of computer programme FOR-
TRAN77. Result showed that for different flow rate of air, tem-
perature in dryer was varied from 25 to 32 °C. This shows that for
improving the performance of dryer under forced convection
Fig. 6. Polyethylene solar tunnel dryer. mode, air flow rate should be fixed as per the requirement of
200 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

Solar Radiation Radiation
Air from Cover
Outlet Air


Drying Chamber Fig. 8. Sectional view of tunnel greenhouse dryer.

Air Collector preheating collector for the remaining chamber improving the
r evaporation speed. The essential changes required for improving
Collector 2r the performance and to reduce the drying cost are very simple and
economical. Condori et al. [24] constructed and investigated a low
Inlet Air cost tunnel greenhouse dryer under forced convention mode for
drying of pepper and garlic at Argentina. The dryer consists (Fig. 8)
Fig. 7. Semi-cylindrical solar tunnel drying system.
of a drying chamber with transparent plastic walls; a line of carts
with a number of stacked trays containing the product and an
drying temperature in dryer. In other words this analysis will be electrical fan to move hot air from greenhouse into tunnel. They
helpful in proper design of STD. Under natural convection mode, reported that a nonstop production was possible with least energy
the performance of STD was investigated at different tilts of col- consumption and labor cost, since some carts with dried product
lector (5–45°) and found that for a small collector tilt, high tem- come out of the tunnel every day, while the equal quantity of fresh
perature and small flow rate was observed; however a low tem- product is fed by the other tunnel. Also the installation can be used
perature and high flow rate of air was noticed for more collector as a greenhouse for small production when it is not used as a
tilt. For a tilt of 15°, flow rate of 1000 m3/h and temperature of dryer. The average temperature increase in collector was about
35 °C was observed. In other words, for more collector tilt, buoy- 25 °C above the ambient temperature, while the maximum dif-
ancy effects are more in the direction of flow with increase in flow ference between ambient and dryer RH was about 20%. The overall
rates and drop in drying temperature. The study reveals that value efficiency of dryer can be improved by increasing greenhouse optic
of collector tilt is important not only in creating natural air cur- parameters (transmmitivity and absorptivity) and heat removal
rents within collector but also in effective operation of drying. Also rate. This can be done by reducing the dryer height or by using
air temperature and flow rate was optimized with respect to sufficient insulation. The average production efficiency was 1 kg of
length of collector and radius of cover. However different dried product for 5 kg of fresh product. The key features of this
researcher suggests the equation for collector tilt (Tilt ¼latitude design are: (a) high drying efficiency due to counter flow circu-
þ15°) to improve the performance. A prototype of a greenhouse lation between air and product. (b) Partial mechanization of carts
effect (GHE) solar dryer was developed by Abdullah et al. [23] for for product handling lowers the labor cost and (c) improved pro-
investigating performance of 1.1 t Robusta coffee at Indonesia. A duct quality and constant production is possible by use of a con-
UV stabilized polythene sheet (1.5 mm thick, 70% transmissivity) ventional heater. The analytical study of tunnel greenhouse dryer
was used to form greenhouse enclosure and consists of compo- for describing its performance was presented by Condori et al.
nents like absorber, two heat exchanger, blower and chimney. A Considering the greenhouse dryer as a solar collector, an analytical
blackened steel plate was used to increase the thermal perfor- linear relation among the drier outlet temperature and the solar
mance of dryer. They reported a drying time of 58 h in the irradiation was established. This is a common result that can be
greenhouse unit as compared to 70 h in conventional drying useful to any greenhouse dryer without a load. This relation was
method and showed a drying efficiency of 57.4% in greenhouse as also confirmed with experimental records and shows good con-
compared to 21.1% of conventional drying. Also a specific energy of nection. The comparison of greenhouse tunnel dryer with single
5.5 MJ/kg and 11.6 MJ/kg was recorded in greenhouse and con- chamber and double chamber dryer has been done and result
ventional drying method respectively. showed an improvement of about 160% and 40% with respect to
The analytical study for two greenhouse dryers under active the single chamber and double chamber dryer respectively [25].
mode for drying of pepper was presented by Condori and Saravia The Hohenheim solar tunnel dryer at Mymensingh, Bangladesh
[6]. The first greenhouse has single drying chamber and other was tested by Bala et al. [26] for drying of 150 kg of pineapple. It
greenhouse has two drying chambers. In single chamber system, consists (Fig. 9) of a flat plate collector, drying chamber and two
whole greenhouse is used as a drying chamber, whereas in double fans to circulate required air over the product. A plastic sheet like
chamber system a greenhouse is divided into two drying cham- sloping roof was fixed over the drying tunnel chamber to prevent
bers and fan is located between both of them in a transparent product from insects and rain. The moisture content of pineapple
partition wall. For experimentation a drying area of 50 m2 was was reduced from 87.32% (w.b) to 21.52% (w.b) in 20 h of drying in
considered in both dryers. Result showed that the production of tunnel dryer while it took 20 h to bring down the moisture con-
double chamber drying system compared to single chamber dryer tent of equivalent sample to 21.52% (w.b) in traditional sun drying.
was increased by 87%. The double chamber dryer is superior to A maximum temperature of 64 °C was observed for insolation of
single chamber due to improved energy consumption. In single 580 W/m2. During drying, air flow rate was varied from 0.2 to
chamber design, dryer uses only a minute fraction of incoming 0.3 m/s. A good quality of dried pineapple with higher amount of
energy during last drying phase, while in double chamber design, protein and vitamin-C was obtained. This design permits a uni-
the chamber containing the partially dried product also works as a form drying due to least variation of drying air temperature during
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 201



1. Air Inlet 7. Wooden Support

2. Fan 8. Plastic Net 10
3. Solar Module 9. Roof Structure
4. Solar Collector 10. Base Structure
5. Side Metal Frame 11. Rolling Bar
6. Outlet of Collector 12. Outlet of Drying tunnel

4 20m

Fig. 9. Solar tunnel dryer.

