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Some people say dreams are fantasies. That dreams are things that'll never see the light of day. I
don't agree. Although my dream was more of a nightmare, it saw the light of day and I'm dead
because of that. Maybe dreams are different. Maybe when you dream, you wake up happy, not
dead. I wish I could have found that out for myself but I've never been one to dream and the
moment I realized I was having a nightmare, I knew I wouldn't wake up. I was twelve years old
when I died. I had my outfit for school the next day all laid out and clean. I went to sleep that
night thinking I would wake up. In the morning my mom came to wake me up but I was frozen
in my spot. My spirit, I guess you could say, must've separated from my physical body because I
saw everything that was happening. Let me just say that it wasn't pleasant, watching your family
find out that you've died in your sleep.Now I'm not sure where I am. There are other spirits with
depressed faces but none of them ever try to communicate with me. This isn't hell but it isn't heaven
either. It's kind of in between but wouldn't that be earth? Anyways, I've been alone until you've come
so please let me tell you my story of nightmares and death..."Goodnight, Keona. Sleep well darling."
My mom said to me and I wrapped my arms around her. "Goodnight mom! I love you!" I told her before
running to my room. My damp blonde hair hit my back repeatedly as I ran down the stairs to my room.
The door slammed shut behind me which caused me to jump. I flicked my lights on and jumped onto my
bed. I sat on the edge and stared at my closet. What did I want to wear tomorrow? I settled on a black
and grey stripe top and dark denim jeans that look almost black. Maybe this outfit is a bit too dark. I
replaced the top with a blue and purple T-shirt. I decided I was satisfied with this outfit and prepared my
bed so I could sleep. I folded my blankets and fluffed my pillows and chose a book to read. I decided to
start reading Divergent for almost the seventh time.I read for a good half hour and then I decided it was
time to sleep. I turned off my lamp and closed my eyes but sleep wouldn't come to me. I guess I had
what you could call insomnia. My lamp turned back on and I went to the washroom across the hall. Cold
water splashed on my face which shocked me. After that, I head back to my room and am finally
ready.Sleep comes to me easily as I turn off the lights for a second time but little do I know what is
coming for me tonight. I'm drowning. I'm surrounded by water and darkness.I'm about to stop
attempting to struggle and let myself drown but something stops me. It's like a little voice in my head is
saying, "Stop, you have a long and wonderful life ahead of you and you are not going to drown now." Or
maybe it's the dark red light that seems to be floating towards me that gives me hope. It gives me hope
that someone is looking for me. The red glow moves slowly but the closer it gets, the larger and brighter
it gets. The light soon is so close to me, if I was able to move I could stretch out my arm and touch it. For
a moment, I stopped feeling like I was drowning and began to breathe normally. That was until the giant
red light surrounded me and I was no longer under water. The red light has me transported somewhere
familiar. I'm at Falcon Bridge, just twenty minutes away from my school. I have no idea what I'm doing
here or why the red light brought me here but at least I'm able to move freely. I start walking across the
bridge but I only make it half way before it collapses under my feet. I grab on to the cold metal railing.
Slowly, I take deep breaths and recap what just happened because it happens so fast. So first I was
brought here by the magical red light. Then I decided to cross a bridge. When I got half way across, the
bridge broke and I nearly drowned in the rushing water below. that's why I'm holding on to the metal
railing of the bridge. I push myself up onto the metal bar and sit down. Do I want to continue trying to
get across? Probably not but even if I did, how would I get across? A large branch of a tree just so
conveniently happened to sit where I appeared and I wondered to myself how I could've missed that. If I
could grab that log, I should be able to use it to get across the broken bridge. The wood was just out of
my reach so I had to very carefully push myself along the bar. When I finally grabbed the log, I pushed it
in the river and it was just too short. When I reached the edge of the log, I'd have to jump to make it
across. Every now and then the log would move and I'd step back in fright. Eventually though, I made it
to the edge of the log. The jump across was a rough estimate of a meter and a bit. If I didn't make this
jump, I'd fall in the river and drown. I took a few steps back and then began running forwards for the
jump. Something must have gotten caught on my foot though while I jumped because I fell, knocked my
head on the wood and dropped like a pebble into the cold river. Just as I thought I was about to die, the
red light appeared. I tried to swim away but my head was pounding. Soon, everything became black. All
pain I felt in my head is gone when I wake up again. Again when I open my eyes, I'm in a different
location. This time, I'm on top of the Greenwood water tower. I am so high up that if I take one wrong
step, I'll fall to my death. There is no ladder or anything I could use to get down safely nearby. With my
back pressed to the tower, I take quick shallow breaths. I need to calm myself because if I don't, I could
hyperventilate and pass out which could cause me to fall to my death. Within five or so minutes, I'm
finally calm and evaluating the situation. So I'm stuck on top of a water tower with no safe way of getting
down. The only way of getting down is jumping which will certainly kill me. As I'm thinking, a crow lands
on my shoulder and stares at me blankly. Then another crow comes and sits on my opposite shoulder.
