Xin 2004

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Cross-Regional Comparison of

Colour Emotions Part I:

Quantitative Analysis

J. H. Xin,1,* K. M. Cheng,1 G. Taylor,1

T. Sato,2 A. Hansuebsai3
Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon,
Hong Kong

Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Received 16 September 2002; revised 10 March 2004; accepted 24 March 2004

Abstract: Colour emotion is a feeling or emotion induced in tion is normally induced in our brains. The term colour
our brains when we look at a colour. In this article, the emotion was used recently by researchers in this field to
colour emotional responses obtained by conducting visual represent this feeling or emotion.1–3 Many researchers have
experiments in different regions, namely Hong Kong, Japan suggested that colour directly affects the parts of human’s
and Thailand, using a set of 218 colour samples are com- nervous system that are responsible for emotion arousal, and
pared using a quantitative approach in an attempt to study different colours or colour combinations usually have dif-
the influence of different cultural and geographical loca- ferent meanings for people.4,5 As colour emotion is in the
tions. Twelve pairs of colour emotions described in oppo- domain of psychology, it is influenced by many factors such
nent words were used. These word pairs are warm– cool, as sex, age, climate and geographic conditions, as well as
light– dark, deep–pale, heavy–light, vivid–sombre, gaudy– race and cultural influences.6,7 The aim of this study was to
plain, striking–subdued, dynamic–passive, distinct–vague, investigate the colour emotions of people from Hong Kong,
transparent–turbid, soft– hard, and strong–weak. These Japan, and Thailand using a quantitative method and to
word pairs represent the fundamental emotional response of compare the colour emotions among these regions. It was
human beings toward colour. The influences of lightness attempted, through this study, to show the influence of the
and chroma were found to be much more important than regional differences. Twelve opponent word pairs for de-
that of the hue on the colour emotions studied. Good cor- scription of human colour emotions were used in the visual
relations of colour emotions among these three regions in assessments. These word pairs were warm– cool (WC),
East Asia were found, with the best ones for colour emotion light– dark (LD), deep–pale (DP), heavy–light (HL), vivid–
pairs being light– dark and heavy–light. © 2004 Wiley Period- sombre (VS), gaudy–plain (GP), striking–subdued (SS),
icals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 451– 457, 2004; Published online in Wiley dynamic–passive (DyPa), distinct–vague (DV), transpar-
InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/col.20062 ent–turbid (TT), soft– hard (SH), and strong–weak (SW).
Key words: colour emotion; colour feeling; cultural effect; They were selected in a previous study attempting to iden-
geographical effect tify the most frequently induced emotions in people’s
minds.8 In addition, these 12 word pairs represent the low-
level emotional responses of the observers, which should be
INTRODUCTION less complex in comparison with high-level ones such as
Colour is an essential component in our daily life. During feelings of like and dislike.8
the colour perception process, an associate feeling or emo- Previous studies were conducted to find the quantitative
and qualitative relationships between colours defined by
colour specification systems and their colour emotions. A
*Correspondence to: J. H. Xin (e-mail: colour image scale was derived by Nakamura et al. using
© 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. the Munsell colour system in an attempt to express colour

