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PERFORMANCE TASK : Local DRRM (disaster risk reduction and management)


The West Valley Fault or formerly known as the Marikina Valley Fault System stretches
from the Province of Bulacan to the Province of Laguna in the south traversing Metro Manila
areas. This fault poses a great danger because it cuts through all the modern and progressive
portions of Manila. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
warned Metro Manila residents of the possible movement of the West Valley Fault that threatens
the entire National Capital Region.
(Source: http://philnews.ph/2013/10/17/west-valley-fault- earthquake-threatens-metro-manila-
You are the Local DRRM Officer and first aider of Alaminos City and tasked to ensure
disaster preparedness this year among schools in the city. You will create a pamphlet/ brochure
of a family/personal emergency preparedness plan that contains information about precautionary
measures that you need to remember and do in case of an emergency concerning natural disasters
which will be used to educate elementary and high students so they will know what to do during
an earthquake, tsunami, and strong typhoons occurs. The pamphlet that you’ll submit will be
judged based on its content, planning and organization, and creativity
Goal Create a pamphlet of a family/personal emergency preparedness
plan that contains information about precautionary measures that
you need to remember and do in case of an emergency
concerning natural disasters which will be used to educate
elementary and high students so they will know what to do
during an earthquake, tsunami, and strong typhoons occurs.

Role Local DRRM officer, First Aider

Audience Community
Situation Preparation for a natural disaster
Performance/ Pamphlet/Brochure
Standards Content, Planning & Organization, and creativity.

CRITERIA Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Content Shows Shows student’s Shows student’s Shows
student’s deep correct inadequate student’s lack
and thorough understanding understanding of
understanding of concepts of concepts; understanding
of scientific learned; able to able to apply of concepts;
concepts apply knowledge but not able to
learned; able knowledge to to an already apply
to apply relevant known situation knowledge to
knowledge to situations new situations
novel and
Planning & The material The material The material The material
Organization reflects reflects reflects minimal Reflects
deliberate, adequate planning. It has Insufficient
careful and planning. It is weak planning. It is
thorough educational and educational hard to follow
planning. It the information value and some and lacks
has a strong is presented in a information is educational value.
educational logical order. presented
value. The illogically.
information is
presented in
an interesting
and logical
Creativity Submitted Used student Information was Brochure is
project created materials factual but showed presented in poorly
demonstrate as well as little student conditions; does
student’s own existing material interpretation. not show students’
expression of from other Project based creativity, pictures
research material. sources. Student primarily on sample or colors.
Used pictures, devised a work. Student added
colors or other creative way to one or more original
visual aids to design or deliver ideas.
display the project.
information in
multiple ways.

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