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These terms and conditions set out the terms of the agreement between you (“you”) as the scholar,
and us, Godparent (“our team,” “our,” “us,” “we,” “Godparent,” or “GP”), for the play-to-earn
game known as Plants vs Undead (PVU) valid for thirty (30) days in PVU time.

This Agreement is a binding contract between you and us at GP, and it sets out your and our rights
and obligations with respect to your choice of being a part of our platform and using our assets. In
executing this Agreement, you are indicating that you agree to adhere to, and be bound by, all of
its terms. In addition to this Agreement, you may enter into several other agreements with us and,
if inconsistent, the terms of any agreement to which you agree AFTER this Agreement will prevail.

Upon executing this Agreement, you will become an official scholar of Godparent. Being a scholar
in our platform will ONLY be on a per month basis, and existing scholars who want to remain as
scholars after the one (1) month period will be presented with a new contract. Division of money
between the manager and scholar will be based on the profit garnered by the scholar once the
maximum amount of plants per free land has been met, which will be referred to as the “full build”

As a scholar, GP expects that you already have a Metamask (MM) account prior to agreeing with
these terms. You must agree to give GP access to your personal details, namely: full name, mobile
number connected to Gcash or Paymaya (if available), bank details (if available), and Metamask
address. GP assures that this information is, and will always be, confidential and will only be used
for the sole purpose of business transactions.

Given that PVU is still in its beta stage, server maintenance sessions are to be expected. Hence,
this Agreement will abide by “PVU time,” where 1 day is equal to 24 hours in-game. Note that
PVU time pauses every time server is under maintenance and resumes once PVU server is back
up. To stay updated when server is under maintenance and when it is up, GP Scholars are required
to join the GP discord channel.

Once the above mentioned have been met, Gameplay Terms are as follows:
1. GP will provide 5 PVU tokens to you as capital, and will be immediately converted into
350 Light Energy (LE) in-game upon confirm of receipt on your account. GP will also
provide BNB worth Php 500.00 to your MM account, which will serve as allowance for all
the gas fees while the contract is active. Note that if this runs out, scholar will be
responsible for all the in-game gas fees while the contract is still active.
2. Day 0: Scholar’s initial LE will be used to buy two (2) sunflower saplings, two (2) small
pots, one (1) water, and one (1) scarecrow. Please refer to PVU computation Figure 1 for
visual guide.
3. Day 3: After three (3) days, harvested LE amounting to six hundred fifty (650) will be
reinvested back into the scholar’s account to buy one (1) sunflower mama, two (2)
sunflower saplings, and three (3) small pots. Water may also be bought, as needed. Please
refer to PVU computation Figure 2 for visual guide.
4. Day 6: After three (3) days, the two saplings planted in term 3 will be harvested and the
five hundred (LE) will be used to buy three (3) more saplings and three (3) more small
5. Day 9: After six (6) days since term 3, LE will be harvested and used to buy a full build.
Please refer to PVU computation Figure 3 for visual guide. Excess LE will remain in
scholar’s account until sunflower mama is ready for harvest during full build.
6. Day 15: Once harvest of sunflower mama during first full build has been completed,
scholar must replant another full build before proceeding to Revenue Computation and

Revenue Computation and Division

If scholar has successfully followed the terms above for 15 days in PVU time, Revenue
Computation and Division between scholar and manager will commence. Terms for Revenue
Computation are as follows:
1. As implied in Gameplay Terms above, no Revenue Computation nor Division will happen
until harvest of sunflower mama during first full build period.
2. A minimum of 1780 LE per full build harvest will be the scholar’s quota.
3. Revenue division will be done on a 50-50 basis, where profit will be equally divided
between scholar and manager. Please see PVU computation Figure 4 for visual guide. Note
that profit may increase depending on LE harvested by scholar and 1780 LE was merely
used as an example.
a. In the event that scholar reaches 2100LE upon harvest, Revenue Division will shift
to a 55-45 basis, where 55% will be allotted to the scholar, and 45% to the manager.
Please see PVU Computation Figure 5 for visual guide.
b. During the final full build cycle of the scholar (Day 30 in PVU time), Revenue
Division will shift to a 60-40 basis, where 60% will be allotted to the scholar and
40% to the manager. Please refer to PVU Computation Figure 6 for visual guide.
4. Scholar has the right to choose between two modes of compensation: in cash or in PVU
tokens. The following should be sent to the manager after every full build harvest: (a)
screenshot containing total LE, together with date and time; and (b) screenshot after
converting LE to PVU, together with date and time.
a. In the event that scholar opts to be compensated through cash and the requirements
mentioned in term 4 have been sent, scholar may proceed to sending the PVU
tokens to the manager. The GP Manager will then provide a screenshot containing
the scholar’s proper salary computation, following the terms mentioned in term 3
i. After the scholar has confirmed the amount that the manager has presented
in term 4.a., scholar will choose how to receive the cash between the
following channels: Gcash, Paymaya, or through Bank Transfer. All service
fees will be carried by the manager
b. In the event that scholar opts to be compensated through PVU tokens and the
requirements mentioned in term 4 have been sent, scholar may proceed to sending
the PVU tokens to the manager. The GP Manager will then provide a screenshot
containing the scholar’s salary computation, following the terms mentioned in term
3 above.
i. After the scholar has confirmed the amount that the manager has presented
in term 4.b., GP Manager will transfer the PVU tokens into the scholar’s
Metamask account. Gas fee of PVU transfer from Manager’s to Scholar’s
Metamask account will be carried by the Manager.

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire Agreement between scholar and manager, and
you acknowledge that you have not relied upon any representations, statements or pre-contractual
statements that are not expressly set out in these terms. Once you have read and agreed to the terms
above, you may sign below to become an official scholar under GodParent.

I, ________________________ (Full name and Signature), certify that I have read and agreed to
all the terms mention above and agree to be part of GodParent’s team as an official GodChild.
Breach of any of the terms and conditions above will result to heavy penalties, and contract may
immediately be terminated. All LE, PVU, and BNB previously given by GP and earned while the
contract was active will all be surrendered to my manager if my contract will be terminated pre-
maturely. Furthermore, purposefully breaching the contract may result to a perpetual ban from all
of GP’s scholar services under any game in the future.

I, ________________________ (Full name and Signature), of GodParent certify that I will uphold
all the terms and conditions mentioned above. I certify to look after the welfare of the GodChild
entrusted to me and to GodParent as a whole. Purposefully breaching the contract may result to
heavy penalties as a manager, and may be raised to another GodParent for further investigation.

These terms and conditions will be active for the duration of thirty (30) days in PVU time, starting
from ________________ (date of signing) until _________________ given that server will be
stable and no problems occur. End date may vary according to PVU time.

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