Volume 29, Number 6, December 2004 451

TABLE I. Subjects and viewing condition of visual as- textile version of the Munsell colour order system. The
sessments in different regions. spectral reflectance of each sample was measured using the
Macbeth Colour Eye 2180 spectrophotometer with the small
aperture. The reflectance data were then converted into CIE
Region Number Age Viewing condition L* a* and b* colorimetric values under D65 illuminant and
Hong Kong 70 ⬃20 Under Verivide artificial
2° standard observer functions. The distribution of the sam-
daylight D65 ples in CIELAB colour space is plotted in Fig. 1. It can be
Japan 80 18–22 Near a north-facing window seen from Fig. 1 that the colour samples cover the hue,
(under natural daylight)
Thailand 60 ⬃20 Under illuminant D65 in the
chroma, and lightness well. When viewing a colour, a
light cabinet neutral gray mask was used to cover the surrounding area of
the colour sample so as to ensure that the assessment was
not influenced by the colour of the surrounding area. The
emotions quantitatively.1 In that colour image scale, colour colour samples were illuminated along their normal (i.e.,
regions were defined quantitatively according to Munsell directly facing the light) and viewed at approximately 45° to
hue, value, and chroma. However, the colours in those the normal. Each subject was asked to fill in a questionnaire
regions had no quantitative relationships with the emotions during the visual experiment. In the questionnaire, the 12
induced by them. Nakamura and Sato et al. then derived pairs of words for describing the human emotions were
quantitative relationships between the colour emotions and written in their native languages accordingly. After viewing
CIE colorimetric specifications based on the 12 pairs of a colour sample, the subject was requested to select a more
colour emotion words described.9 –13 However, in that study, appropriate word to describe the colour from each word
only Japanese subjects were used, therefore the results ob- pair.
tained may only be applicable in Japan. Conversely, the
study of colour emotion and its variations in different cul-
tures is an interesting area due to the considerable increase RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
in cross culture interchanges, such as product design tar-
geted to consumers in a certain country, and customized Quantifying Colour Emotions
website design. Hence, the quantification of the colour The results of the questionnaires were analyzed. A score of
emotions with standard colour specification and the study of ⫹1 was given to the selection of “warm,” “light,” “deep,”
the similarities and differences between colour emotions for “heavy,” “vivid,” “gaudy,” “striking,” “dynamic,” “dis-
these three regions were achieved in this work. With im- tinct,” “transparent,” “soft,” or “strong,” whereas a score of
proved understanding of colour emotions, suitable colours ⫺1 was given to the selection of the opposite words (i.e.,
can be selected to produce the desired emotional response. “cool,” “dark,” “pale,” “light,” “sombre,” “plain,” “sub-
By means of reference to the quantitative relationships dued,” “passive,” “vague,” “turbid,” “hard,” or “weak”).
between colour emotions and colour specifications, design- For example, when the warm– cool colour emotion of co-
ers can easily find the induced colour emotional response of lour sample 5R1 was assessed by the subjects, the calcula-
the targeted customers and communicate with colourists to tion of the warm– cool percentage (WC) of 5R1 became the
produce the requisite colours. The similarities and differ- following [Eq. (1)]:
ences between colour emotions for different countries and
cultures should also contribute towards the exploration of x(⫹1) ⫹ y(⫺1)
colour psychology. The colour emotion study discussed in WC ⫽ ⫻ 100%, (1)
this article is limited to Japan, Thailand and Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region. The culture and geograph- where x and y are the number of subjects selecting warm
ical differences between different regions in some countries and cool colour emotions for colour sample 5R1 respec-
such as China can be quite substantial. The colour emotions
typical of the Hong Kong region may be different from
those of the other regions in China, especially in the north.
The data from Japan was obtained in Kyoto and the data
from Thailand was obtained in Bangkok.

The number of subjects in the visual experiments and their
ages and the viewing conditions used in the three regions
are listed in Table I. In the visual experiments, there were
218 colour samples, each 1.0 cm ⫻ 1.5 cm in size. They
FIG. 1. The distribution of the colour samples in the
were about 2° subtended to the eyes of the observer with a CIELAB colour space using illuminant D65 and 2° standard
viewing distance of 30 cm. The colour samples were se- observer functions. The lightness of the samples were
lected from the SCOTDIC PLUS 2000 system, which is a sorted prior to the plotting.