the drying period. The drying temperature was kept almost con- be used in design of solar drying systems with optimal drying
stant by regulating the air flow rate inside the dryer. The increase conditions. The comparative analysis for solar tunnel dryer is
in temperature due to high solar radiation was controlled by presented in Table 1.
increasing the air flow rate over the product; while decrease in A roof type greenhouse dryer (Fig. 10) was developed by Tiwari
temperature due to low solar radiation was compensated by and Jain [29] in 2001 for drying of cabbage and peas under the
increase in temperature by lowering air flow rate. Also a multilayer metrological conditions of New Delhi, India. A greenhouse was
neural network approach to forecast the performance of STD for made from PVC pipes and covered with UV plastic sheet. An air
drying of jackfruit and leather was introduced by Bala B. K. [27] in vent of 0.043 m2 was used at roof of greenhouse for passive mode
2005. The dryer essentially consists of a flat plat solar collector, while a fan of 225 mm diameter was provided at the sidewall to
tunnel unit and two DC fans operated by PV module to give move the air at 5 m/s during active mode of drying. During testing
desired air flow rate. During trail they found that initial moisture of greenhouse, experimental data was used to find convection heat
content of jackfruit and leather was reduced to the desired level of transfer coefficient and then empirical relation was developed to
24% and 10% in 14 and 19 h respectively. Out of 16 experimental show convection heat transfer coefficient as a function of drying
runs, the data collected from seven runs was used to train the ANN time with aid of two term exponential curve model. Result showed
model. The ANN model with seven inputs, one output and two that convection mass transfer coefficient was doubled in forced
hidden layers was found to be able to forecast the performance of convection mode as compared to natural convection mode of
dryer after adequate training. Result showed a good accord drying. Also they reported that a moisture removal rate was higher
between predicted and experimental moisture content of jackfruit in the commencement of drying and it becomes stable after 20 h
and leather. Author presents a new option and tool for solving of drying time. In GHD under forced convection mode the values of
complex mathematical models and enables very speedy and heat transfer coefficient are doubled (35–15 W/m2 °C) during
effortless simulations. To predict the accurate performance, a care constant rate of drying. The moisture removal rate in active mode
should be taken in selection of data for adequate training of the is considerably high due to decrease in RH within the greenhouse.
model. Bala et al. [28] proposed a study on exergy analysis of A slow rate of drying was observed in GHD under natural mode
tunnel dryer for drying of jackfruit leather under active mode. The due to poor ventilation in dryer compared to OSD and GHD under
dryer consists of flat plate solar collector connecting in series to a forced convection mode. The mass transfer coefficient is a strong
drying tunnel with 15° of tilt of the roof slope. Experiments have function of moisture removal rate. A similar type of greenhouse
revealed that 50 kg of jackfruit can be dried out to 11.88% (w.b) was used by Tiwari et al. [30] in 2004 for estimation of convection
from initial moisture content of 76% (w.b) in 2 days. Due to var- mass transfer coefficient during drying of Jaggery (800–2000 g) by
iation of solar insolation between 100 and 600 W/m2, the energy using regression analysis and found that moisture removal rate
efficiency of collector and dryer varies in the range of 27–43% and was lower in active method of drying due to low drying tem-
32–65% respectively, while the overall efficiency of STD was in the perature. However the convection heat and mass transfer coeffi-
range of 39–48%. The temperature in the collector also varies in cients in active method was higher than passive method of drying.
the range of 43–58 °C. Exergy analysis of tunnel dryer gives an Tiwari and Kumar [31] developed a thermal model to envisage
efficiency of 41.42% and showed that almost 50–58% of available moisture removal rate, greenhouse air temperature and product
energy was lost in collector and drying chamber of dryer. The temperature in drying of Jaggery (product of sugarcane juice)
exergy study revealed that exergy efficiency depends upon drying under passive mode during February 2004. The mathematical
air temperature and time. Since exergy calculates the available models were developed with energy balance equations at Jaggery
energy at different locations in the system, it acts as a measure of surfaces and solved by MATLAB software. The fair agreement
quality and grade of energy. In future the concept of exergy should between predicted and experimental values for greenhouse and
202 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

Table 1
Comparative analysis of Hohenheim type solar tunnel dryer under passive and active mode.

Author Physical features of the dryer Thermal performance Economics

Type/size/shape/drying capacity Efficiency/heat transfer coefficients/temp. and RH/ Payback period/
drying time reliability

Gauhar et al. [21] The design of AIT tunnel dryer (8.30 m  1.80 m) and its Initial moisture content of 85% was reduced to 10% 2 years.
concert for drying of 19.5 kg chili was presented. Experiments (w.b) in 2 days with DC fans while 3 days were
were conducted at no-load and load circumstances using AC required for AC fans. For air flow rate of 130–650 m3/
and PV driven DC fans. min, temperature inside the dryer varies in the range
of 30–70 °C.
Garg and Kumar [22] Thermal performance for collector of semi-cylindrical STD for The air velocity of 5 m/s was kept constant during 2–2.5 years.
different flow rates (400–1600 m3/h) in active mode and for different flow rates and temperature in range of 25–
different length (10–40 m), radius (1–2 m) and tilt (0–45°) in 32°C was observed. The study revealed that a proper
passive mode was presented. angle of tilt, flow rate and air temperature plays a
significant role in proper design of STD.
Bala et al. [26] A PV operated STD of size 20 m  2 m has been studied for The moisture content was reduced from 87.32% to 2–3 years/reliable.
drying of 150 kg of pineapple under active mode. 21.52% (w.b) in 20 h of drying in dryer. A maximum
temperature of 64 °C was observed for insolation of
580 W/m2. Air flow rate was varied from 0.2 to 0.3 m/
Bala et al. [27] A theoretical basis for drying process report by means of ANN Initial moisture content of jackfruit (78.12%) and Highly economical.
was presented. A STD with 20 m  2 m was developed for leather (82.44%) was reduced to 24% and 10% (w.b) in
drying of 120–150 kg of jackfruit and leather. 14 and19 h respectively. The guess of ANN model has
been found outstanding.
Bala et al. [28] The energy and exergy analysis of STD The average temperature of 54 °C was reached in 2–3 years/reliable.
(20 m  1.8 m  380 mm) for drying of 50 kg of jackfruit lea- collector. The overall energetic and exergetic effi-
ther under active mode was presented. ciency of 42.5% and 41% was observed. Exergy ana-
lysis showed that almost 50–58% of energy was lost
in dryer.
Senadeera et al. [34] A passive STD (12 ft  3 ft) was designed and tested for its The overall drying and pick up efficiency for wood 3 years.
concert for drying of chilly using two chimneys. One chimney chimney was obtained as 16% and 20% as compared
is made from GI sheet while other is from wood having to 11% and 13% for GI chimney respectively. The col-
dimensions of 1 ft (diameter) and 4 ft (height). lector efficiency at no load condition for wood
chimney (68%) was found to better than GI chimney
Hossain et al. [35] Optimization technique for designing dimensions of STD for This technique gives relatively bigger collector area 3 years.
drying of chili under active mode was presented. For opti- (Design I- 118 kg, 26.60 m2, Design II- 115 kg, 26 m2)
mization, basic mode dryer with both collector and tunnel of thus helps in cost saving by 15.89%. Design I gives a
18 m2 with 80 kg capacity was used. maximum temperature of 64.89 °C with high moist-
ure removal rate of 2.68 kg/kg per day.
Lertsatitthanakorna et al. A mixed mode kind of STD (6.2 m  1.8 m) was evaluated The moisture content was reduced from 79% to 5% (w. 1.4 years.
[47] under active mode for drying 30 kg of pupae. b) in 570 min and overall efficiency of 19.68% was Economical.
observed. The study reported a least drying time at
flow rate of 0.30 kg/s. The drying time was reduced
by 40% as compared to traditional drying.
Srisittipokakun et al. [56] A parabolic STD (12.20 m  1.22 m) for drying of 100 kg During experimentation, temperature variation of
Andrographis paniculata under active mode was evaluated. 35–75 °C and maximum solar insolation of 1050 W/
m2 was recorded. The moisture content of product
was reduced from 75% to 7% wet basis in 12 h.
Amunugoda et al. [64] For continual drying, author has come up with a modified The supplementary heat maintains a good tempera- 1.5 years
design of STD (14 m  2 m), which uses biomass stove ture range of 40–55 °C through the dryer giving
(1.2 m  2 m) for providing supplementary heat energy. A excellent performance. Results of modified STD are
biomass stove was attached in between collector and drying very encouraging and decreases the drying time by
tunnel. 1–1.5 days. Air flow rate in the range of 0.09–0.25 m3/
s was maintained during operation.

