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Tea has been consumed since antiquity. The origin of the beverage remains unknown. The
Chinese are recognized as being regular consumers by the 5th century A.D. Tea was first drunk
for its supposed medicinal properties, but subsequently became accepted merely as a refreshing
beverage. The drinking habit gradually spread along the trade routes of Asia minor and was
introduced to Europe by Dutch traders during 17th century. In England tea overtook coffee in
popularity during the 18thcentury and has been established as the National drink since that time.
Details of preparation and cultivation of tea was written by LU YU in 780 A.D. tea was
introduced in Japan -1000 A.D,India-1818 A.D, Sri Lanka-1880 A.D. and Nepal 1920 B.S. Chief
consumer of tea is U.K. and great tea market is London

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