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THURSDAY 25 MAY 2023 USA $2.50 Canada C$3.


Peril of having Musk behind the AI wheel How long will the new gold run last?

Fair deal Briefing

Ageing crisis i Citigroup ends Banamex
sale and opts for flotation
tests Beijing The US lender has said it will spin
off its Mexican retail bank, which
has 38,000 employees, via an
Pensioners play cards in Rudong, in IPO, abandoning a plan hatched
China’s Jiangsu province, last month. last year to sell the unit.— PAGE 5
Rudong was so populous in the 1960s
that it was chosen to pilot China’s one- i Debt ceiling gaps persist
child policy. Nearly 60 years later, a new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy
housing development in the city is offer- has warned that the sides are “still
ing discounts to families with two chil- far apart” on a number of issues
dren, while a local primary school has amid White House negotiations
been turned into an old-people’s home. over the US debt ceiling.— PAGE 2
Amid fears that Rudong may one day
become a ghost city, the county in which i PwC tax crisis escalates
it is based is now China’s oldest, with Australia’s government has
nearly 39 per cent of its population over referred the spiralling PwC tax
60: more than double the national fig- leaks scandal to country’s federal
ure of 18.7 per cent. As a result, cotton police, asking it to consider
and rice farms struggle to find workers, opening a criminal probe.— PAGE 5
while the elderly population subsists on
meagre pensions. i Netanyahu passes budget
To offset this ageing crisis, Beijing Israel’s PM has managed to pass a
needs to encourage people to work two-year $269bn spending
beyond the retirement age of 50 for package after overcoming rifts
women and 60 for men, observers say. within his coalition of far-right
China’s population woes page 4 and religious parties.— PAGE 4
FT commission

i Siemens focuses on China

The head of Siemens has vowed
to expand its share in China,

EU looks to tap profits from €196bn of arguing that the market is crucial
to innovation and growth at the
German industrial group.— PAGE 6

i Company dividends soar

frozen Russian assets to assist Ukraine Dividends issued by the world’s

1,200 biggest groups hit a record
$326.7bn in the first quarter of
2023, a rise of 12 per cent on the
same period a year ago.— PAGE 8

3 West seeks to ratchet up pressure 3 Sanctions lock payments at Euroclear 3 Dividends generate cash Datawatch
LAURA DUBOIS — BRUSSELS Russian assets at Euroclear, according minimise credit risk and retains the know what to do with this money” and done through an asset management Belief in Fed wanes
PHILIP STAFFORD — LONDON % of Americans reporting confidence
to the Belgian government, of which interest earned. High interest rates, the option of diverting profits to aid vehicle, or through Euroclear itself.
The EU is discussing sending Ukraine €180bn are Russian central bank assets. together with the unusual accumulation Ukraine seemed promising. However, that move could have legal in the US central bank’s chair
the profits generated by billions of euros The assets are generating cash from of payments owing to the sanctions, The commission said it had been implications for an institution that usu- Alan Ben Janet Jay
of Russian assets stuck inside the coupons and dividend payments, which have led to bumper profits. In the first “exploring ways of using Russian frozen ally acts as a custodian. One person said Greenspan Bernanke Yellen Powell
plumbing of global financial markets. has been stuck for up to a year. That quarter of this year, Euroclear reported and immobilised assets” to “ensure that there needed to be a balance between
Officials from member states and the cash is reinvested by Euroclear and it is €734mn of interest on cash balances Russia pays for the damages caused in “protecting the role of Euroclear” and 60
European Commission met yesterday to the profits generated by the reinvest- from Russia’s sanctions-hit assets. Ukraine”. It said discussions were con- “siphoning off money to Ukraine”. 40
explore options to siphon off the inter- ment that EU officials are interested in “It’s not entirely clear who this inter- tinuing with international partners but Euroclear is facing lawsuits from
est generated by Russian assets held at diverting to Ukraine. est belongs to,” one person familiar with were “both legally and technically com- counterparties in Russia to force the
Euroclear, the world’s biggest settle- As a standard practice, Euroclear the discussions said. Tapping into the plex”. Euroclear declined to comment. company to hand over the payments. 0
2000 05 10 15 20 23
ment house, according to people famil- lends out its clients’ cash balances to interest for the benefit of Ukraine was Several people cautioned that the The settlement house said in March
Source: Gallup
iar with the matter. “uncharted territory”, the person said, legal implications still needed to be that it would not distribute “any profits
Such a move would stop short of “but we believe that it could be done”. reviewed, and such a move was likely to related to the Russian sanctions until Only 36 per cent of Americans say they
expropriating the assets themselves but Siphoning off interest for Some officials believe this principle need broader international backing as it the situation becomes clearer”. have either a great deal or a fair amount
would still amount to an escalation in could be applied to a broader range of could affect financial markets. Euro- The Belgian government has said sep- of confidence that Jay Powell, the Federal
the west’s financial pressure on Russia,
Kyiv’s benefit is ‘uncharted frozen Russian assets, including those clear held €35.6tn of securities in 2022. arately that it aims to use the tax income Reserve chair, will do the right thing
with the aim of helping Kyiv defend territory . . . but we stuck at Luxembourg’s Clearstream. The EU is also considering actively from the profits generated by the frozen for the US economy — the lowest level
of confidence for more than 20 years.
itself from Vladimir Putin’s war. believe it could be done’ Another person familiar with the situ- managing the profits to generate more assets at Euroclear to help Ukraine.
Sanctions have frozen €196.6bn in ation said “financial institutions don’t money, the people said. This could be Russia says militias ‘liquidated’ page 2

Paris Olympics organisers defend high

ticket prices for ‘the people’s Games’
SARAH WHITE — PARIS mium seats were not out of scale with next few months, Estanguet said, with-
ticket prices at the 2012 London Olym- out changes to the pricing plans.
Organisers of the Paris 2024 Olympic
pics. They were needed to finance the Sports minister Amélie Oudéa-
Games have hit back at criticism over
event and subsidise cheaper places. Castéra also defended the prices, saying
high prices ahead of the next release of
“For sure there’s some frustra- on Sunday that France had sought to
tickets to the public, saying the charges
Spanish voters go to polls tion . . . we knew from the outset we avoid “a Games tax” and that the event
were necessary to balance the budget.
muddled by ‘strange crisis’ would not be able to respond to had to be as self-sufficient as possible.
Disappointment over access to tickets demand,” Tony Estanguet, head of the Part of the outcry over tickets stems
Pedro Sánchez has made Spain’s has deepened in France in recent weeks organising committee, said. The three- from the organisers’ attempt to bill
strong jobs market a central part of his after two rounds of sales, during which a times Olympic champion and slalom 2024 as “the people’s Games”, with a
pitch as his ruling Socialists fight this highly publicised release of nearly 1mn canoeist added that public perception focus on accessibility to all.
weekend’s local elections. He presents tickets at €24 each ran out quickly, yet over prices did not reflect that only 5 per The budget for the 2024 Games was
himself as a compassionate economic seats at many flagship events such as cent of tickets were more than €400. increased last year by 10 per cent to
prime minister but the combination of gymnastics ran into hundreds of euros. “It does not provide an answer to the €4.4bn. Just over a third is expected to
rising prices and high employment has Some French athletes also criticised thousands of people who would have come from ticket sales and hospitality,
put Spain in uncharted territory as the the prices, in the first significant signs of wanted more affordable tickets, but not slightly higher than the London Olym-
opposition People’s party challenges. a public backlash almost a year from the everyone can have access to all catego- pics. The rest is roughly split between
One politics professor says: ‘Spain has opening ceremony at the end of July. ries in all sporting events,” he said. funding from the International Olympic
never had such a strange crisis. Voters Ministers and organisers have said Organisers said they had already sold Committee and sponsors.
don’t know whether to be angry or not.’ that several million tickets had been 5.2mn tickets out of the 8mn open to the Overall, the event will cost just less
Analysis i PAGE 3 available for less than €50 but these public, despite criticism over prices. than €9bn, including the construction
were sold quickly, while prices for pre- The remainder will be released over the of buildings such as the Olympic Village.

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2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023


Ukraine war Default fears

Russia claims pro-Kyiv militias ‘liquidated’ warns gaps in
Incursion on its territory lin to play down concerns. Russia had
“blocked off and routed the nationalist
among Russian nationals and Moscow’s
weak control of border regions.
part of what they said was the fightback
against the militias.
ficult and tense work” that “constantly
creates questions that are asked and
debt ceiling
embarrasses Kremlin and
raises border concerns
groups, [then] beat [them] back into
Ukrainian territory”, said Sergei Shoigu,
The Russian army has been keen to
play down the apparent shortcomings
But no signs of fighting were audible
or visible in the clips, which were filmed
The regional governor’s voice added
deal linger as
Russia’s defence minister, in a public
broadcast yesterday, adding that “more
than 70 Ukrainian terrorists have been
the attacks exposed.
On Tuesday, bloggers close to the
5km away from where the fighting took
place, according to Russian independ-
ent news outlet Agentstvo.
to growing criticism of the Russian
defence ministry by hardliners grouped
around Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of
talks resume
Russia has claimed its army “fully liqui- destroyed”. He vowed that Moscow The defence ministry also came in for the Wagner paramilitary group.
dated” pro-Ukrainian militias who would “react in a timely and extremely
Moscow vowed to ‘react in rare criticism from Viacheslav Gladkov, Russia’s forces are on the verge of cap- LAUREN FEDOR, JAMES POLITI AND
made a two-day incursion on its terri- vicious fashion to similar acts by a timely and extremely the governor of Belgorod, in a late-night turing the eastern Ukrainian city of COLBY SMITH — WASHINGTON
tory, an embarrassing episode that Ukrainian fighters in the future”. webcast after a local resident com- Bakhmut — a symbolic triumph after
points to broader failures more than a A Ukrainian military intelligence offi-
vicious fashion to similar plained the border was “full of holes”. the army failed to make significant Republican negotiators will return to
year into President Vladimir Putin’s cial on Tuesday admitted co-operating acts by Ukrainian fighters’ Gladkov told the resident he agreed advances since early last summer. the White House to “try to finish the
invasion. with the groups behind the raid, the and that he had “even more questions But the huge losses of men and mater- negotiations” on the debt ceiling, Kevin
The apparent ease with which two Russian Volunteer Corps and Free Rus- defence ministry released two videos for the defence ministry than you do”. iel the invading forces have sustained in McCarthy said yesterday, although he
Ukraine-based groups of far-right Rus- sian Legion, which have taken responsi- showing Alexander Lapin, a senior Rus- “We need to draw conclusions from the Bakhmut, coupled with a failure to warned the sides were “still far apart”
sian nationals penetrated Russia’s bor- bility for the Belgorod incursion and a sian general and head of the army’s mistakes that were made,” he added. make progress elsewhere on the front on a number of issues.
der and temporarily “liberated” a vil- string of similar incidents this spring. ground forces, urging a small group of Asked about Gladkov’s comments, lines, have raised fears Russia could find
lage raised rare public criticism from Ukraine has hailed the attacks as evi- soldiers: “Forward, lads, for the mother- Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, said itself on the back foot after a much-an- The Speaker of the House’s remarks on
local authorities, prompting the Krem- dence of both an anti-Putin uprising land!” down a bucolic village street as the war with Ukraine required “very dif- ticipated Ukrainian counter-offensive. Capitol Hill came with just over a week
to go until a key June 1 deadline. Janet
Yellen, the US Treasury secretary, has
repeatedly warned lawmakers that if
Eurozone. Manufacturing Congress does not raise the debt ceiling
in a matter of days, the federal govern-
ment risks defaulting on its obligations

Germany unnerved by plunge in exports to China in early June, and as soon as June 1.
Yellen reiterated her forecast yester-
day. Speaking at an event with the Wall
Street Journal, she said uncertainty over
the debt ceiling was already causing
“some stress in financial markets”, add-
Big drop highlights unique set German exporters to China have had a tough start to the year ing that Treasury bills coming due in
of challenges for Europe’s €mn early to mid June were “trading at . . .
significantly higher rates”.
industrial powerhouse Investors have been avoiding bonds
German exports to China 10 maturing in early June, driving the price
Monthly average since 2019 of those securities much lower. Early
FRANKFURT 9 this month, the Treasury department
was forced to auction four-week bills at
A double-digit drop in German exports 8 the highest yield ever to entice buyers.
to China has rattled Europe’s biggest The stress is not limited to the debt
economy, triggering debate over why its 7 market. Stocks have dropped this week,
vast manufacturing sector has fallen with the blue-chip S&P 500 and the
behind rivals benefiting from a rebound 6 tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite both
in Chinese demand. 2019 20 21 22 23 down nearly 2 per cent. “I think that
The 11.3 per cent drop in Germany’s should be a reminder of the importance
China exports in the first four months of
Germany has lost market share in China among EU exporters of reaching a timely agreement,” Yellen
the year on the same period a year ago German share of total EU exports to China in Q1* (%) said, warning there could be “substan-
highlights a unique set of challenges for 60 tial financial market distress” even in
Europe’s industrial powerhouse, econo- the run-up to an eventual agreement.
mists say. Carmakers are losing market McCarthy and Joe Biden met on Mon-
share in China, chemical producers and 40 day for talks the leaders described as
other energy-intensive companies are “productive”, after the US president cut
hit by high power prices, and the euro’s an overseas trip to the G7 meetings short
appreciation against the dollar has 20 to be in Washington for the debt talks.
made German goods less competitive. But the apparent impasse in the days
Carsten Brzeski, global head of macro since has stoked concern in Washington
research at Dutch bank ING, said Ger- 0 and in financial markets over whether
man exporters also felt they were prey the sides can reach a deal in time to
to mounting security and trade tensions 2015 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 avert an unprecedented default that
* Figures are only for the first three months of each year. EU figures exclude Hong Kong
between Beijing and Washington. economists warn would wreak havoc on
Sources: Federal statistical agency (Destatis); Eurostat
“Germany is now considered to be the global economy.
allies with the US, which has led to more Any deal struck between the White
explicit or implicit discouraging of pur- Assembly line: years, the federal statistical agency said. German exporters, which account for ‘We have deliveries had dropped 15 per cent in the House and congressional Republicans
chases of German products,” he said. electric vehicles This runs counter to earlier expecta- more than a quarter of all EU exports first quarter after a surge in sales at the will need to be approved by the majori-
Several big German companies with being produced tions that Germany’s vast manufactur- outside the bloc, have also been ham- continued end of 2022, when Chinese buyers took ties in both the House of Representa-
businesses in China reported big falls in at Volkswagen’s ing sector would benefit from a boost in pered by the recent appreciation of the to feel the advantage of EV subsidies as well as a tives, which Republicans control by a
first-quarter sales there, including Zwickau plant Chinese demand after Beijing’s zero- euro from below parity with the dollar combustion vehicle tax exemption that narrow margin, and the Senate, which
chemicals group BASF, Volkswagen and in Germany. VW Covid policy was lifted late last year and late last year to trade between $1.07 and economic ended in December. VW makes most of Democrats control by a similarly slim
car parts producer Bosch. says deliveries supply chain bottlenecks eased. $1.10 in recent weeks. effects its cars it sells in China in the country. amount. Both Biden and McCarthy are
Declining exports to China are among to China fell “It is mainly services that rebounded, Manufacturing activity fell to a six- Bosch also reported a decrease in Chi- under increasing pressure from the left
a number of indicators that Germany’s 15% in the but not yet manufacturing,” said Brze- month low in Germany this month, S&P of the nese demand, pushing first-quarter and right flanks of their parties, respec-
manufacturing sector is suffering from a first quarter ski, adding that carmakers had been hit Global’s survey of purchasing managers restrictions Asia Pacific sales down 9.3 per cent. tively, to reject calls for compromise.
sharp fall at the start of this year, includ- Jens Schlueter/Getty Images by a lack of smaller electric vehicles and reported on Tuesday. Cyrus de la Rubia, “During the first two months of 2023, Even so, McCarthy insisted yesterday
ing lower factory output, plunging the Chinese trend of buying from chief economist at Hamburg Commer- imposed in we have continued to feel the economic that a deal was possible, and that he
demand and slowing backlog of orders. domestic carmakers. Motor vehicles cial Bank, said the survey found foreign response effects of the restrictions imposed in could be able to shepherd it through the
Germany seems to be an outlier and parts made up more 15 per cent of demand for German-made goods had response to the pandemic,” Bosch said. lower chamber of Congress.
among European countries, most of total German exports last year, he said. “virtually collapsed”. The BDI, Ger- to the After German industrial production “I think we can make progress today. I
which have had higher shipments to European gas prices have fallen from many’s main business confederation, is pandemic’ suffered its biggest drop for 12 months am hoping we can make progress.”
China this year, suggesting German last year’s peak, but remain higher than watching the decline in exports and is in March, falling 3.4 per cent from Feb- The most hawkish members of McCa-
exporters are losing market share in in earlier years, putting energy-inten- hoping it is a blip that will ease once Chi- Bosch ruary, some economists expect the fed- rthy’s conference have dismissed fears
their second-biggest market outside sive companies at a disadvantage. nese construction activity rebounds. eral statistical agency today to revise its of a default and suggested the Treasury
Europe. Exports from the 27 EU mem- “Chemicals output is down sharply BASF, which has been downsizing in initial estimate of first-quarter gross can simply prioritise debt payments.
bers to China rose 2.9 per cent year on due to the energy crisis,” said Oliver Germany while building a €10bn plant domestic product from zero growth to a But Yellen dismissed those claims yes-
year in the first quarter, found Eurostat. Rakau, chief German economist at in China, reported sales of €2.3bn there contraction. A second consecutive quar- terday: “Our payment systems have
The decline means China accounted research group Oxford Economics. in the first quarter of this year, a 29 per terly decline in GDP, after a 0.4 per cent been constructed in order to pay our
for only 6 per cent of Germany’s total “There has been a permanent hit to cent drop on the previous year’s period. drop in the 2022 final quarter, would bills, not to decide which bills to pay and
exports in the first three months of this competitiveness.” The group blamed decreased demand, mark a technical recession. The IMF has which bills not to pay. Generally, priori-
year, the lowest share since 2016 and Berlin has drawn up plans to subsidise which had also led to lower prices. forecast Germany to be the weakest per- tisation is not really something that’s
down from more than 7 per cent in the 80 per cent of electricity costs for Volkswagen, which sells more cars in former among big economies this year, operationally feasible, so there will be
same period of each of the past four energy-intensive companies. China than any other carmaker, said with output set to shrink 0.1 per cent. some difficult choices to make.”

UK bond market

Gilt yields soar near mini-Budget level as inflation disappoints

MAKE A WISE CHRIS GILES AND MARY MCDOUGALL was so great that the BoE would be jumped to 6.8 per cent, up from 6.2 per lessons to learn” on the management of
forced to raise interest rates aggres- cent the month before. high price rises. The BoE has said it
Gilt yields yesterday hit levels not seen sively beyond their current level of 4.5 Food price inflation remained close to would raise interest rates again if infla-
Subscribe today at since last year’s “mini” Budget crisis per cent. its 45-year peak, at 19.1 per cent com- tion appeared to be persisting. after the UK reported far higher infla- “I can’t see what will stop it, short of a pared with 19.2 per cent in March. Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at
tion than the Bank of England had very substantial recession,” he said. Asked whether inflation would halve Pantheon Macroeconomics, said infla-
hoped. Traders in forward markets are bet- by the year’s end — a key target of Prime tion data for last month was likely to
ting that rates will peak at about 5.3 per Minister Rishi Sunak — BoE governor prompt the central bank’s Monetary
FINANCIAL TIMES Good Friday, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, the Market expectations of further interest cent by the end of the year. Andrew Bailey gave no such assurance. Policy Committee to act again. There
330 Hudson Street, day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and the day
New York, NY 10013 after Christmas Day. rate rises soared after official figures Borrowing costs fell last year after the “I think we’re going to have to see how was “too small a drop [in inflation] for
showed consumer price inflation of BoE intervened and Truss fell from the news and the evidence unfolds,” he the MPC to stop hiking in June”, he said.
Subscriptions and Customer Service US subscription rates, 1 year $406. Periodicals 8.7 per cent for April — down from power. The two-year yield, which told a Wall Street Journal event. The UK’s Office for National Statistics
Tel: +1 800 628 8088 postage paid at New York, NY and at additional, mailing offices; Post-Master. Send address changes
March’s 10.1 per cent but significantly peaked at 4.7 per cent in September, fell Bailey admitted this week that the said the headline rate dropped because
Advertising to F.T. Publications Inc., PO Box 469, Newburgh, NY above the BoE’s forecast of 8.4 per cent. to just below 3 per cent in November central bank’s economic model had not of more stable energy prices, but it was
Tel: +1 917 551 5040 12551; USPS number, 190640; ISSN# 0884-6782. Despite its fall to single figures, UK before rising steadily in recent weeks. been accurate and there were “very big offset by big increases in the prices of inflation is now about double the equiv- Allan Monks, UK economist at second-hand cars and cigarettes.
Letters to the editor © Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2023. All rights reserved. alent US rate and significantly above JPMorgan, argued that yesterday’s sur- Kitty Ussher, chief economist of the
Executive appointments Reproduction of the contents of this newspaper in that of the eurozone. prise inflation data appeared to signal a Institute of Directors, said there was still any manner is not permitted without the publisher’s The yield on two-year gilts shot up persistent problem that the BoE could a chance that the fall in the headline rate
prior consent. ‘Financial Times’ and ‘FT’ are
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330 Hudson St, New York, subject to a self-regulation regime under the FT last year when short-serving prime min- one-off or simply as an indirect byprod- “Policymakers will hope that now
NY 10013, USA; Editorial Code of Practice: ister Liz Truss’s unfunded tax cuts uct of food and energy price gains, as the that the headline rate is back to single
Tel: +1 917-551-5000;
Editor: Roula Khalaf wreaked havoc in financial markets. BoE and the doves have tended to sug- digits, expectations of future inflation
Reprints are available of any FT article with your Quentin Fitzsimmons, a senior port- gest up until very recently,” he said. will now start to fall as well, which then
Printed by company logo or contact details inserted if required folio manager at US asset manager A substantial drop in headline infla- could become self-fulfilling,” she said.
Blue Island Newspaper Printing, Harvey, IL (minimum order 100 copies). One-off copyright
Evergreen Printing Company, Bellmawr, NJ licences for reproduction of FT articles are also T Rowe Price, described the market tion for April had been widely antici- In the month of April alone, UK prices
Bay Area Production Services, Fremont, CA available. reaction to the inflation data as “an pated because of the impact of factoring rose 1.2 per cent — even though gas and
For both services phone +44 20 7873 4816, or amber flag, if not a red flag”. out energy price increases early last Andrew Bailey: gave no assurance of electricity bills were frozen.
Published daily except Sundays, New Year’s Day, alternatively, email
He argued that the inflation pressure year. But core inflation for the month inflation halving by the year’s end See Opinion and Markets
Thursday 25 May 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


