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INTRODUCTION into temptation again and again.

Grant that by your grace, we may never offend

“You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world”, proclaims Jesus you through our inability to love. genuinely.
in the Sermon on the Mount. This seems to indicate that there is an essential role Forgive our lack of zeal in carrying out the mission you have entrusted to
for passion, excitement, and fire in the Christian life. Jesus is very clear that he is each of us. For the times when we have resorted to just complying instead of
not paying for salt that has no flavor. It is good for nothing but the trash heap. In putting our tasks and responsibilities to heart. There were times when we have
the same way, we can’t be the light of the world unless we’re on fire. not used the marvelous gifts which the Holy Spirit keeps offering us.
In this holy adoration, let us see our relationships. How does it taste to For all of these, let us ask God to forgive us and to open us to the gifts of
relate with God, with others, and with our very self? Let us heed the invitation of the Spirit.
Jesus to keep our life as followers of Him flavorful. In the same way, we are
called to notice, to pay attention to that fire in us. Is it still aflame? May we keep Hymn: Mercy 502 – A-3
the fire burning within us so that our life may always be meaningful.
In this holy hour, let us remember the intentions of our sisters in CONCLUDING PRAYER
__________________________________________________________. Loving Jesus, miserable and unworthy though we are, we consecrate
ourselves to you without reserve. We offer you our affections, our desires, and all
Hymn: Jesus, Your Light _____
that we possess. All we ask of you and desire is your holy love, for our holy
OPENING PRAYER: perseverance and the perfect accomplishment of your will. We lift all these up to
O Sacrament Most Holy… God, our Father, through your most holy Name. Amen
O Divine Lord and Savior, our dear Jesus Christ, we are gathered once
again in your most holy presence offering our praises, worshipping you for your PSALMS AND CANTICLE
greatness and might. We humbly kneel before you in profound adoration,
acknowledging how blessed we are to receive your precious gift of salvation. By INVOCATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
partaking in your life and love, you graced us with the Spirit that prompts our Spirit of God, who at the beginning of creation hovered over the abyss of
hearts to desire you. the universe and transformed the great yawn of things into a smile of beauty,
come down again on earth and grant it the thrill of its beginnings.
Hymn: We Adore you ____
Spirit of God, who by the banks of the Jordan descended in Your fullness
Make us worthy, O Lord, to be in your presence. We recognize our on Jesus’ head and proclaimed Him Messiah, overshadow this portion of the
weaknesses that led us to sin. We ask pardon for our faults brought by our mystical Body gathered before You.
limitations. Forgive us for the times that we allowed ourselves to be lured into Hymn: Vieni, O Spirito ____
temptations. Have mercy on us. Cleanse us and renew our hearts to love you
again with an undivided heart.
[short pause] GOSPEL READING
Matthew Mt 5:13-16
PENITENTIAL ACT Jesus said to his disciples:
Dear Jesus, we love you with all our hearts. We grieve for having "You are the salt of the earth.
offended your infinite goodness so many times. Help us that we may never fall
But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?
It is no longer good for anything
but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
You are the light of the world.
A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.
Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket;
it is set on a lampstand,
where it gives light to all in the house.
Just so, your light must shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your heavenly Father."


Hymn (optional)



Divine Praises

Final Hymn: Praise the Lord, My Soul - 010

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