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No: 600052672 Page 1 out of 78

Word Count: 19437.

What is the particular profile of Alice A. Bailey’s Neotheosophy in relation to

Theosophy in general and its Blavatskyan descent in particular? What influences, the

ideas that Alice A. Bailey advanced or initiated had, within contemporary Western


Submitted by St. No: 600052672 to the University of Exeter as a dissertation

towards the degree of MA in History of Western Esotericism.

August 31, 2012.

St. No: 600052672 Page 2 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.


Here in this paper, a research in Alice A. Bailey’s Neo-theosophy as related to its

Blavatskyan origin and its place within the Western Esoteric current, will follow. A

critical assessment of similarities, differences and innovations in a comparative and

empirical evaluation of her literature (empirical in the way Faivre means the study of

historical and literary data within academic institutions). The material is retrievable

from various sources of primary Theosophical, Neotheosophical and secondary

commentaries of researchers. Complementary access to current web based information

appears essential since new material is available as evinced. The review of some new

information recently published about the texted proceedings of the “Talks” Bailey gave

to her inner cycle of disciples, during the Second World War, will show her

methodology of interaction and organizational details regarding her Arcane School.

Therefore, this research will be an approach that will highlight the probable advances,

which Bailey attempted in her esoteric vision as related to its Blavatskyan origin. In

this respect, the classification of her work, as a cooperation with the ‘Plan’ of the

Spiritual Hierarchy, will emerge through interrelations of esoteric and occult ideas; or

practice and her recorded statements. Therefore, an evaluation of Baileys’ intentions as

related to her work will be possible. The critical argument between traditional

Theosophists, Neotheosophists in which she infrequently engaged will highlight the

repercussion of Bailey’s esoteric initiatives as well as the influence her work had in the

later period. The addressing of the current academic debate regarding the role that

Bailey’s work played within the History of Western Esotericism and Neo-Theosophy in

particular, will be outlining the rationale of this present assessment. In this mode, the
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Word Count: 19437.

scientific enquiry of esoteric literature and practice will address, and monitor, elements

in the examined here historical material and the subjects involved, in search for any

possible, future potential in methodology.

Table of Contents:

 Introduction: from page 3, to page 5.

 Chapter One: from page 5, to page 22.

 Chapter Two: from page 22 to page 43.

 Chapter Three: from page 43 to page 63.

 Conclusion: from page 63 to page 66 .

 Appendix I: page 67.

 Bibliography: from page 68 to page 71 .

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Word Count: 19437.


Evaluation of the work of Alice A. Bailey (1860-1949) as Neo-Theosophy may at first

follow some previous specification of the methodology of approach, that will highlight

evidently the certain contributions and influences Bailey initiated. Initialy, a genetic

approach appears indicative, on the Theosophical inheritance Bailey ‘eclectically’

assimilated as Antoine Faivre poses this methodology within a literary survey; since

Bailey as well borrowed material from certain Theosophers, besides Helena P.

Blavatsky.1 This in combination further with a comparative examination against its

parent ‘Blavatskyan’ doctrine, as well as compared with the early heirs of the Neo-

Theosophy (Leadbeater, Besant); through Margaret Thomas’s work; 2 or through some

primary sources of the aforementioned Neo-Theosophists.3 Nevertheless Hanegraaff’s

‘sympathetic empiricism’ will be another instrument of research needed, as the choice

of the subject and the certain topics of argument for the researcher of a certain esoteric

Antoine Faivre, “Preface: Esotericism and Academic Research.” In Theosophy,
Imagination, Tradition: Studies in Western Esotericism. Trans. Christine Rhone
(Albany: State U of New York P, 2000), p. xxvi, [Hereafter Faivre, Esotericism and
Academic Research]

2 Theosophy Or NeoTheosophy? (reprint of the complete, unabridged original edition)

compiled by Margaret Thomas ,,
[Accessed on 26 January 2012], [Hereafter Thomas, Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy]

Annie Besant, Initiation: The Perfecting of Man, (London: Theosophical Publishing
Society: 1912),, [Accessed on 26
Jan 2012] / Charles Webster Leadbeater, The Masters and the Path: A Treatise on the
Path to Perfection with Its Initiations and Ultimate Goal from a Theosophical
Viewpoint ( Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1925. 354 pp)
St. No: 600052672 Page 5 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

discipline is possibly bound to personal inclination and preference, as Steven J. Sutcliffe


For John Selbi in his research on intermediaries or Inner-plane conducts within Dion

Fortunes’ esotericism, both Wouter Hanegraaff and Arthur Versluis comment on the

complicated nature of esotericism, and emphasize the importance of an etic approach as

essential to lending credence to academic research. 5 Selbi adds that, Emic distinctions

are those, which are meaningful to members of the culture under study, while etic

distinctions such as the wider application of systematic analytical criteria – generally

well understood by the academic community – are those meaningful to the perspective

of scientific observers. 6 Kenneth Pike argued according to Selbi, that both views are

subject to limitation and distortion, so any full and correct interpretation of an event

should include a straddling between both.7 In this respect, a certain level of research and

analysis of Bailey’s work will emerge, through engagement on argument of the

scholarly debate and the examination of the ideas of Bailey as compared or

complemented by those of H.P Blavatsky and her heirs. 8 Sir John Sinclair’s work The

Steven J. Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age: A History of Spiritual Practices
(London: Routledge, 2003), p.13, [Hereafter Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age]
John Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts: Intermediaries in the Western
Esoteric Tradition’, PhD Thesis to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology June 2008, 2 vols., I, p. 21, [Hereafter
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’]
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 21.
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 21.
James A. Santucci, Bailey, ‘Alice Ann, * 16.6.1880
Manchester, † 15.12.1949 New York’, in Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism,
edit. by Wouter J. Hanegraaff and others (Lieden: Brill, 2006, pp.158-60), p. 159,
[Hereafter Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis]
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Word Count: 19437.

Alice Bailey Inheritance published in 1984, can be regarded such an emic-etic example

of approach, since Sinclair was a student in the Arcane School, had met only once

Bailey, but had interacted a lot more with the environment she had lived and worked.9

Sinclair notes how the roots of Bailey’s ideas certainly laid back in the days of

European Renaissance and Reformation and some would say from an even earlier

period.10 A further examination of Bailey’s particular “style” will help academic

research in classifying her work according to the goals she set and the significant

quality she aspired to add in her doctrine, either as an overarching, new esoteric, met-

narrative or as a complementary contribution within the field. A definite answer of the

question, whether she consciously knew her place within the wider esoteric milieu

within which she acted, will help in the codification of the goal of this assessment,

ascribing possibly fresh dynamic in the further academic examination of Bailey’s work.

Chapter One: A Historical and Anthropological evaluation of Bailey’s particular


Bailey’s work could be described as the result of a series of certain coincidence-laden,

life- circumstances that made her express her esoteric work through certain initiatives;

first her Christian-Baptist, upper-class, British background and her later esoteric-

John, Sir, R. Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance: The Inner plane Teachings of
Alice Ann Bailey (1881-1949) and their legacy, (Welling borough UK: Turnstone Press
Limited, pp.208, 1984), Introduction, pp. 9-13, [Hereafter Sinclair, The Alice Bailey

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, pp.9-13.
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Word Count: 19437.

spiritualist (contact with Masters of wisdom) inclinations. 11 Second her early orphanage

and globalized way of life, through extended travelling and cooperation with esotericists

in organizational tasks.12 Finally, the certain historical milieu in which she acted;

(According to Sutcliffe: between two world wars, amongst political internationalist and

pacifist worldviews, through totalist solutions of utopian planners and world

proliferation, of women suffrage movement). 13 For James A. Santucci, Bailey’s

religious upbringing was conservative-Christian but with mystical tendency and

although descending from a prominent family she had a troubled youth life and

attempted to commit suicide three times. 14 Nevertheless her life trend took another turn,

when at the age of fifteen she had an initial conduct with her primary spiritual guide

Master Koothumi, a member of that spiritually advanced hierarchy believed by

Theosophists to disclose elements of the ancient human wisdom.15 Santucci identifies

another event definitive as well, to Baileys’ esoteric inclination her participation – in a

dream state – in a ceremony performed during the May full Moon; she claimed that this

ceremony happened every year at a valley in the Himalayas.16 This must have helped

her recognise her spiritual status and perceive the unity of all existence as divine living,

Sinclair assumes.17 Here perhaps Selbi’s note on Fortune’s Inner conducts is also

applicable since according to Hanegraaf, while any esotericism may be evident

pertaining to features fitting Faivre’s characterization of Bailey’s “Christian theosophy”,

Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 33
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 33
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 33
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.158.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.158.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.158.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.158.
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Word Count: 19437.

this may leave little room for the emergence of new characteristics reflecting Bailey’s

individual temperament.18

All these features and many more – possibly emerging in the track of this assessment –

manifest as the specific characteristics that gave the particular momentum in Bailey’s

work which was focused on three basic expressions.19 That is first, writing her esoteric,

twenty four book-literature, which according to Santucci reflected a Theosophically-

based interpretation of humanity and Cosmos, second her organizing the supporting

Lucis publishing house and the service organizations, (World Good-Will, Triangles)

and third the foundation of her educational organ, the Arcane school. 20 Bailey and her

associates established the Arcane School in 1923 as a correspondence institution

designed initially to answer the questions raised by readers of her publications. 21 As the

name indicates, this esoteric school followed the model of the original Esoteric Section

of Theosophical Society –hereafter T.S – founded by Blavatsky in 1875. 22 Sinclair adds

that Bailey chose the particular name “Arcane” – which means hidden, esoteric, mystery

– since she learnt that Blavatsky had indented also to name the esoteric section of T.S

accordingly. 23 The seven principles or propositions of the Arcane School – hereafter

A.S – according to Santucci were, to be a training school for devoted disciples who are

on the next step of evolution under the recognition of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the

planet and with instructions given to them in a mode of how they could approach and

Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 29.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.158.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.158.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.15.
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Word Count: 19437.

enter the Hierarchy. 24 Additionally the School promoted the ideas that the souls of men

were one and that was a necessity for spiritual life, since the School rejected all claims

of spiritual status, in a non-sectarian, non-political international scope.25 Santucci

explains that these claims emphasized no theological dogmas but taught only the

Ageless Wisdom recognized by all countries through the ages.26 Sutcliffe notes that all

those ideals emerged within an epochal turn making a clear break from the past

manifesting in popular middlebrow and elite cultures alike in the interwar period. 27

Essential as well to the teachings of Arcane School were the idea of the Kingdom of

God or Shamballa and the Hierarchy of the planet already invisibly present which will

materialize eventually on earth.28 Sinclair also adds that among the basic goals of the

School, were the building of the Antahkarana, a Sanskrit term meaning inner and

instrument.29 In a wider sense, Antahkarana means literally the science of the spiritual

path itself because, as Sinclair quotes a Buddhist aphorism, ‘a conscious being walks

the path becoming the path’. 30 Such ideals emerge straight from Indian scripture and the

spider symbol, which ‘out of its substance spins the thread’ that connects it to life and

its sustenance, perhaps a key idea for dealing with Bailey’s ideas since as it will be

apparent later it was an experiential as well as a literally wisdom she proposed.31

Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 33.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.61.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.61.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.61.
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Continuity of revelation down the ages was another fundamental aspect of the School’s

curriculum that admitted God’s revelation from circle to circle to humanity. 32 The idea

of God’s Transcendence as equal to God’s Immanence were emphasized; and that

through human beings – who are in truth the sons of God – three divine aspects

(knowledge, love and will) can be expressed.33 There is only one divine Life expressed

through a multiplicity of forms in all kingdoms of nature and the sons of men are

therefore ONE, Santucci explains, reflecting on Bailey’s ideas. 34 Within each human

being, a point of light - a spark of one Flame - or the Soul, the second aspect of divinity,

is demonstrating divine livingness in each person.35 Finally, humanity’s and

discipleship’s goal, is to become (as individuals and as a human race), a step upon the

way of attainment.36 Upon this esoteric methodology, an ultimate perfection is possible

through the action of the evolutionary process; where ‘myriads of developing lives’ are

lead to those exalted spheres where the Lord of the World works his Divine Plan.37 In

this process, human beings are developing to managers of certain Immutable Laws,

which as they are known and mastered, are manipulated and eventually transcended;

with basic law, underlying all in God’s manifested world, that of Love.38 Arthur

Versluis, too, emphasizes esotericism’s ‘vertical’ component, and suggests that Faivre

has not sufficiently stressed the 'gnostic', or experiential, dimension, an element that

Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159-60
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159-60.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
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Versluis considers pivotal to the full understanding of esoteric spirituality. 39 In this

respect, Sinclair explains how Bailey through her second Master the Tibetan, saw a

parallel integration in the planetary and human evolutions where certain cosmic forces

were assimilated through centers of focus where nations and individuals shared

alternatively heart and mind – suggesting possibly the wisdom aspect of knowledge that

entails consciousness – as points of fused perception.40

Sutcliffe notes, that this historical and cultural environment where Bailey acted

reflected certain new ideals for reconstruction; which ‘were welcomed as a celebration

of the creative energy of this world in which we live and work’ along with the

Architecture of Walter Gropius and Bauhaus. 41 Humanity in this period needed,

Sutcliffe proceeds, to master a world of science and technology of speed and danger, of

hard struggles and no personal security where atonal music with no hierarchies and a

center, were the cultural exponents.42 As an answer to the above, the League of Nations

was established in 1919, which reflected the spirit of the age for a future utopian world

state under the new technological and cultural impacts, with achievements as the full

suffrage for women in 1900 and the first labor government in 1924 in the United

Kingdom.43 Bailey projected her cosmology down to the human body as the macrocosm

of lesser kingdoms (animal, vegetable, mineral) incorporating and furthering hers study

of the whole Eastern concept of energy chakras and the corresponding endocrine

glandular system which was still in that historical point little studied by contemporary

Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 28.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.158.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 33.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 33.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 33.
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Word Count: 19437.

science. 44 Sinclair adds that Bailey’s Tibetan Master wished to found his vision for right

human relations to that certain alignment of energies and mechanisms of cosmic

correspondences. 45 Disciples in order to become receptacles of higher spiritual ideals

should overcome the five modifications of the lower mind through non-attachment with

the lower life and identification with their higher selves in a spiritual discipline

resolving the mystery of the Makaras – the human hierarchy – and walking the path of

the Kumaras as indicated by Blavatsky. 46

The underlying Plan behind the aggregation of disciples around the Masters and the

Spiritual Hierarchy, according to Sinclair, and as reflected in Bailey’s literature, can be

comprised in the formation of ten separate but closely related groups, each one having

its inner counterpart.47 The ten inner groups are forming accordingly one Fundamental

Group related to Ashrams or schools of Masters, each one being expressive of or

governed by ten laws, embodying the controlling factors of group work.48 A law

Sinclair proceeds, is an expression or manifestation of a force applied under the power

of thought by a thinker or group of thinkers. 49 But this law is the apparent expression of

an underlying reality, Bailey codified as the Law of Love or Adjustment or Balance, the

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.157.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.157.
Alice A. Bailey, The Light of the Soul, (New York, London: Lucis Publishing
Company, pp. 458, 1927), p. 13, [Hereafter Bailey, The Light of the Soul]/The
modifications of the mind: right knowledge, wrong knowledge, fancy, passivity (sleep)
and memory, Bailey, The Light of the Soul, p. 3.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.111.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.111.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.111.
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Word Count: 19437.

basic law of the solar system thus expressing the need for addressing laws applying to

qualities and consciousness rather than physical forces which after all are (the letter)

only effects of the fundamental Laws. 50 These ten groups, embodied ten types of force,

and working synthetically to express ten laws are an effort to bring a new and different

condition and hence produce a new and better civilization. 51 The coming Aquarian

Age, following the present Piscean, would be the consummation where these outer

groups were going to be the tentative and experimental effort, which would show how

far humanity is ready for such an endeavor.52 Nicholas Campion notes, how Bailey

signified the emergence of the New Age when the sun would rose in the constellation

Aquarius during the spring equinox erroneously though during the end of the twentieth

century.53 The aforementioned ten groups are, Telepathic Communicators, Trained

Observers, Magnetic Healers, Educators of the New Age, Political Organizers, and

Workers in the fields of Religion, Scientific Servers, Psychologists, Financiers-

Economists and Creative Workers.54 For Sinclair four of these groups could be

identified in embryonic existence while an International network of ecumenical nature

called Meditation Group for the New Age and other small initiatives would also be

working around this idea of a global vanguard for the New Age during Sinclair’s

research in the 1980’s. 55 As Campion also adds, Bailey was deeply committed to the

apocalyptical global crisis and that the New Age would initiate the unified will of

Alice A. Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire (New York: Lucis Publishing Company,
1979), p. 1166, [Hereafter Treatise on Cosmic Fire]
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.111.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.111.
Nicholas Campion, A History of Western Astrology: The Medieval and Modern
Worlds, 2 vols, II, (London: Continuum, 371 pp., 2009), p.241, [Hereafter, Campion, A
History of Western Astrology, II]
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.111-12.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.111-2.
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humanity under the due unfoldment of the mind, through the success of the evolutionary

process - for which the ten groups were indented to attend.56

The One Fundamental Lodge overshadowing the aforementioned groups was

Shamballa, the place of purpose, which is not unintelligible until the Hierarchy’s Plan is

a conscious choice in someone’s life.57 Shamballa was not a way, but a major centre of

states of consciousness and static energy that were held ready for creative purposes by

focused intention of the Great Council under the direct eye of the Lord of World, the

planetary Over-Soul.58 Shamballa, was a major point of tension upon the planet, a

tension expressed through loving intelligence and will, free from all self-will or mental

bias.59 Shamballa was a major reception agent upon the planet from the angle of solar

inflow of cosmic energies but at the same time the main distributing point of energy

from the angle of the kingdoms in nature.60 Shamballa mediated in the planet through

the fifth kingdom of God or Souls and from there the life pattern of the planetary logos

or planetary Soul embodied finally and matured through the processes of evolution. 61

Shamballa received energy from various solar and extra-solar entities or centers of

empathic and life energy as for example from Venus, the central Spiritual Sun or the

current conditioning constellations our sun may be passing, from the Great Bear, the

Pleiades and other cosmic centers.62 Sirius also was an important factor in spiritual life

of the planet bringing energies upon the Spiritual Hierarchy, while our solar system was

Campion, A History of Western Astrology, II, p. 241 .
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.122.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.122.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.122.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.122.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.122.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.122.
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comprised within a more complex entity along with six other solar systems called in

their unity the One About Whom, Naught Can Be Said, or OAHNCBS.63 As Campion

examines Bailey’s astrological theory, he suggests that understanding of her astrology

may be pursued within her Gnostic emphasis on the inner, divine demand for personal

transformation with the use of astrology. 64 This astrological framework for Campion is

directly related with classical Platonic, Gnostic and Hermetic strands of thought and a

cosmology deeply rooted in the idea of cosmos as essentially a spiritual entity in which

human beings can pursue their fulfillment and personal transformation in contrast with

the Christian goal of opening one’s higher, rational soul to the Divine. 65

Alice Bailey worked as an amanuensis or secretary and to some extent a personal

assistant to a Tibetan Master using the nome de plume Djwal Khul or D.K and for thirty

years, this cooperative activity produced a large amount of teachings of a philosophic,

psychological and esoteric nature.66 Because of that teaching, a variety of spiritually

oriented educational activities came into being and “during the cooperation of these

remarkable partners”, Sinclair notes, “they carried on their lives in separate locations

and communicated in a largely subjective fashion”.67 The ideas that developed in the

A.S in accordance with the certain historical environment that manifested, must have

lead to the formation of two succeeding organizations as the channels of the activity

inspired to initiate in the world, under the light of the teachings given by the Tibetan. 68

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.122.
Campion, A History of Western Astrology, II, p. 242.
Campion, A History of Western Astrology, II, p. 242 .
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.15.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.15.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
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Word Count: 19437.

It was first the “Men of Goodwill” later to be named ‘World Goodwill” in 1923 aspiring

to ‘establish human relations on the principle of “brotherhood”, non discrimination with

respect to race, religion, ideology, politics and economic convictions’. 69 Sutcliffe notes

how popular was in this period the consumer culture, which vied with totalistic

solutions of utopian planners and new Modernist aesthetic alike, generating rich but

volatile subjectivities in everyday life with religion being no exception in this

situation. 70 Such connection of Modernism’s esoteric aspects and ideas over the then

coming cosmological transformation from the old dead world to a new one of brimming

spiritual life, is suggested by Campion as well; with distinguished contemporary artists

steeped in Theosophy as Schoenberg, Scriabin, Klee, Mondrian, Gropius and

Zemlinksky. 71 Hardly any exoteric cult was able to show men how to overcome world

conditions, and offer convincing proof of truths of its creeds; so vast numbers, even

spiritually oriented, were turning away from organized religion towards other directions

in order to built their lives. 72 Quoting the editor the Occult review magazine, Sutcliffe

notes how the literature of spiritual quest especially from the psychological point had

increased popular interest.73 “Triangles” were the second organization to establish in

1937 under the principle of networking; that allowed three individuals to “link each

other’s thoughts for a few minutes of creative meditation”. 74 These two organizations –

linked as a microcosm of relationships – functioned on personal/soul levels embodying

‘spirituality’; purportedly with no relation to any one religion. 75 World Goodwill

Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 34.

Campion, A History of Western Astrology, II, p242.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 34.
Occult review, 62:4, 1935, 219/Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 34.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
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Word Count: 19437.

emphasized on ethics based on “Will to Good” expressed through the esoteric

philosophy of the Arcane School and the publications of the Tibetan. 76 Group, Guild,

Lodge or Ashram whatever one chooses to call this network of goodwill – including the

three organizations, the collective of Spiritual guides and its global network – Bailey

referred to it collectively as the Hierarchy. 77 Sinclair notes, the organic structure of this

network, offered a pathway of ascent or liberation from the frustrating limitations of the

human state and an opportunity to realize the full potential of the souls’ essence or

spiritual component within each conscious being, since human relations were upgraded

on spiritual levels with practical procedures of relating and fusing as souls. 78

All the teachings and service activities according to Santucci emerged as codified within

the “Great Invocation”, the text all disciples were endorsed to recite at the end of their

meditation.79 The Plan of the Hierarchy for planet earth and its humanity, according to

Sinclair, involved the production of a subjective or underlying synthesis in humanity

and of a telepathic interplay, which would eventually annihilate time where astrology

perhaps offered such a new framework with its large periods.80 This would make

available to every human being, the true significance of his mind and brain and would

make him/her the master of that equipment and would render him/her therefore

Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.16.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.16.
From the point of Light within the Mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds
of men; let light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God, let
love stream forth into the hearts of men; may Christ return to Earth. From the centre
where the Will of God is known, let purpose guide the little wills of men; the purpose
which the Masters know and serve. From the centre, which we call the race of men, let
the Plan of Love and Light workout; and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let
Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth’/ Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in
Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.124.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.16.
St. No: 600052672 Page 18 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

omniscient and eventually open the door to omniscience. 81 Next, the development of the

Plan would produce in each human being an understanding – intelligent and cooperative

– of the divine purpose for which the ‘One in Whom we live’, the Planetary Logos has

deemed wise to submit to incarnation. 82 Bailey in the private “Talks” she had with the

core-group of close disciples made a definite discrimination between receiving

impressions of the Plan which was a characteristic of initiates under the third degree and

those beyond who could incorporate actually the Purpose and the Divine Rhythmic Life

– something like contemplatives and executives possibly related to psychological terms

introvert and extrovert .83

In this small initial group, Bailey worked to inspire its members to become a dynamic

centre of spiritual life, the head and the heart of the School that they managed, and

explained how this urge to organization was a spontaneous reaction to the Will the

Masters of Wisdom radiated through Their sacrifice and Purpose.84 The goal set thus

from the A.S was to take the disciples out of the mental plane towards intuition but

through and not abolishing any technical or academic knowledge that had led them in

the School so far.85 Intuition approached only academically was dangerous for disciples

who needed additionally “invocative, underlying reason behind life”, Bailey

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.124.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.124.
Alice Bailey’s Talks,, March 5 1941,
p. 2, [Accessed on 02 September 2011], [Hereafter Bailey, “Talks”, date ]

Bailey, “Talks”, March 5 1941, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 5 1941, p. 3.
St. No: 600052672 Page 19 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

admonished.86 Invocative according to Bailey was a group when whatever was said for

the individual could also be said about the group attracting thus spiritual life from the

Hierarchy. 87 Such surrender of personal interest for group life would open a “door” for

greater Life, to pour in becoming a straight channel and thus joining the larger group of

universal, Hierarchical outlook.88 In esoteric terms, the group members had to attain a

certain vibration of living, thought and invocative attitude to reverberate the Word of

God, the sacred three-partite Mantram, OM, broken down accordingly to a sevenfold

sound that imitated the actual, real Sound, kept in South India by two Brahm-atmas or

Adepts of the Occult knowledge, according to Blavatsky. 89 In this atonement of the

disciple with the sound of his soul and later with the group soul, reflecting the Second

Person of the Divine Trinity (Christ), Bailey focused the meaning of occultism; the

reaching of the certain vibration that would enable any form to receive higher Purpose. 90

The whole process of invocation, Bailey schematically described it, as a six-pointed

triangle with one triangle looking upwards and comprising the Divine Contemplatives

the Nirmanakayas in Sanskrit or the Registrants of Purpose.91 These Beings, were in

bodiless, spiritual existence and in deep meditation like the Buddha and his Arhats;

and were keeping the channel open, between planet Earth, planet Venus and the central

Spiritual Sun. 92 The other triangle of this occult symbol of invocation, was looking

downwards and impressing the Custodians of the Will, the Masters and their disciples,

Bailey, “Talks”, March 5 1941, p. 4.
Bailey, “Talks”, September 17 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, September 17 1943, p. 3.
Bailey, “Talks”, November 19 1943, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, November 19 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, December 2 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, December 2 1943, p. 2.
St. No: 600052672 Page 20 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

laden with the implementation of the Plan on Earth.93 This was for Bailey a pattern that

underlied everything within planetary and solar life explaining the inherent duality

found everywhere, which could apply within Arcane School functions, as well. 94

Shamballa as the meeting point and planetary coordinator of this process focused and

distributed three great energies within its centre, first Energy to Purify, second Energy

to Destroy and third Energy to Organize. 95 Arcane School members, according to

Bailey, had to bring down such energies mediated for humanity and lesser kingdoms in

nature within the process of perfection inherent in substance aspect of matter.96 That

meant the gradual adaptation of form to the spiritual aspect, living behind any tendency

in nature that veils or hides the glory of God or else the energy that substitutes good for


The human Monad was the spiritual correspondent of Shamballa for the individual

disciple and related him with the forces of planet Pluto, the Central Spiritual Sun and

another planet unnamed or hidden.98 By evocation of the will that is by dynamic

adaptation of one’s life to spiritual issues, death of the lower aspects was the hidden

force, found behind the reservoir of life; that explained Blavatsky’s writing in the Voice

of Silence, “kill desire”, but which went further into suggesting power and life behind

Bailey, “Talks”, December 2 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, December 2 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 28, 1944, p. 6.

