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Republic of the Philippines


Banuyo, Gasan, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 753-038

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries

Re-Accredited, Level III Phase 1-AACCUP, Inc.

Answer the following Dilemmas and Apply the 7-Step Model for Ethical Decision-Making.

1. Gather the facts. 2. Identify the stakeholders. 3. Articulate the dilemma. 4. List the alternatives. 5.
Compare the alternatives with the principles. 6. Weigh the consequences. 7. Make a decision.

#1. She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

You are an emergency worker that has just been called to the scene of an accident. When you
arrive, you see that the car belongs to your wife. You rush over to see her. She is trapped in her
car with another man. She sees you and although barely conscious, she manages to say the words
im sorry You dont understand, but her look answers you question. The man next to her is her
lover with whom sh’s been having an affair. You reel back in shock, devastated by what her eyes
have just told you. As you step back, the wreck in front of you comes into focus. You see your
wife is seriously hurt and she needs attention straight away. However, even if she gets attention,
theres a very high chance shell die. You look at the seat next to her and see her lover. Hes
bleeding heavily from a wound to the neck and you need to stem the flow of blood immediately.
It will only take about 5 minutes to stop, but it will mean your wife will definitely die. If you
tend to your wife however, the man will bleed to death despite the fact it could have been
avoided. Who would you choose to work on?

ou have just been dispatched to an accident scene as an emergency worker. When you get there,
you realize the automobile is your wife's. You run to visit her right away. She and another man
are confined to their automobile. She notices you and, despite being barely conscious, manages
to reply, "I'm sorry you don't understand," but her expression provides the answer to your query.
Her lover, with whom she has been having an affair, is the man sitting next to her. You recoil in
disbelief after hearing what her eyes just said to you. The crash in front of you comes into focus
as you take a step back. You can tell that your wife is gravely injured and requires immediate
care. But even if she attracts attention, the likelihood that she'll pass away is extremely high. You
notice her partner sitting in the chair next to her. He has a neck wound that is causing him to
bleed excessively, and you must stop the bleeding very away. The time it takes to stop will only
be around five minutes, but your wife will undoubtedly pass away. The man will bleed to death
if you tend to your wife, even though it could have been prevented. Which person would you
want to work on?

 It is a really unfortunate coincidence that he is a spouse who has been deceived by his
wife and regretfully discovers the truth amid such a catastrophe. If I were in that man's
Republic of the Philippines
Banuyo, Gasan, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 753-038

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries

Re-Accredited, Level III Phase 1-AACCUP, Inc.
shoes, I'd strive to save him. As an emergency worker, it is my duty to look to the care of
each patient and accident victim. My wife's affair is not an issue in the circumstance
because it is an accident scene where there should only be a patient and an emergency
personnel. It is crucial to provide information that will benefit the most individuals in an
emergency top priority. So I'll choose to collaborate with the dude in such scenario.

#2. Mad About Bombs

A madman who has threatened to explode several bombs in crowded areas has been
apprehended. Unfortunately, he has already planted the bombs and they are scheduled to go off
in a short time. It is possible that hundreds of people may die. You are a police officer in charge
with the investigation. You have used all conventional methods to make him divulge the location
of the bombs, but these are all futile. He refuses to say anything and requests a lawyer to protect
him of his right against self-incrimination. In exasperation, a high-level official suggests torture.
This would be illegal, of course, but the official thinks that it is nevertheless the right thing to do
in this desperate situation. Do you agree with the official?

 In this instance, I disagree with the official. The policeman tried everything to persuade
the insane guy to divulge where the explosives were, but he never gave them any
information that would have helped with their inquiry. Even if they utilize the last, illegal
option to save a hundred people, there is no guarantee he would reveal where the
explosives are. But if they did nothing, hundreds of people may die. They shouldn't have
decided to use criminal torture, in my opinion. They should employ every legal tool at
their disposal to coerce the crazy into confessing. They may perhaps try to barter with the
crazed man and give him something in exchange for saving hundreds of lives.

#3. The Deliberate Infection Ken is a doctor.

One of his patients, whom he has diagnosed as HIV positive, is about to receive a blood
transfusion prior to being released from the hospital. He has told Ken, in the confidence of their
doctor-patient relationship, that after he gets his transfusion, and his medicine from Ken, he
Republic of the Philippines
Banuyo, Gasan, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 753-038

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries

Re-Accredited, Level III Phase 1-AACCUP, Inc.
intends to infect as many people as possible with HIV starting that evening. Because Ken is
bound by doctor-patient confidentiality, there is no legal way to stop this man from carrying out
his plan. Even if Ken warned the police, they would not be able to arrest him, since his medical
information is protected. It occurs to Ken that he could contaminate his medication by putting an
untraceable poison in it that will kill him before he gets a chance to infect others. Should Ken
poison this man in order to prevent him from spreading HIV?

 Killing him won't solve the issue; sure, he'll die, and any potential spread will stop, but
your reputation as a doctor will suffer. In such a case, I would thus offer the patient my
ears and shoulders so he could release some of his emotional strain rather than poisoning
him. If he has revealed his problems out of fear, his burdens will lessen and as a
consequence, his inner feelings will be lighter. If he accomplishes this, his negative
thoughts will stop and he will start to accept that he has HIV.

#4. Deal or No Deal?

You are the manager of a company which employs around 300 employees. Likewise, the
company has employed you for over 20 years until you have reached your current position.
However, due to recent economic regressions coupled with poor business conjectures, the
company is now in the brink of bankruptcy. A potential multinational investor is eyed by the
Board of Trustees and perceived to be the answer to the present business predicament. As the
senior manager of the company, you are tasked to meet and negotiate with the said investor. You
have never failed a single business negotiation before, so the BOT is looking forward for you in
closing such business deal, and eventually save the “dying” company. On your way to the
meeting place, you were already late, the traffic is terrible, and so, you decided to take a short
cut. The short cut is an uncommon road where very few vehicles pass. Few meters before you
make your last turn, you saw an accident. The accident involved your best friend who, during the
lowest point of your life, provided you and your family considerable financial help. Your best
friend is still conscious but his head is bleeding profusely. He begged you to bring him to the
nearest hospital. The nearest hospital is located at the town proper. To bring your friend to the
hospital would mean missing the business opportunity laid on your shoulders by the company
and eventually killing the hopes of 300 employees and their respective families to survive the
impending bankruptcy of their ultimate source of income. On the contrary, leaving behind your
friend is a sure death awaiting considering the damage he incurred from the accident. What shall
you do?
Republic of the Philippines
Banuyo, Gasan, Marinduque
Tel. No. (042) 753-038

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries

Re-Accredited, Level III Phase 1-AACCUP, Inc.
 As a manager, it is my sworn obligation to make sure that both the company and the
people are handled well. However, I also owe it to a buddy who is in immediate need to
help them. In one instance, I am on route to a vital meeting that is the last hope for the
firm when I run across a buddy who desperately needs my help or else he would die in
the street. In this case, one must choose between saving the lives of many other people or
saving the life of one who is already in danger of passing away. If I ever find myself in
such a situation, I'll make sure my friend has access to medical treatment and
transportation before I head to the investor meeting. I can't spend the whole day with him
since every decision I make affects 300 households. If I'm not physically there for him, it
doesn't mean that I don't care about him; I simply need to make a wise decision at that
moment so that later, when I can help him, he'll definitely already be well.

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