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Dosen Pembimbing :Miss Ridha Amalia


 Syamsul Arif 2121030211

 Sinta Nur Fitri 2121030208
 Diana Lista Bella 2121030181
 Jayana Rifaldi P.P 2121030219
 Liyas Nawiyandi 2121030221
 Kamaludin 2121030220



News Desk ( The Jakarta Post) Jakarta, Sat,May 8,2021

A woman in Yogyakarta may face the death penalty if she is found guilty of premeditated
murder after accidentally poisoning and killing a 10-year-old boy. The Yogyakarta Police have
arrested NA, 25, for allegedly sending chicken satay and peanut sauce laced with cyanide to an
ex-boyfriend with the intention of killing him. She has been charged under Article 340 of the
Criminal Code on premeditated murder and the 2014 Child Protection Law, which carries a
maximum sentence of life imprisonment or the death penalty.

“The suspect had planned the crime for three months. She bought the poison for Rp 225,000
[US$15] from an e-commerce platform,” Yogyakarta Police general crimes investigation
division head Sr. Comr. Burkan Rudy said as quoted by

He added that NA had wanted to get back at her ex-boyfriend for marrying another woman.
According to the police, NA approached an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver named Bandiman at
a mosque near Mandala Krida Stadium, where he was resting, and offered him Rp 30,000 to
deliver the satay and poisoned peanut sauce to her former lover, a police officer identified as

She allegedly gave Bandiman Tommy’s address and phone number, then instructed him to tell
Tommy that the food was from a person named Hamid. When Bandiman arrived at Tommy’s
address, the latter was reportedly not home and his wife refused to accept the delivery because
she claimed her husband did not know anyone named Hamid. She instead gave the food to
ojek driver, who took it home and shared it with his wife and 10-year-old son. While the entire
family took part in the meal, only Bandiman ate the satay without the accompanying peanut
sauce, which had been laced with cyanide.

Minutes after eating the food, Bandiman’s wife started vomiting and his son collapsed and
began foaming at the mouth. They were both rushed to a nearby hospital, but doctors
pronounced the young boy dead upon arrival. Burkan said investigators had initially struggled
to identify NA as she had not used a ride-hailing application to hire Bandiman. They tracked
her down four days later after checking the footage of CCTV cameras installed around the
mosque where Bandiman had been resting. She was arrested on April 30. Police are currently
looking for another possible suspect, a man identified as R. He allegedly convinced NA to
poison Tommy. Investigators are also investigating NA’s claim that she had an unregistered
marriage with Tommy.

This article was published in with the title "Woman charged with
premeditated murder in accidental poisoning of 10-year-old boy". Click to read:

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Seorang wanita di Yogyakarta dapat menghadapi hukuman mati jika dia terbukti bersalah
melakukan pembunuhan berencana setelah secara tidak sengaja meracuni dan membunuh
seorang anak laki-laki berusia 10 tahun. Polisi Yogyakarta telah menangkap NA, 25, karena
diduga mengirim sate ayam dan saus kacang yang dicampur sianida kepada mantan pacarnya
dengan tujuan membunuhnya. Dia dijerat dengan Pasal 340 KUHP tentang pembunuhan
berencana dan UU Perlindungan Anak 2014, yang diancam dengan hukuman penjara seumur
hidup atau hukuman mati.

“Tersangka telah merencanakan kejahatan selama tiga bulan. Dia membeli racun itu

seharga Rp 225.000 [US$15] dari platform e-commerce,” kata Kepala Divisi Reserse Kriminal
Umum Polda Yogyakarta Komisaris Besar. kata Burkan Rudy seperti dikutip

Dia menambahkan bahwa NA ingin membalas mantan pacarnya karena menikahi wanita lain.
Menurut polisi, NA mendekati seorang sopir ojek bernama Bandiman di sebuah masjid dekat
Stadion Mandala Krida, tempat dia beristirahat, dan menawarinya Rp 30.000 untuk
mengantarkan sate dan bumbu kacang beracun kepada mantan kekasihnya, seorang polisi.
diidentifikasi sebagai Tommy.

Dia diduga memberikan alamat dan nomor telepon Tommy kepada Bandiman , lalu
menyuruhnya memberi tahu Tommy bahwa makanan itu dari seseorang bernama Hamid. Saat
Bandiman tiba di alamat Tommy, Tommy dikabarkan tidak ada di rumah dan istrinya menolak
menerima kiriman tersebut karena mengaku suaminya tidak mengenal siapa pun yang bernama
Hamid. Dia malah memberikan makanan itu kepada sopir ojek, yang membawanya pulang
dan membagikannya kepada istri dan putranya yang berusia 10 tahun. Sementara seluruh
keluarga ikut makan, hanya Bandiman yang makan sate tanpa bumbu kacang yang telah
dicampur sianida.

Beberapa menit setelah makan, istri Bandiman mulai muntah dan putranya pingsan dan
mulutnya mulai berbusa. Mereka berdua dilarikan ke rumah sakit terdekat, tetapi dokter
menyatakan anak laki-laki itu meninggal saat tiba. Burkan mengatakan para penyelidik
awalnya berjuang untuk mengidentifikasi NA karena dia tidak menggunakan aplikasi ride-
hailing untuk mempekerjakan Bandiman. Mereka melacaknya empat hari kemudian setelah
memeriksa rekaman kamera CCTV yang dipasang di sekitar masjid tempat Bandiman
beristirahat. Dia ditangkap pada 30 April. Polisi sedang mencari kemungkinan tersangka lain,
seorang pria bernama R. Dia diduga meyakinkan NA untuk meracuni Tommy. Penyidik juga
sedang mendalami klaim NA bahwa dia telah menikah di luar nikah dengan Tommy.

