Td1 Anglais: Congress 2019 Geneva Physiotherapist: 1) Define Psychologically Inform Physical Therapist With Your Words ?

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28/10/2022 M.




Maddison work at the University

Much more about physiotherapy

Psychologie : biopsychosocial approach

Cognitive behavioural therapy : Middle of Psychological factors et physical factors

Recognize red and yellow flags

Pain catastrophizing, kinesiophobia and low self-efficacy

Communication: About the pain

- Active listening, eye contact

3 groups: exercise + Pain coping skills training, exercise, pain coping skills training

Progressive muscle relaxation : very used for patients -> Breathing and muscle relaxation,

Activity rest cycles: more activity for patients for less symptoms

Distraction: shifting or moving attention away from pain

Pleasant imagery: builds and requires relaxation skills

Practicing in a biopsychological manner

1) Define psychologically inform physical therapist with your words ?

It’s the biopsychosocial approach with the objectif to manage pain. Using a psychologicals
approaches on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It is necessary to identify the yellow flags, have
skills in pain psychology approaches for treat yellow flags, and optimal communication with patient.
Consideration of physical factors : standard practice, psychologically informed practice, mental
health practice.

2) What are yellow flags and how can we assess them ?

Yellow flags are catastrophizing, fear of movement (kinesiophobia) low self-efficacity.It’s negative
statement of the patient.We can assess yellow flags with questionnaires : pain self-efficacy, pain
catastrophing, caping strategies, PHQ9 (depression screening).

3) Describe how patients can learn how to cope with their pain within CBT technics in their daily
life ?
We can use cognitive behaviour therapy (it’s relation between thoughts, feelings and behaviour). We
can use different techniques which are muscle relax, mini practice (masso relaxation),activity rest,
distract ion (music), challenging unhelpful thoughts.

4) What were the results of integrating pain coping with standard treatment ?

The results are better function, less pain but there are barriers exist to this kind of practice.

The 2 outcomes that there use are pain (EAS) and function (evaluated with WOMAC)

To cope with

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