Bailey, “Talks”, January 28, 1944, p. 6.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 28, 1944, p. 6.
Bailey, “Talks”, February 25 1944, p. 2.
St. No: 600052672 Page 21 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

the killing of old patterns of life. 99 The Monadic or sixth plane, counting from the

bottom upwards constituted according to Bailey, the sixth kingdom of the

overshadowing Triads.100 They constitute the aggregation of liberated Lives of which

the higher initiates of the Hierarchy are to the Spiritual Group of Divine Meditarors

(Nirmanakayas and Masters) what the New Group of World Servers – the

aforementioned underlying intuitionally related group of occult human helpers of

Hierarchy – are to humanity. 101 The seventh kingdom is that of the Lives Who

participate in full capacity of understanding with the group of Beings Who are the

Council at Shamballa around the Lord of the World.102 He accordingly is the custodian

on planet Earth of the Great White Lodge on Sirius; He is surrounded from the Buddhas

of activity and they all constitute the Kumaras that once a year, through Their emissary

the Buddha, it is safe to conduct the Hierarchy and through the Christ the humanity in

the May Full Moon festival. 103

Possible similarities and differences in Bailey’s activity may prove emerging as related

to her proximate Theosophical tradition. It may be possible to identify whether she drew

inspiration from her contemporary esotericists or even more if she indented to

complement their ideas. Bailey had an initial conduct with T.S in 1915 and she

immediately exposed herself to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s literature specifically the

Secret Doctrine and Blavatsky’s heir Annie Besant’s (1847-1933) books.104 In addition,

Bailey, “Talks”, February 25 1944, p. 2
Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 7.
Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 7.
Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 7.
Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 7.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.158.
St. No: 600052672 Page 22 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

she studied in general the writings of the 'second-generation' Neo-Theosophists, besides

Annie Besant or Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854-1934), such as Subba Row (1856–

90) while her attention focused on the elaboration of a detailed cosmology and complex

descriptions of the cyclical life evolution through successive planetary chains, rounds,

globes, root-races and sub-root-races.105 Bailey then having mastered the Theosophical

worldview as basic to her understanding of ancient wisdom, proceeded in her own

revelation of esoteric knowledge as given to her by her next Master – besides Koothumi

- Djwal Khul or D.K who appeared in her life in 1919.106 Bailey gave the status of these

Beings with D.K a fourth to fifth initiation Master and Koothumi a Chohan of sixth


A phenomenological and comparative lining up against other works of Neo-

Theosophists’, activities and interaction, will make more evident any special esoteric

identity, Bailey may have wished to promote. One of the Arcane School’s practices

involved a form of Pythagorean ‘evening review’, which Sinclair admits having heard,

was called “the midnight tribunal”; where the student is encouraged to unroll the day’s

experiences backwards like a reversed film. 108 He or she the student was not encouraged

to moralize about what appears in the sense of applying condemnation or applause but

Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke,’ The Coming of the Masters: The Evolutionary
Reformulation of Spiritual Intermediaries in Modern Theosophy’, Presented at the
inaugural conference of the European Society for the Study of Esotericism (ESSWE),
Constructing Tradition: Means and Myths of Transmission in Western Esotericism at
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, 22nd July 2007, p.29, [Hereafter Goodrick-Clarke, The
Coming of the Masters]
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Bailey “Talks”, May 2 1944, p. 1.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.76.
St. No: 600052672 Page 23 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

simply observe quietly the connection between cause and effect of daily events and

reactions.109 The Arcane School, as admitted by Bailey according to the proceedings of

the “Talks”, had gathered in her ranks aspirants of occult wisdom who were preparing

for the second initiation; thus emphasis of training should focus to the disciplines of the

soul mostly.110

Sinclair argues that the fourth task besides studying world problems, spreading

knowledge of WAESAK Festival and working for preparation of the Second Coming (of

the Christ), was the regenerating of Money. 111 Bailey made a definite synthesis between

the creativity and sane money distribution and the Christian aphorism ‘love of money is

the root of evil’ in such a way offering a vital and promising field for her disciples,

presenting money as a potential spiritual tool, divested of any morbid love for the actual

means.112 As manifestation or crystallization of energy, money could be used and

applied in different ways since the quality of the motive behind the one handling it and

the creativity of his thoughts could determine the magnetism of his power as well as his

group’s, as a centre of service. 113 Thus, the steady and adequate flow of etheric energy

or subtle electromagnetic forces – based on established attraction – created the tracks

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.76.

Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 3.

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.79.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.79.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.80.
St. No: 600052672 Page 24 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

that money could then follow magnetically. 114 The basic formula for the manifestation

of money for hierarchical causes – in the case of Bailey’s group but with general

application as well was – the simultaneous presence of need, love and magnetic power,

perhaps created through souls contingency common evolutionary goals for individual

and enterprises.115 It was the transmutative power of lesser correspondences to higher

ones through right love, meditation and right technique, which fulfilled this financial

requirement of Bailey’s group work, Sinclair notes.116 Bailey found hindering, how the

members of her group could become adequately mental or emotional but not enough

vital, stressing the need to get closer to the sound of the group’s soul in order to create

such sound, mental and etheric vehicles and to become potent in the creation of

financial resources.117

Chapter Two: The Theosophical Ideas that Alice A. Bailey examined in her

esoteric work.

Through the study of her literary work and through the research on the organizational

initiatives and the methodology she chose to follow, it is possibly emerging for further

investigation how Bailey promoted a certain esoteric discipline. This certain esoteric

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.80.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.88.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.88.
Bailey, “Talks”, November 19 1943, p. 3.
St. No: 600052672 Page 25 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

attitude emphasized in the spiritual progress of the individual students of esotericism

through Occult meditation on the Plan, that the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet wanted

to advance, through its cooperation with humanity. According to Santucci the ideas that

D.K impressed on Bailey are first, that there is a divine Plan in the universe; second,

that those who execute the Plan and who guide Humanity make up a Hierarchy of

spiritual leaders led by the Christ; and third, that there are the Laws of Cause and Effect

and Rebirth (karma and reincarnation).118 A Divine Plan fulfilled through a succession

of races and civilizations, executed by the Christ and his Hierarchy of spiritual leaders

of humanity the Masters of Wisdom (Mahatmas) and a Law of cause and effect and

rebirth (karma and reincarnation), are what Nickolas Goodrick-Clarke also suggests for

the outline of the Tibetan’s Plan.119 Antoine Faivre’s six ‘fundamental characteristics’

of esotericism could be a classic example of the imposition of a purely etic framework

upon categories of esoteric thought which in the end might only be capable of being

defined satisfactorily in emic terms, but no dismissing of any use of such classification

as non-contingent to this research is also esteemed preferable. 120

Bailey having personified – as earlier Theosophists – the amanuensis of a certain

Master of Wisdom (Djwal Khul) or the Tibetan, in a ‘lower spiral’ of esoteric

correspondences, she wanted her students to ‘step down’ the cosmic evolutionary Plan

to humanity accordingly. 121 Sinclair quotes the Tibetan explaining the process of his

effort, to include in his aura the group of disciples and gauge their general condition of

Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Goodrick-Clarke, ‘The Coming of the Masters’, p. 23.
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 23.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.25.
St. No: 600052672 Page 26 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

receptivity. 122 It was from the disciples’ side to train their minds to receive abstractly

the instructions sent by their Master.123 The Master had to isolate in his consciousness

the extent of the instruction, keeping detached from all other concerns and formulate

thus the though-from of the teaching related to past and future wisdom. 124 Then

entering into a meditative condition he started pouring in a steady stream of constructive

sentences and thus conveyed successfully the vision to Bailey. 125 Bailey attempted to be

more specific regarding occult methods of meditation and conduct with the Masters and

in her book The Light of Soul, paraphrasing Indian sage Pantajali’s Yoga Sutras,

indicated the actual technique of reaching Occult Wisdom and the Masters in the inner

planes.126 She went some steps further in her occult teaching admonishing her disciples

to transcend the form of meditation of mystical visioning for the satisfaction of the mind

towards genuine occult energy direction called contemplation. 127 Bailey also explained

that in order to become possible any impression from the Tibetan, “I had to study for

three years the Secret Doctrine and sort it out in my consciousness”. 128

Her vast corpus of published literary work started in 1922 with Initiation Human and

Solar and continued in 1925 with Treatise on Cosmic Fire.129 In writing the second of

these books, Bailey admits that she had to establish a sensitivity to abstract her

consciousness within, that she felt so alive to be able to have carried her thought so far

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.25.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.25.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.25.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.25.
Alice A. Bailey, The Light of the Soul: The Yoga Sutras of Pantajali (London: Lucis
Publishing Company, pp. 458, 1997), p. 313, [Hereafter Bailey, The Light of the Soul]
Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 4.
Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 2.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
St. No: 600052672 Page 27 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

that no other factor could hinder such process. 130 For Goodrick-Clark, Bailey's second

major book, Initiation, Human and Solar, outlines how the Hierarchy seeks to develop

self-consciousness in all beings in the five kingdoms of nature (mineral, vegetable,

animal, human, and spiritual) on the evolutionary arc.131 Solar and Planetary Hierarchies

involve a Solar Trinity and Seven Rays thus re-introducing a concept that first appeared

in by Indian Theosopher Subba Row and Blavatsky's esoteric teachings of the late

1880s.132 In these works, she gave a detailed description of how macro-microcosm

emanated from a “Boundless Immutable Principle” interpreted by Bailey as, identical

with Blavatsky’s Parabrahm in Secret Doctrine. 133 On macrocosmic level, arise three

Logoi “Undifferentiated and Unmanifested”, that is the aspects of “Duality Spirit-

Matter” & their third middle point “Cosmic Ideation” or (Universal World-Soul, the

Creator).134 From the three then, Logoi and universes manifest which comprise in their

turn: Manifesting “Stars and Solar Systems”. 135 Three micro-macrocosmic laws are

associated with the three Logoi as cosmic functions, that is the Law of Synthesis

(expressed as Will), of Attraction or Love or Ballance (expressed as Love) and

Economy (expressed as Intelligence). 136 Another Law that Bailey put into her equation,

probably a lesser Law within the primary of Economy and pertaining to the Matter

Aspect was the Law of Repulsion. 137 Actually, Bailey explained, this Law worked due

Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 2.
Goodrick-Clarke, The Coming of the Masters, p. 23.
Goodrick-Clarke, The Coming of the Masters, p. 23.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159-60.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159-60.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 151
St. No: 600052672 Page 28 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

to matter’s cyclic rotation, a movement distinct from the spiral-ascending movement for

Consciousness and the straightforward movement of Spirit.138

Seven centers of “Logoic Force”, also known as the seven Planetary Logoi are the focal

points of the Seven Rays, which emanate from the aforementioned Laws. They are Ray

I (the Ray of Will or Power), II (Love-Wisdom), III (Active Intelligence), IV (Harmony,

Beauty and Art through conflict), V (Concrete Knowledge or Science), VI (Devotion or

Abstract Idealism), and VII (Ceremonial Magic or Order).139 Santucci paraphrasing

Bailey’s words, attempts to explain the idea of the Seven Rays as, the ‘particular force

or type of energy, with the emphasis upon the quality which that force exhibits and not

upon the form aspect which it creates’.140 That doctrine is supposed to explain qualities

of all humanity races, cycles of nations, features of human soul and personality and

elements of human, mental, astral and physical bodies; that is, demanding the appeal to

the wisdom aspects of human knowledge. 141 Bailey through her literature explained that

a special relation between the Seven Stars or Rishis of the Polar Bear and the Seven

Pleiades or ‘Sisters’ was the magnetic pathway for the Seven Rays; something that

Bailey also identified to Blavatsky’s references in the Secret Doctrine. 142 Initially these

Rays were evolutionary represented by five Kumaras or Spiritual Beings –expressing

the four lower Rays (IV, V, VI and VII) and their synthetic the III – that obeyed the

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 151.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.159.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 349/ Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine:
The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, 3 vols. (London: The Theosophical
Publishing House, 1888), [Hereafter Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, 3 vols.].
St. No: 600052672 Page 29 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Law and took human form on planet Earth initiating thus human life; something again

that Bailey identifies within The Secret Doctrine.143 Nevertheless Bailey adds quoting

Blavatsky, only when the fivefold Third aspect or Brahman is spiritually united with the

two remaining overshadowing divine aspects, that the real HUMAN is consummated.144

That is all lesser Rays fused within the major Third Ray and then with the remaining,

overshadowing Divine Will and Love Rays creating either a Heavenly Man as a Solar

Logos or a Planetary One.145 Bailey thus drew a definite line of demarcation between

the aforementioned manas or pure Deva/Angelic evolution from the human

consciousness evolution; now consciousness journeying upwards from the lesser three

kingdoms (mineral, vegetable, animal) could straddle evolutionary in this way via the

human kingdom upon the Angelic levels, or Hierarchies, in its journey. 146

The project that Bailey had in mind pursued a strategy of enforcing with spiritual

wisdom and protection her disciples through Occult knowledge, given to advance the

health, wisdom and their higher-psychic abilities.147 Group work and integration was

intentional and a focused goal that pursued astrological knowledge, study and

visualization on world problems. 148 It was the authority of a united loyalty and

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 361.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 404.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 404.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 404.
Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing, (London: Lucis Publishing Company, 2007) /
Discipleship in the New Age, 2 vols, (London: Lucis Publishing Company, 1954, 1955)
/ Esoteric Healing, 2 vols, (London: Lucis Publishing Company, 1936, 1942)
Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, (London: Lucis Publishing Company, 1997),
[Hereafter Bailey, Esoteric Astrology / Glamour a World Problem (London: Lucis
Publishing Company, 1950), [Hereafter Bailey Glamour a World Problem]
St. No: 600052672 Page 30 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

responsibility to group intention, Bailey explained, that superseded the need for any

authority recognized in an individual, thus suggesting personal integration in group-

life.149 It was stressed to Arcane Schools disciples the need to develop their mental

equipment in order to be analytical in their own investigation of occult truths; so the

leader of the group, Bailey, followed the method of suggestions rather than

commands.150 This demanded regarding heart and head as organs of equal importance

since the goal was eventually the group members to work from spiritual levels

eventually; thus directing forces into the threefold world suffused with Hierarchical

