Lizzie's Letter - How To Sell Any Financial Newsletter Using Infant Potty Training Secrets of A Stay at Home Mum

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How to Sell Any Financial Newsletter Using Infant

Potty Training Secrets of a Stay At Home Mum

What can a mum of a three-year-old teach industry veterans about selling financial

And what on earth has potty training got to do with investing?

Let’s find out…

Dear {NAME},

The world of direct response copywriters is full of people with unique backgrounds and
often humble beginnings... from accountants, to stand-up comics, to stay-at-home

But we all have one thing in common:

A passion for communicating big ideas, in an engaging way, in our sales writing.

Today, I’m going to share a surprising ancient idea with you… an idea that transformed
my life, and the way I communicate with my children.

Did you know, in the 1950s, 92% of all American children were potty trained by 18

Now, while a 200% gain is welcome in your investment portfolio, no parent wants to
knowingly sign up for a 200% gain in the number of nappies their child will wear!

Yet today, the average potty training age of American children has more than doubled to
3 years plus!

What changed?

First, in 1955 disposable nappies were introduced to the market. Then, just two years
later, a well-known pediatrician with a vested interest in selling more nappies
popularised the idea that parents needed to “wait ‘til your child is ready”.

Disposable nappies are now more convenient (and well designed) than ever before, and
I’m surprised how commonly I hear kids ask their parents, even at the age of four,
“mum, I need a nappy. I need to do a poo”

The first time I heard that strange, innocent request, I was horrified.

I was heavily pregnant, just weeks away from giving birth to my first child, and I couldn’t
stomach the idea of cleaning up dirty nappies at that age!

But ancient tribal wisdom held the answer I was looking for:

And it was surprisingly simple…

Offer your child the potty from birth, and keep that nappy safely on your sweet baby’s
bottom for those times you inevitably ‘miss’ their request for the toilet.

That’s right… The first secret I’m going to share with you today is the secret that
revolutionised the way I communicate with my babies…

Secret #1
Without Words, Your Newborn Baby is Telling You Exactly What They Want
(How to Uncover the Secret Desires of Your Prospects Even if They're Struggling,
or Unable, to Articulate it)

After extensive reading and research, I discovered that from the moment they’re born,
our sweet little babies are communicating needs well beyond what the mainstream
“parenting experts” would have us believe!

“Sometimes babies just cry” is accepted wisdom in the West.

Yet, when a Japanese mother was asked what she does when her baby cries, she
looked puzzled and asked, “But why would my baby cry?”

What I discovered is traditional wisdom that teaches the incredibly nuanced ways that
babies communicate their needs, long before they ever shed a tear.
When a baby needs to potty they
● Suddenly start moving after a period of stillness
● Or suddenly go very still after a time of activity
● Push away from a cuddle or a baby carrier
● Start ‘singing’ very loudly
● And yes, they grizzle and grump when they need to go and you’re missing the

As you might imagine, it can get a little confusing!

But the real secret of successful Infant Potty Training is in the mother’s ability to deeply
understand her baby, reading and interpreting the subtle messages they’re sending with
both their behaviour and their voice.

The same is true of great copywriters.

A great copywriter needs to be able to deeply understand their prospects.

But it’s not a simple matter of surveying them and just listening to what they say.

Often, prospects don’t know exactly how to articulate the pain they’re experiencing.

A great copywriter needs to be able to read between the lines, and understand the true
message, the true pains the prospect is experiencing and the new reality they hope to

What happens though when the prospect has unspoken objections?

Secret #2
Negotiate Like Your Carpet Depends On It
(How to Convince Your Prospect to Leave Their 'Toys' and Take Action on Your

Eventually, my sweet baby girl did learn to speak. And with that progression, came a
new adventure in our potty training journey.

Like those mother’s in the 1950s, my daughter was fully toilet trained by 18 months,
while some of her closest friends are still wearing nappies today (she’s already 3 and a
While it’d be nice to pretend that potty training was done and dusted at 18 months, the
truth is that she just no longer needed nappies for back up.

Now, 100% of the time, we relied on our communication to keep my carpets (and my
cupboards, yes, cupboards!) clean…

The trouble is that a child of two has a lot to say about exactly what they want to be
doing and when they want to be doing it.

How does a mother convince a toddler to “step away from the toy and go. to. the. potty.

This was indeed a challenge.

I knew the way I was speaking to my daughter wasn’t working, but again the “parenting
experts” fell short in this area.

The answer was found in a business negotiation book...

You see, I realised that life as a stay-at-home mum is a 24/7, 365-day negotiation!

And in the depths of detailed business negotiation strategies, I found the answers I was
looking for.

I transformed the way I was

● framing my questions to have my daughter engage instead of erupt
● mirroring her desires and emotions so that she felt understood
● and ultimately, getting her to do what I wanted, and go potty already!

In the midst of this day-in, day-out negotiation, I have built a deep understanding of how
to write great sales copy that speaks to the prospect, and ultimately gets them to do
what I want.