Spanish voters face ‘strange crisis’ of


La Liga wants
high employment and rising prices changes to law
after racism
Government squares off with opposition over economy before Sunday’s regional and local polls

Spain’s football league has demanded

changes to the country’s laws after rac-
ist abuse directed at one of the game’s
star players prompted a backlash from
players, sponsors and the Brazilian
Real Madrid’s Vinícius Júnior was the
target of racist chants last weekend dur-
ing a game at Valencia and an outcry
spread after the head of La Liga
appeared to play down the incident.
The Brazilian forward, rated as one of
football’s top players, reported the
abuse to the match referee. He was later
sent off for violent conduct.
After the game, Vinícius Jr posted a
message on social media saying the
Spanish league “belongs to the racists”,
and criticised football authorities for
failing to tackle the problem. He later
called on sponsors and broadcasters to
push the league to take firmer action.
“It wasn’t the first time, not the sec-
ond time, and not the third,” he said.
“Racism is normal in La Liga.”
Javier Tebas, La Liga chief executive,
has come under fire for his response.
Shortly after the match on Sunday, he
directed a message at Vinícius Jr on
Twitter, saying: “Before you criticise La
Liga, you need to educate yourself prop-
erly. Don’t let yourself be manipulated.”
On Tuesday, La Liga sought to shift
the focus, saying in a statement that it
BARNEY JOPSON — VALENCIA “Spain has never had such a strange Price pressures: ment,” said one person close to Sánchez. ’We get evenly matched both nationally and in felt “powerless”. It blamed Spanish law
crisis. Voters don’t know whether to be shoppers buy But there are holes in the prime min- Valencia. for failing to give it the tools to address
High up in a Valencia church tower, angry or not,” he said. meat at ister’s narrative too. the same A Socialist victory there would show the issue, insisted it had led a “relentless
Tristán Tomás Carrein is sealing cracks Polls show that Sánchez already faces Valencia’s Although Spain’s 3.8 per cent eco- money here the prime minister has a chance of hold- fight” against racism, and vowed to
and doing his bit — along with tens of an uphill struggle to prevent big gains at central food nomic growth in the first quarter was ing on in the general election. A win by lobby the government for new powers to
thousands of others — to keep the con- the weekend by the opposition People’s market. Below, stronger than the US and its biggest EU today that I the PP, which is trying to shake off mem- penalise clubs and fans.
struction sector thriving. party, an increasingly bellicose right- Tristán Tomás peers, gross domestic product has not remember ories of corruption last time it was in Tebas yesterday apologised for his
Building firms in the coastal region wing force. By the end of the year he Carrein returned to pre-pandemic levels, power, would create a sense of a new comments: “Although it wasn’t what I
are employing more people than at any could be fighting for his political life. IMAGO/viennaslide/Reuters,
Barney Jopson/FT
putting the country in a worse position my mother dawn for the right. intended, people understood it differ-
time since the boom that ended in 2007, Portraying Sánchez as unscrupulous than Greece, Italy and France. getting 25 Ximo Puig, the Valencia region’s ently. So I have to be clear and say I was
helping to make Spain’s labour market and untrustworthy, People’s party Too many jobs are still low quality and Socialist president, keeps his distance mistaken and apologise for that tweet.”
the strongest in 15 years ahead of local leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo is seeking the unemployment rate has ticked up in years ago’ from Sánchez. He said it was “unfair” to Vinícius Jr has been repeatedly tar-
and regional elections on Sunday. to capitalise on discontent over the recent months to 13.3 per cent, though inject national politics into the local geted by racist football fans this season.
Carrein, a former carpenter, teacher prime minister’s political deals with the that remains low for Spain by the stand- vote and highlights his own success in Spanish police have arrested seven men
and car factory supervisor, appreciates radical leftist Podemos party, Catalan ards of the past decade. Government attracting foreign investment, including over two separate incidents, one of
the security of a two-year project. separatists, and a Basque party led by an energy policies help explain why infla- a Volkswagen battery plant. But a refer- which involved an effigy of the Brazilian
“I’ve always been chasing the stability ex-member of the disbanded terrorist tion, at just under 4 per cent, is the low- endum on the prime minister is just player hung from a bridge near the Real
that nobody ever gave me,” he said. Yet group Eta. Spain, Feijóo claims, is “tired est in the EU after Belgium and Luxem- what conservatives want. Madrid training ground.
his net pay of €1,500 a month is stag- of Sanchismo”. bourg, but citizens are still feeling the Carlos Mazón, the PP candidate seek- Real Madrid has called on the attor-
nant while prices are rising: “We get the Sánchez prefers to talk about the pain of rising prices. ing to eject Puig, rattles off grim wage ney-general’s office to investigate the
same money here today that I remem- strong economy and ridicule Feijóo for In a fragmented political system, polls and poverty statistics and accuses the incident in Valencia, while Carlo Ance-
ber my mother getting 25 years ago.” “predicting apocalypses that never show that the parties of the left and prime minister of doing nothing to help lotti, Madrid head coach, said the game
In a bellwether region where prime come”. right, clumped together in two blocs, are local farmers or ceramics producers should have been called off. “What we
minister Pedro Sánchez’s Socialists have One of the prime minister’s first wracked by water and gas crises, respec- saw today is unacceptable, an entire sta-
held power since 2015, such mixed feel- achievements was to use a furlough pro- tively. “The reality of the data is quite dium chanting racist slurs,” he said.
ings create potential openings for both gramme to prevent mass lay-offs during different from [Sánchez’s] triumphalist The episode has also sparked fury in
the ruling party and rightwing opposi- the pandemic. He has ratcheted up the marketing,” he said. Brazil. In a gesture of solidarity with the
tion as they vie for votes. Sánchez has minimum wage several times, and At the medieval church, Carrein player, the lights on the Christ the
made the buoyant jobs market a central together with his controversial parlia- remains undecided. He has voted both Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro were
part of his pitch. The Socialist leader — mentary allies, he reformed labour law left and right over the years, but says the turned off on Monday evening.
who has piloted and polarised Spain to put more people on permanent con- economy debate leaves him unsure President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
through Covid-19 and the Ukraine war tracts rather than precarious short- what to do on Sunday. He said: “I would demanded that Fifa, football’s global
— presents himself as a compassionate term ones. They also imposed new caps love to believe in politics. But they have governing body, and La Liga take “seri-
economic steward who has steered the on rent rises and conjured up an infla- given me no reason to.” ous measures” in response. “We cannot
country to a better place than its neigh- tion-linked 8.5 per cent boost to public In Valencia’s central food market, allow fascism and racism to take over
bours. pensions this year. Natalia Estellés Palanca, who owns a football stadiums,” he said. Brazil’s min-
He would like to run with the same “It’s taken the sting out of prices going butcher’s stall, said she could not istry of racial equality said it had asked
message in a general election due in up,” said Miguel Belda, a retired teacher remember a tougher time given the mix Spanish authorities to investigate.
December. But as inflation persists, the who plans to vote for the Socialists. of rising costs, shortages of skilled staff Valencia has promised lifetime sta-
combination of high prices and high Corporate leaders in Madrid, who and lack of government help. “It’s all dium bans for those responsible but said
employment puts Spain in uncharted have little affection for the prime minis- very unstable. You don’t know where it was “totally false” to accuse the entire
territory, says Pablo Simón, a professor ter, concede that the economy has done things are going. We’re all living in fear,” crowd of shouting racist remarks.
of politics at Madrid’s Carlos III better than expected. “The unknown is she said. “People are indecisive about Additional reporting by Samuel Agini in
University. how much voters value good manage- their shopping — and their voting.” London and Barney Jopson in Madrid

Budapest Neurotechnology

Hungary accelerates funding talks with EU AI ‘digital bridge’ helps paraplegic man walk
MARTON DUNAI — BUDAPEST should unlock about €13bn of cohesion In addition to cohesion money, Buda- CLIVE COOKSON — LONDON ing strokes, the researchers said, though The EPFL team previously used a
funds, according to people familiar with pest is also awaiting access to €12.4bn they cautioned that much research and more complex procedure to restore
A “digital bridge” that uses artificial
Hungary is speeding up talks with the negotiations. But the rest of the worth of loans and grants from the bloc’s development would be required to min- mobility to people paralysed by spinal
intelligence to decode brain signals has
Brussels to unlock nearly a third of its funding is unlikely to be disbursed any post-pandemic recovery fund. Before iaturise and enhance the technology, cut cord injury.
enabled a paraplegic patient to walk
EU funding following a long and bitter time soon. any of those funds can be disbursed, production costs and carry out exten- Patients specified their desired move-
just by thinking about moving his legs,
stand-off, but officials warn the Hungary badly needs to access EU Hungary first needs to take more meas- sive clinical trials. ments — for example standing, walking
boosting hopes that the neurotechnol-
remainder of the cash is likely to stay money because its economy is in reces- ures against corruption and embezzle- Oskam, the first person to be fitted or pedalling — by pressing keys on a
ogy could help millions of people over-
frozen because of persistent differ- sion, it has by far the EU’s highest infla- ment of EU funds and provide transpar- with the digital bridge, said he had small tablet computer which then trans-
come disabilities.
ences over its reform efforts. tion and interest rates, and its fiscal bal- ency and accountability guarantees regained natural control over the move- mitted instructions to a series of elec-
ance has come under question as its listed in 27 “super milestones”. Swiss researchers implanted an elec- ment of his limbs, enabling him to walk trodes implanted in the lower spinal
Budapest has been clashing with Brus- debt servicing costs have soared to Bóka acknowledged that the justice tronic device in Gert-Jan Oskam’s skull and climb stairs, or just share a beer cord. These stimulated nerve cells to
sels and other EU capitals for more than reform only covered four of those on top of the region of the brain respon- with friends standing at a bar. initiate movement in the appropriate
a decade since Prime Minister Viktor requirements, noting that “all super sible for controlling leg movements. “This simple pleasure represents muscles.
Orbán came to power, with critics
‘The atmosphere is better milestones must be met before we can Using algorithms based on adaptive a significant change in my life,” said Oskam was upgraded to the new dig-
decrying a democratic backslide on civil in every way, the meetings submit a payment claim for recovery AI methods, “movement intentions are Oskam, a 40-year-old Dutch man ital bridge from the previous system.
rights, rule of law and more recently his funds”. decoded in real time from brain record- whose spine was injured in a cycling “This feels radically different,” he
diverging stance on the war in Ukraine.
much more frequent’ Hungary is also struggling to fulfil ings”, said Guillaume Charvet, head of accident 11 years ago. said. “Before, I felt that the stimulation
János Bóka, Hungary’s EU negotiator János Bóka, Hungary negotiator conditions related to freedom of aca- brain-computer interface research at was controlling me, now I am control-
and junior justice minister, said talks demic thought, affecting around 9 per the French public research body CEA. ling the stimulation myself. I can take
with the European Commission were about 4 per cent of gross domestic prod- cent, or €2bn, of the cohesion funds. These signals were then transmitted steps that feel natural.”
advancing swiftly on almost a third of uct this year. The starkest ideological differences — wirelessly to a neurostimulator con- The new system does not rely on
the €36bn his country should receive by Hungary is due a total of about €22bn over Hungary’s civil liberties and asy- nected to an electrode array over the instructions from an external computer.
2027. Budapest recently adopted a in regular cohesion funds in the EU’s lum laws — affect the smallest portion of part of the spinal cord that controls leg As Oskam used the digital bridge,
reform of its justice system intended to 2021-27 budget period if it fulfils all cri- cohesion funds — about €700mn for the movement below the injury site, said his brain and nervous system adapted
fulfil key preconditions for EU funding teria laid out by Brussels. LGBT+ laws and some €50mn for the Jocelyne Bloch, the project’s neurosur- to it, forming new connections that
under the bloc’s cohesion policy. More than €6bn worth of cohesion asylum rules. Bóka said his country geon. enabled him to walk with crutches even
The justice reform “gave the talks a funds remain frozen because of the EU’s would not relent on either of those Researchers at École Polytechnique when the spinal implant was switched
[new] impetus. It raised the level of new “conditionality mechanism” linked issues, suggesting Budapest might chal- Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and Swiss off.
mutual political trust,” Bóka said. to rule of law standards. Budapest’s fail- lenge Brussels in court over those funds. hospitals published their findings in Although the digital bridge has so far
“The atmosphere is better in every ure to meet other conditions on aca- “We have not considered that sce- Nature yesterday. The breakthrough been tested only on Oskam, the
way, the meetings have become much demic freedoms, LGBT+ rights and nario thoroughly yet, but when it comes would enable doctors to bypass dam- researchers are about to extend the clin-
more frequent.” asylum rules is keeping further funding to accessing EU funds I would not aged nerves and boost the treatment of a Wheelchair-free: Gert-Jan Oskam ical trial, initially to three new patients
Once it is put in practice, the reform out of reach. exclude any legal options,” he said. range of neurological disorders includ- with scientist Andrea Galvez Solano and then many more.
4 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023


Middle East COP28

US and EU
Israeli budget passed after coalition deal legislators
Funds pledged for Haredi, funding were met. The final package
included billions of shekels for Israel’s
Asked on Channel 14 News whether
his government would return to a con-
which early elections would have been
triggered — was celebrated by Netan-
and students instead devote much of
their time to studying the Torah.
call for oil
national guard and new
West Bank settlements
fast-growing and fervently religious
Haredi community, whose leaders are
troversial judicial overhaul that he
delayed in March after one of the biggest
yahu’s coalition partners, with finance
minister Bezalel Smotrich saying it
Critics say that the measures will dis-
courage Haredi men — only half of
chief to leave
key Netanyahu allies, funding for settle-
ments in the occupied West Bank
regarded as illegal by most of the inter-
waves of protests in Israel’s modern his-
tory, Netanyahu answered, “Certainly”.
Opposition leaders were quick to
would “provide stability and certainty
to the economy”. Ben-Gvir said the
budget deal had delivered “lots of
whom work and almost none of whom
do military service — from seeking
employment. This will put mounting
climate role
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netan- national community, and a new warn against a resumption of the judi- good news”. strain on the Israeli state budget as the
yahu has succeeded in passing a two- national guard demanded by ultrana- cial reform, with Benny Gantz, head of But opposition politicians lambasted Haredi share of the Israeli population is AIME WILLIAMS — WASHINGTON
year state budget after overcoming rifts tionalist national security minister Ita- the National Unity party, accusing the the spending package for doing too little forecast to grow from about an eighth to
within his coalition of far-right and reli- mar Ben-Gvir. prime minister of being “drunk on to rein in inflation, and for channelling around a third by 2065. More than 100 US lawmakers and
gious parties. Netanyahu hailed the passing of the power once again”. significant resources to the ultraortho- “While you were sleeping, the worst members of the European parliament
Parliament voted through the Sh1tn budget — which envisages spending of “I’ll remind Netanyahu that it is stu- dox education system. and most destructive budget in the have called for removal of the head of
($269bn) spending package in the early Shk484bn in 2023 and Shk514bn in pid to repeat the same action and to The funding for the Haredi education country’s history was passed. There is the United Arab Emirates’ state-owned
hours of yesterday after Netanyahu 2024 — as the “dawn of a new day” and expect a different result,” he wrote on system is a particular bone of conten- no good news . . . only endless extor- oil group Adnoc as president-designate
struck deals with two factions that had said his government’s priority was to Twitter, pledging that protests would tion for secular Israelis because ultraor- tion,” Yair Lapid, leader of the largest of the UN climate summit this year.
threatened to withhold support for the lower the cost of living in Israel, where restart if the judicial overhaul returned. thodox schools are not required to teach opposition party, Yesh Atid, wrote on
budget unless their demands for greater inflation has reached 5 per cent. The passing of the budget — without core subjects such as English and maths, Twitter. The UAE, as the host for COP28, earlier
this year appointed Sultan al-Jaber to
lead the summit in Dubai from the end
of November.
Social policy. Demographic crisis In a joint letter to UN officials, and US
and European leaders, including US
president Joe Biden and European Com-

Oldest county reflects China’s population woes mission president Ursula von der Leyen,
the lawmakers call for the UAE to with-
draw Jaber’s appointment, as his posi-
tion as an oil executive risked “under-
mining the negotiations”.
eight grandparents and four parents. The group, comprised mainly of Dem-
Factories are struggling to find Under the pagoda of Rudong’s 1,200- ocratic members of the US Congress and
workers and schools have year-old Guoqing Temple, a 77-year-old left-leaning members of the European
incense seller said she received a tiny parliament, expressed “profound con-
become homes for elderly state pension but worked, as she did not cern” that UN rules allowed private sec-
want to be a “burden” on her son. tor polluters to exert “undue influence”
A 64-year-old said he was now too old over the process of the summit.
ANDY LIN — HONG KONG to do his former trade of carpentry. Last year’s COP summit hosted by
Elderly farmers are still visible Egypt ended in disappointment for cli-
“Sleep well, eat well, that’s all that mat- around Rudong. “It’s good for these old mate activists as well as many devel-
ters for old people,” said Xiao. The people to work,” said the supervisor of a oped and developing nations. Countries
sprightly 75-year-old shares a room work party of 70-plus-year-olds. They including Saudi Arabia and Russia
with a couple in their 80s in what was a were hoeing a field planted with onions
primary school but which, to illustrate and being paid Rmb8 an hour. “If they
China’s demographic crisis, has been stay at home, they get sick quickly.”
‘It is easy to see how
converted into an old people’s home. Many employers and local authorities [attendees of polluting
A poster on the Rudong Binshan Eld- hope to lure younger workers for what
erly Apartments cautions visitors that the government says will be Rudong’s
corporate actors] could
sticky-rice dumplings are a choking “dynamic decade”, so they are offered obstruct climate action’
hazard for elderly relatives. incentives from higher salaries to subsi-
In the 1960s, Rudong, in prosperous dised housing. A poster in a labour blocked an effort by a coalition of more
eastern Jiangsu province, was so popu- exchange advertising work at one of than 80 countries, including the US and
lous it was chosen to pilot the one-child Rudong’s factories says younger male EU, to include a reference to phasing
policy. Nearly 60 years later, it is the workers can apply for machine operator down all fossil fuels in final agreement
country’s oldest county; nearly 39 per jobs with a monthly salary of Rmb6,500 by almost 200 countries.
cent of its population is over 60, more or more. This compares with Rmb5,800 “It did not escape our attention that at
than double the national figure of 18.7 offered to unskilled males aged 40-55. least 636 lobbyists from the oil and gas
per cent. As a result, schools have closed At a new housing development in the industries registered to attend last
and the cotton and rice farms struggle to city, discounts are offered for homebuy- year’s COP, an increase of more than
find workers, while the elderly popula- ers with a doctorate, masters degree or 25 per cent over the previous year,” the
tion subsists on meagre pensions. technical qualifications, or were fami- lawmakers wrote in the letter.
Rudong offers a preview of China’s lies with two children. These local “When the number of attendees rep-
demographic challenge, which in its incentives are echoed nationally. resenting polluting corporate actors,
scale and speed promises to eclipse sim- One state agency has launched pilot which have a vested financial interest in
ilar crises in places such as Japan and projects in 20 cities to build a “new era maintaining the status quo, is larger
Italy. Last month, India unseated China of marriage culture” to “encourage than the delegations of nearly every
as the world’s most populous country, a childbearing”, state media reported. country in attendance, it is easy to see
UN study found. This came after China’s Beijing has also announced initiatives to how their presence could obstruct cli-
population shrank last year for the first curb extravagant weddings. mate action.”
time since the 1960s. Some cities are handing out cash pay- In his defence, COP28 said Jaber had a
For Beijing, the crisis will require ments for families with a third child, 20-year career “in the renewable energy
reforms to a growth model that has while others are expanding maternity space”, citing his role as chair of Masdar,
turned China into the world’s second- Passing time: “Nobody had anything to eat in the ple also began leaving Rudong for more ‘It’s good for and paternity leave. Many are subsidis- the state-owned renewable energy com-
largest economy, including diverting retired villagers 1960s,” said Wu Aiping, an entrepre- lucrative jobs in Shanghai and other ing fertility assistance programmes. pany. As Adnoc chief, Jaber had been
spending from infrastructure and prop- play cards near neur who runs the Huayuantouju Eld- eastern cities. these old But analysts question if piecemeal ini- given a mandate to “transform, decar-
erty towards pensions and healthcare Rudong erly Care Home in Rudong. In 2016, China finally abandoned the people to tiatives will be enough to protect the bonise and future proof” the company,
and trying to find younger workers for Over time, the one-child policy took one-child policy as fertility rates economy from the decline, which some it said. He had also been involved in cli-
factories. It will also need to tackle the root and family size declined. By the plunged. But it was too late for Rudong. work. If anticipate could reduce gross domestic mate diplomacy for more than a decade,
pension system, in which urban resi- 1980s, as the economy grew, young peo- In the decade ending 2020, the county’s they stay at product growth by 1 percentage point a attending 11 COPs, including the Paris
dents get higher allowances than most population fell nearly 12 per cent to year until 2035. At the current rate, summit, where he led the UAE’s role.
migrant workers or rural residents.
China expected to age much faster than
about 880,000. Its 2022 disposable in- home, they China will have only one worker for But under Jaber, Adnoc also last year
“Population development is a vital come of Rmb43,645 ($6,315) a head, get sick every retiree by the century’s end, com- accelerated its oil production by bring-
issue,” President Xi Jinping said this rest of world while high compared with the rest of pared with four today, said Bert Hof- ing forward its capacity expansion to
month. He stressed the party’s new Estimated population by age group, 2020 China, lags behind the rest of Jiangsu by quickly’ man, director of the East Asian Institute 2027 from 2030, and signed off on
motto of “high-quality development of (% of total population) more than 12 per cent. at the National University of Singapore. $150bn in capital spending over five
the population”, which underlines the Male Female Yet many older people in Rudong say To offset this, the government needs years to 2027. Capital spending ear-
need for better childcare and education China World excluding China their pensions are Rmb300 or less a to encourage people to work beyond the marked for “low carbon solutions”
to lower the burden of raising families. -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 month. While they say it is not enough, retirement age of 50 for women and 60 stood at just $15bn for the years to 2030.
“What you see in Rudong is only the 75-79
80-84 it still exceeds what the IMF said in 2021 for men, and to nudge its still-large rural US climate envoy John Kerry has pre-
beginning,” said Huang Wenzheng, a 65-69
70-74 was the average monthly rural pension population into more productive urban viously defended the UAE against
senior fellow at the Center for China and 55-59
60-64 payment of Rmb170. This is below the jobs, Hofman added. Beijing also needs “unfair” criticism in its role as COP28
Globalization. “Rudong may one day 50-54 absolute rural poverty line of Rmb192 to expand private pensions and upgrade organiser, saying it was important to
become a ghost city.” 40-44 per month set by central government. the health sector. bring oil-producing nations into the UN
When the one-child policy was intro- 30-34 Most poor elderly rural residents are “You need a reform package that climate negotiations.
duced, people hoped it would help alle- 20-24 reluctant to ask their children for brings all these together,” he said, point- On Tuesday, Kerry told a UK parlia-
viate poverty in Rudong’s densely 5-9 money owing to China’s rising cost of liv- ing out that until such reforms are real- mentary committee on defence he was
packed village houses by reducing the ing. Because of the one-child policy, ised, semi-rural counties such as Ru- optimistic about the potential of the UN
Sources: United Nations World Population Prospects 2022; FT calculations
number of mouths to feed. some couples have to also care for up to dong will strain to care for the elderly. talks to secure meaningful agreement.