Purpose, thus making them compassionate agents of occult divine forces which should

be carefully stepped-dawn to humanity.151

The spiritual inertia of humanity focused particularly in World Glamour, could have its

countermeasure through White Magic and the study on Cosmic and planetary Initiation.
The concept of the continuity of Divine revelation was stressed and a certain aspect

of the plan for the establishing of future schools of Occultism exoteric and esoteric

world-wide, was trusted by the Spiritual Hierarchy in Bailey’s genealogy. 153

Additionally, other hinds for further advancement in esoteric knowledge were given, as

for example in astrology and the manipulation of the evolution of lower elementary

forces. 154 Selbi notes that terms 'occult science' (the link between psychology and

Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 3.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 3.
Alice A. Bailey, Treatise on White Magic (London: Lucis Publishing Company,
1997) / Initiation Human and Solar (London: Lucis Publishing Company, 1997)
Alice A. Bailey, Letter on Occult Meditation, (London: Lucis Publishing Company,
2001), p.278, [Hereafter Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation]
Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 192.
St. No: 600052672 Page 31 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

religion) and 'occult philosophy' and the word 'science' have for several generations of

educated readers seemed incongruous in this context.155 This is perhaps a phenomenon

that is due to change, if scholars heed Needleman’s desideratum of paying attention to

‘vertical’ as well to as to the ‘horizontal’ cultural and historical dimensions and his call

for more dialogue between scholars and experiencers. 156

Sinclair explains how Bailey further expanded Blavatsky’s Fire Philosophy making the

distinction of three fiery esoteric aspects with reference to external manifested world

and the inner force and spiritual planes. 157 It was the fire inherent in matter expressed

through the various attributes of electricity dealt diligently from contemporary science,

the solar fire pertaining to inner laws of cosmic coherence and qualities of energies and

forces beyond the physical planes and finally the “Electric” or Spiritual fire related to

casual levels of existence.158 All the above Sinclair classifies within the hylozoistic

concept of continuity between spiritual and material planes both advocated by

Blavatsky’s literature and further expanded is some certain way by Bailey; especially in

her Magnus Opus, Treatise on Cosmic Fire which she attributed the title of the

psychological companion of Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine. 159 Bailey further developed

this Fire philosophy expanding what Blavatsky had already recognized as a complete

Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 32.
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 32.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.165.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.165.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.165/ Blavatsky, The Secret
Doctrine, II, 711, 725, 726.
St. No: 600052672 Page 32 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

web of forty-nine lesser fires within planetary manifestation that was possibly

implemented by Bailey’s organizational ideas regarding Ashramic networking.160

During group sessions with close associates, Bailey discusses how gradually disciples

should master each one fire within the seven sub-planes of the cosmic physical plane. 161

Regarding the A.S, Bailey made a definite distinction from any certain plan set by a

Master for its establishing, indicating that the School was just a transportation station

helping disciples move eventually to their egoic/soul Ashrams or vocational groups

within Buddhic or Intuitive planes.162 Tuning to the High Purpose of Divine Will and

serving it was a task that implemented plunging in Buddhic planes and drawing dawn

initiating fire and understanding, Bailey continues. 163 Nevertheless, Bailey did not

vision any secluded “spiritual” initiative for the future activities of the Arcane School;

and she discussed with close associates how positive “occultists” within other social

groups were congenial to the Plan and how the idea of a financial Hierarchy for

example, linked with the planetary Spiritual Hierarchy should emerge.164 Bailey

discussed with her associates extensively about the Second World War during the actual

years (1941-1943) and related this outbreak as a reaction of humanity to Shamballa

forces and the realigning of the planet with Divine Purpose.165 Bailey focused on the

potential break of past ideological boundaries in Europe and the opportunity that

emerged for cooperation of positive groups in the rehabilitation of humanity and

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 629/ Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, I, p. 567.
Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 1.
Bailey “Talks”, March 12 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 26 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, April 9 1943, p. 4.
Bailey, “Talks”, November 19 1943, p. 5.
St. No: 600052672 Page 33 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

reconstruction of civilization.166 She used esoteric terms to explain this vision talking

about new etheric bounds along these group conscious organizations that would emerge,

promoting a broader vision and cooperating intelligently with the seven major Ashrams

on all levels of religion, psychology, financing, politics and social organization, arts,

science. 167

The description and understanding of the ideas Bailey examined and the activities,

through which she chose to externalize her world-view, outline her certain esoteric-

Theosophical profile she chose, and make valuable any further contradiction with any

scholarly or Theosophical literature. She made a definite distinction between mystical

idealism interested only for technical occultism and expressed her preference for

practical occultism meeting world need, pioneering in human consciousness, breaking

and destroying crystallized forms thus moving both upon the levels of high vision and

practical human affairs.168 Bailey for Selbi following other Neotheosophists based her

literature in the idea of the planetary ‘Spiritual Hierarchy’, an aftereffect of the Seven

Rays and derived it from HPB’s ‘Hierarchy of Compassion’ which later

led to the New Age concept of the ‘Great White Brotherhood’. She detailed Three

Departmental Heads:1. The Manu; 2. Bodhisattva (the Christ, the World Teacher); 3.

The Mahachohan followed by other Masters distributed among the last 4 Rays:

Bailey, “Talks”, November 19 1943, p. 5.
Bailey, “Talks”, November 19 1943, p. 5.
Bailey “Talks”, April 23 1943, p. 1.
St. No: 600052672 Page 34 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Morya, Koot Hoomi or Koothumi, Djwahl Khul, The Venetian, Serapis, Hilarion, Jesus,

the Master Rackoczy (only mentioned by HPB, but elevated to Mastership by

Leadbeater in his Masters and the Path).169

Bailey adopted Blavatsky’s idea that everything within gross matter was not a principle

and in this was included the human body.170 This ideal Bailey implemented in the

Arcane School’s close core of disciples; she initiated a tone of not discussing anything

organizational and technical in terms of concrete plans within the group meditation

sessions.171 She wanted to imitate the way of the Masters, from their secluded higher

planes, inspired lesser lives through intuition and telepathy. 172 Nevertheless, she also

recognized that within the status of the Arcane School members, any consecutive

passive stance surmised wrongly from this attitude would not meet the need for external

activism she promoted.173 “The technique of standing” was for them excluded since it

appealed to high degree initiates and active movement forward, seemed imperative

instead.174 Bailey noted how the rhythm always present in manifested life could not

stand any further spiritual inertia, which dominated exceedingly the world.175 The

Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 6.
Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, 2 vols., II (New York: Lucis Publishing
Company, pp. 818, 2004), p.225, [Hereafter Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, II]/ Alice A.
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, 2 vols., II (London: Lucis Publishing Company,
pp. 818, 1997), P. 23, [Hereafter Bailey Discipleship in the New Age, II]

Bailey, “Talks”, March 5 1941, p. 5.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 5 1941, p. 5.
Bailey, “Talks”, Sep 24 1943, p. 5.
Bailey, “Talks”, Sep 24 1943, p. 5.
Bailey, “Talks”, Sep 24 1943, p. 5.
St. No: 600052672 Page 35 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

continuity of the Theosophical tradition in Bailey’s literature is evident in her

recognition of Blavatsky’s dynamic contribution in giving an occult mental turn to past

mystical thought.176 The specific point where Bailey met Blavatsky’s ideas was the

mental plane where Bailey recognized as the key plane of our solar system, “the axial

plane around which the great Wheel turns and the meeting of three evolutions – the

Divine, the Human and the Devic – or the Hall of the Three Deities’ Council”.177

The rich spiritual vocabulary that Blavatsky adopted from the eastern cults that she

investigated, were the new language Bailey further advanced in her High Occultism,

reflecting the macrocosmic doctrine of the new esotericism she visioned. 178 Thus, the

schism between scientific secularism and spirituality possibly could heal through

Sanskrit terms as Yajna Vidya, which pertained to the invisible forces within the

physical world.179 Accordingly, the Mahavidya dealt with the astral or emotional world,

Gkogia Vidya the science of Mantram, with sound and mental plane and Atma Vidya

with spiritual realms.180 Within the tasks Bailey imposed on her closer disciples, thus

creating a larger impulse for the wider group A.S members, was to make the teaching

they spread more specific in its expression “unless the source of knowledge”, they had

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 808.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 808.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 847.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 847.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 847.
St. No: 600052672 Page 36 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

tapped, “would dry”.181 It was a yearning for a synthesis of academic study of

Occultism and practice; in order to attain a point of tension in their effort, of such a

momentum, to radiate that kind of spiritual transformation they wanted to advocate.182

The needs of the world demanded them to turn their backs to the Masters.183 It was a

paradox of Occultism, Bailey stressed, that they needed to assimilate and which she did

not find within the T.S.184 This paradox was furthered emphasized, since Bailey realized

that the A.S disciples needed to talk about the Masters as a reasonable possibility and

touch upon evidence of reputable men and women who believe in Them. 185 She wanted

to add Soul in humanitarian work and the Arcane School as an esoteric group would

attempt to initiate esoteric effects through intense inner life that could lead its members

to transformation and thus radiate their powers of livingness through their influence,

ideas and initiatives.186

Bailey through another book Letters on Occult Meditation (1922), according to Selbi,

attempted to promote another aspect of the Plan of the Hierarchy as dictated by Master

D.K and that was, 1. To assist self-consciousness in all beings (uniting higher and lower

natures in sacrifice, service and renunciation), 2. To develop consciousness within the

kingdoms of animals, vegetables and minerals, 3. To transmit the will of the Solar

Logos, 4. To set an example for the crucifixion of the lower self, 5. And finally to raise

the vibrations of individual pupils, vitalizing the higher chakras or energy centers in

Bailey, “Talks”, March 12 1943, p. 3.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 12 1943, p. 3.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 12 1943, p. 4.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 12 1943, p. 4.
Bailey, “Talks”, April 30 1943, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, May 21 1943, p. 3.
St. No: 600052672 Page 37 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

human body, reaching up to Manas – Sanskrit term for mental level of being – and

eventually the Masters and Spiritual being. 187 It was a factual and not a visionary

search in Occultism where the Hierarchy had to be a fact in the lives of disciples, Bailey

trusted to her close associates, since they should “set the foundation for the next step of

what is to be given anent esoteric teaching”. 188 The Spiritual Hierarchy comprised of

those having entered Shamballa, the most high point in the planetary evolution, and

those below sixth initiation in the status of remaining in the mediating place between

the One fundamental Group or Shamballa and humanity. According to Sinclair, Master

D.K offered the hope of three figurative doors into Shamballa for the senior disciples

that, ‘we can at least ponder them from a psychological point of view’ since a deeper

understanding implies experimental-experiential attitude.189 First, there is the door of

reason and pure perception of truth; Christ gave the clue to this teaching, ‘I am the way,

the Truth and the Life’ and suggests a consciousness thus relatively static attitude.190

Second, the door of will and penetrating power, which relates the Plan to Purpose;

whose faculty is coherent persistence and which suggests another aspect of will rather

than the usual for external life but which its esoteric focus has automatic external effects

as well. 191 And third, ‘no words can express the nature of the third door, so let us in

default of a better term call this door of monadic sense of essential duality’, Sinclair

relates; and which is that dual inner and outer concern of the human Monad, the

spiritual agent for Hierarchical work.192

Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation (New York, London: Lucis
Publishing Company, 1922), pp. 20-27, [Hereafter Bailey, Letters on Occult
Meditation]/ Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p6.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 12 1943, p. 5.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.125.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.125.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.125.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.125.
St. No: 600052672 Page 38 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

The task, for the vanguard that Bailey aspired to gather and the Hierarchy of the

Kingdom of Souls, was seriously difficult though, since the Theosophical ideas for the

creations of ‘incomplete gods’ haunted the Neotheosophical ‘artillery’. 193 A doctrine

previously adopted by Blavatsky was a working hypotheses for Bailey’s agenda where

the etheric material used from etheric Deva builders for the building of the animal

bodies of humanity were laden with incomplete matter and therefore comprised the

source of mass fear inherent in human societies-the work of the incomplete gods

unaligned with solar purpose.194 Thus, world disciples should push cosmic evil inherent

in matter, back to the place from which it came.195 The Tibetan, quoted by Bailey,

regarded cosmic evil useful in its proper place but he stressed how, “It has come out and

asserted control where it should have none”. 196 Bailey regarded that detachment which

the world disciples should pioneer in, was a scientific breaking of links and balancing of

all the forces that militated liberation; this, constituted in reality a scientific process of

ending up karma, individual and national. 197 This process demanded an automatic,

ceaseless and unquestioning fulfillment of duty from the angle of recognized service

until lesser lives or “lunar lords” on the involutionary arc, interested to the building of

lesser forms, should cease control of the initiate when the fourth degree or Initiation of

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 926.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 926.
Bailey, “Talks”, October 15 1943, p. 4.
Bailey, “Talks”, October 15 1943, p. 4.

Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 1.
St. No: 600052672 Page 39 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Crucifixion and Great Renunciation, reached. 198 The “lunar lords”, constituted of

eighteen fires and were the exact opposite of the “Solar Pitris” or the evolutionary Self-

conscious Beings that (these latter) contributed in expanded existence once realized

within human souls.199 Discussion over if these fires comprised the first six of the three

septenary levels of physical, astral and mental or the first seven of the physical and

astral adding four more from the mental, resulted with Bailey emphasizing the first

version. 200

Another aspect of Bailey’s vision as dictated from her Master the Tibetan, was a quite

overarching cosmological role for humanity through the disciples of the Spiritual

Hierarchy, accepted (disciples), initiates and senior ones, comprised for Sinclair into

four basic plans.201 These four steps of the Plan for humanity were related to the literary

material given and the expanding of consciousness that the implementation of the

inherent spiritual discipline, initiated to the interested.202 Among these steps were to

establish on earth an outpost of God’s consciousness in the solar system, with

humanity’s aid.203 Second, to found upon earth a powerhouse of such potency and a

focal point of such energy and unanimity as a whole that can be a factor in the solar

system of bringing changes to events of unique nature in the plan of life and lives ( and

therefore in the system itself) and thus inducing inter-stellar activity.204 Third, to

develop a station of light in nature through the medium of the human kingdom, which

will serve not only the planet and not only our particular solar system but the seven

Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 1.
Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 1.
Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 1.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.105.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.105.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.105.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.105.
St. No: 600052672 Page 40 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

systems of which ours is one.205 Fourth, to set up a magnetic centre in universe in which

the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls will be united or at-oned and will be the

point of most intense power and which will serve through the developed great lives

within the radius of the One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.206 These extensions of

cosmological visualization may be totally diffused, in terms of modern astrology and

cosmology, but Bailey’s contribution in the expansion of human consciousness in

cosmological interest and particularly the fact of the great seasons and the coming

Aquarian, is definitely recognized as Campion notes. 207 In fact although no direct her

influence in modern astrology, one of her students Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) is

considered by again by Campion possibly the most influential American astrologer of

the twentieth century. 208

Entrance within the Fifth or spiritual or the Christian Kingdom of God would be

possible for humanity when the Monads/spiritual human units of the fourth or human

kingdom would have succeeded in vitalizing the fifth spirilae or spiritual level of every

atom within the triple lower man.209 Bailey in Treatise on Cosmic Fire gave an

elaborate schematic explanation of her ideas and one chart particularly could develop in

a linear way such relationships of esoteric rationale which in practice demonstrate as

spiritual experiences of forces interpenetrating and thus undifferentiated in substance.210

A close look at the chart can indicate how Bailey recognized a fifth or spiritual level in
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.105.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.105.
Campion, A History of Western Astrology, II, p. 241.
Campion, A History of Western Astrology, II, p241.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 693.
See Appendix I/ Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 817.
St. No: 600052672 Page 41 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

each of the three first planes where some aspects of human existence are manifesting;

these are the physical, the astral or emotional and the concrete mental. 211 Thus counting

from bottom upwards the fifth spirilae or spiritual aspect is evident within each of the

lower, three planes.212 Regarding the aforementioned discussion over the eighteen fires

of the “lunar lords” and their appropriation of certain levels Bailey expanded further.213

She explained that only in later discipleship, closer to the degree of a Master or fifth

initiation, there can be any total control of the Divine or First Atomic plane of each

plane; even if this was a lower one, for example the physical. 214 That was actually the

faculty that gave the Masters the ability to materialize their bodies at will or their

Mayavirupa Vahan/ vehicle of manifestation but also the difficulty for any aspirant to

admit as truth a reality which demanded many lives or earthly incarnations to attain and

with intuition the only possible bridge to enquire. 215

Steven J. Sutcliffe explores the inherent intentions of Bailey’s group work in her book

Treatise of White Magic, where without exoteric organization and ceremonials there

would be integrating silently and steadily a powerful group of men and women. 216 This

effort would supersede – or if it can be suggested here, complement additionally – even

previous hierarchical efforts, churches, groups and all organizations and that would

even constitute that oligarchy of elect souls to govern and guide the world. 217 In the re-

enchanted cosmos fed by Theosophy, Spiritualism and popular occultism the charisma

See Appendix I
See Appendix I
Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 2
Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 2
Bailey “Talks”, March 3 1944, p. 2/ See Index I.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 31.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 31.
St. No: 600052672 Page 42 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

of the individual and of small illuminated groups and circles waxed, Sutcliffe argues

and that was the perfect timing for Bailey’s revelatory, esoteric movement.218 The

coordinating agent of human evolution in the planet, in terms of humanity or the fourth

kingdom comprised, according to Bailey, was the New Group of World Servers; the

human counterpart of the Spiritual Hierarchy laden with the evolution of all the

kingdoms on planet Earth.219 Sinclair notes, how in analogy Bailey related the first goup

above with the planetary pineal gland in a planetary meditation where higher abstract

mind coordinated with lower intelligence or the two hemispheres of the planet.220

Another aspect of integration was the idea of the ‘third eye’, an organ of vision, which

after the balance between of the two aspects of the mind had been achieved, direct and

certain knowledge was possible but not clairvoyance, Sinclair pointed.221 Counter to this

project of White Benevolent Magic for Humanity was the opponent, Black Magic that

Bailey, quoting Blavatsky, identified as the forces that using astral light promote

deception and seduction. 222 Again in Sanskrit terms it was the implementation of Occult

methodology of the three Vidyas – Yajna, Maha, Gkogia –regarding the physical, astral

and mental planes accordingly, excluding the use of Atma Vidya or the spiritual fourth

counterpart and thus rendering every activity a dangerous, self-interested and rioting to

the Divine Plan. 223 Bailey, again quoting Blavatsky, set the responsibility for this

project of working towards world evil to the status of initiate of certain degree though,

explaining how the achievement of definite planetary consciousness was the safeguard

Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 37.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.150-51.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.150-51.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.154.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 978.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 978.
St. No: 600052672 Page 43 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

for any aspirant.224 Bailey expressed her agony for the vast difficulty owing to astralism

in the world that would initiate much activity regarding esoteric groups claiming

affiliation with the Masters and training with the Ashrams, through which Arcane

School should work for its identity. 225 She added that wholesome attitude towards the

Hierarchy could be the antidote for astralism which this latter comprised some personal

aspiration, and fanatical devotion to the thought of initiation. 226

The esoteric factors outlined in a variety of places throughout AAB’s writings

according to Sinclair were: 1. What could be called the “machinery of man” is related as

being threefold at three levels: spirit, soul, and body. 227 2. Accordingly, the prototype –

in mental levels – for the previous triplicity is the casual vehicle or lotus of the soul.228

Because of the flower-like design of its energy emblematic of three tiers of three flame-

like petals, which gradually unfold through the experience of knowledge, love and

sacrifice and have in their centre the jewel in the lotus or synthesis of the three

aspects.229 As a lesser step of progress in the spiritual path for her disciples, Bailey

admitted the point when the student of the occult would be able through meditation,

service and spiritual reading to have unfolded the first series of the three knowledge

petals of the lotus.230 When later the fourth and fifth petals of the second inner

consciousness or wisdom series would be awakened, then the pranic or first, inner and

subtle layer, closer to the physical force of the planetary Heavenly Man or the Soul of

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 982.
Bailey “Talks”, April 14 1944, p. 3.
Bailey “Talks”, April 14 1944, p. 4.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.115.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.115.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.115.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 693.
St. No: 600052672 Page 44 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Earth, would open for realization. 231 Again, in the chart given, it is possible to discern

graphically the specific point of the lotus and the casual vehicle within the first three

subplane counting from top downwards of the third or mental plane. 232 Bailey,

interpreting Blavatsky, explained that the casual body comprised within its substance

the higher mental residue of three certain permanent atoms that functioned as the

memory deposits of past life of physical, emotional and mental human achievement.233

Continuing in the above enumeration Sinclair adds among the esoteric factors within

Bailey’s work, 3. The nine initiations or particular expansions of consciousness the

human evolution can have potentially. 234 The enneadic or nine-fold development is

implied, Bailey explains, in different points in the Secret Doctrine; since Blavatsky

records it, as the Logoic or Solar body in its total dimension comprised of a nine-fold

Lotus within which human evolution respectively integrated.235 Sinclair also notes how

Bailey balanced her male-oriented Lodge of Masters with a Female aspect of occultism

seen in the Esoteric Healing and all the information about interaction with the Deva or

Angelic evolution.236 Another aspect of the schematic human constitution Bailey

created or at least adopted, was the idea of the Solar Angel; the concept of a Solar Entity

or a part of solar consciousness that the disciple in search for Occult Wisdom could fuse

his existence with, towards his spiritual return to his Source or Father Aspect.237

Blavatsky, Bailey explains, had also referred to this aspect in The Voice of Silence as the

path of Dyana and Dharma or Paramita and the descent of the solar kings in Indian

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 693.
See Appendix I
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 507.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.115.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 539.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.119.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 693.
St. No: 600052672 Page 45 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

epic Ramagianna.238 The Solar Angel is also depicted in the aforementioned chart of the

sevenfold cosmic physical plane holding the first or atomic subplane, counting from top

downwards, of the mental plane thus expressing the satvic or rhythmic guna/quality of

consciousness the most closer to spirit and apart from tamasic or inert and rajastic or

active quality.239

A probable inconsistency between the sevenfold world Bailey analyzed and the

enneadic human development through the nine initiations is resolved through Bailey’s

reference to the ‘three periodic vehicles’ of Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine.240 It was the

coordination of the three vehicles of the personality, (physical, astral and lower mental

bodies), the three levels of the Soul within the Lotus in the higher mental plane.241 It

was also the fusion of levels of the Spiritual Triad, probably wholly “sensed” in

meditation within the Buddhic plane but expressing the little higher Atmic or spiritual

plane of Divine Will and Power.242 Those comprised the field of action for the spiritual

man, leaving the two higher Monadic and Logoic planes for Masters and Chohans. 243

Bailey expressed with an analogy how the Solar and the Planetary Logos passing their

own initiations were drawing human units upward as well to pursue such path and

Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 705.
See Appendix I
Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy: And Etheric Vehicle, (New York: Lucis Publishing
Company, 2001), p. 218, [Hereafter Bailey, Telepathy]
See Appendix I
See Appendix I
Bailey, Telepathy, p. 218.
St. No: 600052672 Page 46 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

which also indicates Bailey’s Christian background.244 The first two initiations –

Christ’s ‘Birth’ in the human heart pertaining to complete control of the physical

vehicle, and ‘The Baptism’ of man regarding control of astral body – the Masters

classified as non-important, Bailey explains. 245 So possibility for disciples in handling

Hierarchical power emerged after the Third initiation – of Transformation, control of

the mental vehicle – in which the initiate experienced ability for evocation of new

powers, recognition of new fields of service and freedom to move in the bounds of

Hierarchy.246 First and second initiations attributed freedom from physical appetites and

the slavery of ideals accordingly, while the third provided the initiate with recognition

of universality. 247 The human soul related the disciple to the Love of God, the

consciousness aspect of Deity; which for each particular individual comprised of

energies coming via planets Venus, Mercury and the ‘Heart of the Sun’. 248 This quality-

force originating from Sun Sirius always has to be filtered via the heart of the physical

Sun or its coherence-consciousness aspect and then through the particular Ray Ashram,

affiliated with that soul. 249 Accordingly, the personality of every man or woman

received energies from the planets Saturn, Mars and the physical body of the Sun

relating thus individuals with the Mind of God and originating from the Constellation


Bailey “Talks”, April 23 1943, p. 4/John 12:32, “If I be lifted up I’ll draw all men
unto me”, P. Trembelas, New Testament, (Athens: Sotir, 1991), [Hereafter, Trembelas,
New Testament, p. 433.
Bailey “Talks”, May 21 1943, p. 2.
Bailey “Talks”, May 21 1943, p. 1.
Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 1.

Bailey “Talks”, February 25 1944, p. 2.
Bailey “Talks”, February 25 1944, p. 2.
Bailey “Talks”, February 25 1944, p. 2.
St. No: 600052672 Page 47 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Chapter Three: A Critical evaluation of Bailey’s work.

As a Neotheosophist, Bailey raised significant criticism and condemnation as well as

influence and admiration.251 While most of the Theosophists regarded her as misguided

Leadbeater never condemned her and had purchased all her literature; but this was of

course one of the examples of sympathy.252 Sinclair recognises to Bailey a few

differentiations in the technique of book production, since he identifies this variation in

her own description.253 She was either referring to dictation in the Stanzas of Dzyan;

word-to-word audibly given in the case of Treatise on Cosmic Fire; or symbols in form

of clairvoyance for mantrams and charts and memories retrieval out of sleep states

which possibly reflected the certain constitution of separated but interpenetrating levels

she recognised for the human body. 254 Three things though for Bailey were common in

such a work, sensitivity to impression, inclusiveness and stability, rendering her

receptive to the teachings and making her paradoxically radical for Theosophical

doctrine and orthodox in her own revelation’s aspects.255 Leadbeater, according to

Goodrick-Clarke, followed another way of clairvoyant investigation with richly

illustrative narratives, amplifying the Mahayana Buddhist-related hierarchies indicated

by Blavatsky, which he vested with spectacular stories of prehistoric migration and

Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.20.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.20.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.20-21.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.20-21.
Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 2.
St. No: 600052672 Page 48 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

founding of civilizations.256 Supervisors, architects and agents of materialization in the

planetary life, worked as supercelestial spiritual intermediaries rendering Leadbeater’s

Theosophy of a Gnostic form of Christianity with celestial hierarchies.257 This was

nevertheless unlike the Pseudo-Dionysius’s nine celestial orders; the Syrian Christian

monk most probably educated at the neo-Platonist school of Athens under Proclus (412-

485 AD) and Damascius (ca. 460 – ca. 583 AD).258 Bailey followed Blavatsky in her

intermediary Hierarchies referring also to the Nirmanakayas, that Buddhist divine

contemplatives along with the Buddha, as the highest mediating agents within Earth’s

specific planetary limits beyond which extraterrestrial forces and Avatars – cyclic,

evolutionary manifestations of greater cosmic Entities or aggregations of cosmic

energies surmounting and sometimes including the known neighbouring celestial bodies