When you speak your prospects language, when you make them feel understood and
heard, it becomes effortless to take their hand and walk alongside them towards the
solution you’re selling them.
Unfortunately, there are times when even the most skilled ‘negotiations’ and objection
busting messages simply aren’t getting through, and it’s time to pull out the big guns…

Secret #3
Offer Time Sensitive Bonuses That Get Your Prospect
(and Your Toddler) to Take Action Now

Sometimes, no matter how well I navigate the negotiation, I just cannot get my daughter
to ‘buy in’ to going potty.

That’s when I bring out this play-stopping tactic…

“Sweetheart, before we go to the park, you need to go potty. I’m happy to stay home,
but if you want to go to the park, you need to go potty”

Of course, the bonus being offered is flexible and requires a lot of creativity and
knowledge of the prospect…

If she’s tired, she’ll probably favour a nice snuggle and feed with mummy.

But if she’s bustling with energy (and been begging for a bike ride), the offer will be for
an adventure.

Of course, the same is true in sales.

Sometimes, we copywriters have used everything in our power to convince the prospect
that we understand their pain deeply, we’ve shown them that we can help and offered
them a solution to their problem… but they’re still not ready to buy.

They need that final ‘push’ to purchase, and a time sensitive bonus is the way to do it.

This can’t just be any bonus though! As I shared in my first Secret, a copywriter’s job is
to deeply understand the needs of their prospect.

When it comes to offering a bonus, you need to be sure you’re offering something that
adds value to the offer, and meets your prospect where they’re at.
● Do they have additional questions not answered by your newsletter?
● Is there a ‘first step’ they need before they can implement your advice?
● Or is there an advanced step for people who take serious action and want more?

Package up that advice, and you’ve got yourself a seductive bonus!

Want more ‘Sales Secrets of a Stay At Home Mum’?

If you’ve enjoyed these 3 Sales Secrets of a Stay At Home Mum, then I’ve got great
news for you.

In just a moment, I’ll show you how to get exclusive access to me, the stay-at-home
mum turned direct response marketer behind this letter.

I’ll share exactly how you can make the most of all the expert insight I’ve gained over
three years of breastfeeding, baby raising and potty training (and of course, sales copy

But first, let me introduce myself:

Hi, my name’s Lizzie Mills and I’m a stay-at-home mum turned direct response

Three years ago, I fell in love with direct response copywriting.

Kevin Rogers was launching his Copy Chief community, and from the moment I first
heard him talk about the craft, I was smitten.

As a founding member of Kevin’s community, I’ve gone from “Oh, not copyright” to
up-and-coming rockstar copywriter!

Over the past two months, I launched into part-time freelancing on Upwork, successfully
‘selling myself’ as a junior copywriter for AUD$65 per hour, despite the fact that many of
my peers whinge that “no one is willing to pay”.

Already, my clients love working with me and are leaving rave reviews…
“Five Star Experience! Understood the requirements very quickly and delivered ahead of
expected deadline. Already working on another requirement with Lizzie. Recommended.”

“Understood requirement, shared ideas and concept quickly then produced the content word
perfectly. Look forward to working with again.”
If freelancing is going so well, why would I want to go in-house with Port Phillip

Most of my competitors are desperate to get out of their J.O.B… copywriting is a way to
escape the 9-5 and earn them some serious cash while they’re at it.

For me, it was never about mountains of money. It was never about avoiding a J.O.B.

Becoming a world-class copywriter is something I know I can do. It’s a lifelong career
that allows me to bring massive value to the world, and drastically change the future for
my family.

While freelancing is amazing, and has many perks, I’m drawn to work in such a
reputable Agora division because I’m craving a real-life chief.

The feedback and tear downs I get in Copy Chief are invaluable.

As a newbie, I’m craving having an in-person chief to mentor me… someone that’s
equally as invested in the success of my sales copy and won’t hold back.

All I ask is that you’ll ‘test drive’ working with me for 90 days.

If, for whatever reason, you’re not satisfied we’re a good fit after 90 days of working
together, you’re not locked in. No hard feelings.

So, if you want in on this, now is the time.

Do not delay. Every minute you wait is another moment for {name COMPETITOR
I've been talking to} or any number of direct response companies desperate for
great writing talent to make me an offer.

Email me at {EMAIL address} and make me an offer today!

You’ll not only be getting a pre-trained, ready-to-rock junior copywriter, I’m also throwing
in a batch of my mother’s secret fudge brownies on my first day in the office… but only if
you act fast!
This secret brownie recipe was developed by my mother, a ‘Good Food Guide’ chef with
over 30 years experience.

After years of taste-testing literally hundreds of brownies, she developed the perfect
fudgy brownie recipe. It’s full of chocolatey goodness to reduce tension and give
everyone at Port Phillip Publishing a feel-good morning.

But you need to act fast. Don’t miss this opportunity and let your competitors snag me
before you have time to act.

Looking forward to partnering together,


Lizzie Mills
The best trainee copywriter in Melbourne!

P.S. My mother has agreed to share her secret Perfect Chocolate Fudge Brownie recipe
with you if you act fast and make me an offer.

Trust me, after tasting those brownies on my first day of training… feeling the
chocolatey goodness melt in your mouth… you’ll want the recipe ;)

So take action now, email me at {EMAIL address} and make me an offer today

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