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A minor Report

Assessment of Insurance Buying Behaviour post covid.

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Supervisor Submitted By
Ravi Sonkar
Dr Abhijeet Singh MBA Semester – II
(Professor, IM BHU) Session: 2022-23
Enrolment no- 450731
Dr Arun Kumar Deshmukh University Roll no-22423MBA039
(Assistant Professor, IM BHU)




I could not have finished this project without the assistance of many
people. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt
gratitude to each and every one of them. It gives me great pleasure to
thank everyone who has inspired and helped me in order for me to
complete this task successfully.
First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our
MBA department's esteemed Assistant Professor Arun Kumar
Deshmukh sir for assigning me this project, providing me with the
necessary guidance and encouragement, and assisting me in
completing the project report.
I would also like to thank esteemed Prof. Abhijeet Singh sir, whose
timely advice, recommendations, and support enabled me to move
forward with the project's preparation in the right direction.
I would additionally like to thank my family and friends for their
unquestioning support and encouragement throughout this effort.

Ravi Sonkar


I hereby declare that the project report titled " Assessment of Insurance
Buying Behaviour post covid" submitted as a minor project is entirely
based on my own research conducted during the course of my studies
under the supervision of Professor Dr Abhijeet Singh and Dr Arun Kumar
Deshmukh (Assistant Professor). I claim that the statements made and
conclusions reached are the result of my project work.


This is to certify that the report entitled “Assessment of Insurance Buying Behaviour
post covid by Ravi Sonkar was carried out under my supervision as a part of his
curriculum under the subject Minor Project as a part of the award of Degree in Master of
Business Administration– II Semester of Institute of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi. To the best of my knowledge this report is an outcome of the
candidate’s individual efforts. I wish all the success to the candidate.

Dr Abhijeet Singh
(Professor, Department of MBA, IM BHU)

Dr Arun Kumar Deshmukh

(Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, IM BHU)

Table of Content
Abstract 1
Introduction 2
Literature review 3
Research methodology 10
Data analysis and interpretation 12
Findings and conclusion 19
Limitations 20
References 21
Appendix 22


Insurance has always been regarded as the most important tool in

financial planning. However, in the aftermath of the global
pandemic, the importance of health insurance has become even
clearer and more widely recognized. Because of the higher rate of
inflation in medical expenses, there is a growing need for health
insurance in the current scenario. However, despite the heightened
awareness of the need for health insurance, there are still barriers
that influence the youth's in purchasing the health insurance. The
goal of this study was to identify the barriers that prevent young
people from purchasing health insurance after COVID-19. The study
was based on the primary data which was collected through
questioners. A random sampling technique was used, and 119
respondents were recruited for the study. The primary goal of this
study was to investigate the barriers to purchasing health insurance
after COVID-19 among youth. To fulfil this objective chi square test
was performed. The following are the factors that prevent young
people from purchasing health insurance Cost, Lack of perceived
need, Lack of knowledge, Claim Settlement, Terms and Conditions
are all factors to considered. According to the findings of the study,
the cost is the most frequently cited barrier to purchasing health
insurance among young people this is as because many of the young
people are starting their careers or studying in college and may
have limited financial resources, making it difficult for them to
afford the health insurances premiums.


Health insurance is an essential tool that provides financial protection against

the high cost of healthcare. However, despite the importance of health
insurance, many young adults face barriers when it comes to purchasing it. The
purpose of this report is to examine the barriers that prevent young adults
from purchasing health insurance. In particular, we will focus on the reasons
why young adults are not purchasing health insurance, the consequences of
not having health insurance, and potential solutions to increase the number of
young adults with health insurance.