452 COLOR research and application

TABLE II. The correlation coefficients of colour emo-
tion of different regions.
Correlation coefficient, r
Colour emotions of
different regions JP TH

WC HK 0.860 0.860
JP 0.823
LD HK 0.958 0.909
JP 0.946
DP HK 0.951 0.844
JP 0.813
HL HK 0.973 0.912
JP 0.900
VS HK 0.923 0.917
JP 0.831
GP HK 0.930 0.926
JP 0.831
SS HK 0.926 0.851 FIG. 2. The visual assessment results of heavy–light colour
JP 0.741 emotion of Japanese against Hong Kong Chinese.
Dypa HK 0.955 0.864
JP 0.786
DV HK 0.304 0.586
JP 0.822 the other two regions were regarded as good. The correla-
TT HK 0.935 0.943 tion coefficients of 10 of 12 colour emotion pairs between
JP 0.868
SH HK 0.881 0.925
Japanese and Thai were found to be lower than those of
JP 0.879 Japanese and Hong Kong Chinese and between Hong Kong
SW HK 0.928 0.887 Chinese and Thai. The lowest correlation coefficient be-
JP 0.752
tween Japanese and Thai is equal to 0.741. Of all the
correlation coefficients, the best ones were found to be for
light– dark and heavy–light pairs. The correlation coeffi-
tively and x⫹ y is the total number of subjects, (e.g., 70 for cients of these two pairs between any two regions in this
Hong Kong data). study were greater than 0.90.
If all subjects selected “warm” to describe the colour, WC The above-discussed correlation of the colour emotions
was equal to 100%. If all subjects selected “cool” to de- between two regions can be shown by plotting the visual
scribe the colour, WC was equal to ⫺100%. This method assessment results. A total of 36 graphs can be generated for
was applied to all of the colour emotion calculations in this 12 colour emotion pairs among three regions. In this article,
study. only the graphs showing the best and worst correlations are
given as Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively. Figure 2 illustrates
the visual experiment results of the heavy–light colour
Correlation Coefficient of Colour Emotions for
emotions of the Hong Kong Chinese and Japanese. The
Different Regions
results for this word pair by subjects in these two regions
The correlation coefficient, r, of the colour emotion results were very close to each other and very well correlated as the
obtained from different regions was calculated as a prelim- data points were all lined very close to the 45° line, which
inary analysis of the correlation of colour emotions. Table II represents the equal colour emotion of subjects of the two
shows the correlation coefficients of the colour emotions
between any two of the three regions.
As shown in Table II, the correlation coefficients between
any two regions in this study are larger than 0.74, with one
exception, that being the distinct–vague colour emotion
between the Hong Kong Chinese and Japanese, and between
the Hong Kong Chinese and Thai, which are very low. This
low correlation might be due to the difference in meaning
after translating distinct–vague into Hong Kong Chinese
(Cantonese), which caused a different interpretation of the
word pair in the minds of the Hong Kong Chinese when
compared to the subjects of the other regions. Despite the
distinct–vague colour emotion pair, the correlation coeffi-
cients of the other pairs for the Hong Kong Chinese and
Japanese were found to be greater than 0.86, whereas those
for the Hong Kong Chinese and Thai were found to be
greater than 0.84. Hence, the correlations of these colour FIG. 3. The visual assessment results of distinct–vague
emotion pairs assessed by the subjects from Hong Kong and colour emotion of Japanese against Hong Kong Chinese.

