Personal Development - Cassie B. Lim - Grade 12 - Module 1

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Cassie B.

Lim – Grade 12


Knowing and Understanding Oneself
Lesson 1: Knowing and Understanding Oneself

Directions: Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept inventory in your
activity notebook. Give yourself a rating using the scale: (0=very weak, 1=weak, 2=somewhat weak,
3=somewhat strong, 4= strong and 5=very strong).


2 1. I have strong sex appeal.

2 2. I am proud of my physical figure.
3 3. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
2 4. I exude with charm and poise.
3 5. I am easy to get along with.
2 6. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
2 7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
2 8. I am lovable and easy to love.
3 9. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.
4 10. I am intelligent.
3 11. I have special talents and abilities.
2 12. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgments.
4 13. I can be trusted in any transaction
2 14. I have a clear conscience and carry no guilty feeling.
3 15. I have integrity and good reputation.
3 16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating.
3 17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
2 18. I talk in a persuasive manner that I can easily get people to accept what I say.
2 19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
3 20. I am a good listener.
1 21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble.
4 22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
2 23. I feel and act with confidence.
4 24. I am a mature person.
Directions: Based on the result of your answers on the previous activity, write your score opposite each
number and get the subtotal. The most score you will have will be your strong points of your self

Physical Appeal Human Relations Intelligence

1-2 5-3 9-4
2-2 6-2 10-3
3-3 7-2 11-3
4-2 8-2 12-2
Subtotal:9 Subtotal:9 Subtotal:12
Character Communications Maturity
13-4 17-3 21-1
14-2 18-2 22-4
15-3 19-2 23-2
16-3 20-3 24-4
Subtotal:12 Subtotal:10 Subtotal:11

Now, look at the results of your self-concept inventory and answer the following questions in your
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 16-20 or somewhat weak (score of 11-15)
and very weak (below 10)?
The areas I could consider somewhat weak are my self-concept of Intelligence, Character,
Communications, and Maturity while the areas I consider very weak are Physical Appeal and Human

2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your strength? What
are these? Check with 1 or 2 members in your family.
A quality I consider as somewhat weak while considered as a strength from the eyes of other people is
my Intelligence.

3. How realistic is your self-image?

My self-image is realistic but I do think it differs from time to time and can change depending on certain
situations or occurrences.

4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?

I believe it does not reflect me as a whole since, aside from my self-concept, there may be parts of myself
that I still don’t about and there may be parts of myself that I don’t’ see while others do.
Directions: Determine whether the following situations are showing an individual who has a positive or a
negative self-concept. Put a checkmark () before the number if it is a positive self-concept and an () if
it is a negative self-concept.

/_1. A public official who is very confident in public speaking thinking that he/she can communicate well.
/_2. During class discussion, a student wants to clarify about a particular concept presented by the
X_3. A student got nervous when the teacher calls his/her name during class discussion thinking that
he/she might give the wrong answer.
X_4. A young lady refused to join the pageant thinking that she is not beautiful.
/_5. A student is gifted of good art, agreed to represent himself in a poster making contest believing that
he can make it.
X_6. A person views herself as a lazy and incompetent employee.
/_7. A person views herself as a hard-working and competent employee.
X_8. A person thinks of himself as a cold and unapproachable person.
/_9. A person thinks of himself as a nurturing and caring person.
X_10. A woman sees herself as a terrible spouse and friend.
/_11. A woman sees herself as an excellent spouse and friend.
/_12. A person sees herself as an intelligent person.
X_13. A person sees herself as stupid and slow.
X_14. A man perceives himself as expendable and a burden on his community.
/_15. A man perceives himself as an important member of his community.
Activity I
Directions: Below is a JOHARI WINDOW. Try to find anybody within your family to do this activity with.

OPEN SELF- Information about yourself that you BLIND SELF- Information you don’t know but
and others know others know about you

An information about myself that other people An information about myself that others people
and I know is that I am driven to do well in my knew but I didn’t is that I was said to appear
studies. Others openly see me study hard and drowsy or sleepy at most times because of how
procrastinate a lot at school and I, too, my eyebrows and eyes look.
acknowledge this about myself.
HIDDEN SELF- Information you know about UNKNOWN SELF- Information about yourself that
yourself but others don’t neither you nor others know

An Information I have yet to disclose to other I don’t really know since it’s an image of myself
people is that I tend to collect and keep a lot of that even me and others don’t know about.
things dear to me that are still with me from 8
years from the past until now.

1. How were you able to arrive your answer in the first quadrant?
I was able to arrive at that certain answer by recalling what others thought about me and by thinking of
a self-concept that I’m aware of and acknowledge.

