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Multi-camera Editing

Import video clips

Find a synchronise point and add a marker to each clip (using the source monitor)
Highlight all clips in the project window to be used in multi-camera sequence
Right click > ‘Create multicam source…’
From the options below you can choose
Sync point ‘Clip marker’ or ‘audio’ (this will
synchronise the clips to the marker you set or it will
try to match the audio waveforms together). If you
have a set ‘clap’ point, it is recommended to use this.

Automatic sequence settings

‘Tick’ move source clips to processed clips bin

Audio sequence settings – choosing the source for

your audio

From the project window

Right click new multicam sequence > new sequence
from clip

Rename the new sequence

Click the spanner in the program monitor > change from composite to multicamera view
You can now close the other windows across the top to give the most space for the
multicamera editing.

To edit:
Play the video and press the numbers on the keyboard that correspond with the cameras in the
program monitor, e.g. 1 for camera 1, 2 for camera 2. This will switch between each camera
and create an edit. The edits will not be visible until you stop playing the video through.

Tweaking your edit:

You can use the razor tool to manually add cuts where required.
- Move playhead to clip and select the camera you want to be shown
You can also use the rolling edit tool to tighten any cuts you are unhappy with.

Adding an un-synced clip to a multicamera sequence:

Go through the stages to create a multicamera sequence excluding the clip that cannot be
Open the sequence onto the timeline
Hold command and double click the sequence to expand the clips onto the timeline
Add the clips that failed to sync on a new track above
Close the sequence on the timeline and move the non-synchronised clip into the processed
clips folder.
Edit as normal.

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