26 - 1127 Fire Investigation Cromatography

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26 1127
2010 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

Original Papers

Novel Fire Investigation Technique Using Needle Extraction in

Gas Chromatography
Ikuo UETA,* Yoshihiro SAITO,*† Kenta TERAOKA,* Hisashi MATSUURA,** Koji FUJIMURA,** and
Kiyokatsu JINNO*

*Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, Toyohashi University of Technology,

Toyohashi 441–8580, Japan
**Shinwa Chemical Industries, Ltd., Kyoto 612–8307, Japan

A novel fire investigation technique using a needle extraction device was studied. Using a polymer particle-packed needle
device, air samples containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) generated from fire accelerants, gasoline and kerosene
were extracted effectively, and subsequent gas chromatographic (GC) analyses were successfully carried out. Carpet and
wood samples were spiked with gasoline and kerosene, followed by monitoring of the time-variation profiles of emitted
VOCs up to 48 h. The fire accelerants were also measured for combusted carpet and wood samples, and the applicability
of the proposed method to fire investigations was confirmed. Even at 48 h after spiking, groups of characteristic
compounds were clearly observed in the air environments near the combusted sample. This method was further applied
to the determination of VOCs in simulated fires, strongly suggesting the applicability of the developed method to real fire

(Received September 22, 2010; Accepted October 8, 2010; Published November 10, 2010)

require longer sampling/desorption times in addition to the use

Introduction of specific instruments. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME)
has several attractive features over traditional sample-preparation
Among the approximately 60000 fires that occur in Japan every techniques, and this has also been applied to the determination
year, arson represents the worst cause. In the case of arson, fire of fire accelerants.8 Needle-type sample preparation is an
accelerants, such as gasoline and kerosene, are often used to alternative preconcentration technique for analyses of VOCs.9–16
start fires. Because these fire accelerants consist of mixtures of In our previous work, a polymer particle-packed extraction
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), accurate and sensitive needle showed both good extraction performance and
determinations of the VOCs found at the scenes of fires can be satisfactory sample storage capabilities with respect to typical
quite important in forensic investigations, especially if arson is VOCs,10 and needle extraction devices were successfully applied
suspected from fire debris.1–3 In general, the objective of to analyses of environmental tobacco smoke12,17 and human
determining the VOCs in a fire investigation is to confirm the breath.18
presence of fire accelerants and the origin of a fire. For In this work, a new method for fire investigations has been
determining fire-related VOCs, the analysis in gas developed using a polymer particle-packed extraction needle
chromatography (GC) is one of the most promising methods, and subsequent GC analysis. The time-variation profiles of
mainly because of its selectivity and sensitivity, as well as wide VOCs emitted from fuel-spiked samples were observed up to
availability.3,4 In fires, fire accelerants are subject to high 48 h. VOCs emitted from combusted wood and carpet samples
temperatures, with the result that a large proportion of VOCs is were also measured, and the proposed method was further
evaporated. The concentrations of VOCs emitted from typical applied to the determination of fire accelerants in simulated
fire debris are often low, and therefore some kind of sample fires.
preconcentration process is necessary before analyses are
performed, as is typically done in GC, taking into consideration
any possible interferences from pyrolysis products.5,6 Experimental
Several sample preconcentration techniques have been
developed for GC analyses of fire accelerant-related VOCs Materials
emitted from combusted samples, such as those using activated All of the reagents and solvents were of analytical reagent
carbon7 and Tenax TA.4–6 However, these techniques normally grade and obtained from either Wako Pure Chemical (Osaka,
Japan) or Tokyo Chemical Industries (Tokyo, Japan). All of the

To whom correspondence should be addressed. fabric (cotton), wood (untreated Japanese cypress, pine and
E-mail: saito@ens.tut.ac.jp plywood) and carpet samples (3 kinds of acrylic carpets) used in
I. U. present address: Department of Applied Chemistry, this work were commercially available, and purchased from a
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medical and Engineering, local store (Toyohashi, Japan). Standard gaseous samples were
University of Yamanashi, Kofu 400–8511, Japan. prepared in Tedlar bags (GL Sciences, Tokyo, Japan). A vacuum

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the determination procedure for VOCs from fire accelerant-
spiked samples and combusted samples using a needle extraction device.