US seeks to lower tension with South Africa over envoy claim about Russia arms supply
FELICIA SCHWARTZ AND ALEC RUSSELL heid era. But many in the US adminis- South African government have said an international sanctions, as a way of terms of reference, his office said this party’s ties with Russia strengthened
tration worry that publicly rebuking or investigation is under way and we look depriving Vladimir Putin’s regime of the week. His government has denied sell- under South Africa’s former president,
penalising supposedly non-aligned forward to the results,” said a US funds and arms it seeks. ing weaponry to Russia and suggested Jacob Zuma, who worked closely with
US president Joe Biden’s administra- countries, such as South Africa, over National Security Council official. In a sign of US conciliation, Brigety that if any transfer did occur, it was done Moscow as an exile under apartheid.
tion is seeking to play down a rift with their ties with Russia risks pushing Congress may still try to press the US has said he regretted any misconcep- by a rogue actor. The government is yet Zuma, whose government became
South Africa over the allegation that them closer to Moscow. government to take a harder line, ana- tions that his remarks created about to see concrete proof for the US claim notorious for its corruption of state bod-
Pretoria covertly shipped arms to Rus- Officials have refused to comment lysts said. Jim Risch, the top Republican South Africa. regarding the vessel, Ramaphosa’s ies, was a keen supporter of a bid by Rus-
sia, signalling a desire to address the publicly or privately on the details of the on the Senate foreign relations commit- Ramaphosa has identified a retired spokesperson said this week. sia to build nuclear plants in South
dispute privately to avoid further dam- accusation by Reuben Brigety, the US tee, said he shared Brigety’s concerns judge to head the Lady R inquiry but has Patrick Gaspard, ambassador to Africa. The deal was cancelled by a
aging their relationship. ambassador, saying they would wait for about South Africa’s ties with Moscow. yet to name that person or finalise its South Africa from 2013 to 2016 and now South African court order.
the results of an investigation launched “The Biden administration should use president of the Center for American “There’s a really significant portion of
In a break from diplomatic protocol, the by the South African president, Cyril existing authorities to re-evaluate the Progress think-tank, said both sides the South African establishment that
US ambassador to South Africa claimed Ramaphosa. Two people privy to the scope and scale of our current engage- appeared keen to de-escalate. “There’s believes the US is an antagonist of some
this month that arms were placed on a administration’s thinking have sug- ment with South Africa’s government,” been a kind of reckoning with the seri- sort,” said Michelle Gavin, the Ralph
sanctions-hit Russian vessel under gested though that the ambassador had he said. ousness of what it would mean to actu- Bunche senior fellow for Africa policy
cover of darkness in a Cape Town naval complicated matters by going public The diplomatic spat over the Russian ally have ruptured relationships studies at the Council on Foreign Rela-
base last December, later adding that he with the accusation. ship, the Lady R, reflects the delicate between the US and South Africa, who tions.
would “bet my life” on it. South Africa’s refusal to condemn path that Washington has to tread as it are incredibly important allies,” he said. South Africa’s main opposition and
His accusation reflected deep frustra- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has irked seeks to convince reluctant members of “There’s still serious issues here but business leaders have warned the Lady
tions in Washington over South Africa’s the Biden administration. But Washing- the “global south” to back the west’s these issues are going to be addressed R row could disrupt critical commercial
publicly supportive stance towards ton also believes Biden has a rapport position over the Ukraine war. across the diplomatic table,” he added. ties. South Africa exported more than
Moscow. Russia has cultivated strong with Ramaphosa and that diplomacy is Since Moscow’s full invasion of There is, however, deep-seated antip- $15bn worth of goods to the US in 2021
ties with the ruling African National the best way to handle the frayed rela- Ukraine last year the US has sought to athy towards the US inside the ANC, under the African Growth and Opportu-
Congress, which the Soviet Union tionship with their largest trading part- press traditional strategic partners to at Docked: Lady R at Simon’s Town which has publicly accused Washington nity Act, a US law that grants duty-free
backed when it was in exile in the apart- ner in Africa. “Ramaphosa and the least remain neutral and to enforce naval base, Cape Town, in December of provoking the Ukraine war. The terms to specific nations.
Thursday 25 May 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5

Hot debate Glencore braces itself for an annual meeting grilling from investors over coal business and green targets y PAGE 7

Citi abandons Mired down Embracer shares plummet after

$2bn strategic gaming partnership is called off
refers PwC
plan to offload tax scandal to
federal police

Australia’s government has referred

chooses IPO the PwC tax leaks scandal to the coun-

try’s federal police, asking it to con-
sider opening a criminal investigation.
It is an escalation of a scandal that has
led to the head of PwC’s Australian busi-

3 Months-long effort to sell unit ends ness stepping down and efforts by the
Big Four firm’s international bosses to

3 Separation to occur by mid-2024 prevent the case spiralling into a global

reputational crisis.
PwC had received information about
planned changes to Australia’s tax rules
STEPHEN GANDEL — NEW YORK pushed Citi to exit Banamex. Mayo said because Peter Collins, its former head of
an IPO gave Citi the ability to turn back international tax in the country, had
Citigroup has said it will spin off its Mex- to a sale if it received a better offer. been on an advisory group to the gov-
ican retail bank through an initial public The IPO plan marks the end of a ernment’s Treasury department.
offering, abandoning a plan hatched months-long effort to sell the unit. In Emails released this month showed
early last year to sell the unit. February, the FT reported that Citi was how PwC drummed up business from
The US lender plans to completely in exclusive talks to sell Banamex to multinational clients, including US tech
separate its Banamex division, which Grupo Mexico, owned by Germán Lar- groups, using confidential government
has 38,000 employees and is one of the rea. The deal was expected to value the information received by Collins about a
largest consumer banking franchises in unit at up to $8bn. It is not clear why or planned clampdown on tax avoidance.
Mexico, by the middle of next year. The when those negotiations ended, or why A small number of partners, includ-
bank said an IPO of the unit was likely the bank did not pursue other offers. ing the chief executive of PwC Australia,
by the end of 2025. Mexico’s government complicated have stood down over the affair, but pol-
Despite the spin-off, Citi plans to matters by requiring concessions, such iticians have been frustrated that more
retain much of its corporate and institu- as one that would have largely protected information about other partners who
tional businesses in Mexico. workers from lay-offs. Andrés Manuel received the information and the clients
Citi executives previously said they López Obrador, president, earlier this that benefited have yet to be released.
had been pursuing a dual process in week said the government was analys- In a statement yesterday, Australia’s
order to exit Banamex. The bank said ing whether it made sense to enter the Treasury said Collins had “improperly
bidding process for Banamex if no other used confidential Commonwealth infor-
deal materialised. López Obrador said mation”.
One complication was yesterday that his government was still Embracer was transformed by a deals spree that included intellectual property for ‘The Lord of the Rings’ It added that the emails published
Mexico’s demand for considering stepping in and buying a this month “highlighted the significant
portion of the bank. ANNA GROSS — LONDON May 15 warned on profit for the year Embracer said the unspecified stra- extent of the unauthorised disclosure of
concessions, such as Citi bought Banamex for $12.5bn in to March 2023 and signalled delays in tegic partnership, “which would have confidential Commonwealth informa-
Swedish gaming group Embracer’s
over labour protection 2001. Since then, it has fallen from the
share price plummeted yesterday
closing some licensing deals. set a new benchmark for the gaming tion and the wide range of individuals
country’s second-largest bank to the “It has been a challenging year, industry” and generated $2bn in reve- within PwC who were directly and indi-
after the group slashed its forecast
yesterday that it now believed an IPO fourth, after struggling to compete in a adversely impacted by game delays, nue over six years, was terminated rectly privy to the confidential informa-
for the year and said a $2bn partner-
was the better route for investors. market dominated by other foreign weaker consumer demand and lack- late on Tuesday. tion. In light of these recent revelations
ship deal had fallen through.
Chief executive Jane Fraser, who is lenders. Analysts and bankers have lustre reception for certain notable “Put simply, this is negative news,” and the seriousness of this misconduct,
leading a broader effort to slim Citi, said: pointed to such factors as poor manage- The drop, the biggest daily percentage releases,” Embracer’s chief executive wrote analysts at Citi, referring to the the Treasury has referred the matter to
“We concluded that the optimal path to ment, bloated costs and limitations fall since the shares were listed on the Lars Wingefors said yesterday. collapsed partnership deal. “In as far the Australian Federal Police to con-
maximising the value of Banamex for from US regulatory requirements. Stockholm exchange in November Wingefors had transformed the as failures to conclude deals go, a sider commencement of a criminal
our shareholders and advancing our Even so, Citi executives said the 2016, came hours after Embracer was once-obscure Swedish developer into ‘miss is as good as a mile’.” investigation.”
goal to simplify our firm is to pivot from rationale for the Banamex exit had informed that a major strategic part- a sprawling games empire through a The news overshadowed an The names of the PwC partners and
our dual-path approach to focus solely more to do with Fraser’s strategic nership that had been negotiated for four-year acquisition spree. The announcement of a “transformative” staff involved in the emails were
on an IPO of the business.” refresh than with any difficulties it had seven months “will not materialise”. group bought stakes in multiple stu- deal with Amazon to create a game redacted before being released by a sen-
The plan avoids any immediate hits to in the unit. The Nordic gaming group said that dios, the US comics publisher behind from its Lord of the Rings IP. ate committee but the recipients
the bank’s bottom line and capital that it So far, Fraser’s efforts have largely as a result, it now expected to gener- Hellboy and Sin City, intellectual prop- The group yesterday reported lack- included people in the firm’s US, UK and
may have had to record if it completed a focused on slimming Citi’s consumer ate SKr7bn to SKr9bn ($656mn to erty for The Lord of the Rings, and lustre fourth-quarter earnings that Irish businesses. The recipients
distressed sale. banking franchises. The exit from con- $843mn) in adjusted earnings before board games such as Catan. nonetheless came in above consensus included senior partners from PwC’s
Citi also said it would resume stock sumer banking, and retail operations in interest and tax for the 12 months to But his light-touch approach to estimates, while organic sales international network, some of whom
buybacks by the end of June, at least six Mexico in particular, have taken longer March 2024, down from SKr10.3bn to integrating these businesses, along declined 4 per cent with an operating had responsibility for large clients, said
months sooner than analysts expected. than some analysts had hoped. SKr13.6bn. with the gulf between the group’s loss of SKr95mn. Adjusted earnings a person with knowledge of the matter.
Citi shares were down 3.1 per cent in Citi’s plans to pull back from its global The group’s shares closed down actual and adjusted profits, have before interest and tax came in at PwC Australia said it would continue
early afternoon trading yesterday. consumer bank were announced more 44.8 per cent at SKr22.76 in Stock- attracted short interest from hedge SKr6.4bn for the year, significantly to co-operate fully with any investiga-
“It is not the ideal solution,” said Mike than two years ago; the planned Ban- holm. The price has more than halved funds that argue the group is worth below the previous guidance range of tions. Collins has not responded to
Mayo, a Wells Fargo analyst, who had amex exit was announced in early 2021. over the past week since the group on less than the sum of its parts. SKr8bn to SKr10bn. requests for comment.

Investors seek to loosen Rome’s grip on state-owned group boards

was a watershed moment for corporate compromise with Meloni’s coalition
INSIDE BUSINESS Italy. In the past, the government, which partners, according to media reports
owns a 23.6 per cent stake in Europe’s and several Italian officials.
EUROPE largest utility, would have been unchal- Minority shareholders questioned the
lenged in its choices. process. Elizabeth Desmond, chief
This time a little-known London- investment officer for international
Silvia based hedge fund, Covalis Capital, equities at Mondrian Investment Part-
which owns a 1 per cent stake in Enel, ners, which holds a 1.7 per cent stake in
Sciorilli presented an alternative slate of board Enel, said last month: “We have been
candidates. The fund hoped to defeat extremely disappointed by the com-

the government’s list, which, it com- plete lack of transparency around the
plained, was “the result of political com- nomination process.”
anagement candidates at promise and lacked transparency”. The choice of Paolo Scaroni, one of the
listed Italian state- Covalis’s list was backed by investors most seasoned Italian energy sector
controlled companies representing 6.94 per cent of the share executives, as Enel’s chair was also ques-
may be selected by exec- capital but fell short of thresholds to tioned. He was previously CEO at both
utive search firms but the elect a single board member. The gov- Enel and Eni. But he came under fire
final choices are ultimately made by rul- ernment got its way, with its picks secur- before the vote on May 10 for remarks
ing politicians and, typically, their allies ing 49 per cent of the votes. But Giuliano criticising the EU’s management of the
are selected. Noci, a strategy professor at Politecnico energy crisis and sanctions against Rus-
Experts and investors regard this dec- di Milano, points out: “The process is no sia, which, he said, would ultimately
ades-old system as a blight on good cor- longer how it used benefit countries such as the US and
porate governance but, until recently, it to be, with the gov- ‘We have been extremely Norway. Scaroni fostered strong energy
had rarely come into question. ernment deciding ties between Italy and Russia as chief
Every three years, ahead of the and everyone else disappointed by the executive of Eni for nine years from
annual meetings at companies in which staying silent no complete lack of 2005 to 2014. Norway’s sovereign
the state is the largest shareholder, the matter what.” wealth fund, an investor in Enel, backed
government of the day presents inves- Indeed, Italian transparency around the Covalis’s candidate for chair rather than
tors with a slate of candidates to renew treasury officials nomination process’ Scaroni.
the boards of directors. travelled to Lon- Noci says there was public clash of
Such companies, including energy don ahead of the meeting to explain why “two very distant approaches” to corpo-
majors Enel and Eni and defence group their picks deserved backing, according rate governance — between a state that
Leonardo, were fully state-owned until to several investors, while public rela- still acts like these are private compa-
the 1990s. The only other board propos- tions firms contacted journalists to offer nies it owns, and a group of assertive
als usually come from the domestic background chats with the candidates. funds that are used to taking a stance on
funds association, Assogestioni. It sub- This effort was out of the ordinary when environmental, social and governance
mits lists of names to fill the seats that it comes to state-backed groups. issues.
by law must go to minority investors. Francesco Starace, Enel’s outgoing The push by minority shareholders
Term after term the nomination proc- chief executive, had support among did not change the board outcome. But
ess has been dominated by power plays international investors but not in Italy’s Noci says it was still a shock to Italy’s
within ruling coalitions. This year’s new government. Meloni privately corporate governance mechanisms:
appointments, the first by the govern- spent months discussing successors “You can no longer apply the state-led
ment of prime minister Giorgia Meloni, with her allies, only to ditch her pre- approach to a context that is dominated
were no different. But the reaction by a ferred candidate at the last minute in by the market, where even a small fund
small group of international investors to favour of former Terna and Telecom Ita- can cause a ruckus.”
Meloni’s picks for the chief executive lia chief executive Flavio Cattaneo. He
and chair roles for Rome-based Enel became the preferred candidate after a
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023


Industrials Technology

Seoul calls on
Siemens vows to expand China share US to review
chip subsidy
Chief says pulling out of
pivotal market is ‘not an
reliance on Russian gas. But Busch told
the Financial Times it was “not an
option” to pull out of the market, which
home appliances joint venture to Bosch
in 2015 and the group still holds stakes
in several of its former companies that
raised its guidance for a second time this
year thanks to margin increases in its
smart infrastructure and digital indus-
lower. Others are worried that rising
geopolitical tensions and US curbs on
China’s access to advanced technology
option’ for German group accounts for 13 per cent of revenues. were spun out to form standalone enti- tries units. The results were helped by are hitting the country’s viability as a
“I will defend my market share and, if the easing of global supply chains, which manufacturing base for exports. SONG JUNG-A — SEOUL
I can, I will expand it,” said Busch, who allowed the company to chip into Busch noted the decline in China’s
took the helm of Siemens in late 2021.
‘China will do their own bloated order books. attractiveness as an investment destina-
South Korea has called on Washington
to review its conditions for new
The chief executive of Siemens has “Where can I find the customers which work in terms of high-tech Siemens’ share price has jumped by a tion for overseas manufacturers was
semiconductor subsidies, revealing its
vowed to expand its market share in pull me into the next level of innovation, third in the past year to about €150. one reason why “high-tech manufactur-
China, arguing that the market is crucial which are demanding, and which are
manufacturing — this is China, where wages and labour costs ing” has been high on Beijing’s agenda.
concerns over the impact of US legisla-
tion on Korean chipmakers’ operations
for innovation and growth at the indus- looking for the next technology? It’s clearly on the agenda’ have been rising in recent years, has “I’m not saying that China is deindus-
in China.
trial conglomerate. China in very many cases.” become particularly important to Sie- trialising,” Busch said. With increas-
The comments by Roland Busch Siemens has in the past few years ties. Those include medical technology mens’ digital industries arm, which ingly advanced factories, the country’s The US Chips and Science Act offers
come as German companies are under transformed from a sprawling engineer- unit Siemens Healthineers and Siemens focuses on automation and makes about industry would be able to “defend their $52bn in subsidies to chipmakers build-
pressure to diversify away from China, ing group making products such as Energy, which in turn owns renewable a fifth of revenues in the country. value but in a different way”. ing new production facilities in the US,
as Berlin seeks to reduce its dependence washing machines to a tech company energy business Gamesa. Many companies, including Siemens, “China will do their own work in but contains “guardrails” detailing the
on what it perceives as a geopolitically developing digital tools for industrial The German group, which employs have been looking to move manufactur- terms of high-tech manufacturing — limits on those receiving federal funds,
risky market after being stung by its use. It sold its 50 per cent stake in its more than 311,000 people, last week ing away from China to where wages are this is clearly on the agenda.” in terms of expanding or upgrading
their advanced chip capacity in China
over the next 10 years.
South Korea is home to memory chip-
Technology. Industrial relations makers such as Samsung Electronics
and SK Hynix, which are boosting