– were “residing”.259

Faivre, quoted by Selbi, notes how important is for methodology in research for

differences between exponents of esoteric practice as well as similarities abstaining thus

from any tendency to recognise only underlying common ground in expense of useful

comparisons.260 Bailey regarded most of the Theosophists that succeeded Blavatsky to

have misunderstood their teacher’s doctrine with key point the ‘astral’ body literature of

Neotheosophists.261 Bailey explains how Blavatsky had used the term interchangeably

both for the etheric and the emotional human vehicle since humanity was mostly

Goodrick-Clarke, ‘The Coming of the Masters’, p. 29.
Goodrick-Clarke, ‘The Coming of the Masters’, p. 29.
Goodrick-Clarke, ‘The Coming of the Masters’, p. 29.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.162.
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 25.
Bailey, Telepathy, p. 140-41.
St. No: 600052672 Page 49 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

polarised in the astral plane and would remain ‘etherically’ blind for the next three

hundred years after Blavatsky’s time.262 So practically those vehicles coincided, since

the astral as subtler and higher controlled the lower electromagnetic scaffold, the

etheric, on which gross matter coagulated.263 For Bailey, the mistake had been that the

Neotheosophists missed to render the etheric human body mentally controllable – or at

least to schematically express such possibility – thus making explainable to future

disciples the prospect of bypassing the astral influences.264 This misunderstanding of the

astral plane made difficult the way Blavatsky’s ideas about the Masters were handled as

well, Bailey adds, creating a deplorable fog of devotion for Their personalities and

lesser detail. 265 Bailey wanted to avoid the mistakes of the past with Theosophists

discussing how the Masters were passing by their living rooms and trivia; and

emphasized on the contrary a sound awakening of the inner ear to the significance of a

sane intelligent and convincing discipleship. 266 Bailey explained that the T.S reflected

an Indian technique that emphasized the Master-disciple relationship since there were

few individuals available then for discipleship. 267 In the case of A.S though, this had

changed, and the Masters trained groups expanding the typology of ‘recruiting’ to

mental and philosophical socializing and lessening the metaphysical spiritualism that

earlier had characterised T.S.268 Bailey recognised though the contribution of

spiritualism in the preservation of the survival of life after death; but it must be added as

well how she didn’t recognised how importantly the Eastern tradition should be

Bailey, Telepathy, p. 141.
Bailey, Telepathy, p. 141.
Bailey, Telepathy, p. 141.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 191943, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 28 1944 , p. 2.
Bailey “Talks”, April 30 1943, p. 5.
Bailey “Talks”, April 30 1943, p. 5.
St. No: 600052672 Page 50 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

preserved from western secularism or the two planetary hemispheres of abstract and

practical mind in ballance.269

Two of her early adversaries, contemporary of hers, are Theosophists Alice Leighton

Cleather (1846-1938) and Basil Crump; their evaluation, under the scholastic measure

of Blavatsky’s ideal Theosophy, can indicate the immediate repercussions of Bailey’s

appearance in British TS.270 Crump along with Cleather who was a Theosophist of

Blavatsky’s Inner Group, had both participated in an initiation of the Tibetan Gelugpa

(Yellow Cap) Order in India; Crump was a Cambridge University Barrister of the

Middle Temple – the certain legal foundation within the heart of the British financial

centre in the City of London – and for a long time editor.271 They charged Bailey of

substituting Blavatsky’s terms with Christian phraseology by copious references to

quotations from the Secret Doctrine. 272 These authors questioned whether the Tibetan

Master could have been member of the Transhimalayan Brotherhood and found no

credence in Bailey’s claim that the Treatise on Cosmic Fire could “a logical plan of

systemic evolution”. 273 It seemed that in the Mahatmas Letters had classified such

attitudes as the Tibetan’s, among the opposing Brotherhood of the Dugpas or ‘Red

Capped Brothers of the Shadow’ in Bhutan with similar correspondences in the Vatican

Bailey “Talks”, May 14 1943, p. 4.


Alice Leighton Cleather and Basil Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky

& Alice Bailey: The pseudo-Occultism of Mrs. A. Bailey’, Protogonus, Spring 1989,
[Hereafter Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’]. ,
[Accessed on 29Jan 2012]
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 2.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 3.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 4.
St. No: 600052672 Page 51 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

– hence, Bailey’s Christian terminology. 274 The whole system of Bailey’s Rays was

purported to be a meaningless imposition of very learned information in a similar

method with Leadbeater although the detailed and organised relation of all kingdoms in

terms of substance by Bailey may be termed at least unique and should be testable as a

working hypothesis fairly. 275 Bailey’s frequent reference to Leadbeater and Besant

along with her tendencies to disclose Deity to limited descriptions and careless use of

Sanskrit terms as Fohat, made her similarly deviating from Theosophical Orthodoxy but

the letter seemed also to postpone to vague, external ritual and scholasticism the

concern with practical issues of occultism in fear of sorcery. 276

Cleather and Basil preferred to reflect on a static Doctrine so they found difficult to

follow Baileys’ analogy of a Solar Logos to taking initiations, since something like this

was never said in the Secret Doctrine.277 For instance it can be noted that any reference

to analogical chakras centres on planetary levels was a Christian anthropomorphism

while as it is already mentioned Bailey regarded as glamour the upward arc of personal

transformation some Theosophists were trapped.278 In this way the Divinity’s downward

Purpose received by humanity as love – in the mode Bailey explained, corresponding

manifestation of greater Laws as that of Attraction- were “a kind of sentimental staff

for Masters to indulge writing”, argued Cleather and Crump. 279 Accordingly, in the

same critique, the above Theosophists note how the terms Nirmanakayas, Masters of

Compassion and above all The Two Paths, are terms never found in Blavatsky’s

Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 4.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 5.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 6.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 8.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 9.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 10.
St. No: 600052672 Page 52 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

literature but were be coined Leadbeater and Besant and then falsely used as such by

Bailey. 280 On the fundamental issue of the sex life of disciples Bailey was accused for

relating it to a certain Spiritual Alchemy, thus suggesting the transmutation of the

imprisoned earthly, physically creative human ability, towards the mental planes of

creativity. 281 Then, when mastered and fused with its spiritual higher correspondences

consciousness, could then again return to physical creation.282 This was direct Black

Magic and playing with Koundalini Fire, which “could kill as well as create” for the

Theosophists.283 For Bailey even the Masters could have normal lives and participate in

racial evolution while for the critical Theosophers the Way was only One and it was

leading to total Liberation, a stance that should be fairly be accepted as a working

hypothesis and aspect of spirituality. 284 Bailey was sure about this possibility since she

explained it on the straddling of consciousness and life sometimes clockwise and other

times anti-clockwise on the astrological chart. 285 Human being initially through desire

attachment to form life is born on the right-hand course of the signs of the zodiac,

during the individualization and the instinctual withdrawal from the material attachment

they follow the right-hand path of abstraction which if misunderstood and crystallized

on self-interest leads to the Black Brotherhood’s Lodge. 286 Finally when knowledge

and Masterhood of the divine is achieved return to Earth and service is a possibility but

not something compulsory something possibly discloses a release for such division and

argument between Theosophists and Bailey. 287

Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 16.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 18.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 18.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 18.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 18.
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 61.
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 61.
Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 65.
St. No: 600052672 Page 53 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

An indirect evaluation might also prove useful through Margaret Thomas’s critical

assessment of Neo-Theosophy versus Blavatskyan Theosophy. Thomas brings in the

subject of how T.S adherents had been lost in comparing their Orthodoxy – a

phenomenon already recognised in a Lucipher magazine article in 1889 – in contrast

with what Blavatsky had defined as Theosophy, that is the accumulated knowledge of

the past tested and verified by independent visions. 288 “The definite distance humanity

can recognize Deity” – we read in Mahatma Letters – “is the universal perpetual

motion which even during pralayas or interludes it never stops thus making the most

consummate nonsense to regard as being an Ego and place its intelligence under a

bushel for some mysterious reason which is a Mosaic element of classification”.289 This,

Thomas contrasts to Leadbeater’s Christian definition of the Solar Divinity as a mighty

Individual, though removed many stages from the Uncreated Absolute.290 With

Leadbeater actually noting his experience of once having countenanced this entity,

Thomas highlights Leadbeater’s Christian (personal God) visionary background.291

Thomas explains that the Secret Doctrine did not teach atheism by admitting the Creator

as the aggregate of Dhyan Chohans (The Rays) and other forces instead of a personal or

imperfect extra- cosmic god.292 Again, Thomas gives Leadbeater’s’ and Besant’s

Thomas, Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy, p1.
Alfred Percy Sinnett, The Mahatma Letters: To A.P. Sinnett from The Mahatmas M.
& K.H. (London: Adelphi Terrace, pp.492, 1926) ,[Hereafter Sinnett, The Mahatma
Letters]/ Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.2,
C. W. Leadbeater, The Inner Life, 2 vols., I (Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing
House, pp. 844, 1917), pp.143-46, [Hereafter Leadbeater, The Inner Life], Thomas,
‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.2,3.
Leadbeater, The Inner Life, pp. 844/Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.2,3.
Blavatsky H.P., The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and
Philosophy, 3 vols., I (London: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1888), [Hereafter
Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, I]/ Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.3.
St. No: 600052672 Page 54 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

mystical interpretation of the Logos as a musician indicating thus another

Neotheosophical deviance from orthodoxy. 293 Nevertheless, Bailey acknowledged

Blavatsky’s Bedantine doctrine – of the “enigma or ineffable mystery beyond which

even the highest Dhyan Chohans or Lord of the Rays bowed in silence and ignorance” –

called the Parabrahman.294 In the implementation of such old and variable religious and

philosophical context, the resistance from A.S members who had a Christian

background emerged within the discussions Bailey had in her close circle of

disciples.295 A.S had initiated new, unknown Buddhist and astrological festivals, which

Bailey wanted the most careful transition to be in Christian terms for the security of

average students.296

On a quite complicated problem for Theosophists - how external religion related to

esotericism and particularly to them - Thomas chooses to put the more strict

condemnation of the deluding religious rites of the past.297 This was also presented as a

result of the domination of left hand path (Levites) and not the right hand Adepts (the

prophets) as given by the Mahatmas in their letters.298 The Secret Doctrine through

Blavatsky added more tension in this equation and related this dispute to the primordial

war among the Sun god with Tiamat the Sea Dragon an aspect mostly prevalent in

A. Besant and C.W Leadbeater, Man: Whence, How, Whither: A record of
Clairvoyant Investigation (Adyar India: Theosophical society, 1913)/ Thomas,
Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy, p.3.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 609/ Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, I, 352.
Bailey “Talks”, May 14 1943, p. 3.
Bailey “Talks”, May 14 1943, p. 3.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p. 3.
Sinnett, The Mahatma Letters, p. 57-8./ Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, II, p. 211,
St. No: 600052672 Page 55 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Persian cosmology and explaining perhaps her war against contemporary secularism.299

Then the milder synthetic approach of Besant follows, who regarded religion as a field

for everyone to plunge and master its esoteric roots; given by the Adepts of ancient

wisdom for humanity’s probation and this was totally contingent with Besant’s activism

within a Western Christian environment.300 Bailey criticized heavily Apostle Paul, for

any distortions in the Christian dispensation hiding the actual heart-brain relationship

Blavatsky had again to recover from ancient scriptures. 301 A “crooked twist”, Bailey

characterized St. Paul’s misunderstanding of the ageless doctrine of the soul, The

Master in the Heart, registered and retained in waking physical consciousness or “a

name of a god for every portion of human life”. 302 Nevertheless, Bailey recognized the

historical service of the Christian Church “to the thought of the world, preserving for us

the fact of God in an era of materialism, the fact of Christ, the belief in the immortality

of the soul and the ideal of discipleship. 303 Perhaps the phrase of Apostle Paul, mostly

revered by Bailey regarding her organized charts for human constitution and

cosmological correspondences is that, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen”, which reflects Bailey’s concern of humanity’s vain

interest on the unseen mentally, later scholastically as she reprimanded Theosophists.304

Sinnett, The Mahatma Letters, p. 57-8./ Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, II, p. 211,
Annie Besant, The Ancient Wisdom (Adyar, India : Theosophical Publishing
House,1911), pp. 3-5, [Hereafter Besant, The Ancient Wisdom]/ Thomas, Theosophy or
Neo-Theosophy, p.4.
Bailey “Talks”, March 19 1943, p. 2.
Bailey “Talks”, March 19 1943, p. 3.
Bailey “Talks”, April 30 1943, p. 1.
Trembelas, New Testament, p. 891/ Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p 248.
St. No: 600052672 Page 56 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Another matter of great importance was the effort of Blavatsky to keep Theosophy in a

wider frame as related to Christianity, stressing the underlying entities behind the

historical personalities of both Gautama Buddha and Jesus the Christ.305 Cleather and

Crump in this respect were definite though, since they advocated that Blavatsky had

never drawn any clear line of connection between these cosmic energies and individual

Beings.306 Besant as a disappointing confirmation of Blavatsky’s fears avoided

highlighting effectively this difference, that Thomas notes, by not referring to the Christ

Principle capable of overshadowing every sincere aspirant to truth. 307 Bailey

recognized an implied approval from Blavatsky’s writings in fusing these two religious

beings the Buddha and the Christ as the two hemispheres of world religious practice or

as the “Puranic, or of ancient times great powers of Siba and Vishnou, the Sower and

the Harvester”.308 Thomas stresses the doctrine of the Avatars and how Blavatsky was

extremely cautious noting that the next Avatar Kalki of the Brahmins or the Fifth

Buddha will appear during the appearance of the seventh and not this the fifth human

root Race.309 Besant and Leadbeater, according to their “clairvoyant investigations”,

prophesized the appearance of the Christ - the Lord Maiterya - within the following

generations; if not to walk among them in present time. 310 Bailey emphasized the

Christian doctrine of the eternal presence of the Christ within the consciousness of his

believers standing-by the planetary evolution and stressed the need to prepare for His