sampling device for needle-extraction procedures was purchased determined by GC with a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Figure 1
from Komyo Rikagaku Kogyo (Tokyo, Japan). shows the scheme for the extraction and desorption process for
VOCs used in this work. A fire accelerant of 1.0 mL was spiked
Extraction and desorption of VOCs dropwise onto one side of a wood sample with the dimensions
As the extraction medium, a polymer of divinylbenzene of 2.5 cm (width) × 10 cm (length) × 1.5 cm (thickness). The
(DVB) was synthesized, and a copolymer of methacrylic acid wood sample was then combusted using a gas burner, with the
(MA) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA)10,17 was also spiked side being placed downwards to be directly subjected to
prepared for a comparison. The DVB and MA/EDMA extraction the burner flame. After combustion, the wood sample was
media were designed and synthesized in order to achieve both placed in a glass vessel with a volume of 250 mL. After
the successful extraction of VOCs that are typically found in allowing the interior of the vessel to equilibrate for 30 min, an
environmental air samples at room temperature, and successful extraction needle was inserted into the vessel, and 50 mL of the
desorption of preconcentrated VOCs in a conventional GC gaseous sample was extracted. During extraction, pure N2 gas
injector without special modifications. The synthetic schemes was continuously supplied from a gas sampling bag, as shown
for these materials were similar to those described in previous in Fig. 1.
studies.10,17 Five-centimeter squares of carpet were also spiked with fire
These copolymer beads with diameters ranging from 150 to accelerants and combusted. When spiked with gasoline and
180 μm were packed into specially prepared needles with the kerosene, the flame was automatically extinguished after about
following dimensions: 0.5 mm i.d., 0.7 mm o.d.; length, 1 and 2 min, respectively. Thirty minutes after extinction, air at
85 mm.10 For extractions, needles were attached to a a height of approximately 10 mm above the carpet was extracted
commercially available vacuum sampling device. Gaseous using an extraction needle. Fire accelerants (1.0 mL each) were
samples were introduced into extraction needles by manually spiked on wood and carpet pieces of the same size as mentioned
pulling the handle of the vacuum sampling device, and analytes above, and on a 10-cm square of cotton fabric. The time-variation
were adsorbed on the polymeric particles therein. The typical profiles of VOCs were also monitored in the air above these
sampling volume was 50 mL, and it took approximately 5 min samples.
to complete the sampling. In the case that the level of the target The detection of fire accelerants was carried out for two cases
compounds is expected to be higher than the maximum loading of simulated fires. The rooms used in these simulations were
capacity of the extraction device, the sampling volume can be prefabricated rooms with volumes of 15.1 m3, 2.7 m (width)
reduced to 10 mL in order to avoid a possible breakthrough of × 2.0 m (height) × 2.8 m (depth), and were made to represent
the samples. the typical interior of a small Japanese room in winter, except
After extraction, extraction needles were attached to an for the height of the ceiling. The first case was assumed to be a
injection syringe containing 1.0 mL of N2 gas. Extraction fire that resulted from an accident involving a kerosene heater
needles were then inserted into a heated GC injection port, and with a tank capacity of approximately 4 L. The second case
the analytes were injected using the N2 gas, where the needles was assumed to be an arson fire in which approximately 4 L of
were pre-heated for 10 s in the injector before injection. It was kerosene was poured onto the floor before ignition. Thirty
confirmed in preliminary experiments that the pre-heating time minutes after extinction of the fires using excess water,
could help realize a quantitative desorption of the analytes. room  air  was extracted using extraction needles at a height of
approximately 10 cm above the floor, and the extracted VOCs
Determination of fire accelerant-related VOCs using needle were determined as described below.
extraction devices
In this work, fire accelerant-related VOCs were extracted GC-MS measurements
using two types of polymer particle-packed needle devices, and For all GC-MS measurements, either an Agilent 6890N gas

Table 1 Desorption efficiencies for typical compounds in fire Table 2 LOD and LOQ for typical VOCs found in fire
accelerants accelerants

Desorption efficiency, % Benzene Toluene Octane Decane

Extraction 1,2,4- LOD/ng L –1
0.1 0.1 0.03 0.03
°Ca Heptane Trimethyl- Dodecane Tridecane LOQ/ng L–1 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1

