Indian Camp

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Noah GF3

Indian Camp
Ernest Hemingway / 1924

Summary. -

The two Indians stood waiting at the lakeshore, while a rowboat was being drawn up. Nick got into
the boat with his father while his uncle named George got in another boat. The Indians who were
rowing the boat, worked very hard to get to their destination as soon as possible. The boat uncle
George was in disappeared in the mist. Nick asked his father where they were going, Nick’s father
responded, and said “Over to the Indian camp. There is an Indian lady very sick. Nick understood
and kept quiet. Nick and his father spotted a rowboat, which was breached on the bay, Uncle
George was standing on the shore. Uncle George was smoking a cigar, while the Indians pulled the
boat up on the beach. After they were done, he offered both cigars. They walked into the cabin,
and they heard the pregnant Indian lady squeal. Nick’s father ordered some boiling water, so that
he could decontaminate himself, and therefore get ready for the operation. Nick’s Father
explained to Nick, what was wrong, he said “You see, Nick, babies are supposed to be born head
first, but sometimes they’re not. After Nick’s father successfully went through with the operation,
he slapped the baby to try and make it breath. He handed the baby to the old woman who was
sitting in the room, Nick’s father told Nick, that they were done as soon as he had sewn her shut.
Nick wasn’t really interested and found it a little gross. The young Indian woman who had just
given birth looked very pale and exhausted. Nick’s father stood up and told the young Indian
woman that he and a nurse will be back at noon. Nick’s father had to check up on a man in a bunk,
who had cut his own throat from ear to ear, with a razor. Nick asked his father why he would kill
himself, Nick’s father responded that he might have had enough. Nick and his father walked back
to the rowboat, they chatted, and Nick asked where Uncle George went. Nick’s father responded
that he probably would show up again. Nick and his father when went in the boat and rowed
towards the morning sun.

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