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MODERN DELHI PUBLIC SCHOoG;, Chemistry Handout Class - VIII TOPIC : CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT INTRODUCTION : We all know that electricity plays a very vital role in our lives. It is very difficult to t a world without electricity. We use electricity to: run computers, watch television, lis ane music, run air conditioners in summer and many more. Electricity is hence one of the most significant discoveries in history. imagine isten to. Learning outcomes of chapter: In this chapter, we are going to learn about the processes by which electrical energy is converted into chemical energy or how electric current is used to bring about any chemical change. CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS > > > ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS ELECTRICAL INSULATORS. CONDUCTOR allows the INSULATOR does notallow ‘he energy to pass through it [eo— Steel Sliver Gold ‘Sea Water Copper Page 1of 8 3 “e sty in cortain situations For example, air is a of thunderstorms and lightning it carries classified aS good and insulators. Jectronic current direction of electronie ° give the direction of ‘ome materials May conduct bad conductor of electricity but in case electric charges through it. Hence poor conductors of ‘electricity rather tha ae a ‘he direction of flow of electrons give t Thereas the direction of OW ff positive charges conventional current. \ Electron flow DIRECT, ———)> CURRENT erent I = soeeee eee! + eee eee © o cea Conventional current o ig! is always connected to the positive terminal of the Nansen the hand, cathode lead i 5 is shorter and is connected to the negative terminal of the battery. Types of Electrodes: osiietecnnes is the electrode which i : EE co trom ce eoutien is connected to the positive terminal It is the elec ‘which i ctrod erminal of heen iis also known a dost t ellie oo oe \ LED (light emitting diode) Peative (ove) Nagative (-ve) j f ps y \ / Page 2 of 8 Class— Vi (Chemistry Handout) a Modern Dethi Public Schoo! It is 2 parameter to measure the ability os electri ductivity but iron she imple: wood shows poor con yy “3 eae 7 Praanctars which conducts electricity ental vos Pei ‘They dissociate into ions and conduct electricity. Electrolytes n state. Classified as strong electrolytes or weak electrolytes. OWS goor conductivity, be furthe: Electrolytes vs. Nonelectrolytes Pe eeo eee When dissolved in water, does not allow for electrical conductivity, (electron flow). . conductivity, (electron flow). When dissolved in water, allows for electrical Produces ions when dissolve ‘d Does not produce ions when in water. dissolved in water. Acids, bases and salts Sugar STRONG ELECTROLYTES VERSUS WEAK ELECTROLYTES Storr NT Eley compounds that completely Relat cost tte Ter eee Ret EEO wae Bets Weak electrolytes are compounds that partially Pee eot caput cnr Cee Badal MeLEs edhe Vr es (erry Previa z intoions incompletely dissociate BUT Cons tes teers poi} Bath Cs Rr Year Tar ae Lira lit eens BCnTa cr ra ae ht ec Rerce = ESE este kote and some is SSS a Se 5 a _ NE Schoo} ¥ g ‘ Chemical Effects of Electric Curre: Bera that when electrodes were immersed in water and current was passed through water, eae ead hydrogen were produced. Oxygen bubbles were formed at the electrode pees the positive terminal. Hydrogen bubbles were formed at the electrode connec! negative terminal. : When electric current is passed through a conducting solution, some chemical reaction takes place in the solution. This is called chemical effect of electric current. Some of the chemical effects of electric current are as follows: Q Bubbles of gas may be formed at electrodes. Deposits of metal may be seen on electrodes. Q Change of colour of solution may occur. Electrolysis esvoclat aca NUC ET process by which ionic aa are al nemo into simpler substances when an electric current is passed through them. > 4 al alled ions) For example, ‘ons receive electrons and negatively charged ions lose electrons. Both the products of the dissociation get collected at the electrodes. Current supply Oxidation Reduction Process Process Products of Electrolysis: During electrolysis oxidati ion wil i lion reaction will occur at anode and reduction reacti il occur at cathode. Perea Page a I" ¢ by loss of electrons. trons. a nrngess which ace! tion” Th j yi cess which occu duction: The pro rs by gain of elec! i ater: ; : ain ee ae ot water is the decomposition of water into one it hysrogen 38 his voNghieved by passing an slectic curr gat oma gnough rodes is sd in the container with water. The ele * erectrodes. Graphite is used for the making of the olectrodes ssnere the hydrogen The negatively charged electrode that is cathode isthe Place ere Oe is the will get accumulated while the positively charged electro’ place where the oxygen will get accumulated, . a St mds cectrolysis of water is also an example of decomposition which is also electrolytic decomposition. ‘lectré Chemical Reaction: 2H,0 electricity, 2H,(g), Ox(®) At cathode ~ Atanode For example: Electrolysis of molten NaCl set re I) | i. ‘wollen | NaCl That Electrode Chemical Reaction: 2NaCl(N) electricity 2Na(N) | Ch(e) — + At cathode” Atanode Applications of Electrolysis: Electrolysis has wide applications