MA/EDMA 200 99.3 99.4 90.8 87.1

DVB 280 99.4 99.1 99.8 99.9
successful desorptions were achieved for volatile compounds.
a. Optimum desorption temperature confirmed in this work. However, somewhat unsatisfactory desorption efficiencies for
compounds having a low volatility, such as tridecane, were
observed, probably due to a low desorption temperature.
Based on the above results, a polymer of DVB was introduced
chromatograph (Yokogawa Analytical Systems, Musashino, as an alternative extraction medium in this work. Compared
Japan) with a split/splitless injection port and an HP 5972A with the MA/EDMA material, the DVB material has a higher
mass selective detector (MSD), or a GCMS-QP2010 Plus thermal stability, which enables extraction needles to be
(Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) were used. All of the injections were subjected to higher desorption temperatures. Taking advantage
performed using a split mode with a ratio of 15:1. GC of the good thermal stability of the DVB material, the desorption
separations were performed on an HR-1 fused-silica capillary temperature for DVB-packed needles was set at 280° C. As
column with dimensions of 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d., and a film summarized in Table 1, the desorption efficiencies were
thickness of 0.25 μm (Shinwa Chemical Industries, Kyoto, significantly improved, where the desorption efficiencies for
Japan). As the carrier gas, He was used at a typical head most of the VOCs found in fire accelerants were higher than
pressure of 30 kPa, and the injector temperature was maintained 95%. Although the correlation of the polymer structure to the
at 200 or 280° C, as described below. The GC-MS interface resulting extraction selectivity/efficiency should be studied in
temperature and the ionization voltage were set at 250° C and more detail, the results clearly demonstrate the excellent
70 eV, respectively, and electron impact ionization was used. performance of the DVB material as an extraction medium for
The column temperature was started at 40° C for 2.0 min, and these fuel-related compounds, and therefore DVB-packed
then programmed to 240° C at a rate of 20° C/min. The mass extraction needles were used in the following experiments.
spectrometer was operated in either a total ion monitoring mode In order to confirm the sensitivity and repeatability of the
(TIM) with an m/z range of 45 to 250, or a selected ion present method, several standard gaseous samples were prepared
monitoring mode (SIM). Data collection was performed using using the same procedure as previously described.10 The limits
Chrom NAV (Jasco, Tokyo, Japan) on a personal computer. of detection (LOD) and the limits of quantification (LOQ) for
typical fire-related VOCs are summarized in Table 2. The upper
limits of the calibration ranges were more than 500 μg/L for all
Results and Discussion of the investigated VOCs. The RSDs of the peak areas were less
than 3.0% (n = 5) for all of the standard samples. Despite the
Optimization of the method short extraction time of approximately 5 min, the results clearly
Although various compounds are found in gasoline and demonstrated low detection limits and wide linear ranges for
kerosene, the main components of these fire accelerants are both aromatic and aliphatic compounds typically found in fire
aromatic compounds and normal alkanes,4 as was also confirmed accelerants. In Table 2, quite similar detectability for both
in our preliminary experiments, where determinations of benzene and toluene can be observed, as found in our preliminary
headspace gases were performed using a GC-MS in a TIM investigation for xylenes and ethylbenzene. Additionally, the
mode. Based on these results, an SIM mode consisting of m/z detectability for octane and decane given in Table 2, and that for
43, 57, 71, 78, 91 and 105 was chosen for sensitive determinations hexane and heptane (data not shown) were approximately the
of fire accelerant-related VOCs, and the sum of these ions was same. Therefore, it can be considered that most of the VOCs
monitored. By introducing an SIM mode, interfering peaks found in the fire accelerants could be quantitative at the ng/L
generated by pyrolysis products were eliminated, allowing for level, suggesting a good possibility for the successful
accurate determinations of target VOCs related to the fire determination of typical fire-related VOCs in air samples
accelerants. obtained during fire investigations.
Successful extractions and desorptions of typical VOCs had
been performed previously using extraction needles packed with Time-variation profiles of the fire accelerants
a copolymer of MA and EDMA.10,17 This extraction medium In fire investigations, the detection of fire accelerants from
showed a wider selectivity for both polar and non-polar analytes, uncombusted materials at a fire scene is one of the clearest
and therefore extraction needles packed with MA/EDMA were evidence for the presence of fire accelerants. The time-variation
employed as the first choice of the extraction medium in this profiles of VOCs evaporated from fuel-spiked samples of cotton
study. The desorption temperature was set at 200° C based on fabric, carpet and wood, were measured for up to 48 h. Figure 2
preliminary experiments, and desorption efficiencies were illustrates the time-variation profiles for the separations of
measured for each compound using a similar way as described groups of relatively low-volatility compounds, demonstrating
previously,10 where the desorption efficiencies were calculated the successful detection of these fuel-related compounds, as
based on the ratios of the peak areas obtained in the first well as fingerprint patterns. For a group of relatively volatile
desorption to the total peak areas obtained by adding the peak compounds, such as 3-methylhexane in gasoline and octane in
areas obtained in the first and second desorptions. The kerosene, measurements of the time-variation profiles were
desorption efficiencies of VOCs typically found in the fire much easier, but only possible for up to 12 h after spiking in
accelerants are given in Table 1. These results indicated that order to obtain satisfactory detectivity. Compared with the

