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Storytelling/Narration – The goal challenges and obstacles a turning point and resulution of the story.

Character / Characterization – in non diction story- characters are the most important, the main character
serve as the core or central ideaof the storyline.
Setting, Atmosphere and Scene- the writer create scene that are action oriented include dialogue and
comtain vivid description.
Plot and plot structure- These are the main events that make up the story in personal essay their might be
only one event in a memoir.
Figurative language- helps the writer to provide aesthetic to the pieces. It give vibrant effects to the story.
Imagery- the use of different sensory images helps also to add color in writing a non fiction piece.
Angle/point of view – Most of the time non- fiction adheres with the use of the first person point of view.
Dialogue – this cab help to make the story within the character.
Theme- it is the central idea or universal truth presented in the work.
Lee Gutkind- writer professor and report on creative non fiction wrote called the five RV’s of Creative non
Personal Essay- Tge writer uses information that is based on personal experience.
Memoir- the writer creates a real story within a time or period of life.
Travel Writing- the writer creates article narration about travel.
Creative nonfiction is genre of writing that combines different literary styles and techniques in presenting
factual information which differentiates it from the usual genres of nonfiction.
Autobiography- written account of the life of a person written by that person himself or herself, 2)
B. Reportage/ Literary Journalism- Reportage also known as literary journalism reports an event, history or an
actual case based on direct observation, investigation or thorough research and Documentation.
Travelogue is an account of a person’s experiences while touring a place for the pleasure of travel.
Personal Narrative is a person’s true story. The author narrates what happened to them in a particular event
which makes it autobiographical in nature.
E. Reflection/Reflective Essay - Reflective essays describe an event that happened, then analyze the meaning
and what can be learned from that experience.
F. True narrative is a story based on real life experiences or events; however, itsform is still undefined.
G. Blog is the abbreviated form of the words “weblog”. It is a website containing short articles called posts
that are changed regularly.
Travel blogs are written by individuals who loves travel and blogging.
H. Testimonio through literature, it is an oral or written autobiographical story known as “testimonial
Organization is said that ideas are well-developed when there is a clear statement of purpose, position, facts,
examples, specific details, definitions, explanation, justifications, or opposing viewpoints.
Coherence means that sentences are arranged in a logical manner, making them easily understood by the
Your topic will suggest the Structure of your text. Structure is the arrangement or organization of the text.
a. Chronological structure- an arrangement of events in a linear fashion as they occurred in time.
b. Flashback structure- beginning in a certain point of the story then moving back in the past.
c. Parallel structure- a type of structure that has several stories, running side by side with occasional
cross-cutting or convergence.
d. Collage or Mosaic structure- it involves pasting together of small fragments, which all together build
up the total picture of what happened.
e. Question and Answer structure- it allows the reader to hear the subject’s voice without awkwardness
of having to repeat “he said” or “she said” before or after every direct quotation.
f. Frame or The story-within-a-story- it is a good structure to use when you want to say two stories- say,
a travel narrative, where the actual physical journey is paralleled by an inner journey.
Creative Nonfiction writing must have 3 parts:

 Introduction, Body, and Ending/Conclusion.

Title It is not necessarily written before the piece is written, but it is good to have a working title to help you
The first paragraph- First paragraphs lead the reader to reading the whole text.
Critique is a critical discussion or review that describes, summarizes, analyzes , and evaluates the strengths
and weaknesses of a work. It is written in paragraph form.
Peer critique or peer review is the practice of writers to review and provide constructive criticism of each
other’s works.
Creative nonfiction is about fact and truth.
Peer Critique Guidelines

 Be kind: Always treat others with dignity and respect. This means we never use words that are hurtful,
including sarcasm.
 Be specific: Focus on particular strengths and weaknesses, rather than making general comments like
“It’s good” or “I like it.” Provide insight into why it is good or what, specifically, you like about it.
 Be helpful: The goal is to positively contribute to the individual or the group, not to simply be heard.
 Participate: Peer critique is a process to support each other, and your feedback is valued!
How to Write a Critique: Do’s and Don’ts

 Read the piece several times ahead of time

 Try to experience the piece as an “ordinary reader” before you consider it as an author or editor
 Try to understand the author’s goals
 Be specific in your feedback and provide relevant examples

 Impose your own aesthetics, tastes, or world view

 Rewrite the story the way you would have written it
 Discourage the author
 Offer criticisms that are too general to help the author make specific improvements
Literary Elements refer to particular identifiable characteristics of a whole text.
Forms of Autobiographical Writing
Below are some forms of autobiographical writing:
Autobiography - Autobiography is a written account of the life of a person written by that person himself or
Memoirs - These are also real stories of the writer’s relationship with a person, place, or even animals. It also
includes the writer’s insights and feelings towards the relationship.
Personal narrative - This is also known as autobiographical incidents. Texts of this form focus on and highlight
a specific event in the life of the writer.
Autobiographical sketches/ narratives --- The purpose of this is to describe a time or a series of events in the
writer’s life including insights about them.
Reflective Essay--- This recalls and recounts an experience. Insights on an experience are also expressed.
1. Selecting a topic - In this phase, the writer explores and chooses a possible topic or subject forr writing.
2. Narrowing the topic - the writer needs to narrow and to set the focus by uncovering what is hidden within
the story. Include details and points that enrich the story.
3. Thinking about the audience and purpose for writing the writer’s awareness of his/her intended readers or
audience the level of language that the writer will utilize.
Obtaining Details - Deails give shape to and enrich the writing piece. Obtaining details can be done through
listing and itemizing.

A Draft is the first whole version of all your ideas put together; it’s a “dress rehearsal.”
Creating Your Title
Your essay’s title should:
• Be original
• Be a reasonable length
• Reflect your topic
• Be lively and attention-getting
Your title should NOT:

 Be generic/repeat the assignment

• Be in ALL CAPS
• Be in boldface, “quotation marks,” underlined, or italicized.
Be followed by a period
A Topic Sentence expresses the main idea of the Body paragraph.
Body paragraphs must have
Unity-everything refers back to main point
Support-examples and details
Coherence-all points connect to form a whole; one point leads to another
Body Paragraphs: Unity
-Unity is achieved when everything refers back to the main point
- All sentences should relate back to topic sentence & thesis.
Body Paragraphs: Support
• Support is achieved through adequate examples and details.
Body Paragraphs: Coherence
Coherence is achieved when all points connect to form a whole; one point leads to another.
Transitions-words & phrases which connect your sentences so that your writing flows smoothly.

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