2. Who among in your family members were able to give you the answers in the second quadrant?
Among my family members, the ones who were able to give their perspectives of how they saw me were
my sister and my cousin.

3. How did you manage to write your answer in the third quadrant?
I was able to arrive at that certain answer by thinking of the many things or information about myself
that I haven’t revealed or told others about yet.

4. What do you think is the reason of your answer in the fourth quadrant?
The reason behind my answer in the fourth quadrant is basically because it’s an image of myself that
others and I honestly don’t know about.

5. In what way can a person reduce one’s blind spots?

A person would be able to reduce his/her blind spots by being more self-aware of his/her strength and
weaknesses, by being interactive with others, expressive in one’s emotions, exploring new things and
activities in one’s life.
Activity II
Directions: On the right is a diagram that shows the concept of the JOHARI WINDOW. Explain how to
know oneself with the use of this model? Discuss briefly your answer in your personal journal.

In knowing oneself or his/her own entire real self, the Johari window would be a very useful guide.
In the open/free area, it enables you to be aware of information that you and other people know about
yourself. It involves your own self-concept and how other people perceive you at the same time. In the
blind area, it guides you to be aware of certain things about yourself that you don’t know while others
do. It is specifically about how people around you see the actual you or what their impressions or
perceptions about you are. In the hidden area, it basically is about the things that you are self-aware of
but haven’t shared, disclosed, or revealed to other people. This quadrant is about one’s secrets or
information about oneself that one wants to keep or hide. The last quadrant is an unknown area in
which future occurrences in life may help to discover this area in oneself. It may be discovered through
others’ observation about you or through one’s self-discovery and awareness.


Directions: Enlightened with the learning’s you have in this lesson, write your insights and realization
about the importance of knowing oneself.
There are many things that I have learned in this lesson and one of it is learning about the

importance of knowing oneself. Having a self-concept helps you in your decision making and makes you

understand what motivates you to resist bad habits and develop good ones. When you know

yourself, you become more confident in your choices and aware of your strengths and limitations from

an objective perspective. I learned that Independence and self-awareness is also linked to confidence. By

knowing who you are and what you stand for in life can help to give you a strong sense of self-

confidence. In order to be yourself, you have to know yourself. Knowing yourself means respecting your

strengths and weaknesses, your passions and fears, your desires and dreams, your thoughts and

your likes and dislikes, your tolerances and limitations. Being who you truly are makes you feel more

alive and makes your experience of life richer and better.

Directions: Below are situations that imply weak self-concept. How would you train yourself to have a
strong self-concept? Give the right thing to do in each of the given situations.
1. Before, you fail to give affection to your parents.
-In this situation, I would first appreciate my parents for all the things they have done for me. I would
accept their mistakes and imperfections as I accept mine. I would openly show them that I care about
them and give them affection.

2. When you are at school, you always compare yourself to other people.
-To avoid this kind of situation, one needs to be aware of one’s strengths, skills, and abilities. And realize
that one is special and unique from every other person out there. One needs to change one’s mindset
and remind oneself that you are you.

3. When you see your best friend talking with other friends you succumb to jealousy.
- If I were in this situation, I would avoid or prevent myself from feeling jealousy and insecure. These two
things are often correlated therefore I would uplift myself and remind myself of positive things to avoid
this situation.

4. When some of your friends appreciate your work, you consistently reject compliments.
- If I were in this situation, I would not reject their compliment but instead, recognize and appreciate
their compliments. I would be very flattered and grateful for the things they say about my work.

5. You used to criticize yourself and others.

- In this situation, I would remind myself of the things I’m good at and stay humble. I would bring out
more self-awareness of my abilities, skills, talents, and learn to hone them. I would also remind myself of
how unique every person is.

6. You indulge yourself in negative self-talk that manifest pessimism.

- In this situation, I would stop myself for diving more into negative self-talk and would instead, direct
myself into having a positive self-talk. I would remind myself of the things that I’m grateful for every day
and how blessed I am for the things I have.

7. You persistently suffer from guilt about what you could, should, or would’ve done.
- Instead of engrossing myself in self-guilt, I would try to move on and look forward for more
opportunities and chances that I can try again. Failure is not something that can hold you back from
success but instead, it is a stepping stone in how you can attain success by already having an experience
from it.

8. You usually undermine your own personal needs in favor of other people’s needs.
- In this situation, I would try to remember and prioritize my needs and care for myself more. I would also
surround myself with people who care about me to be reminded of what I also need to do for myself.