In this report, we will analyse data from various sources to identify the most
common barriers that prevent young adults from purchasing health insurance.
Additionally, we will highlight the potential consequences of not having health
insurance, such as increased financial burden and reduced access to

The findings of this report will be useful for policymakers, healthcare providers,
and insurance companies in developing strategies to increase health insurance
coverage among young adults. By addressing the barriers that prevent young
adults from purchasing health insurance, we can improve access to healthcare
and ensure that more people have the financial protection they need to stay


Dr. D.Y Patil, Dr. Kamini Khanna, Veena Kotel This paper focuses on the
Consumer perception of health insurance during covid-19, Pandemic. The
methods of collecting the data are primary source and the random sampling
technique is used to collect the data the number of respondents taken 200.
The methods used is Descriptive The prime objective of this research is to
identify the factors that influence the consumer perception towards the health
insurance during covid-19. Analysis tools is used to full fill the objective.
There are several factors that influence the buying behaviour of the health
insurance that are as follows (Awareness, tax benefits, claim settlement ratio,
Relationship of insurance companies with customer).
The awareness about the insurance of respondents is divide into two
categories Male and female.
Females are becoming aware about the health insurance from the television
whereas Male are getting knowledge from their friends and colleagues.
One fact is also reviled that whether the person is of from low-income group or
high-income group it used to buy the health insurance as to minimized their
medical cost as after this pandemic.
As after doing the study one fact also comes in light that before Pandemic
people are using health insurance as tax saving whereas after pandemic the
people used health insurance as investments. which is good opportunity for
the insurance companies to catch it.
The limitation of this research paper is as the data set is small it can be
escalated. This research paper is useful as insurance companies can used some
more techniques to make awareness of health insurance just like using
WhatsApp and other social media
Sindhuja R and Dr.M.P. Kumaran This paper focuses on the Preference of
Customer buying Behaviour and their Decision on the Life insurance. The
methods of collecting the data are primary and Secondary Source the
Convenient sampling method is adopted for the purpose of study and the
number of respondents taken 110. The methods used is exploratory and
descriptive based study. The prime objective of this research is to identify

those factors which influence customers policy buying decision and also
analyse the preferences of customers while life policy investment decision-
making. The study also found that customers in Coimbatore city are highly
influenced by the brand image and reputation of life insurance companies.
Companies with a strong brand image, high levels of customer service, and a
good reputation for claim settlement are more likely to attract customers.
Customers in Coimbatore city prefer to purchase life insurance policies through
agents, followed by online channels. Customers value the advice and guidance
provided by agents in selecting the right policy. Such as age, gender, education
level, and income significantly influence customer buying behaviour in the life
insurance industry in Coimbatore city. Younger customers with higher levels of
education and income are more likely to purchase life insurance policies. The
findings of this study can help life insurance companies develop effective
marketing strategies to attract and retain customers in Coimbatore city.
Ludvik Eger, Lenka Komarkova, Dana Egerova, Michal Micik This paper
focuses on studies that looked at the impact of COVID-19 on consumer
shopping behaviour from a generational cohort standpoint. Data is collected
using quota sampling methods. The primary goal of this study is to provide
retailers and wholesalers with an overview of changing consumer behaviour
and their needs during Covid 19. Due to health concerns, Baby Boomers have
reduced their frequency of shopping in physical stores. They are also more
likely to use online shopping and home delivery services, but they prioritise
product quality and dependability. According to a Generation X study, during
the pandemic, Generation X consumers increased their use of online shopping
and home delivery services. They are also more likely to stock up on necessities
and prioritise health and safety when making purchases. During the pandemic,
Generation Z consumers shifted their shopping behaviour to online platforms
and social media, according to a Generation Z study. They also place a
premium on authenticity and social responsibility when making purchasing
decisions. Overall, these studies suggest that different generational cohorts
reacted differently to the COVID-19 pandemic's changes. Younger generations,
such as Generation Z, are more likely to shop online because they value
convenience, sustainability, and social responsibility. Older generations, such
as baby boomers, have reduced their physical store visits in favour of health
and safety, quality, and dependability. These findings can assist businesses in
tailoring their marketing strategies to meet the changing needs and
preferences of different generations.