This article was published in with the title "Woman charged with
premeditated murder in accidental poisoning of 10-year-old boy". Click to read:

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Download The Jakarta Post app for easier and faster news access:




the murder of a 10 year old boy by a woman with the initials NA


-The Yogyakarta Polices

-the suspect, whose initials are NA

-Senior Commissioner of Yogyakarta Police, Burkan Rudy


-Bandiman's Wife

-Bandiman's Son


-Tommy's wife

-The perpetrator's pseudonym when sending the satay, namely Hamid




1. A woman: A woman in Yogyakarta may face the death penalty

2. The Yogyakarta Police: The Yogyakarta Police have arrested NA.
3. The suspect: The suspect had planned the crime for three months.
4. The satay : the satay and poisoned peanut sauce to her former lover
5. Peanut Sauce : the satay and poisoned peanut sauce to her former lover


1. She: She has been charged under Article 340 of the Criminal Code on premeditated
2. He: He added that NA had wanted to get back at her ex-boyfriend for marrying another
3. They: They were both rushed to a nearby hospital


1. Added: He added that NA had wanted to get back at her ex-boyfriend for marrying
another woman.
2. Eating: Minutes after eating the food
3. Arrested: She was arrested on April 30.


1. Young: but doctors pronounced the young boy dead upon arrival
2. 10-year-old: she is found guilty of premeditated murder after accidentally poisoning
and killing a 10-year-old boy.
3. 10-year-old: She instead gave the food to ojek driver, who took it home and shared it
with his wife and 10-year-old son.


1. Accidentally: if she is found guilty of premeditated murder after accidentally

poisoning and killing a 10-year-old boy
2. Allegedly: She allegedly gave Bandiman Tommy’s address and phone number, then
instructed him to tell Tommy that the food was from a person named Hamid.
3. Initially: Burkan said investigators had initially struggled to identify NA as she had not
used a ride-hailing application to hire Bandiman.


1. On: She was arrested on April 30.

2. In: A woman in Yogyakarta may face the death penalty if she is found guilty of
premeditated murder after accidentally poisoning and killing a 10-year-old boy.
3. At: According to the police, NA approached an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver named
Bandiman at a mosque near Mandala Krida Stadium

1. But: They were both rushed to a nearby hospital, but doctors pronounced the young
boy dead upon arrival.
2. As: Burkan said investigators had initially struggled to identify NA as she had not used
a ride-hailing application to hire Bandiman.
3. And: A woman in Yogyakarta may face the death penalty if she is found guilty of
premeditated murder after accidentally poisoning and killing a 10-year-old boy.


Tidak ada


1. Proposisi of Place

a. A woman in Yogyakarta
b. NA approached an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver named Bandiman at a mosque near
Mandala Krida Stadium

2. Preposisi of Time

a. The suspect had planned the crime for three months

b. She was arrested on April 30

3. Preposisi show idea

a. She instead gave the food to ojek driver

b. She has been charged under Article 340 of the Criminal Code on premeditated murder
and the 2014 Child Protection Law, which carries a maximum sentence of life
imprisonment or the death penalty.
c. They were both rushed to a nearby hospital, but doctors pronounced the young boy
dead upon arrival
d. She bought the poison for Rp 225,000 [US$15] from an e-commerce platform
e. Police are currently looking for another possible suspect, a man identified as R.


A. Present Perfect Tense

1.The Yogyakarta Police have arrested NA, 25.
2.She has been charged under Article 340 of the Criminal Code on premeditated murder and
the 2014 Child Protection Law, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment or
the death penalty.

B. Past Perfect Tense

1.The suspect had planned the crime for three months
2.NA had wanted to get back at her ex-boyfriend
3.She had not used a ride-hailing application to hire Bandiman

C. Simple Past Tense

1.She bought the poison for Rp 225,000 [US$15] from an e-commerce platform
2.He added that "NA had wanted to get back at her ex-boyfriend for marrying another
3.NA approached an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver named Bandiman at a mosque near
Mandala Krida Stadium
4.She allegedly gave Bandiman Tommy’s address and phone number
5.Bandiman arrived at Tommy’s address
6. his wife refused to accept the delivery
7. she claimed her husband did not know anyone named Hamid
8. She instead gave the food to ojek driver, who took it home and shared it with his wife and
10-year-old son
9. Bandiman ate the satay without the accompanying peanut sauce, which had been laced
with cyanide.
10. Bandiman’s wife started vomiting and his son collapsed and began foaming at the mouth
11.They were both rushed to a nearby hospital
12.doctors pronounced the young boy dead upon arrival
13 Burkan said "investigators had initially struggled to identify NA as she had not used a
ride-hailing application to hire Bandiman"
14. investigators had struggled to identify NA
15. They tracked her down four days later after checking the footage of CCTV
cameras installed around the mosque
16.a Man identified as R
17. He convinced NA to poison Tommy
18. The Yogyakarta Police general crimes investigation division head Sr. Comr. Burkan
Rudy said "The suspect had planned the crime for three months.She bought the poison for
Rp 225,000 [US$15] from an e-commerce platform

D. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1.Bandiman had been resting

E. Past Continuous tense

1.he was resting

F.Present Continouos
1.Police are looking for another possible suspect
2.Investigators are investigating NA’s claim that she had an unregistered marriage with

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