Fig. 2 Time-variation profiles of VOCs from samples spiked with fire accelerants. (A) carpet and
(B)  wood spiked with (a) gasoline and (b) kerosene. Peaks: (i) 1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene, (ii)
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and (iii) 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene. Conditions: sampling volume, 50 mL; oven
temperature, 40°C (2 min) to 240° C at 20°C/min; monitoring mode, SIM (m/z: 43, 57, 71, 78, 91 and
105). Other conditions can be found in the text.

Detection of fire accelerants from combusted samples

Since the detection of fire accelerants evaporated from various
combusted substances can be regarded as being an important
approach in forensic analysis, VOCs generated from fire debris
were also studied in this work. Figure 3 shows typical
chromatograms of VOCs emitted from combusted carpet
samples. Although the surfaces of the carpet samples and the
accelerants thereon were mostly combusted, the accelerants that
had penetrated into the carpet samples were successfully
detected. Three types of carpet were tested in this combustion
study, and similar sets of VOCs, clearly indicating the existence
of the spiked fuels, were detected in all cases.
For the detection of VOCs from combusted wood samples,
wood samples spiked with fire accelerants were also combusted.
To ensure successful determinations of trace amounts of VOCs,
combusted wood samples were placed in a glass vessel, and
Fig. 3 Chromatograms for the separations of VOCs from combusted
carpet samples. (A) Gasoline-spiked and (B) kerosene-spiked. Peaks:
determinations of VOCs in headspace gases were performed.
(a) o-xylene, (b) 1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene, (c) 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene As shown in Fig. 4, the peak areas of representative gasoline
and (d) 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene. Conditions are the same as in Fig. 2. (1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene) and kerosene (undecane) compounds
were monitored with changes in the degree of combustion of the
wood samples. The representative fire accelerant VOCs were
detected in Japanese cypress up to weight losses of approximately
evaporation profile of wood and carpet samples, all of the fire 30%, and approximately 50% in both pine and plywood samples.
accelerants spiked to cotton fabric sample were more rapidly In order to confirm the suitability of the method to actual fire
evaporated, and VOCs were detected for up to 24 h (data not investigations, excess of water was spiked into the combusted
shown). wood samples, and VOCs in the headspace gas were measured.

Fig. 4 Effect of the degree of combustion on the observed amounts of (A) 1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene
and (B) undecane as representative compounds of gasoline and kerosene, respectively. (a) Japanese
cypress, (b) pine and (c) plywood. Conditions are the same as in Fig. 2.

The results indicated that almost the same amounts of VOCs

were observed for all wood samples with and without water
spiking. These results suggest that the proposed method is
suitable for the determinations of trace amounts of accelerants
emitted from combusted wood and carpet.

