ICT652 - Tutorial 1

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Tutorial 1

History & Philosophical Development of the Science of Computing

1. a) Briefly explain the term of ‘digital economy’.

b) The knowledge-based economy will need workers who can think and come up
with new solutions. Creative thinking is one of the criteria that organizations need
from their workers in the knowledge-based economy.

i) Briefly explain what creative thinking is.

ii) Briefly explain FIVE (5) creativity traits that the workers should have.

c) Technology changes the way people work and communicate, and the equipment
they use. Briefly explain FIVE (5) benefits of technology changes.

2. a) What is Ethics?

b) Online banking allows the flexibility to check balances and do transactions at any
time of day or night and at any locations that are more accessible than the bank
branch. However, there are negative aspects of the impact of this technology.
Discuss THREE (3) negative aspects of online banking.

c) Anonymity on the Internet has always been a controversial subject. Give TWO
(2) arguments against anonymity on the Internet and TWO (2) arguments in favor
of it.



Please print and submit your answer next week during tutorial .

No excuse for late submission.

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