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Throughout my whole time during this course I believe I have learnt allot of new skills in film
making however I feel I have struggled to incorporate it in recent projects and I feel I can
really improve on my work in this final project. So far I have only been receiving pass and
merit grades but for this final project id like to push myself and focus hard enough to maybe
receive a distinction.

To try and receive this I will research filming techniques that I need to learn that could be
useful in my project instead of creating test shoots on camera angles, editing etc. that I
know how to execute but just haven’t done it yet. I have allot to improve on if I want to
really push myself on this project which is why I will take on board feedback I have been
given from my teachers, my peers/class mates, and my audience members. I also believe in
previous projects I have not spent enough time researching my chosen topics, even if I know
enough about them. To expand on this I will not only look at a wide range and variety of
research methods, but I will also spend a dedicated amount of time on this. An extra thing
to mention I haven’t used enough in previous projects is the equipment and locations I have
available to me. In recent projects I have been really drawn to one specific location (The
rugby changing rooms on the college campus) but to really push myself on this next project I
will make sure to spend time on considering where to film this project.

I will also make sure to read through all of the equipment available to me through the
college which may help on different filming techniques or help with editing and other
techniques. In conclusion, for this project I will focus more on writing work and filming work
as well as incorporating feedback that I have recently received and/or certain types of
feedback which has been mentioned repeatedly and that could still use improvements and
that can relate to the my target audience members.

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