Samsung faces threat of first strike in its history

investments in US production facilities
even as they remain heavily exposed to
the Chinese market.
“The Republic of Korea believes the
‘guardrail provisions’ should not be
implemented in a manner that imposes
an unreasonable burden on companies
Traditionally ‘high-handed’ investing in the United States,” South
Korea said on the proposed funding
approach over labour issues rules of the Chips Act. “In this vein, the
RoK requests the US government to
encounters growing militancy review the proposed rule’s current defi-
nitions of ‘material expansion’, ‘legacy
SONG JUNG-A — HWASEONG semiconductor’ and other key terms.”
In the normally quiet research centre at The US in October introduced expan-
the Samsung Electronics head office, sive chip export controls in an effort to
loudspeakers blare as trade union activ- slow China’s progress in making
ists exhort staff to join their campaign advanced semiconductors, barring US
for higher wages at the company.
The union wants a 6 per cent pay rise
while Samsung is offering 4 per cent,
Samsung Electronics
close to the inflation rate. Unless chair and SK Hynix are among
Lee Jae-yong comes to the table for
negotiations, they will ballot members
operators that remain
on a strike, which would be the first heavily exposed to China
at a company that only recognised
unions in 2020. companies from supplying tech for
“We are asking the company to treat D-Ram chips that are more advanced
its workers in accordance with its global than 14 nanometres, and for Nand
standing,” said Son Woo-mok, leader of memory chips with 128 layers or more.
the 10,000-strong National Samsung Seoul also requested that Washington
Electronics Union. further clarify the scope of restricted
The strike threat comes at a sensitive activities under a “technology claw-
time for Samsung, which posted a back” clause. This requires the recipi-
record $3.4bn loss in its chip division in ents of federal funding to return US sub-
the first quarter. It has been forced to sidies if they knowingly engage in any
cut chip production amid an industry joint research or technology licensing
slump and the US-China tech rivalry. effort with “foreign entities of concern”
For Samsung, previously known for its for a technology or product that raises
aggressive stance on organised labour, A section of utation for militancy, and groups such companies. Membership has grown ‘We are internal competition” between workers. national security concerns.
this is new territory. Samsung’s chip as Hyundai Motor have had to grapple from just three people to 10,000 in four They have called for a safer work envi- Samsung, the largest memory chip-
“The company is now at a crossroads, factory in South with frequent strikes over wages and years, as the union has attracted engi- asking the ronment. In 2018, Samsung compen- maker, is building a $17bn foundry in
belatedly going through the rocky proc- Korea’s Gyeonggi other working conditions. neers, researchers and production company sated workers exposed to harmful Taylor, Texas, while second-ranked SK
ess,” said Bae Kyu-shik, a labour expert province. Bosses In 2019, during the administration of workers asking for better remuneration chemicals at its plants. The company Hynix is planning to build an advanced
in Seoul. “Given its lack of experience in have offered a president Moon Jae-in, state prosecu- and more holidays. to treat said workplace safety had improved and chip packaging plant in the US.
dealing with unions, it won’t be easy to 4% pay rise but tors alleged that Samsung had been While Samsung has long had a reputa- workers in it was investing in further improve- They have been caught up in growing
effectively handle the new challenges of the trade union involved in union-busting as well as tion as one of the best employers in ments. US-China tech rivalry as Washington’s
fine-tuning various workers’ demands.” is demanding 6%. threatening to cut the wages of employ- South Korea in terms of pay and welfare accordance Samsung said it would continue to curbs on tech transfers threaten to
Investors were watching closely, said Unless chair Lee ees linked to unions and withdrawing benefits, its salaries have fallen behind with its talk to the union. “The company guar- weaken their competitiveness in China.
Park Yoo-kyung, an investment adviser Jae-yong, below, business from subcontractors who some SK Group units. antees the employees’ right to establish Under the Chips Act rules proposed in
on governance at APG Asset Manage- comes to the appeared union-friendly. Several execu- The union has held more than 20 global and join labour unions as well as to bar- March, they are required not to expand
ment. “As a long-term shareholder, we table, workers tives were convicted of union sabotage, meetings with company officials this standing’ gain collectively, and respects lawful capacity for advanced chips in China by
are concerned as Samsung is relatively will be balloted and since then the company has sought year but the talks have reached an union activities under the relevant laws more than 5 per cent for a decade, in
inexperienced in terms of managing on a strike to reset relations with workers. impasse, hence the request for the chair Son Woo-mok, and regulations,” the company said. order to receive federal funding.
industrial relations. A strike is not a win- SeongJoon Cho/Bloomberg;
Jeon Heon-Kyun/EPA-EFE
The union represents about 9 per cent to enter talks. “The absence of top man- union boss Samsung’s anti-labour reputation Seoul’s state-run Yonhap News said
win solution for anyone, especially at a of Samsung’s 120,000 domestic employ- agers at the negotiating table means that makes many workers reluctant to join yesterday that the government had
difficult time like this.” ees, a fraction of the 46 per cent average they are not properly recognising us as a the union. “We need a union to voice our asked Washington to double the limit to
The stand-off at Samsung comes amid union membership at big South Korean counterpart,” Son said. opinions but I don’t want to join it 10 per cent. Seoul’s commerce ministry
a crackdown on unions in South Korea He said the strike plan would be put to because that may reduce my chances of declined to comment on the report.
by the country’s president Yoon Suk a vote if Lee continued to refuse to talk getting an overseas job or promotion,” South Korean chipmakers are heavily
Yeol. A former prosecutor, Yoon has to them, though they have not set a said Lee, a Samsung marketer. reliant on their Chinese plants for a sub-
described the Korean Confederation of deadline for his response. Park Ju-geun, head of research group stantial part of their D-Ram and Nand
Trade Unions as a “deep-rooted evil”, “We are patiently waiting for his Leaders Index, said Samsung’s perform- flash memory chip production. Sam-
encouraging state officials and prosecu- response, given the huge implications ance-driven remuneration policy made sung produces about 40 per cent of its
tors to conduct sweeping reviews of that a strike will have on the national it prone to labour conflicts. Samsung Nand flash memory chips from its Xi’an
alleged illegal union activity. The unions economy and the global supply was likely to maintain its “high- plant, while SK Hynix’s plant in Wuxi in
have organised regular street demon- chain,” he said. “You know what hap- handed” approach. eastern China accounts for nearly half of
strations in response. pens to a chip plant if the process “Old habits die hard. The way Sam- its global D-Ram output.
Samsung’s founder, Lee Byung-chull, stops just for a second,” he said, refer- sung now treats its unions is not so dif- The Biden administration in October
grandfather of the current chair, alleg- ring to the lengthy process of restarting ferent from their past practices. But it gave the two Korean chipmakers a one-
edly declared that unions would be production. won’t be able to continue to ignore them year reprieve from export controls
allowed at the company “over my dead Union members complain of a “fear- as their members increase and their designed to curb China’s ability to
body”. South Korea’s unions have a rep- driven” cultural rigidity and “too severe power gets stronger.” develop high-end chips.


TikTok reshapes social shopping business to conquer big western markets

CRISTINA CRIDDLE — LONDON the feature to sellers in the US, accord- expansions initially planned for last be offered two flights home a month, as office since the FT revealed a culture ByteDance hopes to turn social com-
ing to people familiar with the business. year had been delayed multiple times. well as six months of rent payments in clash within the ecommerce team, lead- merce into a big moneymaker in west-
TikTok has restructured its ecom-
TikTok said it had not finalised any TikTok’s change of strategy led to the their new homes, these people added. ing to high staff turnover and com- ern markets, as the model has proved
merce business in an effort to refocus
launch plans or dates for the feature restructuring of its European ecom- Joe Jiao, former head of ecommerce in plaints of a toxic environment. Joshua lucrative on TikTok’s sister app Douyin,
on markets such as the UK and the US,
outside of existing markets. merce operations in mid-April, accord- Spain, has recently been promoted to Ma, who ran TikTok Shop in Europe, which has sold more than 10bn prod-
as the Chinese-owned group struggles
The group’s owner, Beijing-based ing to those with knowledge of the running ecommerce in the UK for small stepped down after it was revealed he ucts. ByteDance’s earnings before inter-
to export its livestream shopping
ByteDance, launched TikTok Shop in move. All staff in Spain were told they businesses. told staff he “didn’t believe” in mater- est, tax, depreciation and amortisation
model outside its home country.
the UK in 2021, its first market outside could not remain there and would need These moves represent the latest of nity leave but remains at the company. surged 79 per cent to about $25bn in
Staff in Brazil working on launching Asia. The service allows brands and to relocate to London, where they would several changes at TikTok’s London His interim replacement, Patrick 2022, according to two investors briefed
TikTok Shop, the social media group’s influencers to link products to buy in Nommensen, has had his scope nar- on the numbers.
in-app marketplace, in that country are videos or broadcast live to sell products rowed in recent months to focus on UK In particular, live shopping, where
being relocated to markets where the available to purchase within the app. key accounts and brands, according to users can buy products from sellers dur-
service has already been introduced While the social media ecommerce two people familiar with his role. ing a live broadcast and which is a
such as the UK, US and south-east Asia, model has been hugely successful in TikTok said servicing key accounts hugely popular format in Asia, appears
according to people familiar with the Asia, TikTok Shop has been beset with and small businesses required different to be failing to resonate with western
restructuring. problems elsewhere, in particular fail- approaches, so it made sense to have consumers.
Those who had been working on ing to gain full traction with western dedicated leaders for both areas as the The majority of revenues made from
bringing the service to Spain are being consumers and content creators. product grew. Nommensen continued TikTok Shop in the UK are derived from
moved to London amid a broader In an effort to crack markets outside TikTok Shop to have oversight of overall UK opera- uploaded recorded videos that link cer-
reshuffle of executive positions at the China, TikTok has paused its interna- allows brands tions, it added. tain products, rather than livestreams
top of the European business, these peo- tional expansion plans to refocus on and influencers Ecommerce employees in London selling items, according to multiple peo-
ple said. countries where its ecommerce service to sell products have been told they must be in the office ple familiar with the matter.
A pause on expansion in Europe is has been launched. The Financial Times within the app five days a week from September, Additional reporting by Hannah Murphy in
Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
echoed by a slowdown of a full rollout of previously reported that country reflecting the emphasis on the project. San Francisco
Thursday 25 May 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7


Food & beverage

Glencore faces investor pressure on US probes

claims of bid
coal as focus turns to climate targets collusion by
makers of
Swiss miner’s shareholders call for disclosures around Paris accord goals ahead of annual meeting baby formula
Glencore is braced for a heated debate The US Federal Trade Commission is
over its highly profitable coal-mining probing whether infant formula pro-
business when it meets shareholders ducers, including Abbott Laboratories
tomorrow as the group comes under and Nestlé, have colluded in relation to
pressure to tackle climate change. bids for a government programme.
A growing number of shareholders
support a resolution asking the com- The US regulator last year launched an
pany to explain how its thermal coal investigation into potential co-ordina-
production — the largest of any com- tion among infant formula businesses
pany outside China and India — is com- regarding a programme by the Depart-
patible with its climate goals. ment of Agriculture that offers free
Legal & General Investment Manage- infant formula to low-income families.
ment, Allianz, Scottish Widows, Man The Special Supplemental Nutrition
Group and HSBC Asset Management Program for Women, Infants, and Chil-
have all backed the measure in recent dren, known as the WIC programme,
days, as have proxy advisers Glass Lewis accounts for more than half of formula
and Institutional Shareholder Services. sales in the US.
Tomorrow’s annual meeting comes as Documents published on the FTC’s
Glencore’s $23bn hostile takeover bid website indicated the probe was exam-
for Canadian group Teck Resources has ining whether any company in the sec-
raised fresh questions about whether tor had “engaged in collusion or co-ordi-
the Swiss miner might spin off its own nation with any other market partici-
coal business. pant”. According to the FTC, just three
The division is highly profitable, manufacturers have bid on contracts for
accounting for 53 per cent of earnings the government programme since 1996.
last year, but is seen as dragging down The programme is dominated by
Glencore’s overall valuation because of Abbott and Reckitt Benckiser. Abbott in
the associated climate risks. March filed a petition to limit the scope
Glencore had proposed to buy Teck,
then split the merged business into a
separately listed coal company and a
The probe follows a supply
standalone metals company — admit- crisis in 2022 when safety
ting there was more value to be created
that way.
issues forced Abbott to
“This deal for me marks an interest- temporarily close a plant
ing departure for Glencore, who have up
to now said they want to keep coal as of what it described as an “overly broad”
part of the portfolio, but wind down the FTC investigation. The regulator denied
assets,” said Tal Lomnitzer, senior that request and, in a document issued
investment manager at asset manager in April, gave Abbott until May 9 to com-
Janus Henderson, one of Glencore’s ply with its investigation. Abbott said
shareholders. “Whether or not this deal the company was co-operating with the
[with Teck] happens, the likelihood that FTC’s request. Reckitt Benckiser said it
they would split coal out has increased.” A coal facility in since 2021 for Glencore to spin off its capex plans line up with those projec- ‘Whether shareholders voted against Glencore’s could not comment on a pending gov-
Glencore’s coal resources stretch from Newcastle, New coal unit, owing to the climate risks and tions. climate plan, triggering a consultation ernment investigation.
Australia to South Africa to Colombia, South Wales. the very different growth trajectories of “This resolution is hugely important or not [the process. Nestlé confirmed that it, along with
and it primarily mines thermal coal, Glencore, led by the coal and metals operations. for assessing transition risk,” said Teck deal The company consulted its “major” others in the sector, received a civil
which is burnt in power plants. Produc- chief executive “When you look at the structure of Naomi Hogan, strategic projects lead at shareholders, formally engaging with investigative demand related to the WIC
ing 110mn tonnes of the fossil fuel a Gary Nagle, Glencore, you see there is a lot of value the Australasian Centre for Corporate and coal about 85 per cent of the registry, but contract bidding process and had
year, the company is the world’s largest below, will still trapped there,” said Chris LaFemina, Responsibility, which co-ordinated the spin-off] some smaller shareholders said they responded to the FTC.
thermal coal producer outside China be producing analyst at Jefferies. “The coal business resolution. “Both for now and for any- were left out. The probe follows an infant formula
and India. coal after 2040 appears to be depressing the valuation thing that happens next, for current happens, Giuseppe Bivona, chief investment supply crisis that emerged in February
The Swiss miner and trading house, on current of the entire business.” The miner’s shareholders and future shareholders.” the officer at Bluebell Capital, said his firm 2022 when safety issues forced Abbott
based in Zug, also has a vast network of projections near-50 per cent stake in Viterra, an The resolution does not call for Glen- was not contacted, despite its outspo- to temporarily close a plant in Michigan
metals mines and industrial facilities, Brendon Thorne/Bloomberg
agricultural trading house, was also core to spin out its coal business. likelihood ken criticism of Glencore’s climate plans that supplied 15 per cent of US formula.
including battery recycling, aluminium undervalued, he added. Glencore has opposed the motion, that they and its calls for a coal spinout. It later worsened because of supply
smelting and copper and cobalt mining. Glencore’s chief executive Gary Nagle arguing that it seeks to influence strat- “When you refuse to talk to the most chain strains linked to the Covid-19 pan-
Its commodity trading arm ships raw — who cut his teeth running the com- egy, which is a matter for the board, and would split vocal shareholder, it is a message of con- demic and the war in Ukraine, and
materials around the world and trades pany’s coal business before taking on his that it is unclear. coal out has tempt in general vis-à-vis all the dissent- stores including Walmart, Kroger and
products from crude oil to carbon; the current role two years ago — said share- While the disclosures called for are ing shareholders,” said Bivona. CVS rationed sales after panic buying.
division accounted for one-fifth of the holders wanted the coal business to stay not vastly different from what Glencore increased’ As Glencore navigates the AGM, ques- In January, Abbott said it was being
group’s earnings last year. inside the company. But if that changed, already discloses, proxy advisers tions over the future of its coal business investigated separately by the Depart-
Glencore says it is focused on growing he would follow suit. “If there was pointed out that additional information will continue long after the votes are ment of Justice in relation to the prob-
its metals business and producing mate- strong support from shareholders to would be helpful for evaluating future cast tomorrow. lems at its baby formula manufacturing
rials such as copper, cobalt and nickel divest, it is something we would do,” climate measures. Its hostile bid for Teck could also be plant in Sturgis, Michigan.
that are essential for the energy transi- Nagle told investors in April. “The requested disclosures will be revived in the coming weeks. Teck’s The crisis focused attention on a lack
tion. Deals such as a $1.1bn aluminium Glencore has committed to reducing useful for shareholders when evaluating board has refused to engage in deal of competition in the US infant formula
tie-up with Norsk Hydro, and plans to its emissions — both direct and indirect the company’s 2024 climate plan,” talks, but Glencore has indicated it will market. Together, Abbott and Reckitt
build Europe’s largest battery recy- — by 15 per cent by 2026, and by 50 per wrote Glass Lewis in a research note. ISS consider approaching shareholders Benckiser had a market share of about
cling plant on the Italian island of cent by 2035, relative to a 2019 baseline. similarly recommended voting for the directly with an improved offer. 80 per cent prior to supply disruptions.
Sardinia, are among its recent But it has refrained from setting a spe- resolution in its report, which also clas- LaFemina, the Jefferies analyst, Experts say the high cost of building
investments in this area. The com- cific target for reducing coal output, sified Glencore’s carbon risk as “high”. believed big changes could be afoot. plants, getting regulatory clearance and
pany has also laid out plans to dou- which is its biggest source of Scope 3, or The ACCR resolution may be unlikely “Clearly there is a major restructuring restrictions on foreign supplies have
ble its copper production. indirect, emissions. to get the 50 per cent vote share needed they have been considering: you merge helped create a consolidated market.
By contrast, its coal strategy is to At tomorrow’s AGM, the resolution on to be binding, because Glencore’s big- with Teck, you spin off coal, you IPO The two companies are able to main-
responsibly run down its existing coal coal disclosure is set to throw all gest shareholders are expected to side Viterra,” he said, referring to the agri- tain a large presence in the programme
mines to the end of their lifespans, these issues into focus. The reso- with management. But the measure cultural trading group. because they can offer big rebates to
planning to close 12 between 2019 lution asks Glencore to disclose could still trigger a mandatory consulta- Given that environmental, social and states on bulk purchases that smaller
and 2035. On current projections, how its projected thermal coal tion process, if more than 20 per cent of governance concerns were a growing providers cannot afford. The contracts
the group will still be producing production aligns with the Paris shareholders vote against management factor, he thought a coal spinout could enable them to secure the most shelf
coal after 2040. Agreement’s target of limiting and in favour of the resolution. happen sooner rather than later. “The space in stores and are a disincentive for
However, a handful of share- global warming to 1.5C, and to Such an outcome would echo last longer you wait,” LaFemina said, “the other operators, analysts have said.
holders have been calling detail how the company’s year’s AGM, in which 24 per cent of harder it will be to do.” Additional reporting by Madeline Speed

Travel & leisure Banks

Newcastle Utd in talks on Saudi sponsor deal Credit Suisse aborts effort to protect bonuses
SAMUEL AGINI — LONDON ensure related-party transactions are to assess “fair market value”. Clubs, OWEN WALKER AND ROBERT SMITH managing director and director-level ment created after the financial crash of
struck at fair market value. The rules which are allowed to challenge the staff at the bank were offered a contin- 2008 to give banks greater capital flexi-
Newcastle United, the Premier League
are meant to prevent clubs from striking assessment, can alter the value of a deal Credit Suisse has given up trying to save gent capital award as part of their remu- bility in the event of crises.
football club owned by Saudi Arabia’s
artificially high sponsorship deals that to bring it in line with fair market value its staff bonuses that were wiped out neration. The awards were designed to Separately, the Swiss government on
Public Investment Fund, is in talks to
would give them an unfair advantage. after Premier League feedback. after the bank’s rescue by UBS. mimic AT1s, which could be converted Tuesday confirmed plans to cut the full
sign a shirt sponsorship deal with a
Newcastle, PIF and the Premier Newcastle has previously signed a into equity or written down to zero if the bonuses for about 1,000 of the most
Saudi company that is also owned by
League declined to comment. Sela did deal with Saudi Arabian Airlines, the Just over $400mn of deferred pay for bank was in distress. senior bankers at Credit Suisse for 2022
the PIF, according to three people with
not respond to a request for comment. national carrier, for the players to take Credit Suisse middle managers was CCAs typically made up about 10 per and 2023.
direct knowledge of the matter.
All related-party deals must be sub- part in warm weather training in Riy- reduced to zero as a result of the state- cent to 15 per cent of a manager’s bonus
If the talks come to fruition, Sela will mitted to the Premier League for fair adh. Noon, an online retailer based in orchestrated takeover, and several and vest after three years. They pro-
replace gambling company Fun88 on market value assessment. All deals the Gulf and backed by PIF, is already bankers are preparing lawsuits against vided two interest payments a year. In
the front of Newcastle’s match day worth more than £1mn are also scruti- Newcastle’s official shirt sleeve partner. Finma, the Swiss regulator, over their 2021, the last year they were granted, Legal Notices
shirts. Premier League clubs have nised. The league has a databank of The talks with Sela were first reported losses, the Financial Times reported this more than 5,000 Credit Suisse staff
agreed to phase out front-of-shirt gam- commercial deals for reference and by Sky News. week. received them.
bling sponsors by the end of the 2025-26 makes use of independent third parties The potential deal shows how Saudi Credit Suisse had appealed to Switzer- Credit Suisse declined to comment.
season after UK government pressure. money has transformed the club both land’s Federal Administrative Court to Credit Suisse told Finma that it did
However, the people familiar with the on the pitch and commercially since protect the bonuses, which were linked not agree with its decision to write down
Sela talks said no deal has been signed 2021. The consortium also includes to additional tier 1 bonds that were also the AT1s.
with the Saudi sports, culture and enter- British financier Amanda Staveley and wiped out. The court said it had received 230
tainment events company. the billionaire Reuben brothers. However, the St Gallen court revealed appeals involving 2,500 appellants
Sela’s website says it is owned by PIF originally agreed to acquire New- on Tuesday that the bank had with- against Finma’s decision to cancel the
Saudi’s PIF. The PIF’s website lists Sela castle in April 2020 but completion was drawn its appeal. AT1 instruments.
as a portfolio company. One of the peo- delayed for more than a year amid con- “The withdrawal has the effect of ren- Law firms, notably Quinn Emanuel in
ple said a sponsorship could be worth cerns over the country’s human rights dering irrelevant the initiated proceed- Zurich and Pallas in London, have
more than £20mn if it goes ahead. record and broadcast piracy. Former ings, and the FAC accordingly struck signed up bondholders representing
PIF’s ownership of Sela would fall Premier League chair Gary Hoffman them off the list of cases,” the court said, more than a third of the $17bn that was
under Premier League rules put in place resigned in November 2021 amid anger adding that a further appeal could be invested in the AT1s when they were
after PIF’s £305mn Newcastle takeover Joelinton wears a shirt with Fun88’s from rival clubs over his handling of the made to the Federal Supreme Court. cancelled.
in 2021, and which were designed to logo, which could soon be replaced Newcastle deal. The bonuses date back to 2014 when AT1s are a type of hybrid debt instru-
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023


Fixed income. Monetary policy Fixed income

Five top banks

Bond investors bet Fed will breached gilts
trading laws,
keep rates higher for longer says watchdog

Five of the world’s largest banks broke

UK competition law by sharing sensitive
information when trading British gov-
ernment bonds in the wake of the finan-
cial crisis, according to provisional find-
ings from the country’s competition reg-
A small number of traders at Citi-
group, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Morgan
Stanley and Royal Bank of Canada
unlawfully shared sensitive informa-
tion, including on pricing and strategies,
in chat rooms on Bloomberg terminals
between 2009 and 2013, according to
the provisional finding published by the
Competition and Markets Authority
As a result, the regulator said, the
banks could have “denied the full bene-
fits of competition” to those they were
trading with, including pension funds
and the UK’s Debt Management Office.
Traders swapped information “in the
context of” government bond sales by
the DMO and the repurchase of gilts by
the Bank of England, the CMA added.
“A properly functioning, competitive
bond market benefits tens of millions of
taxpayers and pension savers as well as
being at the heart of the UK’s reputation
as a global financial hub,” said Michael
Grenfell, director of enforcement at the