Dr. Suraj Kamble, Dr. Shikha Jain, Dr. Shilpa Kulkarni These paper
focuses on the consumers buying Behaviour of health insurance During covid –
19. There are two types of factors that influence the buying behaviour of
insurance internal and external. Internal factors such as brand, premium,
coverage, listed hospitals, service, claim processing, and settlement ratio
exhibit positive association. External factors such as fear of unforeseen health-
related situations, medical costs, speed of claim settlement, incentives and
discounts, wellness and preventive features, and transparency in product
offering show a positive relation. The Covid-19 pandemic has raised awareness
among consumers in India about the importance of having health insurance
coverage. Many people who did not previously have health insurance have
started considering it as an essential expense Consumers are now looking for
comprehensive health insurance policies that cover not only hospitalization
expenses but also outpatient care, diagnostics, and telemedicine. The number
of people buying health insurance policies in India has been increasing since
the Covid-19 pandemic. Insurance companies are reporting a surge in the
number of policies sold, with some even offering Covid-19-specific policies. The
pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technology in the health
insurance industry. Insurers are leveraging digital platforms to sell policies,
offer teleconsultations, and process claims. Consumers' trust in insurers has
increased due to the prompt settlement of Covid-19 claims by many insurers.
This has led to an increase in customer satisfaction and a willingness to
purchase health insurance policies from these insurers. The Indian government
has launched several initiatives to increase health insurance coverage in the
country. These include Ayushman Bharat, a scheme that provides health
insurance to economically weaker sections, and the National Health Stack,
which aims to digitize health records and streamline health insurance claims. In
conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the
consumer outlook and adoption of health insurance in India. Consumers are
now more aware of the importance of health insurance, and the adoption of
health insurance policies has been on the rise. The pandemic has also led to an
increase in digital adoption and trust in insurers. However, affordability
remains a key concern, and there is a need for policies that cater to the needs
of consumers at different income levels.
Ahmad Alrazni Alshammari, Qrar Platform Basheer Hussein Motawe
Altarturi, Hebron University This paper examines the conduct of business
regulation in the Gulf insurance industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. The

Gulf insurance industry consists of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries
such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab
Emirates (UAE). The region's insurance industry has grown significantly in
recent years, owing to rising population and infrastructure development. The
GCC insurance market is also extremely competitive, with both domestic and
international players vying for market share. The COVID-19 pandemic has had
a significant impact on the Gulf insurance industry, owing to the slowing
economy and increased demand for insurance products. The pandemic has
increased demand for health and life insurance products, resulting in increased
sales. However, the pandemic has increased risk exposure, owing to business
disruptions and supply chain disruptions. As a result, insurers have had to
rethink their risk management strategies and pricing models in order to remain
profitable. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Gulf
insurance industry, owing to increased demand for insurance products and risk
exposure. Regulations have been put in place to ensure that insurers continue
to operate efficiently and effectively during the pandemic. These measures
include relaxing regulatory requirements, implementing digital solutions,
providing product pricing guidance, and providing claims handling guidance. It
is critical for insurers to comply with regulatory requirements in order to
continue to serve their customers effectively.
Dr. Neha Varshneya, Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Karloopia, Ph.D. These paper
focuses on the study of health insurance during covid-19. The main objective
of these research paper is to study of buying behaviour of buyers of health
insurance after emergence Covid-19 pandemic. The emergence of the COVID-
19 pandemic has led to a significant impact on the health insurance market.
The pandemic has increased awareness among individuals regarding the
importance of having health insurance coverage. The pandemic has also led to
an increase in demand for health insurance products, primarily driven by
concerns regarding the cost of COVID-19 treatment. The data is collected from
two part one is from urban part 150 respondents and 150 from rural part of
the city. The more respondents like to purchase family health insurance
instead of purchasing the individual health insurance to insure the coverage of
whole family. The method of collection of data is through questionnaires. The
overall review the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a
significant impact on the health insurance market, primarily driven by an
increased demand for health insurance products. Health insurance buyers are
placing increased importance on having coverage for COVID-19 treatment, and

