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Production Schedule

Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and teams members including actors

Date: 8th May

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
N/A Planning N/A Planning Planning

Date: 15th May

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Planning Planning Location Planning Final Check Filming More
Check with Day and Editing
Bookbinder Editing if

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Documentary Shooting Script

Description of visuals Lyrics

First establishing shot of home interior along

with subject moving through it.

This will possibly be back lit with either

natural light or studio lights.

Close up shots of person at work to get a

more detailed shot.

Interview voice over will come in making a c

cut to gradually bring in the next frame.

Shots of interview will be interweaved with b-

roll shots and shots of the bookbinder at
work. Bookbinder will be talking about who he is
and most importantly what he does. I will ask
It will end with the finished product that he him about how he got into the profession and
has been working on. what he likes most about it etc.

He will talk about what he has just made, and

he would have been talking about it
throughout most of the video.
Crew List

Person Role Dates Needed

Me Camera man, Director, and 20th May
Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Type of room/area: Front

room/studio and work space

Location Address: 3, 25
Osborne Rd, Windsor SL4 3EG

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station: Windsor

Train Station

Nearest Bus stop:

Lighting Information: Natural Light from Solutions: Put down blinds to diffuse light
windows, and one key light along with two
practical lights

Sound Information: On camera shotgun Solutions: Use camera for shotgun mic and use
microphone and lav mic phone for lav mic input

Power Information: All batteries had been Solutions: Charge everything the night before
powered the night before

Hazards: Table was in the way Solutions: I just moved it to the side of the room
Contingency Plan
What are your plans for if something goes wrong? What back up actors,
locations and equipment do you have?

If I end up not being able to use the apartment to film the interview then I will just film it
within the workshop. I have looked at his workshop and the natural light is wonderfully
diffused by some blinds.

If my camera suddenly stops working, then I’ll have to hire one from a local camera shop.


I originally wanted to use some lights, but after looking at the location of my interview I can
tell that natural light will be enough. This is due to there being floor to ceiling windows
providing plenty of light. The windows also have blinds that perfectly diffuse the light
making it more soft and less harsh.

Found Footage: N/A

Music/sfx: I will find music and the appropriate sfx when I come to editing.

Interviewee Confirmation:

Interviewee Information and background: Andreas Maroulis is a professional bookbinder that

studied bookbinding and photography in Athens. He now works at The Windsor Castle as a
bookbinder and has his own bookbinding business.

Questions for interview:

1. How did you get into bookbinding?

2. Where did you find out about bookbinding?
3. What do you like about bookbinding?
4. What does bookbinding mean to you?
5. How do you feel when bookbinding? Does it improve your mental
6. When you finally complete a job how do you feel? Is there a strong feeling of
7. When did you come up with your brand/website?

Outline of Documentary:

My documentary is based on Andreas Maroulis a young bookbinder that is continuing

the art of bookbinding/rebinding. I will interview him and film him while working.
The whole thing will take place within his home that also doubles as his workspace
and studio.

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