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Cassie B.

Lim - Grade 12


Developing the Whole Person
Lesson 1: Various Aspects of Holistic Development

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words found inside the box. Write your answers in your answer

1. Holistic development is geared towards developing the whole person. It covers all aspects of
2. Interpersonal_ skills helps us manage our emotions especially when handling our emotions and
dealing with other people around us.
3. You should know how to _manage _ your emotions, both the positive and negative ones.
4. Most people forget that health is important. We also need to take time to rest, relax and take care of
our physical needs.
5. We should address the needs of each aspect of our development to lead to a mature_ personality.
6. Ultimately, you are in control your own personal growth and development.
7. Social acceptance_ is very important among adolescents. It addresses their strong need to belong.
8. Holistic_ development is the complete development of the whole person.
9. Adolescent should learn how to manage their emotions so they avoid anxiety and depression.
10. Most teenagers most likely try to fit in with their friends rather than experience social isolation. It
addresses their need to belong.
11. Peer acceptance is the degree to which someone is socially accepted by peers.
12. Most teenagers would experience role confusion , when they try distinct roles that may be
different from what is expected of them. This is the time they try to figure out who they are.
13. Our emotional aspect _ is our ability to experience life deeply, to relate to one another and the
world on a feeling level.
14. Our spiritual aspect is our inner essence, our soul, the part of us that exists beyond time and
15. The mental level of our existence consists of our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and values
Directions: Do the activity. Write your name at the inner circle. In each segment, write 2-3 descriptions of
what you think, feel, and act relative to the different aspects guided in the descriptions that follows.

Physical Self

Nutritional Intellectual
Self Self

Aspects of my
Spiritual Self
Development Emotional
- Crystal Self

Sensual Self

Aspects of my Development:
1. Physical Self – I am about 4’11 in height. I have lots of body fats and I am anemic.
2. Intellectual Self – I am logical. I am rational at most situations.
3. Emotional Self – I am very sensitive. I easily waver and is easily affected by lots of things.
4. Sensual Self – I have a keen sense of sight. I can hear and smell just fine.
5. Interactional Self- I sometimes feel distant. I sometimes feel really close with my cousins.
6. Nutritional Self – I love fruits and vegetables. I like strawberry milk and other milk flavors too.
7. Contextual Self – I always love to see sunsets and sunrises. I don’t really like rainy days.
8. Spiritual Self – I am a Roman Catholic. I go to church on Sundays with my family.
Directions: Assess your answers in the activity “Aspects of My Development”. Copy and answer the table
below in your journal.


-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Aspects in minus side Ways to improve these Aspects in plus side Ways to enhance these
aspects aspects
Physical Self Ways to improve my Sensual Self Ways to enhance my
Intellectual Self physical self would be Nutritional Self sensual self and
Emotional Self to exercise and sleep Contextual Self nutritional self is to eat
Interactional Self more often. Ways to Spiritual Self more nutritional foods
improve my Intellectual like fruits and
self is to study more vegetables. Ways to
and learn about more enhance my contextual
things. Ways to self is to appreciate the
improve my emotional things around me more
self and interactional and to always pray.
self is to open up more
to people and people
I’m close with, express
what I feel, and talk to
more people.

1. In what Aspects of Development does each of the self aspects belongs?

Each of these Aspects of Development are namely, Physical self, intellectual self, emotional self,
interactional self, sensual self, nutritional self, contextual self, and spiritual self. All these are a part of
my self-development which I can all relate to.

2. As an adolescent, which of the five aspects are you having most difficulty with?
As an adolescent, the five aspects I have the most difficulty dealing with among the eight are my physical
self, intellectual self, emotional self, and interactional self.

3. How are you going to improve and develop those aspects of your development?
- To develop these aspects, I would set goals for myself and achieve them. In regards to physical self, I
would take care of my body more and exercise more often. In intellectual self, I then be more studious
and study more. Whereas in emotional and interactional self, as I have stated, I would express myself
more to people I’m close with and talk to others too.
Directions: Read and comprehend the following situation given below and answer the questions that

1. If you were one of Therese’s classmates, how would you feel and how would you react to what you are
-As her classmate, I will give her the space she needs since I, myself, can relate to and can understand
what she’s going through at the moment. Since we are classmates, I. myself, would know how busy and
stressful the day is because of the final exams. This is an important day for us students therefore, I’d
really understand her situation.

2. Identify and explain the five aspects of a whole person in relation to the details of Therese’s story.
The five aspects I’ve observed are physical aspect, which was mentioned as Therese not having enough
sleep; the interactional aspect, as narrated with her interaction with her family; the emotional aspect,
contextual aspect, and spiritual aspect.

3. What is your conclusion?

-What I could infer is that all these self-aspects are all related to each other and can affect one another.
From how you think and feel you could affect the people around you with how you’re behaving and
influence other people and your surroundings. The way you feel about yourself, your self-esteem, drives
your thoughts. These thoughts transform into actions. The actions that you take are the key factors in
getting what you want out of life.


