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The researcher focuses on the effects of the alugbati (Basella alba) in making

homemade chips and the difference between homemade alugbati (Basella alba) chips

and commercialized ones. Concerning this paper, this chapter contains all the

information’s about the researcher’s aim and the question that the researchers wanted

to answer during the scientific investigation. This chapter will be also discuss the

coverage of the study and its significance.

           Nowadays, malnutrition is so common to the Philippines, our country places fifth

in the East Asia and Pacific region, and among the top 10 countries globally.

Malnutrition can greatly affect the nation and the people, especially now that the world is

currently in a pandemic. A pandemic that will kill those who are infected, especially

those who have a weak immune system like people that have severe malnutrition or

something like that. With this in mind, the researcher thought to investigate a way to

lessen the people who have a weak immune system without spending too much money

on it. Therefore, the researcher thought to use alugbati (Basella alba) leaves because of

their availability and cheapness. This will be used as the main ingredient in making

homemade chips that can boost the immune system in our body.

According to the Healthy Eating website, one serving (100 grams) of alugbati

(Basella alba) provides over 267 percent of the RDA of vitamin A, 170 percent of the

RDA of vitamin C, 35 percent of the RDA of folate, and 23 percent of the RDA of

manganese. Alugbati (Basella alba) also boasts large amounts of calcium, magnesium,

zinc, iron, and B-complex vitamins. It's an excellent source of phytonutrients that

scavenge oxidative damage and promote overall health. Alugbati (Basella alba) is very
high in vitamin C influencing positively and boosting the immune system. It is also

excellent in releasing toxins in our body, preventing constipation, controlling blood

pressure, etc. (Holistic Living Corner, 2018). 

To generalize this study, it is conducted to know if using alugbati (Basella alba) in

making chips can boost the immune system in our body and make it more delicious to

eat. Because most of the people hate to eat vegetables, especially kids and teens. This

problem causes the parents to go hard with making their children eat vegetables. To

help these parents, the researcher aims to know if homemade alugbati (Basella alba)

can make the children eat more vegetables. If this was proven correct, the parents near

at the coverage of this study can use this idea to make their children eat more healthy

foods and boost boost their immune systems. They can also use this idea to make

some profit on their own by selling this as a product. Furthermore, homemade alugbati

(Basella alba) chips have the potential to replace commercialized chips for healthy

eating since they can boost your immune system, release toxins in your body, prevent

constipation, control blood pressure, etc.  

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