Fed officials tion expectations, so a rise in yields

Sticky inflation and continued Expectations for where interest Asset managers have been
insist the fight could be costly.
‘These alleged activities
rates will be in Dec have risen piling into bets on lower rates are therefore very serious
strong growth data suggest a with inflation is “From here, I think the level of uncer-
Daily futures pricing for Dec 2023 (%) Asset manager net contracts in US not over, though tainty remains high and investors will
maximum of two cuts this year two-year Treasury futures (mn) chair Jay Powell remain extremely cautious given the
and warrant the detailed
1.0 says the credit tail risks ahead and the highly volatile investigation undertaken’
KATE DUGUID — NEW YORK 5.0 crunch expected start to the year,” said Kavi Gupta, head
MARY MCDOUGALL — LONDON 0.8 after the of US rates trading at Bank of America. CMA. “These alleged activities are
4.5 0.6 collapse of US Investors also say that recent progress therefore very serious and warrant the
Bond traders have had a major rethink regional banks on debt ceiling negotiations could be detailed investigation we have under-
on the path of US interest rates, reduc- 4.0 0.4 may limit the pushing yields higher. taken.”
ing bets on a series of cuts after stub- need to raise “This is generally a world where US The regulator said if it concluded that
bornly high inflation readings and 3.5 0.2 rates — FT montage/ Treasury bonds rally on a fear of a at least two banks engaged in anti-com-
strong economic data. Dec 2023 May May 2022 2023 May default by the US government over that petitive behaviour, it might issue fines.
A little more than two weeks ago, 2022 horrendous debt ceiling debate, so the It can levy fines as high as 10 per cent of
traders in the Treasury futures market Sources: Bloomberg; CFTC fact that bonds have sold off and yields global turnover in a relevant market.
had put money on the possibility that have risen is at least driven in part by There is no investigation into individ-
interest rates could be cut to 4.2 per cent Since the collapse of Silicon Valley recently. People got worried [about] the hopes and expectations that a deal on ual traders as part of the inquiry, which
by the end of the year, from the current Bank and other regional US lenders this jobless claims number . . . but then that is near,” said Jim Leaviss, chief began in 2018.
range of 5 per cent to 5.25 per cent, sug- year, financial markets have expected a finding out it was fraud in Massachu- investment officer for public fixed “The language used here is quite
gesting three or even four rate cuts. Now credit crunch to result in a US recession, setts and that we’re trending not quite as income at M&G Investments, on a pod- punchy,” said Kate Pollock, a partner at
that expected tally has dropped to a which could prompt the Fed to cut rates. high is one reason we’ve taken out some cast this week. law firm Stewarts, adding that any
likely maximum of two, taking rates to Meanwhile, US consumer price rises of the cuts,” said Jay Barry, head of inter- Analysts at BlackRock suggested potential fines could be “hefty”,
4.7 per cent. have been slowing, reaching an annual est rate strategy at JPMorgan. investors were falling back into the depending on factors such as the extent
The broad shift drags investors more pace of 4.9 per cent in April. Some inves- Barry also noted that the JPMorgan habit of assuming that market stresses and length of misconduct. There could
in line with the consistent message from tors have taken that, in combination surprise index, which compares inves- or economic wobbles would nudge the also be civil lawsuits brought by inves-
the US Federal Reserve that it has no with the regional bank failures, as a sign tors’ perceptions of economic growth Fed and other central banks into back- tors such as pension funds, she said.
plans to chip away at rates while infla- that the Fed will start to reverse the his- against the reality in the data, has ‘If you are ing down on rates. Deutsche Bank first alerted the CMA
tion remains far above its target. But it torically aggressive pace of rate rises jumped significantly. “Most developed markets are grap- to the behaviour. As Germany’s biggest
also underlines the state of intense that it has executed over the past 14 Fed chair Jay Powell on Friday said feeling pling with a shared problem. Core infla- bank had admitted its involvement in
uncertainty over where markets are months. that the credit crunch expected in the confused tion is proving more stubborn than “anti-competitive” activity, it will not be
heading next. But the Fed itself has never been sym- wake of the collapse of the regional expected and remains well above cen- subject to any fines.
“If you are feeling confused about the pathetic to that view, and in recent banks may limit how much the Fed about the tral banks’ 2 per cent targets,” they Citigroup has also admitted involve-
macro outlook, it is important to realise weeks a growing number of its policy- needs to raise rates. macro wrote in a recent note. ment and entered into a settlement
that you are not the only one,” wrote makers have reminded traders that the “The sooner we see the Fed stop hik- “We think that means central banks agreement with the CMA. It will receive
Dario Perkins, an analyst at TS Lombard fight with inflation is far from over. The ing rates, the less economic damage outlook, can’t undo any of their inflation-fighting a discounted fine if penalties are
in London. US job market has also remained we’ll see, so the less need we’ll have to it is rate hikes any time soon, even if finan- imposed, the regulator said.
“A head-clutching Old Testament- robust, with the unemployment rate cut rates,” said Kristina Hooper, chief cial markets think the Federal Reserve HSBC, Morgan Stanley and Royal
style recession would resolve many of hovering at 54-year lows. A brief rise in global market strategist at Invesco. important will start cutting rates before the end of Our global Bank of Canada have not admitted any
these tensions and bring some clarity to weekly claims for unemployment bene- This adjustment in views on rate cuts to realise the year. We see recession ahead. But team gives you wrongdoing, the CMA said, adding that
the outlook. But I would not be sur- fits earlier in May ultimately turned out could matter for asset managers, who unlike in the past when central banks market-moving inquiries continued and its findings
prised if the confusion continued for a to largely be the result of fraud, econo- have been piling into shorter-dated that you would cut rates to stimulate a struggling news and views, were provisional. The banks will now
while longer, with a global macro envi- mists said. Bond markets are caught in bonds, betting that interest rates will are not the economy, we think the unresolved infla- 24 hours a day formally respond to the findings before
ronment that continues to frustrate these cross currents. come down. The yields on shorter- tion problem makes that unlikely this the CMA finally decides whether the law
both the bulls and the bears.” “The data flow has been a bit better dated Treasury notes move with infla- only one’ time.” has been broken.

Equities Equities

Biggest listed groups issue a record Cboe takes on European bourses with
$326bn of dividends in first quarter plan to launch IPOs from Amsterdam
ARJUN NEIL ALIM — LONDON head of global equity income at Janus grew 6 per cent to $15.3bn in the first NIKOU ASGARI — LONDON last year, according to Refinitiv data. slog” to grab market share from Euron-
Henderson, said the growth was quarter, driven by payouts from oil “We came to the conclusion that, ext. “I can’t see why, as a prospective
Dividends issued in the first quarter by Cboe Global Markets is planning to lure
“impressive, considering the challenges companies, airlines and the contract from a capital formation perspective, new issuer, that a brand new exchange
the world’s largest listed companies hit companies to list on its markets in
the global economy faced in 2022”. caterer Compass. The US was responsi- there are gaps where a new, innovative would be a good place for you to get visi-
a record this year, even as prominent Europe, aiming to reverse a trend that
Stripping out special payments and ble for close to half of corporate divi- listings exchange, thinking and operat- bility and interest in your shares, versus
investors and asset managers warn of a has seen many companies desert the
exchange rate moves, Janus Henderson dends issued in the first quarter of 2023, ing in a different way, could truly add comfortably the biggest capital raising
coming global economic slowdown. continent for the US.
said global dividends rose 3 per cent in Janus Henderson said, with real estate, value,” Jos Schmitt, head of global list- pitch in Europe,” he added.
The world’s 1,200 biggest public compa- the first quarter and predicted the total tech and healthcare also driving growth. The group, which runs the largest pan- ings for Cboe Global Markets, told the Cboe built its name in the US, trading
nies collectively issued $326.7bn in divi- would rise 5 per cent to $1.64tn in 2023. Dividends from mining companies fell European share trading venue, is pre- Financial Times. “Europe is one of the options such as the Vix volatility index,
dends in the first quarter of 2023, a rise Lofthouse said banking and oil were due to the drop in commodity prices. paring to take on the London Stock areas we want to focus on.” and runs Europe’s biggest markets for
of 12 per cent on the same period a year likely to be among the biggest payers. Earlier this month Goldman Sachs Exchange, Euronext, Nasdaq and Deut- secondary trading of shares, but has lit-
ago, according to a quarterly report Mark Donovan, a senior portfolio forecast dividends would rise 5 per this sche Börse, which dominate the market tle experience in IPOs. One exception is
from fund manager Janus Henderson. manager focusing on large-cap US equi- year, adding that even in a recession for primary listings. Cboe is aiming to
‘There are gaps where a at Neo, a Canadian venue bought by
Payouts to shareholders were boosted ties at Boston Partners, suggested the they were only likely to fall slightly, as launch listings in the coming weeks new, innovative listings Cboe last year, which has about 60 pri-
by the largest contribution in nine years rise in dividends reflected a “growing they are the “stickiest” alongside spend- from a base in Amsterdam. mary listings. Schmitt said it hoped to
from special dividends, as companies acceptance” that managements have to ing on research and development. Its move comes as Europe suffers a
exchange . . . could replicate that success in Europe.
such as carmakers Ford and Volkswa- weigh the benefits of investing profits Daniel Peris, a fund manager at Feder- drought of new public offerings and as truly add value’ “Our focus will be on earlier-stage
gen made one-off contributions. back into the company alongside ated Hermes and author of The Strategic companies such as Flutter, CRH and growth companies, for which there is
The rises reflect the durability of cor- returning gains to shareholders. Dividend Investor, predicted that divi- Ferguson give up their European listings The company has an exchange based investor interest across the globe and
porate earnings even as stock markets “Energy is a great example where for dends would increase in popularity, for the deep capital pools of New York. in the UK and the Netherlands but is where incumbent exchanges are not
around the world tumbled on Russia’s years and years a lot of executives were including among tech companies, as British chip designer Arm will also list in seeking to hire a director of corporate providing what it takes to make them
full-scale invasion of Ukraine, high biased towards putting money back into businesses reduced share buybacks and the US instead of the London market. listings sales based in Amsterdam, successful,” said Schmitt.
energy prices and rising interest rates. projects, many of which yielded low competed to attract investors in a Officials in the UK and EU are seeking according to a job ad on its website. White added that Cboe was “becom-
Fund managers have also expressed returns and ultimately resulted in poor tougher climate. to overhaul their capital markets and The focus of the role will be “attract- ing a real nuisance for the continental
concerns over the record $1.3tn of share stock price performance,” he said. “The challenge for investors will be to listing rules in an attempt to make the ing new public company listings for the European exchanges”, having eaten
buybacks that companies engaged in “Those executives have figured out that determine which companies can afford continent more competitive and attrac- Cboe Global Markets in the European away at their market share in equities
last year, seen by some as an alternative raising a dividend and increasing buy- to do so — are well positioned for the tive for investors and companies. Union”, it says. “We’re looking at both trading. It holds a 25 per cent share of
to dividends, citing concerns that they backs is a better way to enrich share- new cash-based capital markets para- European companies have raised just the UK and EU,” Schmitt said. the European equities trading market,
did not benefit shareholders as much as holders and ultimately keep their jobs.” digm — and which are not,” he added. $2.9bn from IPOs so far this year, com- Ian White, analyst at Autonomous compared with Euronext’s 24 per cent
company management. Ben Lofthouse, Janus Henderson said UK dividends Additional reporting by Chris Flood pared with $3.8bn over the same period Research, said Cboe faced “a real uphill share, since the start of May.
Thursday 25 May 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 9


The day in the markets Sell-side analysts

What you need to know
still deserve a ‘buy’
3 US debt ceiling jitters hit stocks
rating of their own
Short-term yields hit 20-year high as default deadline nears
and bonds
Yield on one-month Treasury bills (%)
3 European and Asian benchmarks down
3 Disappointing inflation figures
unsettle UK markets
Robert Buckland
US stocks slid and short-term Treasury 5
yields held near two-decade highs
yesterday, as investors fretted over the
Markets Insight

looming US debt ceiling deadline while
policymakers struggled for an agreement.
Wall Street’s benchmark S&P 500 was et me take you back to Sep- tread and not everyone succeeded — is everything, while on the sell side,
down 1 per cent and the tech-heavy 3 tember 1989. It was my first leading to significant fines and reforms getting stocks right is just a part of the
Nasdaq Composite fell 1.1 per cent. day at a long-forgotten UK introduced by former New York State job. Building that network is more
Both indices extended losses from the securities house. The head of attorney-general Eliot Spitzer, which important.
previous session as traders grew nervous 2 equity research asked my sought to decouple analyst pay from I am not trying to justify the contin-
at the prospect of an unprecedented US father’s profession — a farmer. Perhaps banking revenues. The decline of sell- ued survival of my profession. The cor-
government default in June. inevitably, I was assigned to the food side research had begun. porate bond markets seem to function
“Optimism over a debt ceiling deal is 1 manufacturing team. It was my job to Whatever you think about the late well enough without armies of sell-side
getting tired out,” said Mohit Kumar, chief get the coffee, help spread the load on 1990s model, it did support big budgets analysts. I’m not convinced that plans to
Europe financial economist at Jefferies. busy results days, prepare stock notes and broad coverage of many stocks. revoke parts of Mifid II will reverse the
The yield on Treasury bills that mature 0 and pore through industry statistics, Some of that coverage may have been decline in sell-side research, which was
next month — at around the date the 2005 10 15 20 23 very much in that order. conflicted but, in my experience, ana- well established before the regulation
government could run out of money — Source: Refinitiv
My farming background was little lysts were much more motivated by arrived. There has always been value in
eased slightly to 5.7 per cent, having help but I did free up my boss to spend their Extel ranking with institutional the networks built by the best sell-side
climbed to 5.88 per cent overnight. The the day calling or meeting investors. It investors than their popularity with analysts. However, clumsy attempts to
rate is at its highest level in more than 20 lowest in almost two months. France’s cent by the end of the year. The yield on struck me that, for somebody called a companies. monetise those networks have pro-
years, surpassing levels since before the Cac 40 fell 1.7 per cent and Germany’s two-year gilts rose 0.24 percentage research analyst, he didn’t spend much voked regulatory crackdowns, and so
financial crisis began in 2007. Dax lost 1.9 per cent, extending their points to 4.37 per cent, its highest level of his time doing research or analysis. reduced future revenue opportunities.
The yield at auction on a US 21-day bill losses from the previous session. since October, when the “mini” Budget of Instead, he worked to build and main- The glory days may be Big banks still employ hundreds of
on Tuesday hit 6.2 per cent, the highest The FTSE 100 was down 1.8 per cent then-chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng sent tain a network across his companies and gone, but research remains company analysts. Alternative financial
level for any US benchmark bond in more and short-term UK bond yields moved markets into a tailspin. the investors who owned (or could own) support for sell-side research might
than 20 years. sharply higher, after inflation fell to 8.7 China’s benchmark CSI 300 index fell their shares. It was intense work. a fulfilling career for the come from prime brokerage, derivative
Meanwhile, investors await the minutes per cent in April, a much smaller drop 1.4 per cent, erasing gains from a rebound His main performance measure was energetic and analytical trading or wealth management. Invest-
from the Federal Open Market than the Bank of England had forecast. rally that pushed the gauge up more than the annual Extel survey, which polled ment banking still pays a large part of
Committee’s March meeting, released “This undoubtedly makes life harder 10 per cent earlier in the year. In Hong institutional investors for their favour- the cost. The Spitzer reforms helped to
later yesterday, which could give an for policymakers and no doubt raises the Kong, the Hang Seng China Enterprises ite analysts. The most highly ranked Then the buy side started to change. safeguard the independence of analysts.
indication of the Federal Reserve’s chance of yet another . . . rate hike in index fell as much as 1.6 per cent. were those with the widest and deepest The rise of passive funds drove down the But it didn’t stop the cross-departmen-
interest rate path. June,” said James Smith, developed Japan’s Topix shed 0.4 per cent, and networks, not always those who made profitability of active fund managers. tal subsidy. To quote one large bank
In Europe, the region-wide Stoxx 600 markets economist at ING. Traders now Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 fell 0.5 per cent. the best stock calls. The Institutional These pressures were passed on to the CEO: “Research is a cost of bringing
traded down 1.8 per cent, hitting its bet BoE rates will peak at about 5.3 per Daria Mosolova and Hudson Lockett Investor magazine survey carried simi- sell side via lower commissions. The footfall to the franchise.” It might be
lar significance in the US. EU’s Mifid II rules, which unbundled tough to justify sell-side research as a
Top-ranked analysts were coveted for payments for trading and research, revenue generator nowadays. It’s easier
Markets update the trading commissions they brought compounded the squeeze. Under the to justify as a marketing expense.
in but also their potential to attract traditional commission-based model, Even if the glory days are gone, sell-
lucrative investment banking business. asset managers paid for sell-side side company research remains a fulfill-
It was easier for a banker to win the research using client funds. Following ing career for the energetic and analyti-
US Eurozone Japan UK China Brazil mandate to handle an initial public Mifid II they paid directly out of their cal. It’s a great place to learn how to
Stocks S&P 500 Eurofirst 300 Nikkei 225 FTSE100 Shanghai Comp Bovespa offering if they had a big name analyst in own revenues. Predictably, these pay- research companies and build networks
Level 4109.13 1813.01 30682.68 7627.10 3204.75 108734.10 the sector. “Ranking and banking” was ments collapsed, a fatal blow for some — valuable skills in any profession. I
% change on day -0.88 -1.73 -0.89 -1.75 -1.28 -1.09 the battle cry of the late 1990s. This led independent research houses. eventually moved on to more macro
Currency $ index (DXY) $ per € Yen per $ $ per £ Rmb per $ Real per $ to inevitable conflicts. Were analysts Few readers will mourn the decline of roles but I never regret where I started. I
Level 103.482 1.078 138.555 1.242 7.050 4.963 being paid by investors who wanted an sell-side analysts, and many will criti- hope I made my father proud.
% change on day -0.006 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 independent view, or by companies who cise the inaccuracy of their stock recom-
Govt. bonds 10-year Treasury 10-year Bund 10-year JGB 10-year Gilt 10-year bond 10-year bond wanted a positive case put to the mar- mendations. But that is to neglect a key Robert Buckland is a markets analyst, for-
Yield 3.719 2.470 0.404 4.343 2.741 11.384 ket? This was a difficult tightrope to contrast: on the buy side, performance merly global equity strategist at Citigroup
Basis point change on day -1.920 0.600 0.450 5.000 0.500 -3.900
World index, Commods FTSE All-World Oil - Brent Oil - WTI Gold Silver Metals (LMEX)
Level 425.18 78.29 74.40 1969.20 23.16 3634.70
% change on day -1.08 1.89 2.04 -0.06 -2.89 -1.06
Yesterday's close apart from: Currencies = 16:00 GMT; S&P, Bovespa, All World, Oil = 17:00 GMT; Gold, Silver = London pm fix. Bond data supplied by Tullett Prebon.

Main equity markets

S&P 500 index Eurofirst 300 index FTSE 100 index
4240 1880 8000

4160 1840

4080 1800 7680

4000 1760
| | | | | | | | |
3920 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | 1720 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7360 | | | | | | | | | | |

Mar 2023 May Mar 2023 May Mar 2023 May

Biggest movers
% US Eurozone UK
Corning 2.47 Evonik Industries 2.31 Intertek 3.36
Marathon Oil 2.35 Colruyt 0.69 Ocado 2.29

O'reilly Automotive 2.16 Edenred 0.36 Sse 1.63

Apa 1.96 Dsm 0.31 Fresnillo 0.79
Baker Hughes 1.80 Repsol 0.30 Airtel Africa 0.34
Analog Devices -8.22 Infineon Tech -4.66 Prudential -5.94
Intuit -7.99 Saipem -4.53 Aviva -5.88

Agilent -7.98 Cnh Industrial -4.40 Persimmon -5.52

Dish Network -6.36 Unicredit -4.19 Phoenix Holdings -4.57
Microchip Technology -5.51 Continental -3.93 Taylor Wimpey -4.55
Prices taken at 17:00 GMT Based on the constituents of the FTSE Eurofirst 300 Eurozone
All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted.