there is an increased focus on online buying behaviour. It is important for
health insurance companies to adapt to these changes in buying behaviour and
provide products and services that meet the changing needs of health
insurance buyers. The other insurance demands are also decreases to
significant level.
Oleksandra Shevchuk, Iryna Kondrat and Jolanta Stanienda (2020) These
paper focuses on the strategies of digitalization of insurance during covid -19.
The insurance industry in Ukraine has experienced significant growth in recent
years, driven by factors such as the increasing population and rising awareness
of the importance of insurance. The industry is highly competitive, with both
domestic and international players vying for market share. However, the
industry is still in the early stages of adopting digital technologies. The
emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant impact on the
insurance industry in Ukraine. The pandemic has increased the demand for
insurance products, primarily driven by concerns regarding the economic
impact of the pandemic. The pandemic has also led to an increased focus on
digital transformation in the industry. Pandemic as an Accelerator of Digital
Transformation in the Insurance Industry in Ukraine. The pandemic has
accelerated the adoption of digital technologies in the insurance industry in
Ukraine. This is primarily driven by the need for remote working and remote
sales. The pandemic has led to an increased use of online platforms for
insurance sales and claims processing. This has led to greater convenience for
customers and has also increased efficiency for insurance companies. The
pandemic has led to an increased use of artificial intelligence and big data in
the insurance industry in Ukraine. These technologies are being used to
improve risk assessment and to provide personalized insurance products. The
pandemic has also led to an increased focus on cybersecurity in the insurance
industry in Ukraine. With the increased use of digital technologies, the industry
is also becoming more vulnerable to cyber threats. The COVID-19 pandemic
has accelerated digital transformation in the insurance industry in Ukraine. The
pandemic has led to an increased adoption of digital technologies, increased
use of online platforms, increased use of artificial intelligence and big data, and
increased focus on cybersecurity. It is important for insurance companies in
Ukraine to continue to adapt to these changes in the industry and to invest in
digital technologies to remain competitive in the market.
Nukalapati Naresh Kumar, Dr. P. Sailaja These paper focuses on the study of
the panic buying behaviour of the insurance during covid-19. Compulsive panic

buying of insurance during the pandemic shows that this behaviour is driven by
a range of psychological and emotional factors, including fear, anxiety, and a
need for control. The pandemic has created a sense of unpredictability and
vulnerability, leading some people to feel a strong urge to protect themselves
and their loved ones through insurance. This is particularly true for individuals
who have experienced financial insecurity or loss due to the pandemic. The
main cause of panic buying is as following
People's perceptions of the threat of crisis and product shortages.
Anonymous fear, caused by emotions and uncertainty.
Coping behaviour observed due to the lack of self-control Social psychological
factors that determine the performance of a purchase and the power of a
personal network. However, the compulsive panic buying of insurance can also
be problematic, as it can lead to overspending on unnecessary policies or
inadequate coverage. It can also contribute to the creation of a "risk society,"
where people perceive even the most unlikely events as potential threats that
must be mitigated through insurance. To address this issue, some experts have
suggested that insurance companies should provide clear and transparent
information about the risks and benefits of their policies, as well as encourage
customers to assess their actual insurance needs rather than acting out of fear
or anxiety. Furthermore, individuals can benefit from seeking professional
advice before making any significant insurance purchases.
Suggests that while the compulsive panic buying of insurance during the
pandemic is understandable given the challenging circumstances, it is essential
to balance the need for protection with rational decision-making and careful
consideration of one's actual insurance needs.
Saumendra Das, Janmenjoy Nayak, Sarat Nayak, Sabyasachi Dey These paper
focuses on the study of predict the life insurance premium during pre-and
post-Covid-19, a higher-order neural network approach can be used. The
research methodology used Is Flann model is used for predicting the consumer
behaviour towards the life insurance a higher-order neural network is a type of
neural network that uses multiple layers of neurons to make complex
predictions. The first layer of neurons receives input data, which is then passed
to the second layer of neurons. Each subsequent layer of neurons uses the
output of the previous layer to make more complex predictions. This type of
neural network is particularly useful for complex problems such as predicting
life insurance premiums. To predict the life insurance premium during pre-and
post-Covid-19, the higher-order neural network can be trained on historical

