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acres in 1904.

At five-year intervals the areas

the 6th of October 1610. His character as a man, preacher,

body, which has a large unfinished church, and a schismatic

the entire South-Eastern Alps, as well as its lower neighbours.

the greater part forms an immense alluvial plain, densely

A. This letter of ours corresponds to the first symbol in

Charles IX. required the seal of a diocesan bishop on all

to a car or cage. After several preliminary experiments, in

theoretically Turkey remained the suzerain power; and after

to those of Cicero, and during its whole course there is

of universities, was the museum of Alexandria founded at

century, was not sufficiently common to be much used for the

was a war chief elected by the council to carry out its

force by 1861-- that is, before the Civil War. The greater

peer, and in 1879-1880 he presided over the celebrated Airey

of sodium in the mercury does not exceed, say, 0.02%. When

situated on the S. bank of the Tweed, about 3 m. W. of Melrose,

rooms. Two springs occur and some scanty grass affords

exhibition at the same place followed on the 26th of April.

naturf Ges Halle, xviii (1892 and 1894); A. Rothpletz, Ein

rather evidence against the existence of such writing. The

obstruction. It is now the custom, therefore, for the surgeon to

sent to the West with anxious appeals for assistance in

half-submerged, lake-flooded district it traverses. Its

stored in times of peace at the various headquarters stations

second Adam in 1 Cor. xv. 45 is a parallelism of contrast.

They are desperate fighters and in 1875 successfully resisted

ANASTASIUS I. (c. 430-518), Roman emperor, was born at

Bilderzeugung in opitschen Instrumenten (Berlin, 1904).

brethren with fuel. The number of cells surrounding the great

of his verses by Arabian scholars. Genial, cynical, immoral, he

AMPERSAND (a corruption of the mixed English and Latin

had adopted any system of examination for those desiring

Athenae we glean the details of Airay's college attendance.

Katwe. This lake lies west of the Dweru channel and is separated

is intellectual--e.g. in the perception of the relations

introduced the sign X for multiplication, @ for continued

and were slaughtered or taken prisoners to a man. The

of Michigan on the Republican ticket, serving from 1885 to

age, who have retired and whose circumstances show them to

all probability, disappear as a lake and will become a river, a

was founded in Constantinople. Here also, c. 460, was

Kinross, and continued a member, with some interruptions, till

Ethnology in Washington, many hundreds of manuscripts, written


specimens), and ``An Ahom Cosmogony, with a translation and

the ordinary course of his duties, and within his ostensible

conferences of Troppau in 1820 and Laibach in 1821, had

railway. Pop. (1900) 11,180. Almansa is built at the foot of

length, and through numerous gauges from .256 in. to .600

of Fossil Fishes in the British Natural History Museum.)

towards the sea are fertile and well watered by several small

of a word, while Attic Greek had many words so accented.

writers who have made such contributions may be mentioned

site by Thomas Sutton A.D. 1611, now removed to Godalming.

girdle of snow and glaciers on the mountain barriers a few

development of the theory of the aether. (See RADIATION.)

of fancy, and Fitz-Greene Halleck (1790-1867), who showed

ALARIC II. (d. 507), eighth king of the Goths in Spain,

sister-in-law with her own sons, MM. d'Argental and Pont de

complete. Yet as we have seen, something of the real everyday

series, readily yield on oxidation acids containing the same

physischgeogr. Darstellung . . . des sudafr. Beckens (Berlin,

and to which it passes over its nucleus through an open

the rest of the day. The rainfall is light, from 10 to 25

Amhara, at the converging point of several main trade routes;

literature are obvious and make a large part of its history;

attributed largely on the basis of the contents of the Latin

were afterwards put to death by order of the republic.

The most recent and elaborate commentator even calls him an

rolling--of the eyeballs, and it becomes more marked as they

that there was a distinct class of the public land which was

of the 15th century. Francesco Barbaro, in a letter to

there. Citizens were allowed a free market; foreigners

outlines, one side overlooking the Tweed; and the style is

is the manufacture of roofing tiles. The township of Alfred

to one's mouth''), primarily an act of homage or worship,

inserted. The explosion of the charge drove the plug

For further security, it was surrounded by a metal railing or

lectures (apparently the Introductio and Theolo giam

8. The extension of the range of subjects to which mathematical

to treat the aether as a plenum, which places it in a class

slopes of the hills to the south. Here are the summer palace

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