Fig. 10. Cabbage and peas drying (a) natural convection and (b) forced convection.
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 203

height 4 ft) was made of GI sheet and painted black on inner and
outer side; while other chimney made from wood and covered
with polythene sheet to form a greenhouse effect. Author used a
flow controlling unit stuck between the collector and tunnel. The
air flow rate was controlled by two metal flaps which are operated
by the levers. This unit may be useful in improving the perfor-
mance of dryer when it was not tested for its full load capacity. The
performance of both chimneys in terms of collector efficiency was
compared during no load test while the main idea of load test was
to compare the drying rate by managing the flow rate throughout
the drying tunnel. Result showed that wooden frame chimney
with polyethylene sheet was more efficient than GI sheet due to
fast removal of moisture with higher drying and pick up efficiency.
For collecting maximum solar radiations and easy loading/
unloading convenience, author designed the roof of collector and
drying tunnel in curved shape.
Optimization of STD using solar energy for drying of chilly
without color loss was presented by Hossain et al. [35] in 2005. For
optimization, basic mode of STD with 10 m length and 1.80 m
width of 80 kg capacity was used. The optimized dimensions for
Fig. 11. Greenhouse for Jaggery drying under natural and forced convection mode.
collector were determined by exploratory and pattern search
technique under controlled conditions. This technique gives two
Jaggery temperature was presented interms of coefficient of cor-
types of optimum designs. For design – I, both collector and drying
relation and root mean square. Result showed that for 2 kg of
tunnel are 14 m long, 1.9 m wide while design – II gives dimen-
Jaggery, moisture evaporation rate was high on the first day;
sions of 13 m long, 2 m wide for collector and drying chamber. The
however on second and third day of drying, the moisture removal
simulation and economical model gives the drying capacity of
was found to be 12.8 g and 11.7 g respectively and occurs from the
118 kg and 115 kg for optimized designs – I and II respectively. For
core of the Jaggery due to diffusion from inside to outside surface.
the above drying capacity the drying efficiency was found to be
On the fourth day, a negligible amount of moisture about 9 g was
almost constant (27%) while a payback period of 4 years for basic
evaporated, resulting in complete drying of Jaggery. Similar per-
mode and 3 years for optimized mode dryer was evaluated. The
formance of drying was noticed for 0.75 kg of Jaggery. The study
optimized Model-I was superior due to bigger collector area and
revealed that the drying time required for 2 kg Jaggery was 4 days
high moisture removal rate since hot air passes over and under the
while only 2 days were required for drying of 0.75 kg of Jaggery.
product during drying. However drying rate and efficiency can be
This shows that drying time depends mostly on total mass of the
improve by increasing heat input using transparent glasses having
product to be dried. The similar greenhouse was also tested by
higher transmmitivity. Author gives an excellent technique for
Tiwari and Kumar [32] to find effect of size and shape on mass
design of solar tunnel dryer for drying of several agricultural
transfer coefficient for Jaggery drying of different shapes
products economically. The predictions from this technique were
(0.03  0.03  0.01 m3, 0.03  0.03  0.02 m3 and 0.03  0.03 
outstanding, but the mathematical models were complex because
0.03 m3) in month of February–March 2004 under free and forced they require data on drying kinetics and information of physical
convection mode. An air vent of 0.0722 m2 was used at roof of and thermal properties of the product. Hossain and Bala [36] also
greenhouse for passive mode while a fan of 120 mm diameter was developed a mixed mode type of tunnel dryer (12 m long, 1.80 m
provided at the sidewall to move the air at 5 m/s during active wide) for drying of chillies. The solar dryer consist of collector and
mode of drying. The experiments were carried out for 0.75 and drying chamber made of simple metal sheets and timber frames.
2 kg of Jaggery pieces and showed that mass transfer coefficient Solar collector and drying tunnel was enclosed with transparent
was more for Jaggery piece of dimension 0.03  0.03  0.02 m3 and UV plastic cover. Two electric fans operated by 40 W photo-voltaic
0.03  0.03  0.03 m3 in free and forced convection mode respec- panels were used to distribute the air in solar dryer. During
tively. The even span type of greenhouse for Jaggery drying has experimentation an average temperature rise of 21.62 °C at the
been shown in Fig. 11. The study revealed that mass transfer exit of the collector was observed. Result showed that drying of
coefficient decreases with increase in the mass of Jaggery and 80 kg of chillies was completed 13 h prior than traditional sun
shape of Jaggery pieces also plays a major role. Tiwari et al. pre- drying.
sented energy and exergy analysis of greenhouse for drying of fish Elicin and Sacilik [37] developed a solar tunnel dryer to learn
(Prawn). They tested the greenhouse in both natural and forced the kinetics of apple under climatic conditions of Turkey. The dryer
convection mode to calculate drying air temperature, moisture was covered with UV plastic sheet and oriented in east–west
removal rate and surface temperature of prawns. The predicted direction as shown in Fig. 13. During experimentation a significant
values show good accord with experimental values. They also difference between values of temperature and RH of 13.1 °C and
developed an analytical expression for exergy efficiency and found 9.2% with respect to ambient conditions were observed respec-
to be lower than energy efficiencies under natural and forced tively. Result showed that moisture content of organic apple has
convection mode. Result showed that drying of prawns was been reduced from 82% (w.b.) to 11% (w.b.) in 1.5 days only; while
quicker in forced convection mode [33]. The comparative analysis open sun drying took 2 days for the same moisture removal.
for roof type even span greenhouse is presented in Table 2. Experimental results were validated by mathematical models like
Senadeera and Kalugalage [34] evaluated a solar tunnel dryer Page, Logarithmic, Wang and Singh. A page model was found to be
with two chimneys (Fig. 12) for drying of chillies (15 kg) under the the top model for explaining the drying performance of apple. The
metrological conditions of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Parallel pass form brighter and excellent yellow color apple slices were obtained
of solar collector was developed to allow air to flow through top during drying. Sacilik et al. developed a mathematical model for
and bottom of the absorber plate. Two chimneys with metal duct the same greenhouse for drying of tomatoes. Result showed that
were used to achieve passive air flow. One chimney (diameter 1 ft, tomatoes were dried within four days in STD while open sun
204 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

Table 2
Comparative analysis of roof type even span greenhouse under passive and active mode.

Author Physical features of the dryer Thermal performance Economics

Type/size/shape/drying capacity Efficiency/heat transfer coefficients/temp. and RH/drying Payback period/reliability

