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Key Strengths -

1. Collaborative
- I worked on many team projects. On projects that I directed, I worked effectively to
motivate varied team members and collaborate with them to achieve project objectives.

2. Creativity
- I have designed a bunch of illustrations. I was part of a magazine club in college where I
drew the graphics that were required by the team. Additionally I am part of Adopted Dogs
of India as the Lead Animator where I designed the mascot for their social platform

3. Focused
- I feel designing is a process that involves a lot of hard-work and time. Hence I believe I am
a person who is committed to putting in that time into the work and would not stop until it's
completed and satisfied. One example is when I did an illustration for a magazine where I
sat for 8 hours on a stretch with the aim of completing the task in hand.

4. Flexible
- All my life I have lived in 3 different countries. All these experiences made me highly
flexible and approachable to the environment around me. It taught me how to deal with
people of different nationalities and regions.

5. Attentive/Detail oriented
- Another important skill I have learnt from creating and designing is the attention to detail.
Knowing inside and out is immensely important when it comes to showcasing your product.
For example during my internship I had to give a presentation on Drones and I made sure I
knew every detail showcased in my presentation so that I was able to answer any questions
that came my way.

Key Areas of Improvement

1. Self-criticism
- I tend to be overly critical of myself. Whenever I complete a project or illustration, I feel
like I haven't done a good job. Although the past couple of years I have been working on
being proud of the projects I do.

2. Confrontation
- I don't take confrontation well, whether it be on me or to someone else. I tend to
overthink and not take it constructively. I have been trying to actively voice my opinions and
take other's opinions on me in a good way.

3. Multi-tasking
- I feel when I get involved in a project or designing, I get too involved in that one project on
design and leave everything else behind. I realised this as a weakness and have been
allotting time slots to every work.
I Why do you want to be a Product Analyst? (not more than 200 words)*

I would like to be a Product Analyst as I believe I have the ability to think analytically
and possess problem solving skills. Additionally I feel I work well in teams and would
be able to overcome any obstacles that come my way. In terms of product experience,
I have dwelled into Augmented reality and created and AR view for a company's
product. I believe I am well versed with the research methods and how to gather
insights through research from my time when I had to do my own research for a case
study of an app I designed. Furthermore I have knowledge about Microsoft Office
products which I applied during my internship at Auma Middle East. Overall I believe
I have the knowledge and the skills needed for growing the product from research to

Explain in detail about one of your internships/projects that you think is relevant to Product
Management. (400 words)

I have always been intrigued by how a product is created and the process that goes behind
developing it. With this in mind I designed an app on Figma called TruckHut. TruckHut is a
mobile application for customers to order food for pick-up or delivery from food trucks. The
idea came when i was ordering food from a food delivery app and was unable to find any
food trucks to order from. I believe in this era, food trucks are as good as any restaurant and
they need to be able to have a chance to deliver their food. Besides consumers should also
have an option to pre-order food. Hence after understanding the problems and the niche
market it offers, I conducted research on whether people would actually order from food
trucks and if they did, what kind of concerns they would have. Ultimately after several
rounds of research, I began designing the app keeping in mind the pain points of the user.
My end goal was for the app to have a great User Interface as well as for the consumer to
have an amazing User Experience. I ended the case study by making a High Fidelity
prototype of the product which I then tested out with some of my friends and iterated the
design wherever needed. Through this product, I learnt how to prioritise features such as
accessibility, hone my interview skills and overall the entire process of design thinking.
Moreover the most important skill it taught was to have patience and to keep working hard.

Tell us about a time when you faced a challenge in taking a project to completion and explain
how you went about solving it (Not more than 300 Words)

Currently I am involved in creating an Augmented Reality for a product. This is the first time
I am using the software. Hence the challenge I am facing is the knowing how to use the
software and maximise efficiency. The name of the software is Vectary and it offers a bunch
of features for 3d models. In order to tackle this challenge I looked up for resources and
tutorials online. Every video, every resource made me more and more familiar with the
software and I learnt something new each day. Along with this I looked into bug reports in
the community page where people facing the same issues as me , had posted their
problems. After hours and hours of me sitting in front of the laptop looking for solutions, I
was finally able to complete the product with everything I had in my mind. When the hard
work finally pays off is when you realise it was all worth it , at least this is what my thought
process is like.

Tell us about a time when you had too many things to do and were required to prioritize your
tasks. (Not more than 300 Words)

Back in school my friend and I had co-founded a non-profit online art store called Artistique.
Our main goal was to raise money through the sell of our artwork. All the proceeds then
went to two underprivileged schools in India. During this time I was in charge of Marketing
as well as Business related processes. Along with this, I had school work, exams, extra
classes as well my SAT's. Initially I neglected everything and was fully focused on our
business. Eventually my grades started to drop and that's when I realised I have to prioritise
my time and give equal importance to everything mentioned earlier. Therefore I created a
timetable which would help me in managing all my tasks for that particular day. This is
something I continue to do even now and to-do lists have particularly helped me .

Describe a situation in which you effectively developed a solution to a problem by combining

different perspectives or approaches (Not more than 300 Words)

I have been part of a Non-profit organisation called Adopted Dogs of India since one year
and we basically cater to the adoption of street dogs. We had a google calendar which listed
out the tasks for every department for the month. Overtime the team members lost touch
to checking the calendars and as a result deadlines weren't met. As a consequence , I
proposed a solution where it would be easier to meet short term goals for the time being
rather than our long term goals. I suggested that our members would be more inclined and
pressurised to meet short terms goals for example tasks they have to complete the coming
week instead of the coming month. Additionally I recommended that we shall put weekly
tasks on our whatsapp group itself (where most of the communication takes place) instead
of using calendars. Thereafter the team implemented my suggestions and ever since our
productivity has improved and deadlines have been met.

I am involved in trading cryptocurrency. With trading comes risks which we have to face. I
have been actively trading cryptocurrency since December 2021 and i would have to say
every time I put in some money it is a big risk. As i got more familiar with the platform, I
started to look for information, clues on whether the chart will move uptrend or downtrend.
The more i traded the more i got better and now I am able to use different types of
indicators to take a calculated guess while trading

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