data from before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The network can be trained
to identify patterns in the data and make predictions based on those patterns.
The input data can include factors such as age, health, lifestyle, occupation,
and economic conditions, as well as information about the Covid-19 pandemic
and its impact on these factors. Once the neural network is trained, it can be
used to predict the life insurance premium during pre-and post-Covid-19 for
new applicants. The predicted premium will be based on the input data
provided, including information about the individual's age, health, lifestyle,
occupation, and economic conditions, as well as the current state of the Covid-
19 pandemic a higher-order neural network approach can be an effective way
to predict the life insurance premium during pre-and post-Covid-19. By
analysing historical data and identifying patterns, the network can make
accurate predictions based on the input data provided. However, it is
important to note that the predictions may not be perfect as they are based on
historical data and cannot account for unexpected events or changes in the
Bibo Yin, Yajing Yu and Xiaocang Xu These paper focuses on the study of
consumer behaviour and consumption pattern after covid- 19
The pandemic has led to significant uncertainty and risk perception among
consumers, resulting in changes in their behaviour. Studies have shown that
consumers are more risk-averse and are prioritizing their health and safety
over other factors like convenience and price. The pandemic has accelerated
the adoption of digital technology in consumer behaviour. Online shopping,
virtual events, and remote work have become the new norm, and consumers
have adapted to these changes. This has led to an increased emphasis on the
importance of digital marketing and the need for businesses to adapt their
strategies accordingly. Social identity theory suggests that people identify with
groups and use this identification to guide their behaviour. During the
pandemic, social identity became more important, with people identifying with
groups based on their attitudes towards mask-wearing, social distancing, and
vaccination. This has led to the emergence of new consumer segments based
on these attitudes. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of pro-social
behaviour, with consumers showing an increased willingness to support local
businesses and donate to charity. This has led to an emphasis on the
importance of corporate social responsibility in consumer behaviour. The
pandemic has had a significant psychological impact on consumers, leading to
changes in their behaviour. Studies have shown that consumers are

experiencing anxiety, stress, and depression, which are influencing their
decision-making processes. This has led to an increased emphasis on the
importance of mental health in consumer behaviour. The COVID-19 pandemic
has led to significant changes in consumer behaviour, resulting in the
emergence of new theories and approaches to understanding consumer
behaviour. These advances will continue to shape the way that businesses
approach marketing and consumer engagement in the future.

Methodology/Research Design
The methodology / research design that we used in the project is
descriptive in nature, using primary data gathered by questioners.
The study focuses primarily on factors that influence young people's
intentions to purchase health insurance.
To reach a conclusion, we used some specialised tools in Excel, such
as the Chi square test.
• To examine the barriers to purchasing health insurance post COVID-19
among youth.
• To analyse the influence of claim settlement on buying behaviour of
• To analyse factors that would make youth more likely to purchase health
insurance, including lower cost, Daily EMI option.

Research Problems
The COVID-19 pandemic has made a centre towards the importance of health
insurance. However, despite the increased awareness, there seems to be a
significant barrier to purchasing health insurance among the youth aged 20 to
30. This study aims to identify the barriers that prevent this age group from
purchasing health insurance and what may be the potential solutions to
overcome these barriers.

Research Design
The exploratory research design was used in this study to highlight the barriers
in purchasing health insurance among youth aged 20 to 30, as well as to shed

light on the relationship between various factors that are important from the
customer's perspective.

Data Collection
Primary data is being used in this research project.
The data will be gathered using a questionnaire that will ask the sample size a
variety of questions. The questionnaire will be created with Google forms and
distributed via social media.

• (H1): There is a significance relationship between the Cost and
purchased intention among youth.
• (H1): There is a significance relationship between claim settlements
and purchase intention among youth.
• (H1): There is a significance relationship between lower cost, Daily
Emi options and purchase intention among youth.
Independent variables - Cost, Lack of perceived need, Lack of knowledge,
Claim Settlement, Terms and Conditions.
Dependent Variables - Purchased Intention
Research Method-
This study makes use of primary data gathered through a questionnaire
completed by 119 respondents, which includes questions about the most
significant barriers to purchasing health insurance.