Tiwari et al. The study of a roof type even span greenhouse for drying of During constant rate of drying heat transfer coefficient 1–1.5 years.
[29] 300 g cabbage and peas under natural and forced convection varies from 25 to 10 and 17 to 8 W/m2 °C for OSD and
mode was done. The greenhouse dryer with 1.2  0.8 m2 was GHD respectively while this value ranged from 8 to 2 W/
placed in east-west direction and observations were noted for m2 °C for above cases during falling rate of drying in
33 h of continuous drying. passive mode. However during active mode, value of heat
transfer coefficient changes from 38 to 15 W/m2 °C.
Tiwari et al. A roof type even span greenhouse (1.2  0.8 m2) having capacity Experimental investigation showed that for three days of 1.5 years. Less Cost
[30] of 2000 g was developed and studied for evaluation of mass drying, rate of moisture removal in passive mode was
transfer coefficients for drying of Jaggery in natural and forced slow in comparison with that of active mode. Result
convection mode. showed that in natural mode, mass transfer coefficient
changes from 1.29 to 1.41 W/m2 K while due to high
temperature and moisture removal rate in forced con-
vection drying, this value was significantly increased to
1.3 to 1.46 W/m2 K.
Tiwari et al. A thermal model for Jaggery drying was presented to predict the Result showed that the drying time for 2 kg Jaggery was 1–1.5 years.
[31] performance of roof type even span greenhouse (1.2  0.8 m2) found to be 2 days more as compared to 0.75 kg of Jag-
under passive mode. Jaggery piece of 0.03  0.03  0.01 m3 was gery. This shows that drying time depends mostly on
kept on tray of 0.4  0.24 m2 in east–west direction for total mass of the product to be dried.
Koyuncu [39] Two different designs (M I-1.62 m2 and M II-1 m2) of natural The thermal efficiency of Model I (21.46%) and II (18.29%) 2–5 times extra compe-
circulation STD for rainy and high RH places were proposed. The was found be higher under unloaded and with chimney tent than OSD. Low cost.
effect of trays, chimney and tilt angle was investigated. Product condition. An increase in temperature of 5–9 °C was
loading rate is 10 kg/m2. observed. The arrangement of chimney and tilt improves
the performance of dryer by 2–5%.
Barnwal et al. A roof type even span (2.5 m  2.60 m) PV/T integrated green- The convective heat transfer coefficients for GR-II (0.45– 1–1.5 years.
[46] house dryer for drying 100 kg of grapes under active mode was 1.21 W/m2 K) was higher than GR-I grapes (0.26–0.31 W/
presented. Five trays were used for loading of (8 kg) GR-I and m2 K). The desired moisture content was achieved in
GR-II grapes. 96 h.
Sethi et al. A modified even span greenhouse (6 m  4 m) with INWR for During passive mode, air temperature with INWR 1.5 years.
[49] drying of bitter gourd (18 kg) under passive and active mode (61.4 °C) remained much higher as compared to when
was presented. A north wall with aluminum reflector was used INWR was not used (55.6 °C). With use of INWR, 13.13%
to increase the availability of sun rays over the product. of drying time was saved. During active mode, air tem-
perature with INWR (56 °C) remained much higher as
compared to when INWR was not used (51.7 °C) and 20%
of drying time was saved.
Kumar [62] A new approach for papad drying in roof type greenhouse The experimental convective and evaporative heat 1–1.5 years.
(1.2 m  0.8 m) under forced convection mode was proposed. A transfer coefficients were associated with dimensionless
circular shape wire mesh tray was used for loading the product. equations in terms of Nu, Pr and Re Nos. These were
observed to change from 0.739 to 0.786 W/m2 °C and
21.37 to 25.42 W/m2 °C respectively for 23.5 g sample.

Fig. 13. Solar tunnel dryer for organic apple and tomatoes.

drying took five days for the same moisture removal. Experimental
results were validated by 10 different models and diffusion model
is found to be the best model [38]. The study reveals that drying of
small quantity of organic apples and tomatoes with STD was fea-
sible. Further the uneven shape of dryer results in improper
mixing of air and thus lowers the drying rate. The quality of dried
produce can be further enhanced by adopting mixed mode type of
dryer. In this study author does not contribute regarding various
efficiencies and heat transfer rate.
Koyuncu [39] developed and tested two different designs of
greenhouse dryer with and without chimney for loaded (Pepper)
Fig. 12. Solar tunnel dryer with chimney. and unloaded conditions under natural convection mode at
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 205

Collector Inlet of Air
(GI Sheet)


Door Outlet of Air

100 1.1m 4m 0.25m

Air Inlet Channel

Plastic Cover Sheet
Exhaust Fan
65° 20
100 Fig. 16. Front view of greenhouse dryer.

Fig. 14. Schematic presentation of Model I.


3. Tray
4. Tray

2. Tray

1. Tray
Black Surface



Fig. 17. Greenhouse dryer.

Fig. 15. Schematic presentation of Model II.
that both designs of natural convection tunnel greenhouse pro-
University of Samsun, Turkey. In addition, the effect of trays, posed by author gives a much better controlled conditions for
chimney and tilt angle was also investigated. The Model-I has a drying and found to be excellent for areas that have a raining
drying area of 1.62 m2 and consist of three trays for loading the climate and high RH. A hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air
crop with air inlets at front and rear end. A slope of 65° was given collector integrated with a greenhouse was developed by Nayak
to Model-I greenhouse as shown in Fig. 14; while Model-II was and Tiwari [40] under the metrological conditions of New Delhi,
deliberately constructed as steps of a staircase. Model-II has a India. In hybrid PV/T greenhouse dryer (Fig. 16) 16 photovoltaic
drying area of 1 m2 and consists of seven steps, air inlet at front modules were used to operate the fans with the help of DC battery.
and rear side and air outlet channel at top side as shown in Fig. 15. To find outlet air temperature, a thermal modeling was also done
An increase in temperature of 5–9 °C was observed during testing for hybrid PV/T air collector. MATLAB software is used for calcu-
lation of useful thermal energy and to evaluate thermal perfor-
of Models-I and II under the same environmental conditions. The
mance of hybrid PV/T air collector. They compared the results of
investigation shows that thermal efficiency of both Models I and II
PV/T air collector with PV/T without air flow and found an increase
was found be higher under unloaded and with chimney condition.
in thermal efficiency of 25.5% when air was made to flow. They
When Pepper is loaded at rate of 10 kg/m2, efficiency of green-
also reported that overall efficiency of hybrid PV/T with air flow is
house decreases due to reduction in velocity and flow rate of air.
more (72%) than PV/T without airflow (41%) for 3 m length of PV
The arrangement of chimney leads to increase the performance of
dryer by 2–5%. In Model-I though temperature of all trays is same,
Numerals of studies have been presented on greenhouse tunnel
a different drying rate was observed in view of the fact that bot-
dyers by Janjai Serm in a period of 2003–2012. A PV-ventilated
tom tray receives the maximum heat from the black absorber greenhouse dryer (Fig. 17) with concrete floor for drying of chilies
surface, while the top tray receives a less amount of heat as well as was developed by Janjai et al. [41] in 2003. The parabolic shape of
cold and moist air. On the other hand, for Model-II, the drying rate greenhouse was covered with polycarbonate sheet. A solar PV
of top (fourth) step was higher as compared to steps available on module of 53 W was used to operate three fans to aerate the dryer.
the right and left side. This happened due to shape and position of To study its performance, the greenhouse was used to dry 4 bat-
dryer as top step receives more energy than other steps. Also an ches of chilies in December 2003–March 2004. They reported a
ideal tilt of 65° gives the less surface area at the top of greenhouse. maximum air temperature of 65 °C in dryer and found that drying
This is desirable since air at the top of dryer has high humidity and time in the dryer for drying of 100–150 kg of chilies was con-
low temperature thus improves the drying rate due to low quan- siderably less than traditional open sun drying method. Author
tity of produce. In short proposed designs are appropriate for used the concrete floor for heat storage which helped to decrease
drying small batches of crops only. The greenhouse dryers are 2–5 variation of air temperature due to the instability of solar radia-
times extra competent than open sun drying and commercially tion. The use of solar PV cell unit helps to adjust indirectly the
viable due to low capital and maintenance cost. The study reveals drying air temperature. Further Drying efficiency of greenhouse
206 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214




Fig. 18. Roof integrated solar drying system. Fig. 19. Pictorial view of the large-scale solar greenhouse dryer with LPG burner.