Thomas, Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy, p.5.
Cleather & Crump, ‘A Comparison Between H.P Blavatsky & Alice Bailey’, p. 7 .
Thomas, Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy, p.6.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 669.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.11
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.11
St. No: 600052672 Page 57 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

imminent reappearance but all this time factual presence and not any return from some

distant cosmic Divine Mansion. 311

A fundamental point of argument among Theosophists is the access of human

consciousness to the sevenfold world of divine manifestation with Blavatsky stressing

the limit of the fourth or Buddhic level and Besant reaching towards the fifth the

Atmic.312 Bailey set for her disciples also the Atmic plane leaving the actual access of

the Monad for later generations who could reach beyond the Third initiation. 313 She

regarded the Monad unattainable vision and she emphasized complete soul conduct

since after that level – the Monadic – the consciousness does not apply to any state of

being, someone could register.314 On the sensitive mater of the Monad as the Prototype

of all monads – be they atoms, or human or planetary – Blavatsky used what she had

available, the scientific knowledge of her times; that is Leibnitz, to testify her occult

conviction that a Monad of a Master dates back to the monad of a mineral compound. 315

Nevertheless, Thomas stresses how Besant followed a different track referring to

Monads, as supplied from above the Logoic plane, the First or Atomic. 316 Bailey seems

to have fused these apparent contradicting statements, as the way to final fusion with

Higher Planetary Monad confers a totally altered spiritual direction to individual

ascending monads.317 Then, the aspiring monad ceases to identify with the matter

Alice A. Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy (New York: Lucis Publishing
Company, pp. 744, 2001), p.612, [Hereafter Bailey, The Externalization of the
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p. 11.
Bailey “Talks”, May 14 1943, p. 1.
Bailey “Talks”, May 14 1943, p. 1.
Thomas, Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy, p.19.
Thomas, Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy, p.19.
Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 5.
St. No: 600052672 Page 58 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

selected for the particular form; but with this that descended to take form, or what

Theosophists regarded the cosmic aspects of consciousness and life. 318

The subject of evolution of life from the infinitesimal to the infinite was a basic theme

in Theosophy, where Blavatsky argued that inferior semi-intelligent and non-intelligent

elementals are all future men.319 She implied tough, Thomas interprets, that agents of

Karmic Cosmic Law namely Dhyan Chohans or Angels and pure spirits indulge

“poetically” – creatively – with earthly matter but abstaining from earthly “alloy”. 320

Leadbeater though, suggested that nature spirits constitute an evolution apart and quite

distinct from humanity thus indicating two lines of evolution within planetary life and

concluded that nature spirits neither have nor will be members of a human family as

ours.321 Bailey as evinced previously in this paper used this distinction between Devic

substance, statically comprising the levels of substance – grossly material or spiritually

subtle – and human consciousness, as being able to travel freely in both directions

upwards and downwards implementing thus another aspect of Divine Purpose but

eventually merging with Angelic substance in higher levels.

Thomas in support of Blavatsky’s overarching cosmology, refers to how the Mahatmas

testify her work as inspired by Atrya – probably the fourth star of Constellation Ursa

Major – and how her occultism is presented as relevant and empowered with truisms

Bailey “Talks”, October 6 1944, p. 5.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy;, p.19.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.19.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.19.
St. No: 600052672 Page 59 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

from great historical thinkers, Paul, Plutarch, James. 322 Afterwards Thomas gives

Besant’s assessment of Blavatsky’s work as, “a true statement but buttressed with

rubbish from inferior writers” and that, “Blavatsky wrote in a hasty prose carelessly

conferring her teaching with excessive digressions”.323 Bailey expressed her admiration

for Blavatsky as “an initiate of high standing, advanced ahead of contemporary human

thought and science unlike her successors”.324 In another occasion Bailey attempted a

further distinction writing, “Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Harvey and the Kuris are in

their own line of force light bringers of equal order as HPB”.325 Bailey admitted later to

her close associates that Blavatsky was a disciple through whom the Hierarchy had

spoken and that she was a strike to theology and science. 326 Bailey charged Blavatsky

with strong, one-pointed assertiveness, to the limits of sturdiness, preparing thus the

field of human thought, adequately ready for such terms as the New Group of World

Servers, new astrology, new psychology and the Seven Rays that A.S wanted to


Blavatsky safeguarded that her teaching would not be deluded, by stating that it was

enough to be given from the Spiritual Hierarchy for the nineteenth century; while

Besant, as Thomas argues, found great resistance to her efforts for correction of

Blavatsky’s doctrine from the ‘Back to Blavatsky’ movement. 328 On the ability of a

disciple to conduct his Master, Thomas quotes at first certain Mahatmas’ words,

Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.27.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.27.
Bailey, Telepathy, p. 136.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1030.
Bailey “Talks”, April 30 1943, p. 4.
Bailey “Talks”, March 10 1944, p. 1.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.28.
St. No: 600052672 Page 60 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

suggesting that no continuous relation and interaction is possible due to danger; but the

use of the disciple is an option only when occult powers are in need to be

manifesting. 329 On the contrary, Leadbeater was fonder of his Masters’ presence and

thus he noted how he was conscious of any moment of the Masters’ overshadowing

control.330 Thomas notes how dangerous for Theosophists is the trap of belief once

lacking that “inward determination to seek and know no matter the labour and

sacrifice”.331 From the “Talks” it is evident that Bailey discussed the topic of conduct

with the Masters and a certain “visit” of Master Koothumi in such a particular session in

A.S headquarters, is characterized as charged with incredible tension from the

attendants.332 It is not given any detail of the presence either physical or sensed

spiritually but it is definitely stressed the group formation which rendered this conduct

available and how it affected the psychology of those present amplifying both good and

bad features of their temperament.333

Bailey’s work, Santucci surmises, must have been a great influence on the development

of contemporary esotericism although it is difficult to ascertain the number of

individuals, exposed and influenced by her teachings.334 Nevertheless, according to

Lucis Publishing Company’s records, those people may be hundreds of thousands.335

Many of Bailey’s teachings, such as on spiritual evolution, perfectibility of humanity,

unity of life and emphasis on Love are definitely part, according to Santucci, of a

Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.29.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.29.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p.33.
Bailey “Talks” April 9 1943, p. 4.
Bailey “Talks” April 9 1943, p. 4.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
St. No: 600052672 Page 61 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

certain worldview. 336 These teach and promise of a New Age which seems also

reflective of the spirit of the 20’s and 30’s adopted and further popularized in the 60’s,

that contribute to their popularity indicating Bailey’s early England-based influences. 337

The Utopian/millenarian phase of the New Age movement definitely reflected Bailey’s

theosophy - or even the contrary may emerge as a possibility – while her Christian

background and teachings made also available theological ideals as the triplicities and

Christ consciousness in a wide, disparaging audience within the New Age movement.338

Her grand esoteric cosmology, rivaling those of Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925),

George Gurdjieff (1877-1949) and Peter Ouspensky (1878-1947) helped to add in her

reputation as a significant thinker. 339 Because of the interest in this cosmology, a

number of Groups have developed in addition to Arcane School and its sister

organizations; Aquarian Educational Group, Arcana Workshops, the School for Esoteric

Studies, the Tara Center, and Meditation Groups, Inc. are some among these new

organizations. 340 As already recorded previously from the access of the texted

proceedings of the talks she gave to her inner cycle of disciples during the Second

World War, her certain methodology of interaction with such group initiatives is

evident as well as the organizational details regarding AS’s public profile. 341

From the beginning of her work Bailey had to alleviate the definite dismissing of any

attempt to educate occultly human beings in the western world as already expressed

Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Santucci, Bailey Alice Ann in Hanegraaff et all, Dictionary of Gnosis, p.160.
Alice Bailey’s Talks,, [Accessed on
02 September 2011]
St. No: 600052672 Page 62 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

from the One Theosophical authority Blavatsky herself. 342 Blavatsky’s prejudice against

any sectarian Church poses certain doubts for universal spiritual understanding for

humanity, which could make training in Magic possible in the West.343 Blavatsky

dismisses any characteristic and feature of temperament of the western humanity as

appropriate for practical Magic; attributed to the “thickness of the skull making them

impenetrable to subtler energies in contrast with the Hindu, Arabian, Tibetan intuitive

perception”. 344 It is due to difficulties over centuries of contaminated dogmatic

superstition and ineradicable sense of superiority on regards of Church activities that

made the occult education of westerners such a case, Blavatsky argues. 345

Here it is evidently suitable to contrast Bailey’s acknowledgement of her mission in

such a task as she had the advantage of being a total westerner with her concrete mind

seeking schematic explanations of the occult forces while Blavatsky followed a more

mythopoetical and deeply experiential, activist way to explain her ideas.346 H.P.B writes

in Isis Unveiled, “The trinity of nature is the lock of magic, the trinity of man is the key

that fits it. Within the solemn precincts of the sanctuary SUPREME had, has no name

unthinkable unpronounceable, and yet every man finds in himself his god.”347

Blavatsky was very superstitious towards human intelligence and demanded complete

H.P Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled: A Master-key to the Mysteries of Ancient and
Modern Science and Theology, 2vols (np: Theosophy Trust, 2006), I,, [Accessed on
21 January 2011], p.582, [Hereafter Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II].
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II, p.582.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II, p583.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II, p583.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II, p582.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II, p582.
St. No: 600052672 Page 63 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

subjugation of mental capacities and soul powers to the control of the Spirit or Will in

order to avoid any misleading influence from the human sophistry. 348 Bailey on the

other side attempted to make the most beneficial use of the human intellect leading

through common sense and discrimination towards higher abstract intellect and intuition

to spiritual understanding.349 The fact that Blavatsky favored more for this work the

spiritualists who had immediately approved and welcomed her adventurous and exciting

séances could ‘burden’ her rationale with at least limited vision towards future occult

discipleship and perhaps personal sympathy towards what reflected her temperament or

status.350 Blavatsky expressed a definite deductive methodology with exhaustive

scientific analysis towards an eternal battle with undiscriminating faith or materialistic

science this Bailey tried to balance through intelligent use of the Christian literature

making more attractive in ready western audiences her occultism. 351

In terms of methodology of approach of esoteric knowledge, Rudolf Otto (1869-1937)

and Mircae Eliade (1907-1986) for Selbi put forward non-reductionist approaches,

whereas Robert A. Segal argues that a reductionist approach is essential for outsiders,

but is impossible for insiders; something that Blavatsky totally disproved as genuine

insider. 352 As Thomas notes, Blavatsky had set an ascetic note in her occult

methodology that was the flower of ages of fasting, meditation, chastity of thought,

words, deed and government of animal passions and impulses since Plato, Iamblichus

Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, II, p583.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.22.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, p583.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, p583.
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 22.
St. No: 600052672 Page 64 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

and the Indian Rishis. 353 The practice of moral purity and certain austerities had

developed the vital power of self- illumination and Blavatsky perhaps wanted to express

the success of this reductionist attitude.354 Bailey on the contrary, reflecting her era

followed more suggestive attitude promoting the sacrifices of mundane life as a

transitional choice for higher spiritual realities more inclusive; and thus sustaining lesser

needs automatically and according to soul’s purpose.355 It was according to the Tibetan,

the true meaning of sacrifice the “laying down of a lesser good for a greater, the

sacrificial way of evolution with no pain just joy and power of knowing the Purpose

since the word sacrifice means to make whole” and the means are evidently daily in

spiritualized matter.356

Bailey nevertheless stressed the Theosophic continuum that connected her with

Blavatsky, “who emerged as a cyclic tide of energy to destroy limiting forms extant in

the world of science; so that the work must be appropriate of the other emanations of

force to the building of Second Ray in relation to the energy of the seventh of the –

coming – era”.357 This is evident actually in a quotation of Bailey’s words that Stancliff

notes from a letter of hers in the magazine Occult Review in 1932 where she said, “Man

is emerging into an era of peace and good-will but a great effort is needed to force wide

open the Door leading into the New Age”. 358 Another aspect with clear differentiation

this time, between Blavatsky and Bailey’s occultism, is that while the first seems to

Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p. 35.
Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p. 35.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 45.
Bailey, “Talks”, March 26 1943, p. 1.
Bailey, The Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1031.
Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 45.
St. No: 600052672 Page 65 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

endorse to some initiation ceremonies the latter selected an inner perspective describing

such rituals as essentially subjective experiences in the inner planes.359 Blavatsky had

expressed in the Secret Doctrine that the participation to inner mysteries was a

prerequisite to initiation, something that Bailey regarded as definite indication in which

to found a continuum for her revised doctrine of inner subjective ritual. 360 The key

point of Bailey’s transition of methodology in terms of New Age Occult education was

that while Blavatsky dismissed westerners due to lack of devotion, Bailey actually

erased that prerequisite adopting the idea of the impending transition of the Piscean

Sixth Ray of Devotion and Idealism in favor of the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial

Magic.361 This new attitude was expressed by the leading groups of Bailey’s era, the

Financiers, the Great businesspersons and organizers of all kinds, the Executives and

Masons who all expressed a more “down to earth” less impractically idealistic attitude

towards humanity’s progress that additionally reflected the flower of western

civilization which Bailey found possibly a material to work on. 362 Nevertheless, Bailey

did not miss to note how Blavatsky had first set the initial impulse for rhythmic

approach, to the central heart of each existence, through the Law of Periodicity, making

spirituality a cosmological process.363 Bailey recognized Blavatsky’s pioneering work

in admonishing her disciples to study their astral families in order afterwards to identify

with their egoic or soul partners in the Hierarchical Work, again possibly within the

Law of Periodicity.364 Fundamental key to Bailey’s rationale for the occult education in