Wall Street Europe London

Sinking to the bottom of the S&P 500 Video games company Embracer At the top of the FTSE 100 index was
index was Agilent Technologies, the lab plummeted after revealing that a “major Intertek, the testing group, which
instrument manufacturer, which trimmed strategic partnership” would “not reported a 6.5 per cent rise in like-for-like
its guidance to reflect “increased market materialise”. revenue growth between January and
uncertainties”. This led to a chunky earnings miss for April. This surpassed the 4.2 per cent
Third-quarter revenue would land the Swedish group, which expected to analysts had expected.
between $1.64bn and $1.66bn, falling generate adjusted operating profit of Intertek said it was benefiting from an
short of the £1.68bn Wall Street had between SKr7bn and SKr9bn ($650mn to increase in demand from its assurance,
expected, while its full-year revenue $840mn) in its 2023-24 year — more than testing, inspection and certification
target was lowered to a range of $6.93bn 23 per cent below the SKr10.5bn analysts services.
to $7.03bn, down from the $7.03bn to had forecast. Close to the bottom of the blue-chip
$7.10bn stated in February. What struck Citi during its earnings call benchmark was Aviva following reports
At the top of the blue-chip benchmark with Embracer was that the seven that activist investor Cevian Capital had
was materials group Corning, known for months invested in these failed sold almost its entire stake in the insurer.
its Gorilla glass, which announced a 20 negotiations had “crowded out Europe’s largest activist fund had been
per cent increase to its display glass investments . . . that could have been applying pressure on Aviva to increase its
substrate prices. more profitably made elsewhere”. payouts to shareholders. Cevian’s exit
This was intended to offset “elevated France’s Exclusive Networks sank coincided with the release of a
costs in energy, raw materials, and following an accelerated bookbuilding first-quarter update described as
other . . . operational expenses”, it said. offering by one of its shareholders. “decent” by broker Panmure.
Department store chain Kohl’s rose HTIVB sold a 3.7 per cent stake in the Heading the FTSE 250 index was
sharply after delivering far better than cyber security specialist, 0.6 per cent of Marks and Spencer, which delivered an
expected results, posting earnings of 13 which was bought back by Exclusive at “impressive” profit for the second half of
cents per share in the first quarter, way €19 per share, more than 9 per cent below its financial year, said Jefferies.
above the 42 cents per share loss Tuesday’s closing price. The retailer planned to restore a
analysts had earmarked. HTIVB is controlled by Olivier dividend for its 2024 year as it posted an
Inventory also declined 6 per cent year Breittmayer, the founder and former chief annual profit before tax and adjusting
on year, alleviating fears over high executive of Exclusive. items of £482mn, comfortably beating
stockpiles that have blighted retailers. Weaker order growth weighed on the broker’s £433mn estimate.
Clothes retailer Abercrombie & Fitch Aalberts, the Dutch industrial equipment Aarin Chiekrie, equity analyst at
surged after increasing its full-year group, which said its order book at the Hargreaves Lansdown, flagged “good
outlook for sales and operating margin. end of April was 4 per cent higher year on progress” in the group’s clothing and
This came as it delivered a decade-high year, trailing the 51 per cent growth at the home section, an area where M&S has
first quarter for net sales. Ray Douglas same time last year. Ray Douglas “struggled in recent years”. Ray Douglas
10 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-0.88% -0.94% -0.80% -1.75% -1.73% -0.89% -1.62% -1.08% -0.186% -0.403% -0.06%
0.321% 0.230% 1.37%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Apr 25 - - Index All World Apr 25 - May 24 Index All World Apr 25 - May 24 Index All World Apr 25 - May 24 Index All World Apr 25 - May 24 Index All World Apr 25 - May 24 Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul
30,682.68 2,567.45
20,676.74 7,914.13
4,109.13 15,863.95 15,821.01
4,071.63 19,982.68 28,657.57 2,489.02
Day -0.88% Month -0.67% Year 4.25% Day -0.97% Month -3.53% Year -1.67% Day -1.75% Month -3.75% Year 1.75% Day -1.92% Month -0.35% Year NaN% Day -0.89% Month 7.50% Year 13.72% Day 0.00% Month 0.91% Year -3.02%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore
12,442.36 9,406.40 3,324.55
54,713.70 1,850.35
9,163.50 19,617.88
11,799.16 19,115.93 3,214.21
53,379.93 1,813.01
Day -0.94% Month 3.37% Year 10.47% Day 0.71% Month -2.22% Year 4.28% Day -1.73% Month -2.46% Year 7.15% Day -1.12% Month -2.68% Year 6.23% Day -1.62% Month -4.93% Year -6.76% Day -0.12% Month -3.34% Year -0.09%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
109,421.17 7,573.86 27,537.07 3,367.03 61,773.78
103,946.58 26,524.54 60,056.10
32,789.56 7,253.46 3,204.75
Day -0.80% Month -3.19% Year 2.72% Day -1.09% Month 4.61% Year -1.67% Day -1.70% Month -4.27% Year 14.07% Day -2.39% Month -4.40% Year 9.89% Day -1.28% Month -2.92% Year 1.84% Day -0.34% Month 3.60% Year 13.84%

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Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. †Placing price. *Intoduction. ÁWhen issued. Annual report/prospectus available at
For more information on dividend payments visit For a full explanation of all the other symbols please refer to London Share Service notes.
Thursday 25 May 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 11



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Sources: ‚ NYMEX, Á ECX/ICE, Ƈ CBOT, ? ICE Liffe, Ɔ ICE Futures, ƅ CME, Ƅ LME/London Metal Exchange.* Latest prices, $ *HUPDQ\    6ZHGHQ           
unless otherwise stated. ,WDO\    6ZLW]HUODQG           
-DSDQ    8QLWHG6WDWHV           
12 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023


Brilliance of 100
The Second Woman
Young Vic, London

Brokeback Mountain

brief encounters
Soho Place Theatre, London

sits down calmly to await the next guy. this dime-store philosophy. But as he
THEATRE In a kind of multiverse scenario, each picks up and cradles an old work shirt,
iteration of Marty is played by a differ- we realise that his accrued years are a
Sarah ent stranger, the vast majority male torment in more ways than one. He has
Hemming non-trained actors sourced by a public
callout. They’ve learned the script —
grown old. Jack, the love of his life,
has not.
apart from a couple of key responses Ennis’s younger self and Jack then

that they can freestyle — but have had step on to the stage to replay the story,
no rehearsal with Wilson. The fascina- starting with their first meeting, when
hen Ruth Wilson took tion for the audience is watching the they are dispatched up the mountain to
to the Young Vic stage countless variations on this encounter, herd sheep for the summer. The con-
for a nine-minute Wilson’s instant ability to assess her trast between them is beautifully delin-
standing ovation at the partner, and her playfulness. eated by Mike Faist and Lucas Hedges.
end of The Second Cameras relay minute changes of Faist’s Jack, talkative, sparky and
Woman last Saturday afternoon, she expression live on a big screen, but their impulsive, has a lithe, easy charm and
was wearing slippers. Understandably. presence also reminds us of the clichéd rarely stops moving; Hedges’ Ennis,
She had just finished 24 hours of near- ways women can be depicted on stage laconic, cautious and introverted, sits
constant performance, delivering the and screen. The set — a red room in a silent and withdrawn as his companion
same short scene 100 times over, each gauze box — becomes Virginia’s prison rattles on. “You ain’t much of a talker,”
time with a different stage partner. In a but also her domain. The audience, observes Jack, drily, at one point.
fairly fancy pair of heels. itself shifting and changing, becomes But in Jack’s nervous energy and
It was a stunning achievement, integral to the piece, growing more Ennis’s wariness, we see common
brilliantly executed by Wilson: confir- vocal as time passes. ground: both are buffers against a
mation of her exceptional skill and One (young) man apologises for her tough, unpromising life (Tom Pye’s set
empathy as an actor. More than that, it being mistaken as his mum in the super- is spartan; furniture is shabby). What
proved a rich and revealing piece of market (her eyes narrow), one man they find is not just a sexual but an emo-
drama — a study in human behaviour, a tional connection, and Faist and Hedges
witty exploration of gender dynamics let you see how Jack’s performative con-
and a celebration of the unpredictable
So popular was ‘The fidence and Ennis’s tight reserve are
nature of live theatre. So popular was Second Woman’ that covers for feelings they can’t fully
the event (co-produced with LIFT) that express. There’s a deft performance too
hundreds queued for hours round the people queued for hours from Emily Fairn as Ennis’s wife Alma,
block to get in. #TheQueue trended
on Twitter.
round the block to get in another lonely casualty of this tor-
mented situation.
The appeal of the piece, first staged by The flashback format is awkward,
Nat Randall and Anna Breckon in Aus- knocks back the booze (she joins him, Ruth Wilson Jack Thorne and director Edgar Wright scenery — the vast mountain ranges of obliging Hickey to hang around a lot
tralia in 2017, lies in its combination of glugging down glass after glass), one guy performed — delighting the audience and giving Wyoming — and footage of the oppres- with little to do. But Jonathan Butterell’s
epic and intimate, repetition and inno- tidies up, another is so patronising that almost nonstop Wilson even freer rein (she smeared sive social conservatism of small-town atmospheric staging is laced with coun-
vation, text and improvisation. The she stuffs her noodles into his jacket for 24 hours in noodles on Scott’s face). America in 1963. In their place comes a try-inflected music by Dan Gillespie
scene, inspired by John Cassavetes’ 1977 pocket. Some Martys are arrogant, ‘The Second It’s compulsive, funny, far from bor- chamber piece, closely focused on the Sells (Everybody’s Talking About Jamie),
film Opening Night, is simple enough. some are angry, some are kind, some are Woman’ ing — I had to tear myself away after six two men and the impact of that context: delivered by a terrific onstage band with
Helen Murray
Virginia — blonde wig, red velvet dress, broken; some encounters are moving, and a half hours. “It’s like a survey of the fleeting sense of freedom they find Scottish singer-songwriter Eddie
pointy slingbacks — sits in a room await- some funny, some aggressive. men,” said my neighbour at one point, on the mountainside; the furtive and Reader on vocals, Greg Miller on har-
ing a visit from Marty. It’s clear that they A chap in Cuban heels deliberately and it does partly feel like a compen- increasingly desperate nature of their monica and BJ Cole on pedal steel guitar.
have previously argued. takes her seat and she drags him to the dium of every awkward date you’ve ever meetings in the 20 years that follow. The songs, evocative of time and place,
He arrives with some takeaway noo- floor by his tie. Is he acting or being him- been on. But it’s also essentially playful Robinson styles it as a memory play, also sit adjacent to the emotions on
dles, apologises for his earlier reaction, self? Every now and then a celebrity and good-natured. And it’s the growing opening with the older Ennis (Paul stage without expressing them directly.
they have a drink, she asks him for reas- walks through the door — among them involvement and bonding together of Hickey) being dragged out of sleep by a The score gently expands what we see
surance, they dance, it gets messy. He actors Andrew Scott, Idris Elba, Ben the audience that makes it. There is jaunty song on the radio. “Don’t let the on stage: an achingly sad love story told
leaves. She tidies up, resets the music, Whishaw and Tom Burke, playwright something uplifting about watching years get you down,” it chirps; Ennis’s with tenderness and care.
epic theatre — be it Peter Brook’s scowl lets you know what he thinks of To August 12,
groundbreaking The Mahabharata, Ivo
van Hove’s six-hour Roman Tragedies or
Duckie’s eccentric sleepover piece, Lull-
aby. You lose track of time, surrender
yourself to a story, immerse yourself in a
makeshift community of strangers and
stagger out to be surprised by the busy
street outside.
The Second Woman is sure to surface
again soon. Meanwhile a documentary
film of this version is in the works. And,
when Wilson has caught up on her sleep,
let’s hope she’s back on stage soon.

Before Brokeback Mountain was a semi-

nal Ang Lee film, with Heath Ledger and
Jake Gyllenhaal on heartbreaking form
as two ranch-hands who fall in love, it
was a short story by Annie Proulx. It’s
that story that Ashley Robinson’s new
play adapts, creating an intimate drama.
What we lose is the film’s staggering Mike Faist, left, and Lucas Hedges in ‘Brokeback Mountain’ — Manuel Harlan

A bitingly modern Wozzeck

towards them, it is clear that even Brindley Sherratt is less individual as
O PE RA among the everyday working class the Doctor, but sings imposingly, and
Wozzeck ranks as the lowest of the low. Clay Hilley trumpets his tenor strongly
Wozzeck Gerhaher, looking nervy and defensive, as the preening Drum Major. Rosie
Royal Opera House, London sees deep into the inner Wozzeck, Aldridge and Sam Furness provide
aaaae putting a gulf between himself and decent support as Margret and Andres,
everybody else, a man who entertains and John Findon makes much of the
Richard Fairman dreams, or visions, that take him close small role of the Fool.
to the borders of sanity. The concentration of the perform-
It is extraordinary to think that Büch- It can be tempting to think of Ger- ance feels as if every note counts, an
ner’s play Woyzeck was written before haher primarily as a Lieder singer, but impression largely generated from the
Queen Victoria came to the throne and this portrayal reminds us of the reach of pit. Other conductors have found
Berg’s opera, which is based on it, before his voice. He packs more than enough greater transparency in Berg’s music,
the Great Depression. Was it really the power and has the incisiveness to get the but Antonio Pappano’s combination of
1830s when Büchner conceived a totally words over the orchestra, as well as a attention to detail, depth of sound and
modern scene like the downtrodden heartfelt tenderness for the few affec- dramatic drive makes for a compelling
Wozzeck providing a urine sample dur- tionate moments with Marie. experience. As the blood-red moon rises
ing nearly abusive clinical trials? In that role Anja Kampe is predictably at the back of the stage and Pappano
The opera’s stark message about the vivid, her fearless singing recalling the draws the orchestra to its peak, this
poor and forgotten in society feels as bit- unforgettable Anja Silja more than 40 Wozzeck takes its place as one of the
ingly modern as ever, so there is no years ago. Among the supporting cast, finest performances of recent seasons.
pressing need for a director to double Peter Hoare teeters brilliantly on the
down on its relevance. For the Royal edge of black comedy as the Captain. To June 7,
Opera’s new production, Deborah
Warner sets the work in the present day Peter Hoare,
— there are modern suits and a fridge in left, and
Marie’s kitchen — but it never feels as if a Christian
point is being made. Gerhaher
This is par for the course with a in ‘Wozzeck’
Tristram Kenton
production that does not seek to be
interventionist. As in her Britten stag-
ings, Warner favours a naturalist telling
of the story, without an agenda, on an
open panoramic stage. The opera looks
striking in Hyemi Shin’s designs, is
well paced (it runs straight through
with no intervals in just over an hour
and a half) and plays host to an excep-
tional portrayal of the title role by
Christian Gerhaher.
We first encounter Wozzeck mopping
the floor in the men’s toilet at the bar-
racks. From the hostile glances he gets
from the soldiers and his own deference
Thursday 25 May 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 13


Periods of economic and geopolitical turbulence have often boosted the precious metal. Now a drive
towards record prices is also being pushed by central banks worried about the strength of the dollar.
By Harry Dempsey and Leslie Hook

How long will the gold boom last?

n a high-security vault in London’s retail investors and central banks in pil-
Mayfair, where the glass is thick ing in for bullion, after 10 months of out-
enough to resist automatic gunfire flows for gold-backed exchange traded
and four control rooms keep watch funds until March.
around the clock, some of the Fed officials signalled last week they
world’s wealthiest individuals have would not be deterred from further
been rushing to store gold. interest rate rises to tackle inflation
The small safes inside, which cost as after market expectations of a pause
much as £12,000 annually, are set to be had been rising, causing gold to ease off
full by the end of the year as clients to about $1,970 per troy ounce as higher
resort to securing more hard assets, a rates raise bonds’ attraction relative to
sign of the troubled times. non-yielding bullion.
Clients have a growing “alertness to Success in bringing down rising prices
the new world order”, says Ashok from April levels of 4.9 per cent to the
Sewnarain, chief executive of IBV Inter- Fed’s target of 2 per cent would further
national Vaults, the Mauritian company damp enthusiasm for gold, a hedge
that owns the vault. “We have mistrust against inflation. An agreement on the
in the banks, huge inflation and a global US debt ceiling could also put down-
divide on reserve currencies.” ward pressure on bullion prices.
The rush to gold by the global elite is Longer term, consumer appetite for
being mirrored by emerging market the precious metal may be depressed by
central banks. Last year central banks the state of the gold mining industry
bought 1,079 tonnes of bullion — the itself — especially as it comes under
most since records began in 1950. greater pressure to lower emissions,
As a result, gold has been hovering reduce environmental impact and
close to its nominal all-time high of become more transparent.
$2,072 per troy ounce — the traditional “We are now firmly in a world that is
unit for precious metals — since late decarbonising,” says Tom Palmer, chief
March. Many speculators, or gold bugs, executive of Newmont Corporation, the
are holding their breath as they wait for world’s largest gold miner, which sealed
a new record to be set. a $19bn deal for Australian rival
Gold has long been a safe haven in Newcrest this month.
times of turbulence, and that is no less He expects this will drive more merg-
true today. Coronavirus, the war in ers in the gold mining industry, as com-
Ukraine, geopolitical tensions, inflation panies need longer-life mines to meet
fears, mounting global debt, high inter- their climate targets and environmental
est rates and the banking crisis have all goals. “We are in an industry that is con-
prompted investors to re-evaluate solidating.”
safe-haven assets. Gold has been the Gold, one of the least reactive ele-
beneficiary. ments, has little direct role in the energy
“In the past decade, it was low infla- transition, unlike many other more
tion and high growth, globalisation and functional metals. But its deposits are
peace, laissez-faire economics and an often found alongside copper, which is
invisible hand, and tech outperform- crucial for low-carbon technologies
ance,” says Nicky Shiels, head of metals such as wind turbines, electric cars and
strategy at MKS Pamp, a Swiss precious power transmission lines. Only 8 per
metals trading firm. “Each of these cent of gold is used in applications such
structural themes is unwinding as technology, medicine and industry —
concurrently, which is creating a posi- the rest is mainly for jewellery and
tive environment for gold and other investing.
commodities.” That is not lost on gold mining execu-
There is also a geopolitical factor, as tives, many of whom are trying to
developing countries grow wary of the increase copper production. “If I were to
strength of the US dollar. As the west get in the time machine and go forward
imposed sanctions on Russia following 10 years, I think a lot of gold companies
the invasion of Ukraine, the US and its will be producing copper,” says Palmer.
allies froze $300bn of foreign exchange
holdings denominated in dollars, euros
Many countries
see gold as a
The UK-based restaurant owner says
the scale at which governments printed
shift away from the almighty dollar.
Since the 2008 global financial crisis,
gold will play in Beijing’s plans to inter-
nationalise the renminbi. In December, 1,079 However, the shift towards a low-
carbon world works against gold miners
and sterling. That alarmed many coun-
tries with US dollar holdings, whose cen-
more secure bet
than other
money after the 2008 financial crisis to
return economies to health made his
there has been a clear push to diversify
reserve currencies: the US currency’s
Xi Jinping touted settling payments for
Saudi oil and gas in renminbi — which
tonnes too: a growing cohort of researchers are
calling for gold mining to be curtailed
Bullion bought by
tral banks have been racing to diversify reserve assets. investment choices a no-brainer. share of global foreign exchange analysts say will only gain traction if it central banks last because of its environmental impact.
their holdings, and buy more gold. Vladimir Putin, “At some stage, the world will wake up reserves has slid from more than 70 per can be converted into gold. “Gold is re- year, the most since A recent paper led by Stephen Lezak,
“Gold has become progressively geo- below right, to America having debt way beyond its cent in 2000 to less than 60 per cent entering the world system in terms of records began a researcher at the Scott Polar Institute
political,” says Sebastien de Montessus, called it Russia’s means. I don’t see any other answer today. That shift has been led by Russia, payments,” says Paul Wong, market at the University of Cambridge, found
chief executive of Endeavour Mining, a
London-listed gold producer.
‘safety cushion’
against crisis
than gold or silver,” he says. “If you have
held it since 2008, it hasn’t done excep-
China, Turkey and India. “A lot of coun-
tries have understood that the dollar
strategist at Sprott Asset Management.
The People’s Bank of China has the
52% that the carbon footprint of extracting
gold was at least as much as all intra-
Share of professional
The revival in gold’s fortunes has cen- FT montage/Alexsey tionally well. I’m reassured one day, per- was a weapon, serving the US,” says de largest foreign exchange reserves in the investors who say European aviation, and says global
Druginyn/RIA Novosti/Pool/
tral bank officials, fund managers and Reuters
haps before I die, that it will do well.” Montessus of Endeavour Mining. world at about $3.2tn and has reported gold is the safest demand can mostly be met by recycling.
retail investors anticipating a new His fears over a lack of other investa- For Russia, the west’s sanctions have adding gold for six months running — asset, according to a “When you think of gold, you think of
gilded period. Some forecasters reckon ble asset classes resonate beyond the only increased its reliance on gold, although many in the gold industry sus- Bloomberg survey this clean, pure, luxurious substance.
gold could be on its way to its real record bullion vaults that deal with customers which it also mines domestically. When pect the level of buying has been higher Nothing can be more at odds with the
high of nearly $3,300 per troy ounce in prone to thinking in terms of crisis and than officially reported figures. $3,289 reality of how gold is produced,” says
today’s dollars, set in 1980 at a time
of oil-driven inflation and Middle East
catastrophe. Such concerns are accentu-
ated as the US debt ceiling negotiations
‘Is this a new era? Simply, This could help China challenge the
US currency, says Oliver Ramsbottom, a
The record gold price
set in 1980, adjusted
Lezak, who points to impacts such as
mercury emissions, water use and car-
turmoil. go to the wire again this month. yes. The shift to gold is partner at McKinsey. “China’s sustained for inflation. Prices
this year have
bon emissions. “It’s easily replaceable
If today’s stagflation, geopolitical ten- Janet Yellen, US Treasury secretary, gold purchases could be interpreted as and massively harmful.”
sions and dedollarisation persist, then has warned of financial and economic about creating a more part of a long-term policy to loosen capi-
hovered just below
$2,000 While many gold executives argue
some say bullion will keep shining. “Is
this a new era? Simply, yes,” says Ruth
catastrophe if Congress does not agree
to raise the federal debt limit by the
neutral portfolio in tal controls, thereby increasing the ren-
minbi’s challenge to the US dollar.”
they improve the quality of life for local
communities by providing jobs, and are
Crowell, chief executive of the London start of June, which would raise the pos- response to geopolitics’ Economies in distress, typically heav- $12tn reducing their environmental impacts,
Bullion Market Association, which sets sibility of the first ever default on Treas- ily indebted in US dollars, are also turn- The value of the concerns over sustainability are set to
the global standards and price bench- ury debt. the global financial crisis struck in 2008, ing to gold. Before its default in Decem- supply of gold that grow.
sits above ground
marks for gold trading. “The shift to Mark Bristow, who leads Barrick Vladimir Putin praised Russia’s gold and ber, Ghana, the world’s sixth-largest This may not improve gold’s reputa-
gold is about creating a more neutral Gold, the world’s second-largest gold hard currency reserves as the “safety gold producer, proposed paying for oil tion among younger investors, who are
portfolio in response to geopolitics.” producer, agrees with Franks. The cen- cushion” for the Kremlin to ease eco- imports in bullion — not dissimilar to more likely to be lured by digital invest-
On the other hand, gold prices are tral banks of the world have run out of nomic pain for millions of Russians. the medieval barter trade of gold for salt ments such as NFTs or crypto.
notoriously fickle. As fear and panic ebb options, he argues, the inflation genie is Three years later, the Russian leader between Mediterranean economies and Although the industry-funded group
and flow, the price surge could prove to out of the bottle and emerging nations toured the depository at the central west Africa. Another mining nation, World Gold Council is working on plans
be temporary. And concerns over gold’s face the risk of a US dollar debt spiral. bank in downtown Moscow, flexing a Zimbabwe, is launching gold-backed to set up a gold-backed stablecoin,
environmental impact — and the fact it “The harsh reality is when you have gold bar weighing more than 10kg. At digital tokens in an effort to prop Andreas Habluetzel, chief execu-
has no role in the energy transition, more debt than GDP, there’s only two that time, Russia’s central bank was in up its inflation-stricken cur- tive of Degussa Goldhandel, a
unlike other metals — could also damp ways to get out of it: have a major finan- the early stages of quietly increasing the rency. European gold dealer that owns
its prospects in the long term. cial correction or grow your way out. We share of the precious metal in its inter- British bullion house Sharps
Gold is having its moment, but how can’t grow out of this,” he says. “The national reserves. Today gold accounts After the gold rush Pixley, believes that the digiti-
long will it last? only way out is a hard global landing.” for about 25 per cent of Russia’s $600bn While gold enjoys its moment sation and generational chal-
in total reserves — rising almost sixfold to shine, it is hard to predict lenges will limit gold’s ability to
The fear index Distrustful of dollars in tonnage terms since 2007. how long this rally will last. rally further.
A primary motivator for gold’s resur- Beyond individual investors, the rise in As countries search for alternatives to Precious metal price forecast- “In Europe, the younger gener-
gence is concern about the reliability of gold has, in part, been driven by a global the dollar, a key question is what role ers are sometimes compared with ation are not really into gold. I don’t
other liquid assets. those who sit in the fold-down seat think we have a lot of chance for
As markets have become more vola- Gold’s rally towards a record ... ... as central banks buy more facing backwards in London taxis — upside,” he says. Despite the collapse of
tile in recent months, investors have they can only see what has come, not the crypto exchange FTX, he rues that
Gold price ($ per troy ounce) Share of gold in official reserve assets (%)
been turning to gold anew. It has gained what is ahead. “trust is back and crypto will have a
a fifth since November, after the col- 4,000 30 That is, partly, because $12tn of gold future place as an asset class”.
lapse of three regional US banks and the sits above ground with supply increas- Crypto enthusiasts do at least have
takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS. Adjusted for inflation* 25 ing at a 2 per cent rate last year, putting one thing in common with gold bugs:
“Gold is indicating that there’s a high 3,000 Advanced an outsized focus on demand push-and- sympathy for the idea that the fiat cur-
degree of fear in financial markets,” says 20 economies pull factors that work in complex and rency system is broken, and is heading
Ross Norman, chief executive of Metals unpredictable ways. Gold prices col- for catastrophe. While risks remain
Daily, a precious metals data provider. 2,000 15 lapsed from a high of $1,920 per troy present in the global economy, and as
All countries
“It’s a bellwether and the bell is ringing.” ounce in 2011 after the financial crisis to equities and bonds have shown signs of
For some, this is validation of long- 1,000 Emerging nearly $1,200 two years later. reversing their 20-year pattern of rising
held beliefs on the security of the global and In the near term, the key factor deter- simultaneously, many will continue to
5 developing
economy. David Franks, a modern-day Nominal price countries mining gold prices will be the path taken put their faith in a weightier investment.
gold bug, holds more than £2mn in bars, 0 0 by the US Federal Reserve to balance “It’s hard to push back against an
coins and mining stocks but has other- 1980 90 2000 10 23 1995 2000 05 10 15 22
keeping the economy healthy and get- asset with a 5,000-year history of pro-
wise steered clear of investing in the ting inflation under control. That will be viding wealth,” says Metals Daily’s
Sources: Refinitiv; FT calculations; World Gold Council; IMF * Using US CPI, constant 2023 prices
equity markets. pivotal for whether asset managers join Norman.
14 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023