Directions: Write your understanding relative to the Aspects of Development in relation to one’s
thoughts, feelings, and behavior
I’ve learned that the only things we can control in life are our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

If we can manage these, we can achieve our goals and gain success in life. We need to know ourselves

and improve our aspects of development. We need to learn about the patterns behind our emotions,

feelings, and thoughts, and how to manage them. If we know how our minds work, if we know what our

bodies need, if we know what we emotionally need, we can be intentional about influencing our

mindset, and feeling patterns. We can evaluate reality more clearly, make better decisions, and improve
our ability to achieve our goals.

Directions: Below is a diagram to show on how you will develop yourself holistically with emphasis on
your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Write 2-3 ways you will take to develop yourself holistically.
Pathways to My Holistic Development

Cognitive - Psychological - I'll develop my

Physiological - I'll develop my I’ll develop my cognitive aspects by psychological aspects by being more
physiological aspects by being more having a good mindset and thinking positive thinking. I will change my
healthy. I'll take care of my body positively. I’ll learn more about mindset and the way I think so that
and sleep more often. things that I want to know, read it would also have a postive effect
more, and study more. on my emotions and behavior.

Social -
Spiritual - I'll develop my social aspect by interacting with
I'll develop my sprititual aspect by going to more people and opening up to them. I'll
church more often and worshipping God. I'll establish more close relationships and
pray to Him on whatever worries I have and appreciate the ones that I already have.
thank him for the blessings I have.

Directions: Choose the best answer that corresponds to what is asked by writing the letter/s of your
choice in your answer sheet. Giving more than one answer is accepted if needed.
1. d
2. a
3. c
4. a
5. c.
6. d.

Lesson 2: Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors for Holistic Development

Directions: Analyze the diagram below and answer the following questions.
1. What have you understand with the diagram?
-What I’ve understood is that your thoughts and mindset affect your feelings and affect the way you act
or behave. It could also be about how your thoughts affect your emotions, and your emotions affect the
way you behave. All these three influence each other and have an impact on one’s attitude or behavior.

2. What is the role of what you think, in your feelings and actions?
-The role of your mindset or how you think, serves as the source of everything which basically reflects
your actions. It may have a direct effect on what emotions you feel on a certain situation or on how you
behave. Just like in communication, the thinking process is the sender of how you feel and how you

3. What is the role of your actions, with what you think and feel?
-Your actions are the receiver of your feelings and behavior. It is influenced by what emotions feel
regarding a certain thing, person, or experience, and is also influences by your behavior.

4. What is the role of your feelings, to what you think and your actions?
-Your feelings, may it be anger, sadness, grudge, happiness, or glee, directly affects how you behave on
that certain situation. It is also the receiver of whatever things you are thinking or what you are setting
your mind into.

5. Is it possible to realize any of these in the absence of any one of it?

-It is not possible if there is an absence of any of them. Thoughts, feelings, and behavior are all
connected and are influenced by each other. All these affect our actions and what we do towards our
peers, family, or in a certain situation.

Directions: Recall the situations that you experienced recently. Write them in the columns provided.
Identify your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding with the specific situation. Write also in the last
column on how it affects you as an adolescent.

Date and Situation Thoughts Feelings Behaviors How it

Time affected you?
October The situation was I thought that I felt gloomy I affected my It affected me
2018 – 7 about having exams it was such a and nervous family and as an
am in school, when I tiring day about the siblings with adolescent
was at home already. I got exam day. my mood and and had a
getting ready. I was so much on they became negative
physically my mind gloomy too effect on my
exhausted because about the physical,
of the sleepless exams. mental,
night I studied. emotional,
social, and
February The situation was What I though I felt very I couldn’t It affected my
2019 – 9 also about having was that I did disappointed recall some of intellectual
am exams in school not need to and mad at the things I self and also
while having the review myself that I studied and affected me
exams anymore since wasn’t really answered academically.
I already able to answer poorly on the
studied anything. test.

Directions: Read and reflect “The Story of the Two Wolves”. Notice the symbolism that the two wolves
stand for. Answer the questions below after reading the story.
Process Questions:
1. What do the two wolves stand for?
-The two wolves stand for the good in you or your strengths, positive thinking, positive characteristics
whereas the other one stands for the evil in you or your weaknesses, negativities, and negative

2. How do you nurture your thoughts?

- We can nurture our thoughts by maintaining positivity in our minds and being optimistic towards our
encounters in life.

3. Why is it that we should nurture our positive/good thoughts?

-By nurturing our positive thoughts and emotions, even in the face of terrible events, people can reap
both short-term and long-term rewards, including managing stress levels, lessening depression, and
building coping skills that will serve them well in the future.

4. How are you aware of the two different opposing “wolves” operating within your mind, one of which
leads to pain and diminished sense of life and the other to a joyous, meaningful, and fulfilling life?
- I am aware that the two wolves operating in my mind have two different personalities. The first one
being the good wolf that it is, leads to a joyous, meaningful and fulfilling life. The latter is the bad wolf -
for it leads to pain and a diminished sense of life. Every time we make a decision, we always think ahead
of the things that may possibly happen. This is what we called conscious thinking. By doing this, we are
being kind and considerate to other people.