can be increased with loading capacity. The performance evalua- on Janjai Serm [45] tested the same dryer (Fig. 19) at Nakhon
tion of roof – integrated solar dryer for drying of rosella flower and Pathom in Thailand for drying of 1000 kg of tomatoes. For unin-
chilly under forced convection mode was presented by Janjai et al. terrupted drying process, he used a 100 kW of LPG burner to
[42] in 2008. The arrangement of greenhouse is shown in Fig. 18. supply hot air during night operation and in rainy or cloudy days.
The dryer consists of two arrays solar collector (one at south and A system of partial differential equations for heat and mass
other at north), drying bin and electric powered fan to force the air transfer was developed for dehydrated tomatoes. The simulated
over the product bed. The dryer has three compartments: first for outcomes are in acceptable range with the experimental data.
the drying bin, second for preparation of produce to be dried and Uninterrupted and faster rate of drying is the novel feature of
third for storage of dried product. The polycarbonate sheet was parabolic roof type greenhouse. Also the rate of drying was uni-
used to cover the roof of dryer. Field-level experiments confirmed form in all trays due to heating of air by supplementary heat
that drying in the roof-integrated solar dryer results in major source. To improve the performance of dryer, it is advisable to
reduction in drying time compared to the traditional drying recirculate the exhaust air coming from the dryer. Author does not
method and a quality dry produce is obtained. The dryer has been focused on energetic and exergetic analysis of drying system. The
found cost efficient with a payback period of 5 years. Janjai et al. comparative analysis for semi-cylindrical greenhouse dryer is
[43] proposed a PV greenhouse dryer under active mode to dry presented in Table 3.
Barnwal et al. [46] developed and tested a hybrid PV thermal
longan as well as banana and at the same time the sample of above
greenhouse dryer for drying of Thompson seedless grapes at IIT,
produce were also dried in open sun. The experimental data was
New Delhi, India. They used a roof type even span of greenhouse
validated by developing partial differential equations. During 10
covered with UV stabilized plastic sheet shown in Fig. 20. For
full scale investigational runs, drying air temperature changes in
experimentation, only 8 kg of seedless grapes were used and result
the range of 31–58 °C in drying of longan while a temperature
showed that heat transfer coefficient for GR-II grapes are superior
change from 30 to 60 °C during drying of banana was observed.
than GR-I grapes thus needed less drying time due to higher
Experiments have revealed that longan and banana can be effec-
moisture removal rate. The grapes were physically sorted in two
tively dehydrated in 3–4 days, while it took 5–6 days for tradi-
grades, GR-I (green and premature) and GR-II (yellow and mature).
tional method under similar conditions. A high quality dried
The convective heat transfer coefficient for GR-I and GR-II gra-
produce was obtained. Experimental performance of parabolic
pes was found to be in the range of 0.26–0.31 W/m2 K and
roof type greenhouse dryer for drying of chili, banana and coffee
0.45–1.21 W/m2 K respectively. Author used PV module of 84 W
under active mode was presented by Janjai et al. [44] at Cham-
capacity but 20 W module is adequate to drive the installed fan.
pasak in Lao PDR. The dryer was covered with polycarbonate sheet The topography of place of work permits a roof slope of 30° for
and used 50 W solar PV module to run nine DC fans to circulate maximum collection of solar irradiation. The performance of
the air. Seven experimental runs for banana, chili and coffee were greenhouse can be enhanced if it is tested for its full load capacity.
carried out in period of September–December 2007. The moisture Lertsatitthanakorna et al. [47] conducted an experimental analysis
of 1000 kg of banana was decreased from 68% (w.b) to 20% (w.b) to investigate the performance of a mixed mode type forced
within 5 days, while the moisture of the sun-dried banana samples convection solar tunnel dryer (Fig. 21) for drying of silkworm
reduced to 29% (w.b) in the same time. For 300 kg of chili moisture pupae under weather conditions of Mahasarakham, Thailand. The
was reduced from an initial value of 75% (w.b) to a final value of dryer consists of a flat plate collector, drying chamber and fan to
15% (w.b) in 3 days while the moisture content of the open sun- supply the required air over the product. Both collector and drying
dried samples was decreased to 42% (w.b) in the same period. The tunnel was covered with glass of 3 mm thickness. The perfor-
moisture content of 200 kg of coffee was decreased from an initial mance of dryer was tested for different air flow rates of 0.20, 0.30,
value of 52% (w.b) to a final value of 13% (w.b) within 2 days 0.43 and 0.50 kg/s and they reported the least drying time at flow
whereas the natural sun-dried samples required 4 days to reach rate of 0.30 kg/s which reduced the drying time by 40% as com-
the desired value of moisture content. Partial differential equations pared to traditional drying. The drying time for all flow rates in
for heat and mass transfer during drying of above products have STD gave minimum drying time as compared to traditional sun
been developed and establish a sensible conformity with experi- drying since pupae in the dryer received thermal energy both from
mental results. This model can be helpful for providing design collector and solar irradiation, whereas control samples received
statistics for the greenhouse dryer at any other locations. The energy only from sun rays. During testing, the highest drying and
reimbursement period of 2.5 years was estimated on the basis of overall efficiencies of 30.14% and 19.68% were observed respec-
production scale, capital and operating cost of drying system. Later tively. Experiments showed that the drying of pupae was very
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 207

Table 3
Comparative analysis of semi-cylindrical greenhouse dryer under passive and active mode.

Author Physical features of the dryer Thermal performance Economics

Type/size/shape/drying capacity Efficiency/heat transfer coefficients/temp. and RH/dry- Payback period/
ing time reliability

Condori et al. [6] Evaporation rate in two different types of active mode green-
Result showed that double chamber system was 87% 2–3 years/reliable
house dryers, the single and double chamber system was pre- more efficient than single chamber system. The key
sented. For comparing the performance drying area of 50 m2 was
feature of double chamber design is maximum utiliza-
considered. Pepper was dried in both dryers. tion of incoming solar energy.
Condori et al. [24] Results of drying analysis with pepper and garlic
A simple, low cost tunnel greenhouse dryer (13 m long, 7 m wide 2–3 years/reliable
showed that the pepper has been dried from 6.5 to 0.2%
and 3.70 m high) for drying of red pepper and garlic under active
mode was studied. (d.b) in 6.5 days and garlic from 1.8 to 0.2% (d.b) in
7.5 days. The maximum drying air temperature of 60 °C
was recorded. The average drying efficiency of 25% was
Elicin et al. [37] A direct type natural convection STD (1.8 m  2.5 m  8 m) for The moisture content was reduced from 82% to 11% (w. 1.5–2 years/reliable
drying of apple was presented. The dryer was covered with b) in 28 h for STD, whereas traditional method took
polyethylene sheet and have two trays to accommodate 2.5 kg of 32 h. The drying air temperature in dryer was larger
produce. than the atmospheric temperature, whereas the relative
humidity in dryer was lesser than the ambient RH.
Experimental work was validated by a page model.
Janjai et al. [44] A parabolic roof type greenhouse (7.5 m  20 m  3.5 m) for The desired moisture content of chili, banana and coffee 2.5 years/reliable
drying of chili, banana and coffee under active mode has been was achieved in 3, 5 and 2 days respectively which is far
studied. Rated capacity of dryer is 1000 kg. superior as compared to traditional drying method.
Janjai et al. [45] The experimental and simulated study for roof type greenhouse Temperature variation of 35–65 °C was observed. The 0.65years/reliable
(8 m  20 m  3.5 m) under forced convection mode was pre- faster and uniform drying was found to be outstanding
sented. A novel feature of 100 kW – LPG gas burner was used to in all perspective. Uniform drying.
supply additional heat source during off sunshine hours.
Rathore and Panwar A novel design of a hemicylindrical greenhouse with heat pro- For solar insolation of 940 W/m2, the maximum tem- 1.5–2 years/viable
[51] tecting north wall for drying of seedless grapes (320 kg) under perature of 65 °C was observed in the dryer. Moisture
passive mode was presented. content was reduced from 85% to 16% (w.b) in 7 days.
Ayyappan and Mayil- A Quonset shape solar tunnel dryer of size 4 m (w)  10 m (L)  Moisture content was reduced from 52% to 8% (w.b) in 0.5–1 year/reliable
samy [54] 3 m (H) for drying of 5000 coconuts per batch under natural 57 h and gives 20% of drying efficiency. Also the RH
convection mode was proposed. inside the dryer was (30%) less than ambient air (60%). A
maximum temperature of 67 °C was recorded for air
velocity of 0.3–1 m/s during drying.
Dulawat and Rathore A mixed mode, semi-cylindrical STD (3.75 m  16 m  2 m) for The maximum drying air temperature of 67 °C was 2–5 year/high cost
[58] drying of 500 kg tobacco under forced convection was developed. observed. Tobacco was dried from 138.11% (d.b) to 8.69%
Three trays and 12 flat plate collectors were used for enhancing (d.b) in 8 h.
the performance of dryer.