The FT View
Investors can play their part in the war on superbugs
Organization guidelines on antibiotics a top global public health threat, but it Though the compared with many US counterparts.
As McDonald’s is targeted, use across its supply chain. needs to tighten and enforce rules. The pharmaceutical As more data is published and real-
McDonald's acknowledges that AMR economic consequences are also poten- world impacts proliferate, investors will
governments also need to is a “critical global public health issue” tially significant. The World Bank says
industry has
inevitably take a more activist stance
tighten and enforce rules which, along with suppliers, it has in a worst-case scenario, antimicrobial committed $1bn against public companies that have a
a responsibility to help address as one of resistance could reduce annual global to fighting hand in industries that perpetuate
Antimicrobial resistance is one of the the biggest beef buyers in the world. It is gross domestic product by 3.8 per cent drug-resistant AMR. The topic has not yet attracted the
critical issues of our time. Bacterial adamant it has a “strong record of by 2050, push an additional 28mn peo- bacteria, it same support as climate change, but if
infections that are resistant to antibiot- responsible antibiotic use” and works in ple into extreme poverty, and increase prefers funding climate-style litigation is replicated,
ics caused 1.3mn deaths worldwide in line with WHO guidance. But critics say global healthcare costs by $1tn a year. lawsuits could start to target those per-
2019, more than malaria; by 2050 the the fast food company has been water- Drug-resistant infections change the more lucrative ceived to be enabling AMR.
toll is expected to reach 10mn a year. ing down its commitments on antibiot- profile of many medical interventions. medicines Climate change itself is exacerbating
Attention has largely focused on over- ics use and recently published more Without effective antibiotics, cancer many health challenges, which makes
prescription of antibiotics by doctors, limited targets. treatments and other pharmaceuticals tackling AMR even more important.
leading to excessive consumption. Investors are right to agitate, but may be undermined. Higher temperatures are making the
Investors are now rightly taking aim at governments and international bodies The McDonald’s resolution may well outbreaks of various illnesses more
overuse in industrial farming and live- must step up too. The Covid-19 pan- not pass. A similar one last year failed to common and more severe; flooding can
stock production — which can fuel not demic undid some of the progress made win support from major shareholders spread disease through sewage contam-
only resistance but the emergence of in controlling AMR. Meanwhile, no new Vanguard and BlackRock; this year ination and poor hygiene and displaced
drug-resistant superbugs in people. classes of antibiotics have been brought shareholder advisory firms ISS and individuals often have little access to
European asset managers Legal & into circulation since the 1980s. Though Glass Lewis have also recommended clean water. Poorer countries in Africa
General Investment Management and the pharmaceutical industry has rejection. Yet investors and companies and Asia will be among the hardest hit.
Amundi are among those targeting the committed $1bn to fighting drug-resist- should be attentive. As with resolutions What has been dubbed “the silent
fast food giant McDonald's at its annual ant superbugs, it prefers funding more that have demanded action on climate pandemic” requires the intervention
meeting today. They are pushing the lucrative medicines. change from oil companies, some Euro- at a global level of investors and govern- company to stick to World Health The WHO has warned that AMR is pean investors are ahead of the curve ments alike.

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Why we shouldn’t be so to the FT Editorial Complaints Commissioner:

anxious about anxiety Danger of growing use of biometric data is staring us in the face
Ben Hickey The Ada Lovelace Institute is of biometric data led by Matthew transport. Our research shows that the government’s proposals for regulation
concerned that Chris Philp, the Ryder KC, which found that existing UK public has significant reservations of artificial intelligence look only to
policing minister, is considering frameworks are inadequate, about the use of facial recognition by existing regulators and so provide no
(Report, May 16) expanding police use fragmented and failing to keep pace. private companies. meaningful further protection.
of facial recognition, including Crucially, this means the legality of Parliamentary committees, the The UK’s inaction stands in stark
integration into body-worn cameras. facial recognition for policing is highly biometrics commissioner and other contrast with the EU, which is passing
The use of biometric data, such as our uncertain. We believe “one-to-many” experts agree on the lack of adequate AI legislation, including a ban on
faces, fingerprints and voices, raises identification and categorisation in governance. The 2019 Conservative biometric identification in public
significant legal, ethical and societal public services should be halted until party manifesto promised that police spaces. We hope that the government
risks. This uniquely personal data can primary legislation is passed. technologies would be used safely will take the steps needed to establish
be used not only to identify, but also to However, this goes beyond policing. “within a strict legal framework”. the biometrics governance regime the
categorise and classify, inferring Biometrics are being used by public Yet the government hasn’t delivered, UK public so urgently needs.
characteristics such as gender and race. and private organisations, including and the data protection and digital Francine Bennett
Last year, we published an employers and schools, and in public information bill may become another Interim Director, The Ada Lovelace
independent review of the governance spaces, such as shops and public missed opportunity. Similarly, the Institute, London EC1, UK

German pension funds technical challenges. Tell that to John F Fine the water bosses what
positive or negative may have crucial Kennedy in 1962, when he set his
prefer the old reliables they take out in bonuses
Jemima implications for our wellbeing.
“Meta-anxiety — anxiety about John Thornhill (“Europe needs to
country a target to send men safely to
and from the moon within 10 years. Both Britain’s main political parties
Kelly anxiety — is exactly the thing that’s
destroying us,” Tracy Dennis-Tiwary,
‘Frankenstein’ its start-up sector”,
Opinion, May 19) makes a cogent point
Equipped with technology that had a
fraction of the power of a modern
had the opportunity to reform the
water industry. Both failed (“Water
a clinical psychologist and author of about the dearth of investment by smart phone, the US built a machine company dividends double to £1.4bn

Future Tense: Why Anxiety is Good For German pension funds into their own that travelled over 393,000km through despite sewage outflows anger”,
You (Even Though it Feels Bad), tells start-up sector. However, he omits to space, landed on and took off from the Report, May 9).
was once, as an intern, told by me. “That’s why we’re having this mention the old adage that “necessity moon, and returned three astronauts Fines are only effective if they are
a veteran reporter that if I was mental health crisis now. We’re is the mother of all invention”. safely. That happened in 1969. personally levied on the directors. The
ever asked the classic “What talking about it incorrectly.” The euro provides Germany with the Our moonshot is to build propulsion fines should equate to their bonuses.
do you think makes a good Dennis-Tiwary says that rather than European equivalent of the dollar’s units that allow travel over distance They award themselves unjustified
journalist?” question in a job trying to avoid anxiety, we should be “exorbitant privilege” but within the and heights akin to current generation bonuses. The government or the
interview, there was only one correct facing it to build skills and emotional eurozone, pumping cash into German commercial aircraft. Yes that is a regulator should cancel the bonuses
answer: paranoia. resilience that help us manage it. coffers and driving the German serious challenge and it will be costly, until they honour the investment to
I confess to having been somewhat Further, by framing it negatively, we industrial engine. but are we really suggesting that the renew our pipes and sewers, which has
perplexed at the time, but 10 years miss out on the opportunity to harness Why invest in risky start-ups when data processing and technology been promised every time prices have
later, I get it. I wasn’t being encouraged the more positive features it can there are safer and larger returns to be capabilities that exist across the been raised for the past 50 years.
to go around imagining that everyone bring: vigilance, focus, motivation and made from investing in older, more Americas, Europe and Asia are J L Fynaut
was out to get me. Rather, I was being a burst of energy that can help us reliable businesses, particularly if you incapable of meeting that challenge? London N10, UK
reminded of a journalist’s responsibil- perform at our best. are a risk-averse pension fund? A determination by governments
ity to publish accurate and fair infor- If we don’t always frame it as a nega- Michael Ledzion and the nous of the private sector
mation. It was a warning against tive, we can experience what some Cambridge, UK (Report,, May 22) is neatly worldwide is well capable of delivering OPINION ON FT.COM
complacency. A nudge, if you like, neuroscientists call “good anxiety”. proximate to the $260bn in 2020 pollution-free flying, and that will open Erdoğan is driving a high-performance car
towards the ditch
to hold on to a little bit of good old- “Good anxiety is situational, time-lim- Pollution-free flying money that America spent to send men a cornucopia of opportunity for the Turkey’s vigorous export-oriented private
fashioned anxiety. ited and very motivating,” Morra to the moon. aviation industry and its customers.
He needn’t have worried too much Aarons-Mele, author of The Anxious is no longer a pipe dream A narrative exists that suggests Joe Gill
sector economy is being threatened by
the president’s monetary chicanery, writes
about me: I’m fairly familiar with Achiever: Turn Your Biggest Fears Into Your article, “Aviation will need pollution-free flying is a fantasy that Director of Origination and Corporate Alan Beattie
anxiety’s pulse-quickening, breath- Your Leadership Superpower, tells me. €300bn for EU green hydrogen” cannot be attained due to intractable Broking, Goodbody, Dublin, Ireland
shortening charms, which extend to “It’s the anxiety that we need to do
my work. But he was also tapping into great things, and often the anxiety that

we feel because we care, because we’re
emotionally invested in the outcome,
By framing it negatively, because we want to be excellent.
Because we’re scared as hell, we
OUTLOOK round a wood-burning
stove in a shop in Bajram
families to small urban centres like
Barjam Curri. The shop’s website
stopped texting her husband to ask
permission to go out.
we miss out on the go for it.”
B A LK A N S Curri, northern Albania, a manager, Gerta, lived in the The shop’s next project is to create a
opportunity to harness its All of that is very well, you might circle of women work, countryside growing vegetables and network for women who earn a living
think, but given how cripplingly awful chat and swap photos of rearing sheep until her father decided by growing or gathering things: wild
more positive features anxiety can feel, how can we tap into their sons and husbands, almost all of to relocate to a dingy apartment in blueberries, blackberries or chestnuts.
the “good” variety when we are in the whom are in London. Of the 12,310 town in 2007. When he was unable to Before, these women would earn just
an idea that a growing body of
research is pointing to: anxiety is not
grips of its horror? One way is to
respond physiologically: doing
As jobless men Albanian migrants who went to the
UK last year on boats, an
find work, the family almost starved.
It’s common in these cases for
€10 for three days’ work from an
exploitative market collection point.
something we can or even should
always try to eradicate entirely, and
that we actually need a bit of it to
breathing exercises that let us know
we are safe by stimulating the
parasympathetic nervous system,
flee abroad, overwhelming majority were men
from this mountain region. They left
because of a lack of work or a sense of
women to become breadwinners using
“indoor skills” such as cleaning or
shopkeeping, says Catherine Bohne,
The ladies in the shop encouraged
them to make jam instead, which they
can sell for €5 a pot.
perform well, and even to help us lead
happy and fulfilling lives.
Of course, it should be said, beyond
or undertaking physical activity,
which releases feel-good endorphins
and serotonin.
Albanian boredom and hopelessness.
This exodus is transforming the
lives of the wives and mothers they
an Italian-American who has lived in
these mountains for 15 years and
helped set up the Bajram Curri shop.
For every success story, there are
still women who are starving, who
become victims of modern slavery, or
a certain point anxiety can become
debilitating, and clinical intervention
But another technique is something
that Harvard Business School psychol- women grasp left behind. At the Bajram Curri shop,
women gather to make food, produce
“Meanwhile men sit around drinking
rakia and feeling emasculated.”
who have to pay off debts for a son who
took a boat to London. But there are
is needed to deal with serious anxiety ogist Alison Wood Brooks has called handwoven clothes and jewellery, and Under communism, women were some positives for the next generation.
disorders. But we seem to live in a soci-
ety that is increasingly anxious about
“anxiety reappraisal”. When we are
feeling anxious, our bodies and brains
new freedoms draw hiking maps to sell to locals and
visitors. By keeping the home fires
active in the labour market but in the
1990s patriarchal norms resurfaced,
Mothers expecting their sons to leave
are likely to focus on their daughters’
anxiety’s very existence. are in a state of increased arousal and burning they’ve created precisely pushing women back inside the studies. In 2021, 71 per cent of
It was the theme of last week’s alertness similar to — and sometimes what their men lacked: a social life, a homes, especially in more remote university enrolments in Albania were
mental health awareness week, run by indistinguishable from — excitement. source of income, and hope. parts of the country. Now, men slip women, up from 58 per cent the decade
the Mental Health Foundation. On the Our heart rate quickens, adrenaline Despite a recent boom in tourism, away quietly — many who leave before. Meanwhile male participation
foundation’s “anxiety statistics” page surges and we prepare ourselves for Albania’s chronic jobs shortage is still simply go into town carrying a T-shirt in the labour force has declined
we are told that in 2022-2023, 37 per action. Brooks’ research suggests that driving men away. Economic in a plastic bag and don’t come back. steadily over the past 30 years.
cent of women and 30 per cent of men reframing anxiety with simple tweaks conditions are nothing like as desperate “Often the men don’t send money Two hours away from Bajram Curri,
in Great Britain reported high levels of — such as saying “I’m feeling excited” as they were under communism, but back for ages because they owe debts in Shtiqën village outside Kukës, lives
anxiety, up from 22 per cent and 18 per rather than “I’m feeling anxious” — the transition to a prosperous market to human traffickers or they can’t Naze, 89, with her daughter and three
cent respectively from 2012 to 2015 — can be surprisingly effective. economy is proving long and hard. make enough doing manual labour. granddaughters. Since her sons and
a rise often attributed to increased Of course, when anxiety has The country has some of the lowest The women left behind just have to grandsons are all in London, she
social media use, as well as worries reached a point at which it is difficult wages and highest living costs in the get on with things,” Bohne says. focuses her energies on her girls
about external threats from climate to go about daily life, such techniques Balkans. A proposed minimum wage This can bring new freedoms in its instead, and “not just finding them a
change, AI and pandemics. Above the are unlikely to be sufficient. But if we will be insufficient to meet surging wake. Gerta has learnt tech skills from wealthy husband”, she says proudly.
statistics, there is a warning: “This experience it at a more moderate inflation: in 2021-22, Albanians spent running the website and will go to Naze’s nine-year-old granddaughter
content mentions anxiety, which level, we should try to see it for what it as much as 60 per cent of their income university next year. Lida, the shop greets me shyly in English. “She
some people may find triggering.” is: a normal, even healthy human on food alone, explained Andi Hoxhaj, manager, was confined to the house studies hard,” says Naze. “One day,
But what if part of the problem is emotion that our very survival as a a western Balkans specialist at by her husband until he left to find she will be president of Albania.”
that we are thinking about anxiety the species has relied upon. If you’re never University College London. work in Belgium. With four kids to
wrong way? A study published in anxious, you’re probably not alive. Lured by rumours of easier raise alone, she made jewellery to sell, The writer is a reporter based in the
Emotion, a peer-reviewed journal, in by Camilla Bell-Davies lifestyles, farmers moved their gained confidence and eventually Balkans
March found that judging emotions as
Thursday 25 May 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 15

Don’t treat crypto like gambling — even if it is largely pointless Europe must
take defence
social purpose”. The right thing to do to
protect consumers, it suggested, was to
murky. Spread betting and other types
of leveraged trading are taxed as
gambling-like harm, says Zarb-Cousin.
But better to incorporate protections
This is also true internationally. The
US crackdown rests on protecting inves- innovation
regulate this activity as gambling. gambling but regulated by the Financial such as self-exclusion tools into the tors using the same securities laws and
This was dismissive, appealing and,
I think, wrong. The committee has
Conduct Authority. Adverts for betting
platforms prominently display that
tougher financial framework.
Dividing responsibility between
standards as for the rest of finance:
“There’s no reason to treat the crypto
a point about utility. You can be open- 80 per cent of retail accounts lose money, regulators would be a mistake. The market differently just because differ-
minded about the potential for distrib- an at-source version of the FCA’s warn- crypto universe doesn’t neatly split into ent technology is used,” said SEC chair

uted ledger technology, or even stable- ings in the absence of more powers. conceivably useful and definitely point- Gary Gensler last year. Iosco, the co-or-
coins and central bank digital currency, Meanwhile, UK gambling regulation less. A split is an invitation for regula- dinating body for global securities regu- Nathan
ven the heat of Miami can’t and still think cryptocurrencies have is still trying to catch up with the inven- tory arbitrage. And the intersection of lators, this week called for watchdogs to
warm a crypto winter. totally failed to demonstrate their use- crypto with mainstream finance should move faster in establishing a “level Benaich
The faithful descended on fulness, as a store of value, medium of be of as much interest to regulators as playing field between cryptoassets and

Florida last weekend for the
world’s “biggest bitcoin
exchange or tool for financial inclusion.
“The industry still does a very bad job of
UK regulation of the betting the tokens themselves.
The committee’s report seems
traditional financial markets”, includ-
ing breaking up crypto firms where
event”. Only half as many made the explaining things,” says Oliver Linch, industry is still trying to unlikely to prompt a change of direction services including broking, trading and he way we fight wars is
journey as in 2022. Some of the buzz and chief executive of Bittrex Global. “It’s catch up with the invention from the government, which in Febru- custody are combined in a way that changing. We’ve all seen
meme coins were gone. So was the sense been wink wink . . . if you know, you ary followed Europe and other jurisdic- would be unacceptable elsewhere. the images from Ukraine
of indestructibility, after a year in which know, to the moon nonsense.” of the smartphone tions such as Hong Kong in proposing to All signs to date — from Binance’s of miles-long Russian tank
some of crypto’s biggest names cratered The committee’s concern was that regulate crypto under the UK’s existing troubles in securing licences, to the low convoys being picked apart
and US agencies launched a slew of financial regulation would mean a “halo tion of the smartphone. It is “not fit for financial services framework. success rate for UK anti-money laun- by cheap drones. And as early as 2010,
enforcement actions in the sector. effect” for that kind of guff, giving a false purpose”, says Matt Zarb-Cousin, who That doesn’t make it insignificant. dering registration — suggest that large the Stuxnet worm wreaked havoc with
There was a cold blast from Westmin- sense of safety — a legitimate concern. campaigns to clean up gambling. This After much excitable talk about the UK parts of the crypto world, even those Iran’s nuclear programme.
ster last week too, where an influential But “to say it’s gambling makes no sense year’s gambling reform proposals as a “global crypto hub”, the mood has eager for the warm glow of accredita- Considering the rapid growth of the
parliamentary committee suggested legally”, says Marc Jones, partner at belatedly pledge controls on free bets shifted — a shift that, oddly, this latest tion, will struggle to clear basic hurdles, European tech ecosystem in recent
that crypto was, not disruptive or rene- Stewarts Law firm, noting the owner- and other inducements. The FCA sent broadside could reinforce. Crypto will let alone a like-for-like standard. As years, Europe’s absent track record in
gade, but worse: borderline irrelevant. ship aspect to cryptoassets. Nor would it shares in spread-betters tumbling in increasingly be asked to play by the the crypto winter lifts, it won’t just be defence innovation is striking. A new
Unbacked cryptoassets, said the be likely to result in effective regulation. 2016 with leverage limits and bans on rules of mainstream finance. The com- conference audiences that have shrunk. €1bn Nato initiative will provide finance
Treasury select committee, had “no The dividing line between financial account bonuses and promotions. mittee is unlikely to be pushing for a for future deep-tech start-ups, but so
intrinsic value” and served “no useful regulation and gambling is already Crypto (and spread betting) can cause lighter touch in the name of innovation. far the continent’s sole tech champion,
Helsing, is almost entirely backed by
one investment company.
Artificial intelligence is already dis-
Ellie Foreman-Peck
rupting defence and Europe has to
decide whether it wants to embrace this

Beware Musk’s challenge or outsource it. While out-

sourcing might be easier in the short
term, it means leaving control of strate-
gically important technology in the
hands of others, including autocracies.