9. You are suffering from poor emotional and physical health.

- In this situation, I would seek out help from others or I would try to talk it out with someone I know or
someone close to me to express how I really feel and to ease the burden.
10. You easily got discourage when people criticize or comments in your undertakings.
- I would remind myself that what matters is that I tried my best and I would cheer myself up.
Directions: Read each item carefully. Identify the key word/s that is defined in each of the statement.
Choices are found in the box below.

Test I:
Ideal self 1. It is the idealized image that we have developed over time, based on what we have
learned and experienced.
Actual self 2. It is the self that you actually see that has characteristics that you were nurtured or
born to have.

Self-concept 3. It is the awareness of you that encompasses all the behaviors evaluated in the actual
self in order to reach the ideal self.

Self-knowledge 4. It is derived from social interactions that provide insight into how others react to you.

Actual Self 5. It is the idea of one’s abilities, appearance, and personality as seen by others.

Self-control 6. It is developed when you have the insight to know which values and goals activate your
will power.

Happiness 7. It is the benefits you can achieve when you express who you really are.

Congruence 8. It is achieve when your outside actions are in accordance with your inside feelings and

Resistance to social pressure 9. It is practiced by someone who is grounded by own values and

Tolerance and understanding of others 10. It is the product of the awareness of your own foibles and
struggles in life.
Test II: Essay

1. In what way that knowing yourself more can make you accept your strengths and limitations and
dealings with others better?

Knowing oneself better can help him/her accept his/her strengths and limitations and improve

the way we deal with others by realizing what we should stop doing or start doing. It helps us

overcome obstacles which widens our understanding of how we should function. It helps us improve

our self-concept and self-image. Knowing oneself, adds to our self-knowledge which will make us accept

and realize more of our strengths and weaknesses. In this manner, our actual self gets close to our ideal

self, leading to its congruence. And the more congruent our ideal self and actual self are, it helps us to be

more self-aware and guides us in dealing with our environment, problems, and other people better.

Through the journey of realizing the importance of knowing oneself, we would be able to attain

happiness because we would able to express who we truly are. One would also be able to have less inner

conflict, more self-control, a strong resistance to peer or social pressure, and develop tolerance and

understanding of others.
Lesson 2: Understanding Oneself during Middle and Late Adolescence

Directions: Draw anything that symbolizes you. In each part of your symbol write the following according
to what you have experienced for the past 4 years
The Symbolism of Myself
1. Two things you do very well – Singing and drawing

2. Your two greatest achievements in life

– Doing well in my studies and traveling to another wonderful place

3. What in yourself you are proud of – Learning how to bake pastries

4. Your happiest moment – Riding thrilling amusement park rides

5. Positive words that your friends use to describe you – Industrious and studious

6. A personal goal that you have already achieved – learning how to play one song on the ukelele

7. Three blessings for which you are most thankful to God – My family, our home, and our cat
8. Three of your positive qualities – creative/artistic, always curious, and helpful

9. Difficulties, challenges and problems that you were able to solve and overcome – One of the
challenges of mine that I was able to overcome was about my forehead insecurity.

Directions: According to the symbol that you have in our first activity, answer the following questions in
your journal.

1. What do you consider as your weakness, abilities and talents?

What I consider as my talents and abilities are my aspects of being creative, curious, studious, being
proficient in singing and drawing. What I consider as my weakness is being studious sometimes and not
caring about the things happening around me.
2. What are the remedies you will take to improve or compensate for your weakness?
-To improve my weakness of being too studious, I will practice being more aware of the occurrences
around me and try to prioritize things.
3. How can you further enrich your assets and strengths? I can further enrich my assets and strengths by
practicing my skills more and having more knowledge about it.
4. Where and how do you use it to your best advantage?
I would use these skills in situations where I need to and I’m needed to. An example would be when my
parents or siblings need help with some creative aspects of their projects, then I’d help. Another situation
would be joining a school contest or a community singing contest to win a prize.

Directions: The following list of words is group of strengths and weaknesses. Write each of them in the
following appropriate columns that follow after the list.