Simulated fire analyses

On the basis of the above successful extractions and subsequent
determinations of fuel-related VOCs from spiked and combusted
spiked samples, the proposed method was further applied to the
determination of fire accelerants in simulated fires using two
prefabricated rooms. The fire experiments were carried out at
the Hyogo Prefectural Emergency Management and Training
Center (Miki, Hyogo, Japan), where professional training
programs for firefighter students are conducted using actual
model rooms. During this experiment, each room was engulfed
in flames, and all of the windows and aluminum window frames Fig. 5 Typical chromatograms for the separation of the air samples
were melted. After the power of each fire had decreased containing kerosene-related VOCs obtained after simulated fires.
somewhat from the maximum, each fire was extinguished by a Simulation of (A) an accident involving a kerosene heater and (B) an
arson fire. Conditions: sampling volume, 100 mL; oven temperature,
group of students under the guidance of an instructor. Room air
50°C (5 min) to 250° C (5 min) at 10° C/min; monitoring mode, TIM
was extracted using extraction needles 30 min after extinction, (m/z: 50 – 250).
and the extracted VOCs were analyzed in GC-MS.
Figure 5 shows typical chromatograms for separations of the
air samples taken from the two types of simulated fire accidents.
These chromatograms were obtained using a TIM mode with an interferences from fire debris. VOCs characteristic of kerosene,
m/z range of 50 and 250 to confirm the absence of any possible such as nonane, decane and undecane, were clearly found as

fingerprint patterns of kerosene in both air samples taken from

the simulated fires, and no significant interferences from References
pyrolysis products were observed.
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Conclusions 5. M. S. Fernandes, C. M. Lau, and W. C. Wong, Sci. Justice,
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A new method for fire investigations was successfully developed 6. R. Borusiewicz, J. Z. Palus, and G. Zadora, Forensic Sci.
based on a polymer particle-packed extraction needle. The Int., 2006, 160, 115.
proposed method allows simple and sensitive determinations of 7. A. Jayatilaka and C. F. Poole, Chromatographia, 1994, 39, 200.
trace amounts of fire accelerants commonly found at the scenes 8. K. G. Furton, J. Bruna, and J. R. Almirall, J. High Resolut.
of fires, and the method could be a promising technique for the Chromatogr., 1995, 18, 625.
confirmation of the fire accelerants and the origin of a fire. The 9. J. Lipinski, Fresenius’ J. Anal. Chem., 2001, 369, 57.
practical applicability of this method has been confirmed using 10. Y. Saito, I. Ueta, K. Kotera, M. Ogawa, H. Wada, and K.
systematic experiments in this work. In order to obtain suitable Jinno, J. Chromatogr., A, 2006, 1106, 190.
extraction capabilities with respect to other target compounds, 11. Y. Saito, I. Ueta, M. Ogawa, and K. Jinno, Anal. Bioanal.
the polymer structure can be further optimized together with Chem., 2006, 386, 725.
optimization of the corresponding extraction/desorption and 12. Y. Saito, I. Ueta, M. Ogawa, M. Hayashida, and K. Jinno, J.
separation conditions. These studies are currently being Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 2007, 44, 1.
continued in our laboratory, and include the development of a 13. M. Ogawa, Y. Saito, I. Ueta, and K. Jinno, Anal. Bioanal.
novel separation column19 for these applications. Chem., 2007, 388, 619.
14. Y. Saito, I. Ueta, M. Ogawa, A. Abe, K. Yogo, S. Shirai,
and K. Jinno, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2009, 393, 861.
Acknowledgements 15. I. Ueta, Y. Saito, N. B. A. Ghani, M. Ogawa, K. Yogo, A.
Abe, S. Shirai, and K. Jinno, J. Chromatogr., A, 2009, 1216,
A part of this research was financially supported by a Grant-in- 2848.
Aid for Scientific Research C (No. 21550078) from the Japan 16. D. W. Lou, X. Lee, and J. Pawliszyn, J. Chromatogr., A,
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The authors 2008, 1201, 228.
would like to acknowledge the valuable cooperation of the 17. I. Ueta, Y. Saito, K. Teraoka, T. Miura, and K. Jinno, Anal.
Hyogo Prefectural Emergency Management and Training Sci., 2010, 26, 569.
Center, Miki, Hyogo, Japan. Technical support from Mr. N. 18. I. Ueta, Y. Saito, M. Hosoe, M. Okamoto, H. Ohkita, S.
Yamamoto, Mr. S. Ellwood and Dr. H. Wada of Shinwa Shirai, H. Tamura, and K. Jinno, J. Chromatogr., B, 2009,
Chemical Industries is also acknowledged. One of the authors, 877, 2551.
I. U., was financially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for JSPS 19. M. Inoue, Y. Saito, I. Ueta, T. Miura, H. Ohkita, K.
Fellows. Fujimura, and K. Jinno, Anal. Sci., 2010, 26, 687.

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