European venture capital is failing to
go after the hardest problems. Democ-
racy won’t defend itself with the next
grocery-delivery app. While Andrees-
sen Horowitz’s American Dynamism
project may have been mocked by some

libertarianism in Europe, no one has been brave

enough to start an equivalent drive for
a “European Dynamism”.
VC has a crucial role to play in
defence. In the US, venture-backed
companies such as Palantir and Anduril
have achieved significant scale. Euro-
be allowed to do what he wants, his pean VCs, however, have swerved the
AMERICA philosophical confusion ceases to mat- sector out of ethical discomfort, opting
ter. The same applies to many in his to avoid difficult questions, rather than
Edward cohort, such as Peter Thiel, Ken Griffin make the case to both their backers
and Charles Koch. Watch what they do,
Luce not what they say. Many of them sub-
scribe to the outlook on life of Ayn There is a lack of political

Rand’s epic individualist John Galt, the
fictional character in Atlas Shrugged, courage, a reluctance to
uture generations might say whose selfishness is presented as heroic. make choices and a
that the big event of 2023 was This novel’s message is that extreme
when Elon Musk thought of selfishness can be extremely moral. culture of penny-pinching
TruthGPT — the “maximum Some of Musk’s fellow billionaires
truth-seeking AI” he plans to support Donald Trump, who is the most often convenient amnesia. Musk’s success in winning an Ohio Senate society on earth. Twitter is blocked in and their own teams on why this field is
launch. Musk is many things — brilliant un-libertarian figure in US politics. If Tesla, for example, received $465mn of seat last year. Both Thiel and Vance are China. But Tesla has a large plant in important. Meanwhile, many European
engineer, massive risk-taker, overgrown the former president is re-elected next taxpayers’ stimulus money in 2009. The admirers of Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s Shanghai and is planning to open limited partner agreements rule out
adolescent. One thing he is not is some- year, he has promised to pass a federal research that resulted in Google’s search self-styled illiberal prime minister. another. “I’ll say what I want to say and defence investments altogether.
one who can be trusted with a technol- ban on abortion, deport millions of ille- engine was funded by the National Sci- Musk has converted Twitter into his if the consequence of that is losing But governments also have a responsi-
ogy that could assume God-like influ- gal immigrants and impose a loyalty test ence Foundation in the 1990s. They idea of a free-speech platform. He money, then so be it,” said Musk when bility to nurture this evolving sector. I’ve
ence over our lives. Nor is anyone for on federal employees. He has vowed to seem like small numbers today but they alleged Twitter was censored by liberals asked about his comments on Soros. come across entrepreneurs working on
that matter. But the point about billion- be America’s “retribution”. were decisive when these big fish were prior to his $44bn acquisition last year. That was badly misleading. Musk can critical challenges, whether in multi-
aire libertarians is that they have the Little of this fits with commonsensical minnows. To be sure, there were instances where tolerate losses on his Twitter vanity sensor perception or drone technology,
money to do whatever they want. ideas of freedom. Many plausibly argue Libertarian free speech values are flags were put on tweets that went project. But he has bet the farm on whose businesses live under a constant
There are roughly eight billion rea- that Trump’s return would spell the end also selective. Among democracies, the against the rapidly evolving science on Tesla. Criticising China would put existential threat — from their own cus-
sons why the rest of humanity should of US liberal democracy. Not much of US is unique in interpreting any curb Covid, such as mask wearing, for exam- Tesla’s business model in jeopardy. tomers in national governments.
find that disquieting. We could start this seems to bother the libertarians. on election spending as an attack on ple. Its guidelines were often arbitrary. Musk, like Thiel, has the right to say The industry is hamstrung by lengthy
with the most basic: American liber- Trump, of course, enacted the largest free speech. That means people like Now, however, it is turning into a vehi- what he likes and invest his money procurement procedures that favour
tarians should rarely be taken at face corporate tax cut in US history — a $2tn Musk have infinitely more speech than cle for Musk’s id. Last week he tweeted where he wants. Nothing in America entrenched incumbents. Challengers
value. measure that disproportionately bene- the average person. There are no limits that George Soros, the liberal billion- is seriously threatening that. But this find themselves fighting for small
They generally share two characteris- fited the super-rich. That Musk is this on what they can contribute to their aire, was a menace to civilisation: He does not give him the right to be taken exploratory projects with poor conver-
tics. The first is that they are rich. It is as week hosting Ron DeSantis’s presiden- favourite causes or candidates. Peter “hates humanity”, said Musk. Soros seriously. sion to large-scale contracts. This makes
rare to find an impoverished libertarian tial launch on Twitter is a nuance. The Thiel’s $15mn was critical to JD Vance’s demonisation is a sure sign you are fall- The sooner people see Musk’s politi- it hard to build a business sustainably.
as it is to find a wealthy socialist. The Florida governor wants to be Trump ing into dark conspiratorialism. See cal motives for what they are, not what It’s unsurprising that investors are
second reason is that their libertarian- without the personal drama. Orbán, Russian president Vladimir he claims them to be, the better for soci- reluctant to back the sector.
ism rarely stretches beyond their per-
sonal freedoms, especially the liberty
Most billionaires, whether on the left
or the right, think that they got rich
He is not someone who can Putin or Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s
ety’s mental health. Even if he were
right about government’s failings,
These failings stem from a cultural
issue in European innovation.
not to be taxed. Other people’s freedom because government stayed out of the be trusted with technology Musk’s love of free speech vanishes Washington needs to put a titanium First, there is a lack of political cour-
is their own lookout. way. You hear this account as much that could assume God-like when it comes to China. I challenge fence around AI. age. Partnering with early stage busi-
Once you accept that Musk’s world from Mark Zuckerberg’s liberal friends readers to find one critical thing Musk nesses risks governments investing in
view seems to be that he should as from conservatives. However, this is influence over our lives has said about the most censored big technologies that may not succeed. It
also means, in some European coun-
tries, diversifying away from manufac-
turers in which they own significant
stakes. Considering the major defence

Bank of England needs to improve its communication on inflation companies’ dismal track record of deliv-
ery, viewing them as the “safe” option is
perverse. The UK’s £5.5bn Ajax tank
from General Dynamics — which is run-
ning six years late and beset with flaws
a path for an independent central exacerbated by food and energy price society’s behalf. The risks of higher and fiscal policy, this is unfortunate. — is just one example of such pro-
Jagjit bank in the second quarter of the 21st shocks. and lower inflation include assessments Although it is highly desirable to have grammes running into difficulty.
Chadha century. We neither emphasised the size of of the transmission of policy and a co-operative relationship between the Second, there is a reluctance to make
First, we need to focus BoE resources these shocks nor their specificity to the the response to a decisive shift of Treasury and the BoE, the political choices. European countries should bet
on understanding inflation, perhaps UK. As a result, we were not sufficiently regime, which would mean perma- antennae of the former should not be bigger on a small number of key tech-

even renaming the worthy quarterly clear about the need to signal an early nently higher interest rates. It is reduc- transmitting a signal to the latter. nologies. While hardware is important,
Monetary Policy Report the Inflation start to the normalisation of monetary tive to translate that task of risk man- The BoE needs to focus on the plumb- we will never be able to outproduce the
ince it was granted opera- Report once again. And we must reiter- policy, which was too often conflated agement into a single interest rate ing of monetary and financial markets US or China. However, being relatively
tional independence, the ate that inflation is neither temporary with tightening. choice every few weeks. without any suggestion of interference smaller makes it easier for European
Bank of England has had an nor permanent; it is controlled by the The situation in the US, for example, a Rather, the central bank needs to spell from the other side of town. militaries to digitally transform them-
honourable record in control- central bank, which responds to the out the path of rates required to manage And so the government and the selves.
ling inflation. Its Monetary shocks given the structure of the econ- those different risks. Or at the very Treasury should have been warned not Finally, we are plagued by a culture of
Policy Committee met its inflation
target in the quarter century from May
omy and the instruments at its disposal.
That does not mean that we should
The institution’s least allow external members of the
MPC to set out their thinking at press
to be tempted to take credit for any fall
in inflation.
penny-pinching. Vast sections of our
economy are being rebuilt ground-up,
1997 to May 2022. But as has been well become inflation zealots; the MPC can job is to explain conferences. That so many of these risks Unfortunately, it is also clear that the AI-first. This work is crucial but it is not
documented in the past year, it seems to choose to move gradually in response to and manage risks are financial in nature strengthens the level of public understanding of infla- cheap. Europe’s low levels of uncoordi-
have blotted its copybook. an inflation shock if it judges that output case to merge the MPC with the BoE’s tion, interest rates and debt is not where nated defence spending have already
Inflation has peaked in double digits or employment would be too violently on society’s behalf Financial Policy Committee. it ought to be. Some 30 years ago, the given rise to under-investment of about
and the figures just announced for this affected by an immediate return to Fourth, there is a perception that the BoE did a sterling job in explaining the €160bn, compared to 2008 spending
April fell much less than the BoE had price stability. large producer of oil and food, was quite BoE has been taken over by the Treas- case for price stability. The MPC and levels.
forecast. It seems likely to stay above Second, we desperately need the right different and our rates need not have ury since the financial crisis. External central bank can do more now by hold- The first waves of AI progress stemmed
target for the rest of this year and the narrative to communicate clearly to followed the same path. and internal MPC members have been ing their policy meetings as set-piece from 20th century co-operation between
next, raising the strong possibility of market participants and to households, Third, we need to move away from appointed by the Treasury, with the events around the country. industry, investors and government in
monetary policy having to induce a who have been shocked by the rapid one model, one forecast and one interest bank increasingly providing a kind of This would not only support regional the US. Europe will need to summon up
recession to attain price stability for the increase in the bank rate. rate choice. Models are nearly always retirement home for former Treasury economies but also promote a national similar ambition and collaboration to
first time since the early 1990s. The UK is a small open economy wrong but they have their uses. And, by officials. focal point for the BoE’s vital work. succeed in the 21st.
No doubt some mistakes have been with a supply side hampered by the and large, that is to help us think about At a time when excessive levels
made, but what is just as important are effects of Brexit and labour and supply risks. It is the central bank’s job to of quantitative easing have been blur- The writer is director of the National Insti- The writer is a general partner of Air Street
the lessons we need to learn in setting chain shortages that have, in turn, been explain and manage those risks on ring the boundary between monetary tute of Economic and Social Research Capital and co-author of the State of AI report
16 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 May 2023

SSE: the hum of the parts

The UK energy group was left with three main businesses after selling its British household supply division in
2020. It plans to drive growth in energy networks and renewables through an upgraded £18bn five-year
investment plan. SSE shares have performed well in the past year.

SSE’s ebitda by division SSE has an £18bn plan to SSE has had a good year
Twitter: @FTLex Adjusted operating profit (£mn) expand renewables capacity Share prices* (rebased)
2023 2022 Renewable Networks regulated 10
capacity asset value
Networks Gigawatts £bn SSE*
Executive pay: Whether Huang is over or
underpaid, given the broader wealth
16 20
Euro Stoxx
marked men creation under his tenure, is a question 14
0 Utilities top of the vlops
for shareholders. But, in future, Renewables
The US Securities and Exchange working through the tedious maths 12 15 Nick Clegg arrived at Facebook in 2018
Commission wants shareholders to becomes the company’s responsibility. National Grid
as the social media company’s Euro-
register when executives receive 10 -10 whisperer. The hope was that the
windfall pay packages. But a change in Thermal and gas storage former deputy British prime minister
8 10
remuneration disclosure formulas
could unintentionally reveal them
Property tech: and European parliament member
could woo overseas regulators and help
theoretically owing the company. flipping out 6
-20 mend the company’s image. Five years
Last year, the SEC instituted a new Other businesses including
4 5 on, UK and European regulators have
rule requiring annual proxy filings, There is a stalemate in the US corporate unallocated only become more aggressive.
before annual shareholder meetings to residential property market. Many city 2 This week, parent Meta was given
elect directors, to include disclosures centre office blocks are empty. -30 two bills. First, a €1.2bn fine over data
on “pay versus performance”. Starting Developers disdain turning them into 0 0 May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May privacy from Ireland’s Data Protection
this year, listed US companies must put housing at scale. Higher interest rates -200 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 2022 2027 2032 2022 2023 Commission. Second, an estimated
their total shareholder return numbers make mortgages less affordable. Sellers FT graphic Source: SSE/FT research Source: company Source: Capital IQ * In local currency $260mn loss on the forced sale of
alongside executive pay. They must refuse to countenance price cuts. animated image search engine Giphy
also lay out clearly the measures used The hiatus is weighing on housing Eighteen months ago SSE was in the £2.2bn. UK gas-fired power plants help strong performance also means SSE by the UK’s Competition and Markets
to determine remuneration. technology companies. Seattle-based eye of a storm. These can knock to meet electricity demand when will no longer have to sell a stake in Authority. The arrival of the EU’s
Add to those disclosures Redfin’s shares are down 90 per cent down electricity lines, less so power renewables cannot. SSE Thermal also its electricity distribution network Digital Services Act raises the odds of
“compensation actually paid”. In past from its 2021 high. Zillow stock has plants. Activists nevertheless wanted owns gas storage facilities. business to fund its investments. more. “Very large online platforms”, or
proxy filings, a typical summary pay fallen 77 per cent. Venture capital- to break it up. Boss Alistair Phillips- Profits growth at SSE’s renewables Do not expect blue skies vlops, such as Meta face the toughest
table would show the value of cash and backed funding for so-called proptech Davies can feel justifiably warm and business — which was at the heart of throughout. SSE still has to deal with obligations for content moderation.
shares. But the equity component’s dropped more than a third year on year dry after holding firm. spin-off calls — ironically suffered due rising supply chain costs. Indeed, Meta has received a bigger fine from
worth would reflect a share price at the in 2022, says the Center for Real Estate Arguments for a break-up centred to insufficiently windy conditions last £2bn of the upgrade to its investment US regulators in the past. But they have
grant date. If the stock price rocketed Technology & Innovation. on SSE’s “inefficient” structure. Yet year. A UK windfall tax on low-carbon plan accounts for this. New projects never forced it to unwind an
up, under the previous reporting A market rebound this year is its diversity helped last year as electricity generators cost it £43mn. in the UK are also facing hold-ups in acquisition. Yet, like the gif (graphics
regime, pay would be understated. unlikely. Mortgage applications hover Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shook up Less diverse companies, such as securing grid connections. SSE does interchange format) of Homer
Or, in the case of Nvidia’s chief at a three-decade low, says the energy markets. Today its shares Denmark’s Ørsted, have fared less well. lack exposure to the US, where clean Simpson disappearing into a hedge, the
executive, overstated. The Mortgage Bankers Association. Despite trade on a forward earnings multiple SSE wants to grow all three of its energy companies are flocking to impact of Giphy’s sale will be minimal.
semiconductor high-flyer’s shares lost the slowdown, hesitant sellers mean of more than 12.5 times, cheaper than units, including its UK regulated take advantage of the Inflation The idea that gifs could increase
about half their value in the US tech median prices fell just 3.3 per cent in some European peers such as electricity networks. It upgraded Reduction Act. Nevertheless, SSE Meta’s power now seems absurd thanks
crash of 2022. Jensen Huang, its CEO, March year on year, according to Iberdrola on 16 times, as well as investment plans to spend £18bn by shares have fared well so far this year, to the speed with which they have
had “actually paid” remuneration of a Redfin’s own data. But lack of National Grid at 15.7 times. 2026-27, although half of this will go rising 12 per cent. The chill wind of fallen out of favour online. Gifs do not
negative $4mn, relative to the inventory means the property market SSE’s thermal generation business towards networks. Previously, SSE had break-up calls could return. But for have a place in the company’s pivot to
originally reported value of $21.3mn. is unlikely to repeat its financial crisis- contributed most to adjusted annual been targeting £12.5bn of capital now SSE should have done enough to the virtual reality of the metaverse and
Companies are quick to point out era slump. Buyer demand remains pre-tax profits, up 89 per cent to investment by 2025-26. Last year’s silence its critics. Meta has already shut Giphy’s small
that even these marked-to-market high. If Redfin and Zillow can cut costs, advertising business. The sale of Giphy
figures are not the final word. Until they can ride out the stagnant market. to Shutterstock, even at a loss, chimes
shares fully vest, and are sold, realised Both have quit the pricey house- with Meta’s “year of efficiency”. The
pay remains hypothetical. Companies flipping market, in which companies operating costs, mortgages could be the previous year, the fourth straight devices. Yet in China, Apple has a loss is not life-threatening for a
have also complained that the new buy properties, make repairs and list third-largest part of the business and quarter of double-digit declines, stronghold. Shipments there more than company with $40bn in cash and
rules are unnecessarily onerous. them for a higher price. Both have the only one to report a profit. according to Canalys data. Notebook doubled to 2.5mn units. marketable securities. The digital ads
But increased executive pay shrunk their workforces, too. Redfin shipments suffered the largest decline, Lenovo needs alternative growth business in Europe and the UK merits
information has been mandated by expects a net loss of $35mn in the falling 34 per cent compared with the engines. Its operating margins are less the cost of regulator compliance.
Dodd-Frank reform laws enacted in the second quarter on revenues of $275mn, Personal computers: 28 per cent drop for desktops. These than 5 per cent. That explains its cheap Year-on-year losses from metaverse
wake of the financial crisis. A few years according to Visible Alpha, down from are now below their 2018 nadir. valuation, now at eight times forward development unit Reality Labs are
ago, the SEC required companies to a loss of $78mn the previous year. reboot required Yesterday, Lenovo’s earnings miss earnings, at the low end of its already predicted to rise this year, exceeding
compare the median employee pay to Rising rates could offer a chance to underscored this. The world’s leading depressed three-year range. $13.7bn. Yet Meta’s ebitda margin is
that of the boss. At Nvidia, the typical expand mortgage sales and services by When the iPad first went on sale in maker reported a 24 per cent revenue Expanding into smartphones, forecast to hit a five-year high thanks
worker made a healthy $228,000 using data to develop appealing digital 2010, pessimists proclaimed the end of drop for the first quarter. Net income servers and IT services businesses to a bump in revenues alongside a staff
annually, though the chief executive products. Strengthening ties between the laptop era. Ten iPad generations fell 72 per cent to $114mn. The latest helps; these make up about 40 per cent reduction and other cost cuts. Clegg
took home nearly 100 times that sum. property agents and home loans is key. later and that prediction has yet to results mark its third straight quarter of group revenues. But competition may not be able to change the direction
The data reveals that large stock Mortgages are a small, lossmaking materialise. But plunging sales over the of declines. Shares fell 8 per cent. here is fiercer than for PCs. of regulator intervention. But Meta’s
grants can, unsurprisingly, be volatile. part of Redfin’s business. But it is past year suggest that the laptop’s end Weak sales figures in China, the Laptops remain ever-present in the ability to keep its global advertising
In the previous two years, Huang’s growing fast. Some 20 per cent of approaches more rapidly than ever. world’s biggest market, only pile on the workplace. But a lasting shift away customers happy matters more.
stated pay was just over $40mn in Redfin homebuyers use it for a The global personal computer bad news. Shipments in mainland from these tools would mean makers of
total. But, on a market value basis, that mortgage. If it can lift this “attach rate” market has contracted for years, yet China fell by a quarter. Meanwhile, accessories such as displays should Lex on the web
figure was above $180mn due to to 30 per cent, it might add another many workers still rely on them. In the total tablet shipments climbed 40 per offer better profitability than For notes on today’s stories
Nvidia’s strong share price $20mn or so of revenue. Redfin’s first quarter, shipments of desktops cent during the same period. Lenovo computers themselves. The shutdown go to
performance during that period. challenge is clear: if it can keep a lid on and notebooks fell a third over the does have a strong line-up of tablet of laptops is nigh.

No 17,424 Set by BRADMAN

1 Network supplying power brand of vehicle

4 Attempt to restrict one cunning form of
  government by a few (8)
9 Restrict soldiers at home repeatedly (4,2)
 10 Aim of those dyeing hair? Let’s not be
nasty! (2,2,4)
  12 Like a mirror offering great views maybe
— but no cat reflected in it! (8)
 13 Emerging from Thessalonica, the national
goddess (6)
15 Fruit something squishy? Chop off front
bit (4)
16 One’s often raised game after inconclusive
 result (10)
19 Ultimately you cannot act badly as
   someone dealing with money (10)
20 Post — preserve with touch of bitumen (4)
 23 After deficiency, you set about servant (6)
25 In a little time gather very English group
   to support cause (8)
27 Omen gets mistaken for precious object

28 Punishment for caging the Spanish
moggy? (6)
  29 Spies little fellow and expresses sorrow (8)
30 Garish old carriage with wooden interior


1 Soldier’s nothing left to provide cover (7)

2 I’m pierced, suffering in outer layer of skin
3 One-off HE establishment — what you get
JOTTER PAD in Paris (6)
5 Beginning to be a fine England cricketer
6 After drink a Conservative becomes
Solution 17,423 unpredictable (8)
7 East End gangster brothers reportedly in
0 $ 7 7 ( 5 2 ) & 2 8 5 6 ( frenzy (5)
, 5 0 2 % $ 9 8 By Jove, fellow’s travelling north some
6 & 2 5 ( 7 8 5 1 6 7 , / ( distance! (7)
7 2 7 5 ( ( 6 1 11 Orange transport for conveying book
5 ( 3 / , & $ 6 ( 5 3 ( 1 7
collection (7)
14 Actress cutting final performance short (7)
, 6 & 1 + 9 6 17 People who are a bit too ‘sugary’? (9)
$ & + ( ( 6 & $ 3 ( ( 6 18 Search with soldiers to get hold of a
/ , * ' ( 6 Roman official (8)
3 $ 3 ( 5 % 2 < . 1 2 7 19 Said everything with nasty edge (7)
0 5 ( : % 7 5 21 One that’s charged with infliction of
, 0 3 , 2 8 6 , ' 2 / , 6 (
violence (7)
22 Noisy festivities including a show (6)
' $ 9 6 1 2 0 $ 24 Political groups providing money, mostly
* $ 7 + ( 5 , 1 * % 5 ( $ . You can now solve our crosswords to accommodate politician (5)
( , 5 9 2 1 ( in the new FT crossword app at 26 Enthusiastic knight moving forward? This
7 5 2 8 % / ( 6 + 2 2 7 ( 5* is bent before monarch (4)

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