Volume 29, Number 6, December 2004 453

regions. The results of the distinct–vague colour emotions namic,” “distinct,” “transparent,” “soft,” and “strong” emo-
of the Hong Kong Chinese and Japanese were scattered tions perceived by the subjects. When equal to ⫺100, the
around and deviated significantly from the 45° line in Fig. 3, colour emotion indices indicate “cool,” “dark,” “pale,”
which represents a very low correlation between the two. “light,” “somber,” “plain,” “subdued,” “passive,” “vague,”
“turbid,” “hard,” and “weak” emotions perceived by the
subjects. If the calculated index is outside the boundaries of
Derivation of Mathematical Models ⫺100 to ⫹100, it is assumed to be equal to ⫺100 or ⫹100
Mathematical models were derived for quantifying the co- respectively.
lour emotions of different regions with the CIE standard The reliability of each derived mathematical model was
colour specifications, L*, C*, and h, through the optimiza- analyzed by calculating the correlation coefficients, r, be-
tion by C⫹⫹ programming. As h ranges from 0° to 360° tween the results of colour emotion obtained from the visual
and the hue at 0° is equivalent to that at 360°, indicating the assessment and the derived models. The r values are shown
same in perception but a very large difference in magnitude, in Table IV. From Table IV, it can be seen that the corre-
two models were derived for each colour emotion pair if an lations of all colour emotions obtained from visual assess-
influence by hue was found. One model is for 0° ⱕ h ⬍180° ment and the derived models were considered to be satis-
[Eq. (2)] and the other is for 180° ⱕ h ⬍ 360° [Eq. (3)]. factory, because all of the correlation coefficients were
When the hue influence of the colour emotion pair was larger than 0.85. Among them, eight colour emotion pairs
small, only one mathematical model was derived to repre- (i.e., light– dark, deep–pale, heavy–light, gaudy–plain, strik-
sent the correlation of this colour emotion pair in all hue ing–subdued, dynamic–passive, soft– hard, and strong–
angles [Eq. (4)]. The empirical formulae of colour emotion weak colour emotions) were found to have very good cor-
indices are shown in the following: relations as the correlation coefficients were larger than 0.90
For the models applicable to the first half of hue angles, and the best one reached 0.97.
that is, 0°ⱕ h ⬍ 180°, we obtain the following: According to the derived mathematical models, the de-
gree of each colour attribute influencing the colour emotion
CEI0⬚ⱕh⬍180⬚ ⫽ xl L* ⫹ yl 共C*兲a ⫹ zl h ⫹ cl . (2) can be evaluated by the first derivative of the mathematical
models with respect to that colour attribute. If a slight
change of the colour attribute causes a large difference in
For the models applicable to the second half of hue angles,
the colour emotion, this colour attribute is considered to
that is, 180°ⱕ h⬍360°, we obtain the following:
have a significant influence on the colour emotion. A qual-
CEI180⬚ⱕh⬍360⬚ ⫽ x2 L* ⫹ y2 共C*兲b ⫹ z2 共360⬚ ⫺ h兲 ⫹ c2 . (3) itative term, dominant parameter, is assigned to the colour
attribute having a substantial influence on the colour emo-
For the models applicable to all hue-angles, we obtain the tion. The dominant parameters affecting the colour emo-
following: tions are summarized in Table V, together with the one
having a slight influence on colour emotion. This term is for
CEI ⫽ x3 L* ⫹ y3 共C*兲d ⫹ z3 h ⫹ c3 , (4) qualitative indication only. Table III shows the exact influ-
ence of each colour attribute.
where CEI is the colour emotion index representing the
warm– cool, light– dark, deep–pale, heavy–light, vivid–
Lightness as the Dominant Parameter
sombre, gaudy–plain, striking–subdued, dynamic–passive,
distinct–vague, transparent–turbid, soft– hard, and strong– From Table III and Table V, it may be seen that lightness
weak colour emotions of Hong Kong Chinese, Japanese, of colour had an obvious influence on most of the colour
and Thai; L* is the CIE lightness; C* is the CIE chroma; h emotion pairs in this study, except the warm– cool and
is the CIE hue angle; x, y, and z are the coefficients of L*, gaudy–plain colour emotions. It was the dominant pa-
C*, and h respectively; c is a constant; a, b, and d are the rameter in the light– dark, deep–pale, heavy–light, trans-
indices of C*; and x, y, z, c, a, b, and d are also named as parent–turbid, soft– hard, and strong–weak colour emo-
impact factors of the standard colour specifications. The tions for subjects from Hong Kong, Japan, and Thailand.
model with 0° ⬍ h ⱕ 180° was derived from the visual In addition to these, vivid–sombre and striking–subdued
assessment results obtained for the hue angles between 0° colour emotions of Thai subjects were mainly affected by
and 180° and that with 180°⬍h ⱕ 360° was derived from the lightness, whereas it was the dominant parameter of
the visual assessment results obtained for the hue angles the distinct–vague colour emotion of the Hong Kong
between 180° and 360°. The impact factors were calculated Chinese and Japanese.
with an optimization program to fit the visual results based Of the three regions in this study, lightness was found to
on the Simplex technique. have influence on most of the colour emotions for Thais,
The impact factors are shown in Table III. They are used except for the warm– cool, gaudy–plain, and distinct–vague
in the calculation of the CEI. The colour emotion indices pairs. Conversely, the warm– cool, vivid–sombre, gaudy–
defined in this study range from ⫺100 to ⫹100. When equal plain, striking–subdued, and dynamic–passive colour emo-
to ⫹100, the colour emotion indices indicate “warm,” tions of Hong Kong Chinese and Japanese were found not to
“light,” “deep,” “heavy,” “vivid,” “gaudy,” “striking,” “dy- be influenced by lightness of colour. These results suggest