in industries. Some of the important applications are as follows: Sos Tce ydogen ret ute A A eb p ‘Graphite rod: i ‘Water NES sassersoper oat atte svc Page 5 of 8 Class — Vill (Chemistry Handout) Modern Dethi Publics, Production of hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis of water, The metals like Na, K, Mg, Al, etc., are obtained by electrolysis a Salts, OQ. Non-metals like hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine are obtained by electrolysis. . ‘Compounds like NaOH and KOH are synthesized by electro-synthesis method. O Electroplating 0 Electrolytic refining Electroiytic Refining: + Many metals, such as copper, zinc, tin, nickel, silver, gold etc. are refined or purified by electrolysis. In this process, the impure metal is made the anode and a thin strip of pure metal is made the cathode. The solution of the metal salt is used as an electrolyte. When current passes through electrolyte, the pure metal from the anode dissolves into the electrolyte. An equivalent amount of pure metal from the electrolyte is deposited on the cathode. The insoluble impurities settle down at the bottom of the anode and are known as anode mud whereas the soluble impurities go into the solution. For example: In electrolytic refining of copper, the electrolyte is a solution of acidified copper sulphate. The anode is impure copper, whereas the cathode is a strip of pure copper. On passing electric current, pure copper is deposited on the cathode. Key _ ac ey Cathode f Anode ‘Acidificd copper sulphate solution Tank Impurities (anode mud) Electroplating: Electroplating= Electro (refers to electric current) + plating (refers to coveri i ti vering a material ‘or metal with a thin layer of other metal) « The t licatic ell yer )* The most common application of electrolysis is * Electroplating is a process of coatin currant. pr coating one metal with another using an electric In this process, there exists an elect i , rolyte, through which current Clectrodes are inserted in the electrolyte and are connected to the lemmings oe battery with a switch in between, ee The metal to be used for coating is chosen as the anode a and the negative ions are called anions, VUll (Chemistry Handout) The current in the solution is due fo the flow of these ions. The a towards the anode, and the cations move towards the cathode, MNP The cations are converted into atoms at the cathode and form a layer on it, which we call electroplating. To compensate for the loss of ions in the Solution, the atoms of the anode dissociate into the solution, forming the ions. When electric current passes through the circuit for 20-25 minutes, the metal irom the anode gets deposited on the cathode. — [> Gold plate ; f Silver spoon (anode) (Cathode) Gold chloride Purpose of Electroplating: * oe Silver plating and gold plating of jewellery or silverware typically are performed to improve the appearance and value of the items. Chromium plating improves the appearance of objects and also improves its wear. Zinc or tin coatings may be applied to confer corrosion resistance. Electroplating is done in industries to have an antl-reactive coating on the parts of rcchires so that they do not react with the raw material, to have an ant-corrosis Seating for the machines. To have a heatrresistive coating for parts like boilers to resist the heat produced by the machinery. Applications and Examples of Electroplating: 1. Chromium has a shiny appearance, does not corrode and is resistant to scratches. But chromium is expensive and itis not economical to make the whole object out Gf chromium, So, the objects, such as taps, car parts, wheel rims etc. made from a cheaper metal and electroplated with chromium. ‘Jewellery made of cheap metal is electroplated with silver or gold to appear as if made of silver or gold. Tin is less reactive than iron. So, iron cans used for food items are electroplated with tin to prevent spoilage from contact with iron. Iron used in bridges and automobiles is electroplated with a coating of zinc to protect it from corrosion and formation of rust. Page 70fB Class ~ VIII (Chemistry Handout) Dry Cell: + Anvelecttic call is used to oPerae things such 35 a le, hig a small source of energy itig also know? i itconverts chemical energy iio iectrical + Addry cell is a primary wall that is non~reche’ ina number of household ga" These cells are used 1 atape-recorder. & calculator, ete Construction: = It consists of a 2 labelled as positive | inc container wil etal negative () tthe centre of (#)and am ee carbon rod is placed 2 e 2) and charcoal (C) in a muslin Daa fammonium chloride (NHS a moist paste o ‘e container is im dioxide (MnO: . Theelectrolyte ® othe base) of & 2% {except fo plastic material inside the cell becomes the bulb glows. xs as tong es the P: helps in the movernent of Working? When the cell is connected to a bulb, the chemical reaction | Or atarts flowing through the bulb. Hence. cells actually are in fact, it worl ist. The presence Oo moisture he cell from one electrode ( the other. fast and the curre! Note: The ary. it remains moi the ions within t qivinat (4) Terminal Metal cap Zinc container (anode) Porous paper fining Graphite (cathode) Mins + C Paste of NHACI + ZnCl> Page 8 of 8,

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