Sample Size-
For this study, 119 young people of different gender aged 20 to 30 were
chosen as participants.

Measurement Tools-
Tabulation of data using excel for visualisation and graphical representation of
data along with studying the different barriers in purchasing the health
insurances among youth.


This study is based on primary data to interpret the barriers in purchasing the
health insurances among youth along with the findings the relationship
between the barriers and purchase intention among youth.

Demography of the respondents

Age group of the respondents

Interpretation- About 96% of the total Respondents were in aged group

between 20 to 30.

Gender of the Respondents

Interpretation- About 86% of the total Respondents were male & 14%were

Number of people having health insurances.

Interpretation- Out of total respondents about 77% were did not have a
health insurance.

To examine the barriers in purchasing health insurance post COVID-19
among youth.

Cost is the most citied barrier that prevents the young people in purchasing
the health insurances.
Terms and conditions are the 2nd most citied barrier that prevents the
young people in purchasing the health insurances.
Claim settlement is the 3rd factor that prevents the young people in
purchasing the health insurances.
Lack of perceived need is the 4th factor that prevents the young people in
purchasing the health insurances.
Lack of knowledge is the 5th factor that prevents the young people in
purchasing the health insurances.

To analyse the influence of Cost in purchasing
the health insurances among youth.

P value < .05
Therefore, alternate hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected.
It means there is significant association between the Cost in purchasing the
health insurances among youth.

To analyse the influence of Claim settlement in
purchasing the health insurances among youth.

P value < .05
Therefore, alternate hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected.
It means there is significant association between the Claim settlement in
purchasing the health insurances among youth. It suggests that if a health
insurance provider has a good track record of settling claims, it may
increase the likelihood that young people will want to purchase insurance
from that provider.

What influence young people to purchase the
health insurances.
1)Lower cost
2) Daily Emi


As out of total responses 87% of the respondents marks that Lower cost
will more influence more to them to purchase the health insurances instead
of daily Emi option.

To analyse the influence of lower cost, daily-
Emi in purchasing the health insurances among

P value < .05
Therefore, alternate hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected.
It means there is significant association between the lower cost, daily- Emi
option in purchasing the health insurances among youth. It suggests that if
the cost of health insurance is lower, it may increase the likelihood that
young people will want to purchase it.

Findings and conclusions

However, the pandemic has highlighted the importance’s having

the health insurances despite of these also many young peoples
are still hesitant to purchase the health insurances as because
they think it slight costly.
After going through the many research papers and data
interpretation the cost is the most common citied barriers that
prevents the young people in purchasing the health insurances as
cost may be the barriers as because many of the young people are
starting their careers or studying in college and may have limited
financial resources, making it difficult for them to afford the
health insurances premiums.
Along with the Cost, Terms & conditions, claim settlement ratio,
Lack of perceived need & Lack of knowledge also restrict the
young people in purchasing the health insurances.
As going through the research, the decisions of purchasing the
health insurances are also influenced by claim settlements ratio
as the insurances companies are also have to looks into the claim
settlement to influences the young people in purchasing the
health insurances.
Overall lower cost of the health insurances is the most powerful
weapons that influences the young people in purchasing the
health insurances.


The sample size was very small of only 119 Respondents.

The data of pre covid are also used to make the Research most
There is scope for non – sampling error due to respondents skipping


"Study of Factors Influencing Consumer Perception Towards Health ...." 15

Sept. 2022,

"ISSN:2277-7881; I F MPACT ACTOR :6.514(2021); IC V :5.16; ISI V ALUE :2 ...." https://s3-ap-


"Compulsive Panic Buying of Insurance in Pandemic - Neliti."

Consumer Outlook and Adoption of Health Insurance in India

Post Covid 19 Outbreaks, (Dr. Suraj Kamble, Dr. Shikha Jain2, Dr. Shilpa



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