Strength Weaknesses
Enthusiastic, Spontaneous, Trustworthy, Forceful, Fearful, Obstructive, Pushy, Loose-
Respectful, Tolerant, Observant, Optimistic, tongued, Mistrustful, Undisciplined, Sloppy, Rude,
Caring, Generous, Practical, Considerate, Self- Contemptuous, Short-sighted, Passive,
assured, Inspiring, Adventurous, Aggressive, Bossy, Chaotic, Cynical, Blunt, Stand-
Lively, Persuasive, Serious, Idealistic, Warm, offish, Vague, Inflexible, Moody, Indifferent,
Humorous, Friendly, Determined, Patient, Intolerant, Wasteful, Stubborn, Reckless,
Orderly, Disciplined, Ambitious, Dedicated, Inhibited, Naïve, Greedy, Fanatical, Dull,
Flexible, Logical, Open, Accurate, Independent, Arrogant, Lazy, Selfish, Complaining, Impatient,
Intelligent, Tactful, Creative, Honest, Hard, Shallow, Strict, Shy, Prejudiced
Straightforward, Appreciative, Versatile,

1. Which from your list under the columns for strengths and weaknesses are true to you?
The strengths true to me are Respectful, Determined, Orderly, Ambitious, Independent, Creative, Logical,
Honest, and Appreciative. Whereas the weakness true to me are Fearful, Mistrustful, Passive, Vague,
Moody, Indifferent, Dull, and Shallow.

2. Do they affect the way you relate with others?

Yes, they affect the way I relate and interact with others. My strengths bring out positive interactions
while my weaknesses bring out negative experiences.

3. Which from the columns for strengths or weaknesses has the majority of the items which is true to
you? Among the two columns, the majority of items that are true to me belongs to the strengths.

4. What are you going to do with those strengths and weaknesses?

Since I’m now more aware of it, I will then use my strengths to my advantage and hone my self-image.
While dealing with the weaknesses, I would then look for ways to reduce or remove these weaknesses in
me and replace them with positive ones.

5. What are your ways to be able to do this?

-My ways would be to gradually challenge these weaknesses head-on and try to change these about me.
Processing Questions:
1. When was the time that you have acted like; The moviegoer, The Actor, or The Scriptwriter?
The last time I’ve felt like a moviegoer was this pandemic since many problems really resurfaced at our
home and I didn’t know what to do. The last time I felt like an actor was me planning for something in a
day, my goals not turning up the same as I planned, and eventually just letting the day pass like that. The
last time I felt like a scriptwriter was when I was determined to have good grades so I studied and took
control over things related to it.

2. Write at least three significant experiences that you had.

Three significant experiences among the other would be not knowing what to do with problems in the
pandemic, just letting my life pass by and most times not knowing where it leads me, and lastly, trying to
reach a goal I had I had and not minding even if God redirected it for me since I know that he has plans
for me.

3. How did you feel acting like any of those?

In some situations, I felt like I was in control and in most times, feeling like everything was and is out of
my control.

4. What have you realized after reading the story?

I realized that there may be three kinds of people in the world just like the said examples, but people
can’t really be confined in just one of these categories. I think we should complement it out since we
could be any who among these and can be a moviegoer, actor, and scriptwriter at the same time. There
may be situations and experiences in life where we need to be in control and in some, going along with
Activity 1
Directions: Copy the table below in your journal. Answer what is asked from you in each column.

My strengths My weaknesses
1.Studious 1.Fearful
2.Respectful 2.Vague
3.Artistic 3.Dull
4.Orderly 4.Lack in instrumental skills
5.Appreciative 5.Lack of wisdom

1. How to focus on my strengths for me to become productive?

- I would appreciate these strengths and try to hone them in any ways possible. I’ll practice my skills
more and incorporate these personalities more in my day-to-day life.

2. How can I develop my weaknesses, for them to become my strength?

-I’ll identify at which areas I need some improvement and change little by little. I’ll set specific goals and
embrace the challenges I need to do for myself.

3. Why I should have to develop my weaknesses to become my strength?

- It should be developed since knowing my own strengths and weaknesses gives me a better
understanding of myself and how I function. Knowing my weaknesses gives me a clearer understanding
of things that may be holding me back, and I can then work around finding ways to not let my
weaknesses pull me behind.

Activity II Directions: Now that you know yourself in your journal, trace your right hand and in each
finger you are going to write a word/ phrase the steps to make your weaknesses into a strength that will
help you become an effective member of the family/ community.
1st finger: I’ll set specific goals
2nd finger: I’ll recognize and accept my weaknesses
3rd finger: make time to learn
4th finger: grow from my mistakes
5th finger: face my fears


Directions: Enlightened with the learning’s you have in this lesson; write your insights and realization
about the importance of knowing oneself

There are many things that I have learned in this lesson. When you know yourself, you become more
confident in your choices and aware of your strengths and limitations from an objective perspective. By
knowing who you are and what you stand for in life can help to give you a strong sense of self-
confidence. Knowing oneself better can help him/her accept his/her strengths and limitations and
improve the way we deal with others by realizing what we should stop doing or start doing. It helps us
overcome obstacles which widens our understanding of how we should function. It helps us improve our
self-concept and self-image. In order to be yourself, you have to know yourself. Knowing yourself means
respecting your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and fears, your desires and dreams, your
thoughts and feelings, your likes and dislikes, your tolerances and limitations.