squash were conducted in month of July–August 2008 under the

environmental conditions of Romania and found that only 8 h
were required for drying of 0.5 cm thick slice of squash. However
for the same moisture removal 11 h was required for drying of
1 cm thick slice of squash. They also found that the maximum
difference between air temperature and ambient was 30 °C at
14.20 h in both 0.5 cm and 1 cm thickness of dried squash. Result
showed that as air temperature increased from 30 °C to 40 °C,
relative humidity of air decreased from 30% to 15%. The solar
insolation changes from minimum value of 300 W/m2 to 700 W/
m2 of maximum value. The study revealed that moisture removal
rate also depends on slice thickness of produce to be dried. Sethi
Fig. 20. Hybrid PV thermal greenhouse dryer. (For interpretation of the references and Arora [49] designed and developed a modified even span
to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) greenhouse with INWR. The performance of improved greenhouse
for drying of bitter gourd was tested under passive and active
effective, and drying period was reduced to about 570 min from mode at Ludhiana, India. During Passive mode of drying, air
945 min of the open sun drying. Also a slight decrease in PUFA temperature with INWR (61.4 °C) remained much higher as com-
(polyunsaturated fatty acid) and no variation in lipid content of the
pared to when INWR was not used (55.6 °C) whereas in active
dried silkworm pupae were observed. The study reveals that
mode of drying, air temperature increased by 1–4.5 °C. Result
efficiency of collector is firmly dependent on flow rate due to fact
showed that the desired moisture content of 7% (d.b) was achieved
that mass transfer between air and produce increases due to
in 12 h during active mode while it took 15 h for the same
increase in air flow rate. In this study author focused on different
air flow rates only; however drying time not only depends on air moisture removal under passive mode. The study revealed that
flow rate but also depends on the drying air temperature. performance of dryer with INWR under active mode was superior
Derbala et al. [48] conducted experiments for drying of squash to passive and open sun drying due to strong effect of airstream
in a solar tunnel dryer for investigating the effect of slice thickness velocity over the product surface. In this study author proved that
on drying rate and relationship between air temperature, solar all transmitted solar energy in the greenhouse was not utilized for
insolation and relative humidity. The experiments on 200 kg of crop drying, major portion of this energy is lost to surrounding
208 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

Fig. 21. General view of solar tunnel dryer.

Fig. 22. Rotating and tunnel dryer.

through north side and this energy can be effectively utilized by rotary dryer and while 31 sunshine hours in solar tunnel dryer.
INWR concept. Both rotary and STD showed the opposite relationship between
Sultana et al. [50] evaluate the drying performance of solar humidity and temperature of drying air. The RH inside the STD was
tunnel and rotating dryer. The studies were conducted on three minor compared to outside the tunnel which accelerates the
marine fishes: Silver Jew fish, Bombay duck and Ribbon fish under drying rate by absorbing larger amount of moisture from the fish.
the metrological conditions of Bangladesh. A new design of rotary Result showed that performance of rotating dryer was superior to
type dryer (Fig. 22) was developed and it consists of Thai alumi- that of solar tunnel dryer. Solar drying experiments for seedless
num structure bearing hooks, S.S pipes, bearings, and stainless grapes were conducted at Udaipur, India. For this purpose Rathore
steel rings. To hang the large size fish, hooks and steel structure and Panwar [51] designed and developed a walk-in type hemi-
was used while for small fishes, round shaped plastic net was cylindrical solar tunnel dryer as shown in Fig. 23. It consists of
used. A 0.75 HP motor with speed regulator was used to operate hemispherical metallic structure covered with polythene sheet. To
the dryer at 90 RPM. When dryer rotates, drying process was generate natural current of air inside the dryer, four chimneys
improved due to movement of ambient air over the fishes (40 kg). were provided on the top of dryer. During experimentation, the
A solar tunnel dryer of drying area 20 m2 based on Hohenheim maximum heat loss was found in northern side of tunnel; hence a
design was developed for drying the fish. It consists of a solar heat protective wall was placed on the north side. The seedless
collector and drying tunnel covered with polythene sheet. To grapes of 320 kg were dried from initial moisture content of 85%
maintain the required air flow rate over the fishes, four DC fans (w.b) to final moisture content of 16% (w.b) in seven days, while
operated by PV cells were used. During experimentation the air open sun drying took 11 days for the same moisture level. Result
temperature and humidity inside the dryer varied in the range of showed that air temperature inside the dryer increases rapidly and
31.33–47.78 °C and 33.83–68% respectively. The initial moisture attains the maximum value of 65 °C.
content of fish samples was in the range of 78.7% (w.b)–85.47% A solar tunnel dryer was designed and constructed by Palled
(w.b) and gets reduced to 16% (w.b) within 20 sunshine hours in et al. [52] in 2010 for drying of 1000 kg grapes under the
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 209

Lateral GI Pipe
Support Class B

Cross Connectors

Ridge line
100 E

Poly grip rth W
Wa N
assembly ll


O 75
G.I. Pipe
Class A O

Pipes Exhaust fan

Fig. 23. Schematic of natural convection solar tunnel dryer.