454 COLOR research and application

TABLE III. Impact factors for evaluating CEI.
CEI of Coefficient of L* Coefficient of C* Coefficient of h Index of C* Constant
regions x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3 a b d c1 c2 c3

WC HK 0.154 0.355 — 39.4 23.5 — ⫺0.303 ⫺0.159 — 0.372 0.429 — ⫺114 ⫺106 —
JP 0.586 0.542 — 146 0.217 — ⫺0.517 ⫺0.283 — 0.192 1.45 — ⫺249 ⫺74.7 —
TH ⫺0.331 ⫺0.315 — 11.2 0.016 — ⫺0.389 ⫺0.321 — 0.621 2.05 — ⫺44.7 ⫺12.1 —

LD HK — — 2.11 — — 2.02 — — 0.083 — — 1 — — ⫺187

JP — — 2.58 — — 2.16 — — 0.114 — — 1 — — ⫺209
TH — — 2.90 — — 1.91 — — 0.070 — — 1 — — ⫺205

DP HK ⫺3.59 ⫺3.67 — 0.451 ⫺0.216 — 0.040 0.098 — 1 1 — 189 189 —

JP ⫺3.62 ⫺3.95 — 1.27 0.375 — 0.076 0.071 — 1 1 — 167 192 —
TH ⫺2.93 ⫺2.31 — 1.20 0.326 — 0.037 0.049 — 1 1 — 179 159 —

HL HK ⫺3.34 ⫺3.47 — 0.476 ⫺0.264 — 0.037 0.072 — 1 1 — 175 183 —

JP ⫺3.76 ⫺3.73 — 0.121 ⫺0.495 — 0.046 0.020 — 1 1 — 208 204 —
TH ⫺3.26 ⫺2.74 — 0.470 ⫺0.323 — 0.042 ⫺0.016 — 1 1 — 201 186 —

VS HK — — 0.774 — — 17.0 — — 0.097 — — 0.591 — — ⫺172

JP — — 0.242 — — 2.49 — — 0.150 — — 1 — — ⫺119
TH — — 1.57 — — 2.54 — — 0.098 — — 1 — — ⫺175

GP HK ⫺0.332 ⫺0.114 — 4.57 13.2 — ⫺0.081 ⫺0.005 — 0.867 0.664 — ⫺74.0 ⫺103 —
JP 0.419 0.156 — 0.841 1.56 — ⫺0.086 ⫺0.015 — 1.26 1.21 — ⫺118 ⫺103 —
TH 0.052 0.471 — 3.04 3.41 — ⫺0.112 ⫺0.080 — 1 1 — ⫺100 ⫺119 —

SS HK ⫺0.750 ⫺0.748 — 2.85 10.6 — ⫺0.052 0.060 — 0.961 0.684 — ⫺35.6 ⫺54.8 —
JP 0.125 ⫺0.575 — 2.53 3.07 — ⫺0.042 ⫺0.044 — 1 1 — ⫺100 ⫺47.2 —
TH ⫺1.65 ⫺1.72 — 8.08 13.1 — 0.016 0.111 — 0.704 0.528 — 46.1 54.5 —

