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Cassie B.

Lim 09/17/2021
Grade 12
Empowerment Technologies

Activity 1.1 Internet and Computer Readiness Test
Directions: Read and reflect each item carefully. State whether you agree or disagree to each of the
statements by drawing a happy face () if you agree and a sad face () if you disagree. There are no right
or wrong answers for this activity. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. I have reliable access to a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or any gadget that can act as 
substitute to computers.
2. I have access to a high-speed internet connection with video streaming capabilities. 
3. I have experience using email: I can create, send, forward, reply to, and save email 
messages and attachments.
4. I have experience in word processing: I can create, edit, save, and navigate documents 
using software program such as Microsoft Word or Pages for Mac.
5. I have experience in creating slide presentations: I can use programs such as Microsoft 
PowerPoint or Keynote for Mac.
6. I know how to search the web using Internet browsers such as Firefox or Google Chrome. 
7. I have experience using online or mobile social media (ex. Facebook, Twitter) 
8. I have experience viewing videos online (YouTube) 
9. I have experience filling out forms and taking quizzes online. 
10.I have experiences using cloud-based programs such as Google Drive or Google Docs. 
11.I have experience searching online for academic resources (ex. Google Scholar) 
12.I have experience with video conferencing (ex. Skype). 

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