5. When was the time you feel disappointed by the choice of behavior because you knew that there was
a more positive option but you just didn’t choose it?
-The last time was when my family went on outing and I wasn’t able to go with them but instead, stayed
at home.

Directions: Study the thought cycle diagram below. Answer briefly the question that follow.
1. Which of the two cycles do you prefer (the unhealthy cycle or the positive cycle) to have a good life?
-Of course, between the two cycles, I prefer the positive cycle so much more to have a good life.
Choosing the positive cycle gives you so much more control in life and your experiences. It lessens your
distress and issues that you have to tackle since you can handle these more positively now and make
better and healthy choices or decisions.


Directions: Illustrate the connections of your thoughts, to your feelings, and to your actions and how are
you going to nurture your positive thoughts in order to have a positive life. Consider the essential parts of
a paragraph.
What I understood is that, when you look at a person and try to understand this individual, it is good
to consider the five aspects and what it is about this person that makes him or her unique from yourself
and from other people. Understanding a person holistically means that one aspect cannot be seen in
absence from the whole person. It is the psychological or how thinking, feeling, and behaving interacts
and happens in a person. I’ve learned that the only things we can control in life are our thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors. If we can manage these, we can achieve our goals and gain success in life. We
need to learn about the patterns behind our emotions, feelings, and thoughts, and how to manage them.
If we know how our minds work, if we know what our bodies need, if we know what we emotionally
need, we can be intentional about influencing our thinking, mindset, and feeling patterns. We can
evaluate reality more clearly, make better decisions, and improve our ability to achieve our goals. I also
learned that the mind is not the unitary entity it seems to us but consists of different parts just like the
two wolves aforementioned.
Directions: Evaluate your own thoughts and feelings of the following situations. Make your plan on what
are you going to do. Take into consideration of nurturing the positive thoughts in you.

Life situations What I think? What I feel? What I want to do?

1.COVID-19 Pandemic I think that this is a I feel sad about this I’m not sure if I would
very big health crisis crisis and how it us be able to do
affecting many people affected us all. something at a large
all over the world. scale but, I want to be
able to help in
lessening the virus
from spreading to
2.Family income is I think that this is a I feel very burdened I want to help my
getting low situation that I can and disappointed in family as instant and
really relate to with our myself for not being as much as possible. I
current circumstances. able to do anything want to be able to
Many things weigh on and for not having a graduate quickly and
my mind like our work yet that gives me earn income for them.
financial needs and money which I can give
how much longer we to my family.
can survive.
3.Face to face I think that this is a I feel low-spirited that I I want to see them as
suspension very unfortunate won’t be able to see much as possible and
occurrence and that my friends, peers, to be able to talk to
the Covid-19 health classmates, aunts, and them personally again.
crisis has affected so relatives personally.
many things in our
4.Online classes or I think that online I feel enlightened that I want to be able to
Blended learning is classes is a way for us, we would still be able continue studying as
encouraged and especially us, to learn despite our well since it is also for
students, to cope with situation. my own good and will
learning and being be beneficial for my
educated despite the future.
crisis ongoing in the
5.Teachers are Teachers are providing I feel thankful that I want to be able to
providing Modules module to give out teachers divide a part properly study the
knowledge to us, of their life just to given modules and
students, and guide us teach us students and share my knowledge
in our learnings. give us learning and learnings as well.
Directions: Read and analyze the following statements carefully. For Test 1, write True if you agree with
the statement and write the correct statement if you disagree with the statement. For Test 2, write what
you are going to do with the following situations. Write only the answers in your answer sheet.
Test I: Modified True or False
1. True
2. True
3. False – don’t have a big impact- have a big impact.
4. True
5. True
6. Unpleasant- pleasant
7. True
8. True

Test II: Thought + Feelings = Actions

1.You failed to get on top in one of the academic contest you have participated.
- What I would do in this situation is that I would accept what happened, learn from my experience, and
maybe try again if another chance or opportunity resurfaces.

2. Your friend’s mother died during the COVID-19 Pandemic, you cannot attend during the burial because
of your location.
-I would be very downhearted that I would not be able to attend the burial because of my location, so
instead, I would give her my most heartfelt condolences.

3. During the COVID-19 Pandemic you volunteered as front liner. Your classmates, teachers and
community members show appreciation to you.
- I would be very honored that they have shown appreciation since being a front liner in this pandemic is
really not easy. Many front liners have given so much effort and help to patients and people to reduce
the negativities of this health crisis. They are a hero and are very worth showing our gratitude to and
giving our love and support.

4. Normally, as teenager you have developed an intimate relationship with the opposite sex. People
around you in the community rumored false statements about your relationship.
-If I know to myself that these statements are not true then I have no reason to give them my attention
and time since I, myself, know what the truth is about our relationship. We would both stay strong and
overcome the hurdles together that we face along the way.

5. During this time of pandemic you are not allowed to go out because of your age. You felt bored inside
your house
-Since I would not be allowed to go out, I will indulge myself to activities and recreational things at home
like baking, dancing, singing, drawing, painting, gardening, sewing, and so much more. I think I wouldn’t
even be bored at home just as long as I have a freedom and permission from my parents to do all these.

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