DyPa HK ⫺0.296 ⫺0.120 — 3.16 4.39 — ⫺0.073 0.032 — 0.931 0.864 — ⫺68.8 ⫺84.8 —
JP ⫺0.350 ⫺0.719 — 1.27 1.11 — ⫺0.100 ⫺0.034 — 1.16 1.23 — ⫺68.5 ⫺44.6 —
TH 0.717 1.33 — 2.54 3.23 — ⫺0.090 0.036 — 1 1 — ⫺114 ⫺157 —

DV HK — — 1.76 — — 1.47 — — 0.101 — — 1 — — ⫺149

JP ⫺1.08 ⫺2.15 — 0.193 1.03 — 0.026 0.156 — 1.55 1.18 — 2.93 55.7 —
TH ⫺0.185 ⫺0.515 — 4.23 2.00 — 0.032 0.177 — 0.838 1.04 — ⫺42.2 ⫺23.3 —

TT HK — — 2.23 — — 1.10 — — 0.100 — — 1 — — ⫺182

JP 2.20 1.79 — 1.11 2.51 — 0.096 0.073 — 1 1 — ⫺192 ⫺161 —
TH — — 2.79 — — 1.36 — — 0.058 — — 1 — — ⫺212

SH HK 2.90 2.95 — ⫺0.510 0.424 — ⫺0.051 ⫺0.020 — 1 1 — ⫺147 ⫺160 —

JP 2.69 3.04 — 0.469 0.898 — ⫺0.128 ⫺0.160 — 1 1 — ⫺142 ⫺176 —
TH 2.72 2.88 — ⫺0.122 1.242 — ⫺0.062 ⫺0.095 — 1 1 — ⫺146 ⫺174 —

SW HK ⫺2.63 ⫺2.76 — 1.19 0.353 — 0.053 0.050 — 1 1 — 116 136 —

JP ⫺2.51 ⫺3.23 — 1.96 1.42 — 0.023 0.061 — 1 1 — 78.7 129 —
TH ⫺2.82 ⫺2.27 — 0.845 ⫺0.011 — 0.105 ⫺0.006 — 1 1 — 164 163 —

that the Thai subjects were more sensitive to the lightness of Chroma as the Dominant Parameter
colour when compared to the Hong Kong Chinese and the
Japanese. Chroma of colour was found to influence most of the
colour emotions of subjects from the three different re-
gions selected in this study, and, though the degree of
TABLE IV. Correlation coefficients (r) of colour emo- influence is small in some cases, it affected nearly all of
tion between the results obtained from visual assess-
the colour emotions of the Japanese and the Thais, except
ment and the derived models.
for the heavy–light pair. In other words, chroma is im-
Colour emotion pair Correlation coefficient, r portant for the colour emotion response in the minds of
the Japanese and the Thai subjects. However, for the
Warm–cool 0.862
Light–dark 0.913 deep–pale, heavy–light, and soft– hard colour emotions,
Deep–pale 0.974 Hong Kong Chinese were affected by the lightness of a
Heavy–light 0.975 colour only, and the influence of chroma on the strong–
Vivid–sombre 0.881
Gaudy–plain 0.943 weak colour emotion of the Hong Kong Chinese was
Striking–subdued 0.939 found to be less than those for the other two regions.
Dynamic–passive 0.938 Therefore, the dependence of colour emotion of the Hong
Distinct–vague 0.851
Transparent–turbid 0.868 Kong Chinese on chroma was found to be slightly less
Soft–hard 0.958 than that of the Japanese and the Thai subjects in this
Strong–weak 0.965 study.