metrological conditions of Raichur, India. During experimentation performance of dryer by reducing drying time and increasing
they found a maximum temperature of 62 °C inside the dryer, thermal efficiency. Moisture content of copra has been reduced
while the maximum observed ambient temperature was 35.5 °C. from 52.3% (w.b) to 7% (w.b) in 52 and 78 h with and without heat
Result showed that moisture content of grapes has been reduced storage material respectively; while open sun drying took 172 h
from 82% (w.b) to 14% (w.b) within 60 sunshine hours; however for the same moisture removal. A maximum temperature of 61 °C
for the same moisture removal 140 drying hours were required in with sensible heat storage material and 52 °C without heat storage
traditional drying and shows a net saving of 57.14% in drying time. material was observed. High quality copra was produced as com-
Palled Vijaykumar [53] developed and tested a semi-cylindrical pared to OSD method [55]. Author used a Quonset greenhouse
solar tunnel dryer at Raichur district in northern Karnataka, India. without any post for receiving more energy and ensuring better
The dryer was covered with polythene sheet of 200 μm and use of inside space. But design of a greenhouse mainly depends
investigation was done for drying of 350 kg of chili per batch. Two upon the latitude of the place and solar flux, so for latitude of
exhaust fans were used to regulate the air flow through the dryer, Pollachi (10.39°N), a roof type even span greenhouse may be an
while three chimneys were provided at the roof top for removal of intelligent option for enhancing the performance of existing dryer.
warm moist air. A highest temperature of 58.5 °C was observed at The drying rate was reduced by 5 h due to use of sensible heat
14:00 h within the dryer which was 41% higher than the max- storage material; however this can be further reduced by recir-
imum surrounding temperature at the same time. Result showed culating the moist air again over the product bed.
that moisture content of chili has been reduced from 76% (w.b) to Srisittipokakun et al. [56] manufactured a parabolic shaped
9% (w.b) within 50 sunshine hours, while traditional open sun solar tunnel dryer for drying of Andrographis paniculata at Nakhon
drying took 105 sunshine hours for the same moisture removal. Pathom, Thailand. The dryer consists of flat plate collector, a dry-
The dehydration ratio of the chili was found to be 4:1, signifying ing tunnel and three fans driven by 15 W photovoltaic module.
that four parts of the new product was reduced to single part of Two experimental runs were conducted for Andrographis pani-
the finishing product after drying. culata in period of June 2011 and result showed that the dryer can
Ayyappan and Mayilsamy [54] developed a greenhouse solar dry 100 kg of Andrographis paniculata from an initial moisture
tunnel dryer for drying of copra in natural convection mode under content of 75% (w.b) to 7% (w.b) in just 12 h. High quality dried
the metrological conditions of Pollachi, India. The dryer was cov- Andrographis paniculata was obtained. The photograph of
ered with 200 μm UV stabilized polythene sheet and metallic experimental setup is shown in Fig. 24. The drying rate in the solar
racks were used for keeping 5000 coconuts per batch in layers for tunnel dryer was significantly higher than that of the traditional
drying. During experimentation they found that the moisture drying. A solar greenhouse dryer was designed, constructed and
content of copra has been reduced from 52.2% (w.b) to 8% (w.b) in installed by Almuhanna [57] at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia.
57 h. Also the RH inside the dryer was less than ambient air. This The developed dryer (Fig. 25) was used for drying of dates. The
indicates that air inside the dryer was capable to carry more dimension of greenhouse was 2 m (L)  1 m (w)  1.2 m (H) and
moisture from the product. Thus the efficiency of dryer can be covered with a flat fiber glass sheet of 800-μm thickness having
increased by recirculating humid air again or by adding more transmmitivity of 77.48%. To make best use of solar radiations
quantity of product on metallic trays. Later on they used sand as a existing within the greenhouse, glass sheets were inclined at 30°.
sensible heat storage material and carried out the experimental An electric fan of 0.31 m in diameter was used to maintain 5.5 m3/
investigations on the same STD for drying of same quantity of min of air flow. The experiments were conducted in month of
copra under natural convection mode. Result showed that use of October 2010 to evaluate the thermal performance and stability of
heat storage material (sand) improves the heat absorption capacity solar greenhouse in terms of useful heat gain available for drying
within the dryer which leads to achieve higher temperature even process and thermal efficiency. The anticipated thermal balance
in night. This helps in faster drying of copra and improves the for the solar dryer was well validated with experimental results.
210 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

Fig. 26. Semi-cylindrical solar tunnel dryer.

Fig. 24. Solar tunnel dryer.

Fig. 27. Schematic diagram of the large-scale polycarbonate cover greenhouse

solar dryer.

nonstop and automatic loading of product inside the dryer so the

problem of toxicant gases of tobacco with workers was minimized
to larger extent. Use of 12 flat plate collectors improves the drying
Fig. 25. Solar greenhouse dryer. performance with proper mixing of air and by maintaining uni-
form drying rate. However the cost of dryer is more. Result
The dryer was effectively operated for 5 days, but 55 h of bright showed that this type of system can be effectively implemented
sunshine were used in thermal performance analysis. During for industrial production. Experimental performance of a large
experimentation, the temperature rise of 14.1 °C and air RH scale greenhouse type solar dryer for drying of chili under the
drop of 9.6% compared to ambient air was observed. Maximum metrological conditions of Thailand was investigated by Kaewkiew
solar insolation recorded was 1000 W/m2. Result showed that et al. in 2012. Dryer consists of a hemispherical tunnel covered
12.335 kW h of solar energy was available inside the greenhouse with stabilized polythene sheet shown in Fig. 27. Nine DC fans
and only 7.414 kW h was transformed into useful heat gain. He operated by three PV solar panels were used to remove the humid
also concluded that the overall thermal efficiency of green house air. The capacity of dryer is 1000 kg but for experimentation only
dryer was 60.11% and almost 39.89% of the solar energy available 500 kg of chili was dried in the greenhouse. Result showed that
inside the dryer was lost. Instead of plastic sheet, author used a the moisture content of chili has been reduced from 74% (w.b) to
transparent glass for more absorption of solar irradiations. The 9% (w.b) within 3 days; however traditional open sun drying
prevention of loss of thermal energy within the dryer and utili- needed five days for the same moisture removal. The payback
zation of high transmmitivity (more than 0.80) glasses may be period of 2 years was predicted [59]. The dryer was not tested for
helpful in improving the thermal performance of dryer. its full load capacity and result showed that the exit air from the
Dulawat and Rathore [58] designed and tested a semi- dryer has drying potential for recirculation to dehydrate the pro-
cylindrical solar tunnel dryer under forced convection mode at duct. In order to improve the living standards of rural peoples in
Udaipur, India for drying processed tobacco. The photograph of Cameroon, a double pass solar tunnel dryer (Fig. 28) with heat
solar tunnel drying system with flat plate collectors is shown in storage system was developed by Berinyuy et al. [60] in 2012 for
Fig. 26. The hot air from 12 flat plate collectors (size-2 m2 each) drying of leafy vegetables and other agricultural products. The
forced over the tobacco by using blowers. Cement concrete floor major components of dryer were solar collector, a drying chamber
was painted black for maximum absorption of solar irradiation. and basalt rocks as heat storage material. Both the collector and
Three trays of 57.24 m2, 39.75 m2 and 25.44 m2 sizes at bottom, the tunnel are covered with two layers of plastic sheet and
center and top respectively were used for loading of tobacco. A orientated towards south with an inclination of 6°. The dryer was
useful temperature rise of 18–20 °C and 30 °C was achieved during investigated for drying of cabbage, pepper, amaranth and bitter
no-load, without collector and no-load with collector conditions leaf. The 17 kg of cabbage was dried from 95% (w.b) to 9% (w.b) in
respectively, whereas a temperature rise of 26.56 °C was recorded five days and gives efficiency of 17.68%. Result showed a significant
during full-load condition. The moisture content of tobacco has reduction (30–50%) in drying time for high moisture products.
been reduced from 138% (d.b) to 8.7% (d.b) within 8 h in STD and They also concluded that heat storage material permits unin-
12 h in traditional open sun drying. Author made the efforts for terrupted drying of produce during periods of rainfall and low
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 211


Corrugated Sheet

Black Stone (Heat Storage)