Soon enough, I am surrounded by a murder of crows. The loud cawing and the dark stares they give you
is enough to drive a person insane! Careful not to step on any crows, I try to move away from them but
they continue to follow me. I start to panic. My heart is racing and by now I'm almost crying. My palms
are sweaty and the bird noises are driving me insane. I know there is only one thing I can do. I put one
foot over the edge and prepare myself for the long fall. In almost every situation where I've almost died,
the red light saved me. If I fall, the red light will surely save me. I tie my long blonde hair in a ponytail so
it's not in my face while I fall. One……Two... ..Three…... I'm falling. There is no going back now. The grassy
land in front of me is getting closer every second. If I were to reach out now I could almost touch the
ground. The red light still hasn't appeared. I'm beginning to worry now. I close my eyes and prepare
myself for the hit that hopefully will never come. Next thing I hear is a sickening crack. My neck is in so
much pain, I can barely breathe. I stop breathing and begin to panic again. I can't die! No time soon! I
begin to see darkness. I guess this is it. I'm dying now, there's no use fighting it. I'll never see my mom or
dad again, I'll never see my unborn baby brother. Tears flow steadily from my eyes as death takes me
away. know what your thinking, 'Keona, shouldn't you have known it was all a dream?' Yea well when I
was twelve, I wasn't the brightest lightbulb. Even if I could tell that it was a dream, I probably wouldn't
be able to wake myself. If I was able to wake myself, I wouldn't be here now would I? At seven in the
morning on that sunny Friday, my mom came to wake me up but when I wouldn't respond, she knew
something was wrong. She called the ambulance and it was horrible to watch them break the news to
her that I had died in my sleep. My mom was a wreck for the next couple days. My dad began drinking
and took his anger out on anyone nearby. This got him sent to a therapist. He is still recovering but I
think he's handling my death pretty well now. My best friend, Aria, and my crush, Luke, came to the
house on Saturday, the day after I died. They brought cards and flowers for my parents and left more
cards, flowers and teddy bears at the room of my door. It broke my heart to see them this miserable. It's
been two years since I've died. My baby brother, Freddrick, is now one and a half and he'll never know
he had a big sister. Every time I look at him, I begin to cry. He is so young, sweet and innocent. To know
that his big sister died in her sleep would surely traumatize him and he'll never go in or even near my
room again like he does now. My funeral was interesting. My parents played 'If I die young' by The Band
Perry which I find quite ironic. Nobody shed a single tear because they knew I wouldn't want anyone to
be sad at my funeral. Of course little Freddy was born so he had to witness his first funeral at only one
year. I hope he doesn't remember it but at the same time, I hope he remembers me. My death wasn't
cliché or dramatic like in the movies when someone goes into a burning building to save someone or
jumps off a bridge as a suicide attempt which I find horrible. Although my death wasn't any of those,
people still remember it like it was yesterday. I remember Aria saying that school isn't the same without
me. Even though it's been two years, no one speaks of me which I find quite bothersome. I'm dead now
so go ahead and talk about me! I honestly don't care. Everything's been different since I've died. When I
died, my whole family, all of my friends, even some teachers became depressed. The desk where I once
sat became a sad reminder. My locker was crowded with notes and flowers. So was the front of my
house and even my bedroom door. I wish I could go back and tell myself to wake up, that it's all just a
dream but if I don't wake up, I'll die. Some wishes don't come true though. If I could tell my past self one
thing, it would be to enjoy yourself and live your life how you want because you never know when it'll

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