Directions: Answer the following practical questions in order to form an essay about “Understanding
Myself Better Now”.
1. What have you discovered in yourself during this time of pandemic?
-I have discovered so many new skills and things like learning how to bake, learning how to make a
Dalgona coffee, learning how to sew the proper way, learning to clean the house over and over until not
even a spot is left, and many more other things.

2. What are your core strengths that you develop during this time?
-In this time of pandemic, I have learned to be more brave and strong in facing my problems. I have
slowly—and am, slowly, recovering from my trauma and past experiences.

3. What are the qualities you want to perfect and improve for the future?
-The qualities I want to perfect and improve for the future is to be independent, more passionate, driven,
to be more artistic, stronger, and many more.

Test I
 1. Your classmate is a very good communicator and it's easy for him/her to relate to other people.
 _2. One of your siblings wants to continue for further studies.
 _3. You are good in anything when you are thinking alone.
 _4. You have a classmate who is good in sense of humor.
 _5. Your neighbor’s wife died last month. The surviving spouse manages to continue his life normally.
_6. After taking the test you found out that your score is very low. It disappoints you to the extent
that you did not make all your requirements in the subject.
 _7. During the time of the corona virus pandemic, one of your classmates was able to manage
his/her time to become one of the front liners.
 _8. Your mother is a front liner and she is happy of what she is doing.
 _9. Your teacher is willing to extend his/her time doing paper works even beyond office hours.
_10. During the lock down your friends manage to go out unnoticed by the authorities.

Test II: Essay

1. What is the significance of understanding oneself in developing your weakness
into strengths?
Knowing your weaknesses allows you to understand how you can work around them. Strengths and
weaknesses are part of being self-aware. Understanding oneself is acknowledging your weaknesses and
those which need improvement. It is a form of self-acceptance that people have to deal with because we
should understand and know that we can never be perfect. When you know your strengths and
weaknesses, you can create a development strategy that focuses on your specific development needs. It
is vital in efficiently dealing with yourself. We should not only focus in our strengths and neglect our
weaknesses, but we should, instead, deal with both efficiently in pursuit of a better version of ourselves.
Seeking ways on how to make use of our weaknesses in a meaningful way is a manifestation of
eagerness and perseverance because it shows our will to improve our weaknesses by improving
ourselves. Once your weaknesses are made clear to you, you can start facing them and making real
efforts to improve them significantly. We are a complement of our strengths and weaknesses, thus
understanding the essential purpose of our weaknesses reminds us that we are never close to perfection.
Hence, leading us to always seek for new learning and knowledge, and accepting our very own.

At this point, you are going to encourage yourself to step forward despite all the unpleasant experiences
that you encounter in life especially during this time of pandemic. Write an encouragement letter
addressed to your own self, fold it and paste it in your journal.

Hey there, self

You’ve been incredibly hard on yourself lately, especially in this pandemic. It’s time you started really
taking in the encouragement you give out, and believing for yourself the stuff you believe for others.
Your feelings are valid, but your insecurities are unfounded. You’ve worked hard to get where you are
right now, haven’t you? So take a moment and stand where you are. Look around. Survey your personal
environment and what is true.

You worry too much about having impact, being successful, making something of yourself. Like those
things set the overall value of your life. It’s just not true. Who’s the only one that can measure a person’s
value and worth? You know the answer–it’s the Father alone. The One whose approval you  already
You won’t stop short of accomplishing your life’s purpose. In the long run, you cannot fail. Why? Because
you care about pleasing God. Because you are obedient to what he asks you to do. You choose,  every
time  you are aware of it, to follow that inner compass.

You have a great mix of gifts and talents perfectly suited to your personality, and you are eager to
work hard and learn what you need to acquire more skills. Trust yourself. Do you remember the one
common factor among those who experience the kind of success and impact you seek?   It’s
persistence.  They don’t give up. And you’re not a quitter, either–you never have been. Keep going. Keep
doing what you’re doing as the Lord leads. You know a lot of this stuff on some level. But it’s time you
begin to own it and walk forward in confidence. Fake it ’til you make it. Because you will. Now, take a
deep breath and breathe in peace; breathe in his presence. You’re going to be ok and things are going to
be good.

You’ve got this, because he’s got you.

Until next time,

Your Loving Self.

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