Volume 29, Number 6, December 2004 455

TABLE V. The dominant parameters in each colour was only dependent on chroma for the Thai subjects,
emotion pair of each region. unlike those from the other two regions.
Standard colour specifications
CEI of different
regions L* C* h Hue as the Influential Parameter

WC HK ⻫ O When the hue of a colour was considered, the degree of

JP ⻫ O influence was found to be relatively insignificant for the
TH ⻫ O subjects of the three regions in this study. In other words,
LD HK ⻫ ⻫ irrespective of whether it was red, green, yellow, blue or
JP ⻫ ⻫ purple, for example, the hue did not significantly affect the
TH ⻫ ⻫ subjects’ colour emotional responses. In Table V, it may be
DP HK ⻫ seen that a comparatively large hue influence was found for
JP ⻫ O the warm– cool colour emotion pair, although colours with
TH ⻫ O high chroma were always assessed as “warm” by the sub-
HL HK ⻫ jects. In general, reddish and orange colours were assessed
JP ⻫ as “warm,” whereas bluish colours were assessed as “cool”
TH ⻫ by all the subjects. However, some deviations arose in the
VS HK O ⻫ assessment of the “cool” colours. The Japanese perceived
JP ⻫ whiter and bluer colours as cool (e.g., for a colour with L*,
TH ⻫ ⻫ C*, and h equal to 75, 41, and 184 respectively, the WC for
GP HK ⻫ Japanese subjects was equal to ⫺36, whereas it was equal to
JP ⻫ 8 for Hong Kong subjects). In the case of the Thais, green-
TH ⻫ ish colours were also perceived as being cool (e.g., for a
SS HK O ⻫ colour with L*, C*, and h equal to 75, 40, and 171 respec-
JP ⻫ tively, the WC for Thai subjects was equal to ⫺26, whereas
TH ⻫ ⻫ for Hong Kong and Japanese subjects the WC was equal to
DyPa HK ⻫ 1 and 3 respectively). The Hong Kong Chinese viewed
JP ⻫ some blue colours with high chroma as relatively hot co-
TH O ⻫ lours, unlike the people of the other two regions. This is
DV HK ⻫ ⻫ considered to relate to the different climate conditions and
JP ⻫ ⻫ geographical locations. The bluish colours can be associated
TH ⻫ with the cold weather, especially with snow and water.
TT HK ⻫ ⻫ Conversely, Thailand is a tropical country, and coolness is
JP ⻫ ⻫ easily associated with the green trees and plantations. Hong
TH ⻫ ⻫ Kong has subtropical weather, and the people living there
SH HK ⻫ never experience cold, snowy days. Their results indicated
JP ⻫ O that grayish colours are most likely to be cooler and not so
TH ⻫ O much related to the hue of a colour. Although it is not
SW HK ⻫ O intended to explain the reasons for the differences among
JP ⻫ ⻫ those regions, the colour emotional response of the three
TH ⻫ O regions and their differences can be found through the use
Key: ⻫: the dominant parameter that this standard colour speci- of the mathematical models established in this work.
fication influences the correspondence colour emotion most.
O: a slight influence of this standard colour specification on the
correspondence colour emotion. CONCLUSIONS
blank: no obvious influence of this standard colour specification
on the correspondence colour emotion. In conclusion, the colour emotions of the Hong Kong Chi-
nese and Japanese were found to have more similarities than
those of the Japanese and the Thais as well as the Hong
Kong Chinese and the Thais. Of the three regions in this
Lightness and Chroma as the Dominant Parameters
study, the Thai people were more sensitive to the lightness
Light– dark and transparent–turbid colour emotions of the of a colour, whereas chroma was found to affect the Japa-
Hong Kong Chinese, Japanese, and Thais were found to be nese and Thais more when the 12 pairs of colour emotions
dependent on both lightness and chroma of a colour. The were considered. Hue in general had much less effect on
colours of high lightness and high chroma were regarded as colour emotions compared with lightness and chroma, ex-
“light” and “transparent” by all of them. cept for warm– cool, which was more evidently influenced
In Table IV, the distinct–vague colour emotion of the by hue. The quantitative relationships between the colour
Hong Kong Chinese and the Japanese were also found to emotion induced and the colour in terms of CIE colour
be dependent on both lightness and chroma. However, it specifications were obtained for the three regions and this

456 COLOR research and application

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