Thomas, ‘Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy’, p. 46.
Bailey “Talks”, May 21 1943, p. 3.
Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, 2 vols., I (London: Lucis Publishing
Company, pp. 847, 1997), foreword, xiii-xiv, [Hereafter Bailey Discipleship in the New
Age, I]
Bailey Discipleship in the New Age, I, foreword, xiii-xiv.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 791.
Bailey, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 791.
St. No: 600052672 Page 66 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

the west was the avoiding of the mistake evident in past approaches of emphasizing

only the evolutionary or upwards arc, setting thus the fountains thus for higher

occultism in service.365 The two directions of the Divine work should be the note posed;

and the attraction of individuals, who were moving downwards and helping them to

move both sides was the central pattern of the Arcane School public agenda. 366

One example of Bailey’s method was the insistence in the curriculum of the building of

the Antahkarana, that imagery path from the personal to the impersonal self, a

battlefield for Sinclair indeed but of aspiration and longing for goodness but with the

help of higher intellect and intuition or love. 367 While Blavatsky promised the freedom

to the occult student to discriminate and liberate himself from the humiliating necessity

to accept, the oracular teachings of intelligences, which as a rule have less intelligence

than a child at schools, Bailey chose a milder way with no rush in spiritual progress and

acceptance of the need for youth to wander in life’s’ experiences.368 Blavatsky after all

recognized her goal a lot differently from Bailey since she reflected not only the

totalitarian milieu she lived but also her personal spiritual vision towards Nirvana where

the White light of Spirit resides, before it diffuses itself in various other colors, as it

affects manifested life, expressed in religions, theologies, ideas and cultures. 369 Bailey

on the contrary set her goal to assimilate these various disparaged colors into seven then

upwards three and finally towards the One and then to turn and help the ‘little ones’

Bailey “Talks”, March 10 1944, p. 9-10.
Bailey “Talks”, March 10 1944, p. 11.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.63.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, p583.
Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, p586.
St. No: 600052672 Page 67 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

behind, as the planetary Logos did and the rest of the Hierarchy. 370 After all, the Tibetan

had prophesized the emergence of a fourth Ashram, besides those existent in the East

and this one would be involved in the occult education of the western world; something,

which Blavatsky perhaps missed or had accordingly not expressed as such in her

plans.371 Sinclair comprises this extended plan for humanity including the western

world as well, in a statement the Tibetan made in Bailey’s books.372 ‘As time proceeds

man will gradually do four thing, first recover past knowledge and powers developed in

Atlantean days. 373 Second, they will produce bodies resistant to the fire elementals of

the lower kind, which work in the mineral kingdom. 374 Third, comprehend the inner

meaning of radioactivity or the setting loose of the power inherent in all elements and

all atoms of chemistry and in all minerals. 375 In this project, scientific community could

cooperate reducing to formulas on sound and not in paper, the new knowledge; Sinclair

attributes to this statement the most illuminating hint that has been possible yet to

impart on this matter.376

One point of friction for Bailey with Blavatsky’s followers was that the former accused

the latter that they had misunderstood Blavatsky’s, set outline of periods in which

"He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to the issues of the world of
men; he passes on the Lighted Way to the great Centre of Absorption. But he who feels the urge
to pass that way, yet loves his brother on the darkened path, revolves upon the pedestal of light
and turns the other way. He faces towards the dark, and then the seven points of light within
himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of those upon the darkened way
receives that light. For them the way is not so dark. Behind the warriors--twixt the light and
dark--blazes the light of Hierarchy." in the The Full Moon Meditation Outline,
f, [Accessed on August 31 2012], p. 2, [Hereafter The Full Moon Meditation Outline].
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.164.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.167.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.167.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.167.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.167.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.168.
St. No: 600052672 Page 68 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

cooperation with the Spiritual Hierarchy must run.377 In this respect, Bailey adds that

Blavatsky had been misunderstood by later Theosophists, regarding the analyses of a

lesser One Thousand years-period, besides the vaster of Two Thousand Five Hundred,

Seven Thousand, Nine Thousand, Fifteen Hundred Thousand.378 This analysis of

Blavatsky initiated a First Ray Centennial impulse, which her heirs took as a rule and

proliferated as general, ignoring the other six types of impulse of equal or greater
importance, repetitive and cosmic. In this similar mode of adaptation of parts of a

doctrine, Bailey classified earlier esoteric schools as “definitely exoteric” useful though

to challenge public interest and within the threefold world of physical, emotional and

mental manifestation.380 Advanced teaching, available to Bailey’s A.S esoteric

initiatives, should apply to the soul, definitely providing to disciples with abilities to

deal with the world of occult values and this “artillery” should embrace all the qualities

of Divine expression as codified in the seven Rays. 381 The prospect to know God in

contrast to previous appeal to feel Divine presence was the key point that definitely

would initiate change in the world of Occult studies, in a distinct or at best synthetic

relationship with mystical past.382 Individual implementation of the double attitude both

towards the higher Self and within the world in need, was the model for such method.383

Bailey, The Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1032.
Bailey, The Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1032.
Bailey, The Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1032.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 1.
St. No: 600052672 Page 69 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

In the Mahatma Letters the Seven Ray Master Rackoczy is suggested as the recorder of

Rosenckreuz doctrines “that expound our eastern doctrines in figures”. 384 Bailey

stressed how A.S should reflect the inner group but should abstain from typified

conducts with the Masters. 385 It was a strenuous effort to keep a delicate equation that

Bailey codified in four levels of conscious activity.386 The outer world disciple first

should not be appearing as a freak or a crank.387 He should be available to explain

world events and circular happenings, individual and universal as a light-bringer.388 He

should channel soul energies, healing through love and carrying inspiration into the

world.389 Having been taught within the subtle precincts of the Master’s Ashram in

group formation he should gradually cooperate with Hierarchical Plan and learn

eventually to direct spiritual energies producing world happenings thus carrying the

purposes of the inner group he is affiliated.390 Selbi finds Bailey too limited to her

interaction with the Tibetan in contrast to Fortune who was open to other Masters

besides her three favorites.391 Nevertheless, Bailey as it is evident by the proceedings of

the “Talks”, did conduct ‘allegedly’ Cohan Koothumi as well. 392 This does not

contradict Selbi’s account of Fortunes’ argument on Bailey’s limited Hierarchical

conducts though, since Bailey identified the quality of her work as a second Ray one.

Thomas, Theosophy or Neo-Theosophy, p. 29.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, January 21, 1944, p. 2.
Selbi, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts’, p. 6.
Bailey “Talks”, April 9 1943, p. 2.
St. No: 600052672 Page 70 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

Conclusion: Towards an optional classification of Alice A. Bailey’s work.

Sutcliffe stresses the particular profile of Bailey’s work as a non-ritualistic organism

that would supersede previous efforts and establishing an oligarchy of elect soul to

govern and guide the world.393 Bailey in her talks recognized her work as a Second Ray

Ashram (educational reflection of the Hierarchical center of World Education in Occult

Wisdom). 394 The Antahkarana as a line of living energy that connected various human

aspects and the soul held the cosmic clue to this corresponding educational and spiritual

path according to Sinclair. 395 It is thus evident that the building of Antahkarana can be

applied to many different technical stages of the evolution of consciousness. 396 In this

general application of the technique, the shifting of emphasis from an emotional to a

more mentally perceptive attitude to life was just one tiny step but something Bailey

stressed as fundamental.397 However, she imposed to her students an inner rhythmic

process of meditation and meetings while she had definitely related cosmic rhythm or

the Hindu attribute of sattva as expressing the first aspect of Spirit, with a mode of

transforming life rhythms to ritual. 398 Sinclair stresses Bailey’s intention to create a

middle point approach between the two Lords (Buddha-Lord of light in the East) and

Christ (Lord of Love in the West).399 That gave Bailey’s vision a different character for

classification concerning Blavatsky’s definite “Eclectic Theosophical” tendencies or of

Sutcliffe, Children of the New Age, p. 31
Alice Bailey’s Talks.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.22.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.62.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.62.
Alice A. Bailey, The Light of The Soul, p. 33.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.69.
St. No: 600052672 Page 71 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

a Gnostic aeonology bearing Buddhist labels. 400 Bailey making an evaluation of A.S,

assessed first the other congenial schools; thus, she classified T.S’s work as

emphasizing character building so she also incorporated in A.S’s teachings the Raja

Yoga School of the East, as pertaining to the mind enforcing thus this middle point

approach.401 The Agni Yoga of Master Morya, through Nickolas’ and Helena’s’ Roerich

school, was classified as applying to the soul; and the Arcane School as a synthetic of

all the previous ones incorporating Agni Yoga too in higher degrees of A.S’s

curriculum. 402

The task ahead as set from Bailey for her disciples was to secure the foundations of

truth so that the coming future esoteric superstructure will use the foundations of a

sound reality so that humanity will be able to stand the impact of the incoming solar and

cosmic forces.403 This would apply through the actual founding of physical outposts of

the Ashrams and “the restoration of the mysteries” that would lead humanity in front of

planetary initiations. 404 Moreover, the assimilation in her Arcane School’s curriculum of

Nicholas and Helena Roerich’s Agni Yoga literature, allegedly ‘impressed’ by first ray

Master Morya, makes important the certain classification of Alice A. Bailey’s work and

activities within the modern Neo-Theosophical milieu. 405 Bailey trusted to her

associates that she knew, “such a vision was an anathema for the major occult groups”

but she claimed that, only if someone reflected how the Masters work, in-group and

Goodrick-Clarke, ‘The Coming of the Masters’, p. 29.
Bailey, “Talks”, May 28 1943, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, May 28 1943, p. 1.
Bailey, “Talks”, May 28 1943, p. 2.
Bailey, “Talks”, May 28 1943, p. 2.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.163.
St. No: 600052672 Page 72 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

through the abstract mind, should understand her proposition.406 Practically A.S

suffered from such organizational problems, which led “five hundred members to

follow some good students” that had sensed concrete mental control and organizational

activist dilemmas.407 Sinclair refers to Tibetan’s distinction between the Raja or Mental

Yoga that A.S embraced, the Bhakti or devotion Yoga of the past and the future Yoga of

synthesis of which the forerunner Bailey seems to have recognized in the fusion of

Roerich’s Agni Yoga and A.S curriculum. 408 Bailey, regarded her Masters as double

expression of Love from Koothumi and Wisdom from the Tibetan; presided though by

Morya’ First Ray assertiveness and unifying “eye”, for all esoteric and occult schools of

the future.409 In fact, in a session with close associates Bailey dismissed the word

‘action’ as possible framework of any group initiative since that was something that

would extrapolate different from a Second Ray Ashramic affiliation to the Arcane

School, although present evaluation of Arcane School students testify rigorous interest

and initiatives for world affairs .410

Bailey attempted to define Occultism as the science of the relation of the human mind

with the mind of the Universe and she had to refer to Blavatsky to this. 411 In the

building of A.S Bailey implemented the power of her will and she described three

factors that should mobilize the will for every aspirant to the Mysteries, desire, intention

and desperation; an almost burning desire which must become a sole intention to do

Bailey, “Talks”, May 28 1943, p. 4.
Bailey, “Talks”, September 17 1943, p. 4.
Sinclair, The Alice Bailey Inheritance, Introduction, p.163.
Bailey, “Talks”, September 17 1943, p. 4.
Bailey, “Talks”, September 17 1943, p. 4.
Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 4.
St. No: 600052672 Page 73 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

something. 412 She was talking about such a desperate intention about world need that

could give function to the group, one finds himself merged and the need met.413 That

last factor, Bailey stressed, enables one to love enough so that liberation comes with the

will as an entirely new factor and she described this as the dimming of the “lunar lords”

and fusion of their light by friction within the eternal cold light of the Solar Angel. 414

The above were the tools Bailey trusted to her heirs of her occultism. She tried to

incorporate the wisdom of the past perhaps, and is suggested to be recognised to her,

following her sympathetic empiricism. Her ideas may be not totally alien to the

aspirations for new life of the esoteric researchers of the past. The particular aspect she

shared may be her female aspect of esotericism with healing, group life and interest in

the lesser kingdoms through adaptation of higher occultism in contemporary science.

She chose not contradiction but argument and appeal to experimentation using Christian

terms to unite theology and occultism in esotericism.

Appendix I:

Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 4.
Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 4.
Bailey “Talks”, March 17 1944, p. 4.
St. No: 600052672 Page 74 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

St. No: 600052672 Page 75 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

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, Esoteric Healing, (New York, London: Lucis Publishing Company,


, Esoteric Psychology, 2 vols., II (New York: Lucis Publishing

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, The Externalization of Hierarchy (New York: Lucis Publishing

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, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and

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Besant Annie, Initiation: The Perfecting of Man, (London: Theosophical Publishing

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Goodrick-Clarke Nicholas,’ The Coming of the Masters: The Evolutionary Reformulation

of Spiritual Intermediaries in Modern Theosophy’, Presented at the inaugural

conference of the European Society for the Study of Esotericism (ESSWE), Constructing

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Baden-Württemberg, 22nd July 2007.

Leadbeater Webster Charles, The Masters and the Path (Adyar, India: The

Theosophical Publishing House, 1925).

Santucci A. James Bailey, ‘Alice Ann, * 16.6.1880, Manchester, † 15.12.1949 New

York’, in Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism, edit. by Wouter J. Hanegraaff

and others (Lieden: Brill, 2006, pp.158-60)

Selbi John, ‘Dion Fortune and her Inner Plane Contacts: Intermediaries in the Western

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Sinclair John R., Sir, , The Alice Bailey Inheritance: The Inner plane Teachings of

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Sutcliffe J. Steven, Children of the New Age: A History of Spiritual Practices (London:

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St. No: 600052672 Page 78 out of 78
Word Count: 19437.

The Full Moon Meditation Outline,


Theosophy Or NeoTheosophy? (reprint of the complete, unabridged original edition)

compiled by Margaret Thomas ,

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