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Monday 27.09


10 reasones not to study geography

1. Teacher

2. Lessons are boring

3. don't allow look at time

4. no interisting info

5. U've read that

6. you're too clever for these lesson



Answer a questions
1. No, that's too hard work
2. No because i can make me risk to be robberd
3. No, only about 1-2
4. No because i can make me risk to be killed
5. both yes and no
Yes - u have power to protect the earth from robbering and dienng
No - With a big power, came a big responsebility
6. Yes, but i'm too worried about a space travelling


Thursday 30.09


Letter to study english

Rast (the name of student)

Me (his teacher)

Hello Rast, your mum said that you have problems with your shy, you can't say
sentence correctly. I've got some adviceses for you, how to advance your speaking
skills. First advantage - you must learn all grammar to make and say sentence
directly without stopping. When people aren't concentrete on english they can't
spaek directly. Second one - talk to yourself when you when you walk out or
something else.
You can make a topic about anything and tell it to yourself. And the last, third
advantage - make a friendship with foreigner. That's very good practice when you
every minute you must find words to make up good sentence. If people talk to each
other and when one of person forget some words in conversation It sounds not good.
Ok, I'm tired. I hope i helped you, have a good evening.

Letter about movies

Well, not long time ago i started watching cartoon/serial, that appeared in 2017.
The cartoon was about two boys who were orphans in world where the magic rules. The
young man who worked in the church took the children to church. The first child,
also the main character is a short boy with green eyes and gray hair. He defeated
the enemy when he was only 15. The boy became one of the first knights from his
village. Once when he fought the enemy he could not stand on his feet, but with his
willpower he defeated him in spite of everything. Another character, half-brother
of the first. He is tall with green eyes and short hair, and was very strong.
Another character, half-brother of the first. He was tall with green eyes and short
hair, and was very strong. The second brother was gifted with a power that no one
even dreamed of. The force thanks to which he got into the perfect group of the
best knights in the capital. He could defeat enemies with just one movement of his
hand. When the enemy was too strong, the brothers united and gained more power that
could defeat the demigod.

What must inspire me to use public transport:
In our world, only about 45% of all people have their own personal transport.
Let's look at this situation: You are in a car near your house, and suddenly your
car stalls. Of course, you will immediately understand your problem. But in the
end, you call a tow truck, and the next day, you go by metro because you don't have
a car at the moment. Subways, bicycles, buses and major transports have been
popular for a very long time. In my case, in the morning I take the bus to school.
Some teachers, students, office workers, it doesn't matter if they live far away.
Some athletic people use bicycles as transport. There are many more reasons why
people use many types of social transport. Coming back to me, I can say that the
metro and the bus are the best types of transport. But I think that I am not able
to ride the subway on my own, I am very afraid. But I can take the bus without any

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Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko - February 25, 1814, the village of Morintsy. He was
and is a famous poet who wrote such works as Causinna, Dumka, Leech water in the
blue sea ... and more. His life was not easy - his mother died when he was little,
was in slavery, then he was ransomed from Krepatstvo.

Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh, the son of a wealthy Scottish lawyer Walter
Scott and Anne Rutherford (1739-1819). He is considered the founder of the genre of
the historical novel. Posted by Ivanhoe, Pirate, Talisman, etc.

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