Collector Dryer

Fig. 28. Double pass natural convection solar tunnel dryer with heat storage

sunshine. The tilt of 6° to dryer was given for maximum collection

of solar energy. The double pass arrangement in collector absorber
helps in attaining the uniform temperature inside the dryer. Even
though the initial cost is moderately high, the running cost of
dryer is low. The quality of final produce was good enough in taste
and color. Fig. 29. Greenhouse for papad drying under active mode.
Kagande et al. [61] investigated a solar tunnel dryer for drying
of tomatoes under forced convection mode at Zimbabwe's scien-
tific research and development centre (SIRDC). The transparent
polythene sheet of 200 mm was used to cover both collector and
drying tunnel. From local market, 50 kg fresh tomatoes were
purchased and sliced to 3–5 mm thickness and then placed on a
tray in a single layer. No pretreatment was given to tomatoes.
Moisture content of sliced tomatoes has been reduced from 93.70%
(w.b) to 6.29% (w.b) using air temperature in the range of 32–56 °C
in 15 h only. The mean ambient conditions for wind speed, relative
humidity and solar radiation were 0.77 m/s, 29% and 558.30 W/m2
respectively. A more drying time was observed due to low solar
intensity (558 W/m2) and inconsistence between two days of
drying. Solar dried tomatoes are found to be superior in terms of
color, flavor and taste than oven dried tomatoes. During last part of
drying process for tomatoes, a discolourization and growth of off-
flavors may take place with elevated temperature. To avoid above
problem, author used a thermostat and set it at a temperature of
60 °C. Author used a cylindrical shape for collection of maximum
solar irradiations but a special arrangement was required for Fig. 30. Greenhouse for khoa drying in passive mode.
covering and removing the plastic sheet. Due to use of special
arrangement for plastic sheet and thermostat, the cost of drying heat and mass transfer coefficients under passive mode. Fig. 30
slightly increases. Result showed that drying technology is money- shows the experimental setup for drying of khoa samples. Study
making for both small and large scale farmers in Zimbabwe. reveals that both heat and mass transfer coefficient increases with
The effect of convective and evaporative heat transfer coeffi- reduction in size of khoa samples. An increase of 59% and 52% was
cient under forced convection mode for greenhouse drying of observed in average value of convective heat and mass transfer
papad was investigated by Kumar Mahesh [62] at Hisar, India. The coefficient by reducing size of khoa sample size from
experimental setup for greenhouse drying of papad in forced 0.0000675 m3 to 0.0000075 m3 respectively. The experimental
convection mode is shown in Fig. 29. The greenhouse of was error in terms of percent uncertainty has also been evaluated and
constructed by PVC pipe and a fan is used to provide air velocity of found to be 33.54%. Size of khoa plays a significant role in its
5 m/s. The UV plastic sheet was used to cover the roof type even drying.
span greenhouse. For all papad samples, he observed the variation A modified solar tunnel dryer with biomass heating source for
of 6.08% in values of convective heat transfer coefficients; while day and night operation was presented by Amunugoda et al. [64]
the variation of 23.97% was noticed in values of evaporative at Colombo, Sri Lanka. The dryer consists of a solar collector,
coefficient. A linear regression analysis were used to determine the drying tunnel, two axial fans operated by PV solar panel and
constants (C and n) in the Nusselt number expression and found to heating unit. The heating unit essentially contains a combustion
be 0.996 and 0.194 respectively. The experimental error in terms of chamber, heat exchanging bottom plate, removable roof and
percentage uncertainty was also evaluated and found to be in the chimney. The heating unit was located between the collector and
range of 23–45%. Later on, same greenhouse was used by drying tunnel. A number of tests were carried out on drying of
Kumar [63] in 2014 for drying of khoa to study the effect of size on Pineapple slices, Papaya, Mango and Jackfruit at five different
212 Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214

Exhaust Vents

End Frame UV Stabilized

Polyethylene film



Fig. 32. Solar tunnel greenhouse dryer.

improve the performance of STD, cement flooring was coated with

black paint. A metallic racks were used for loading of tomato slices.
During trial they observed that the drying air temperature was more
than surrounding temperature by 22–25 °C. Also the maximum solar
intensity of 737 W/m2 and ambient temperature of 39 °C was recor-
ded during experimentation. Result showed that the moisture content
of tomato slices has been reduced from 90% (w.b) to 9% (w.b) in 29
sunshine hours, whereas traditional open drying took 74 h for the
same level. Basunia et al. [67] designed and constructed (12 m  2 m)
a semicircular solar tunnel dryer for drying of fish. The dryer consists
of solar collector and a drying tunnel enclosed with 0.2 mm thick
plastic sheet. The trial on 51.5 kg sardines with initial moisture content
Fig. 31. Rack type greenhouse-effect solar dryer. of 66.5% (w.b) was taken under the metrological conditions of Oman.
locations in Sri Lanka. During trial at various locations, they found The capability of dryer was 100 kg but due to unavailability of fish on
that due to addition of heating unit, a temperature difference of trial day merely 51.5 kg of fish was spread on a wire mesh net.
22–23 °C can be maintain between ambient and drying air during Moisture content was decreased from 66.5% (w.b) to 15.3% (w.b)
night. Result showed that, modification in dryer appreciably within 3 days in STD, while 7 days were required in open sun drying.
reduced the drying period by 1–1.5 days compared to solar tunnel This shows a significant reduction of drying time in comparison with
dryer. A biomass stove for providing supplementary heat energy in open sun drying. As drying area of STD was not entirely utilized, the
drying is an intelligent option for increasing the performance and average drying efficiency of 29.5% was observed. During testing,
to shorten the drying duration. The modified design of STD pre- average air temperature and relative humidity in collector and drying
vents the product from direct contact with smoke and thus pre- tunnel were found to be 44.5 °C, 44.35% and 52.7 °C, 37.1% respec-
serves the product quality. During commercialization of drying tively. Result showed that solar tunnel dryer can be used for drying of
technology author tried to identify the field problems that stands fish and other agro-commodities. The performance of solar tunnel
as obstacles for acceptance of solar dryers. Wulandania and Elsa- dryer for drying of 300 kg limes was also reported by Basunia et al.
mila [65] developed a new rack type hybrid greenhouse solar [68] in 2013 under the weather conditions of Oman. The dryer consists
dryer for drying of wild ginger under the metrological conditions of a solar collector (6 m  2 m) and drying tunnel (10 m  2 m) cov-
of Indonesia. The dryer consist of a transparent building with 144 ered with stabilized plastic cover. The drying air was forcefully sup-
trays, blowers (80 W, 04 Nos.), biomass stove and heat exchanger. plied (0.1–0.3 m/s) in drying chamber with the help of solar operated
The photograph of rack type greenhouse dryer is shown in Fig. 31. fan. During experimentation an increase in drying air temperature of
The performance of greenhouse was obtained for three conditions 5–30 °C above ambient was observed. The performance of dryer was
i.e. without product, with 21 kg and 60 kg of wild ginger and they compared with open sun drying and found that solar dryer took only
found that 60 kg of ginger was dried in 30 h at 47 °C. Result 70 h for reducing moisture content of limes from 86% (w.b) to 10% (w.
showed that drying of 60 kg of wild ginger gives the best perfor- b) whereas the open sun drying took more than 30 days.
mance showing drying efficiency of 8% and total energy con-
sumption of 29 MJ/kg vapor. For continuous operation of green-
house a biomass fuel (wood) was used in biomass stove. Result 3. Conclusion
showed the fair quality of produce due to pale color, shrinkage and
hardness. The new design proposed by author does not maintain The significant outcomes from this study are summarized
the uniform drying temperature throughout the racks due to below:
energy loss from transparent building to surrounding. The lower
drying efficiency of 8% shows that the full load capacity of 1. Numerous field tests in region of different climatic conditions
greenhouse is not utilized and distribution of energy may be have shown that solar tunnel and greenhouse dryers are ideally
improper. suitable to preserve vegetables, food crops, estate crops and
Arun et al. [66] designed and developed a natural convection solar marine products.
tunnel dryer for investigating the drying characteristics of tomatoes. 2. Greenhouse effect (GHE) technology appreciably improves the
Experiments for drying 30 kg of tomatoes were carried out in month quality of produce and reduces the drying time as compared to
of June 2014 under the metrological conditions of Pollachi, India. The the traditional open sun drying method.
solar tunnel dryer of size 4 m (w)  10 m (L)  3 m (H) was con- 3. From the referred literature, it has been observed that solar
structed using locally available materials and shown in Fig. 32. The tunnel and greenhouse dryers were effectively operated under
exhaust vents were used at roof top for removal of humid air. To natural and forced convection mode but an auxiliary heat
Patil, R. Gawande / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016) 196–214 213

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