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oa a nth peng of Aaa Jv too ae Wagon woods oF ee aie or oe poy Be! centyal. gerne om Nhe i seal, Spubhic’: a x cial, “Snag a posed on: individuals | ox 28h enbties ee Ppiecnetey einpuosend “auhovtys Bose 82 nob Ove Sa ink oy onakions 5 bub. coi contx bution extracted. , pursudn te ogee aalborty sh uiytan “ailsla on} wd a ers. bo = stienmne OS) ih, WR NAG —S- Income, Aes! ack -\Qo2—>, Nww “icome Yas, Bek yeGy >) rom Wicomne? test” REL Cow Mores) roitouhed 3b toed Ne Meaning oh assesset* ye assessed ‘ning % PRssone bye, whom ovhes Some of, Boney oor of on {a id hg ack ao yen oh income. 4 : | a | 2 oo The" Néods .* “ay fNCoye: wl caine ‘ides “ sedon . i _ ea bezed 51 aeseeg te oe : — # Solanies , house propesties, business, capital. gain, Eneome from olhes Sounce JR Seckion Vy" oh “income tase! HEY 4g) provides x he oon ermokion total’ ° pene. ahoan-assessee Which. ig divided under S heads, oh, Tocame - gnch ‘head. of ‘ngsme’ has AES- ovon, _melod,, Loh, comp \ ‘ot %& Tncome fyom salaries (seckion 8-44), % Income, from “house property. Geckion a Bor! pes “ond tins of luuainess “ot Peolession “Geckion 28-42) ‘some fpom capital” going ection roe 8 48-88) o® Income , from, ..clhes SOULS “Sechion 56. *) 3 Tnéome * Income (tess Tool income. KReduckion seckion Bole lara © jks Compulahe ae nak, e & BO-v. Meaning, oy xesidantiol, ‘Xalns: sg eto is \avied on bolal income Q, assessee under the “povisions “q tncome tant BEL AGT” Aha. Acta Income off tech | person is baseduypn is - rwesidantiol’ gtohus section 6 of Yo wek davice the assesiolle “ys REN: inke:. Angee. «Cakegories:, ! : a tesidont — ist , Residant bak not - 3 how - ~Sesident ° “ss seed | #he 8 call chakus , ¢ : °y e pessong_ {s. datesmined“¢ Mh The : ia Srokns oh he assessee 7 ig oe ye Aekeemnined,’ ‘ebeh with ¥. ce bo 1 he. pyevions yeaa. | The vesidentioll, & sof Ye aasessee | MK eat Se, dgerwincdion ‘el, ‘ol esi Fp persons: a he Abin’ “felon has been spre. under ceckion 2a’ iKe fae Ont tA AW indaondaale og yor 7 * Winds: undivided. tania | *% Losm “ | peng 13 Comp Hrenkku hong | Scot ose of pesson pol se Local Ma oe ci PEFSON PW IRere eB oXm ans not ging“ psy, six sur 1tloss es : oa a cepa ae Ay individnall ima, sindividea 4 L ~ Yooious yasis oh “Fr dlaketemii fakin’ of Yeade Tu ea in indica a : contro} ond mpeg he offs + Shy oh MM of, va’ esi ae Ea Pl iy oe of affine ato ch ho / i ss of, ial On, : o eas teaby ond ange [ae contxo’ vos sangre teas Contxol)« ak tnanagemert yh offnixs “f _ Napes of rari eloduy nAy EL, oe et coubintdel oul | 1 were Galle fhe brite nef Tox haiduall an Ae rndning- Wt ‘ 5 4 L. Co, te | dor ae ae . inet doi Resident non-cesidon Indo. . non - _* sesidant 5 vckesidart Resident See GC) § Sec GOA xan Individual who ee ony. one ahs we plowing ro, dost As ob secident | : ary} he is an india’ ab the” ‘anak | praious ygor ey ow oe otno' % | OF HOR: ; ow ie Was ah Tie. pe o ‘Ged in dt to 60 dows ot Toxe during ¥0bN pemioud ypon 09 and, 366_| ae a ew : apes ng e ssaloyonde L provious % foie ee pS | “hone negidont section 230) ‘ | The individuol was ool fi the | asic. condition, Lest 9 ont 8 is colle fon. wedidant *! tao he i idank . see 6 Co) \™ wee a yout, ve 2.02) Pon0 G. aye dy = 2.0 7 is pgsesement ere nen endaa/ ed vec D in indo. duvin “ ‘doy ing he previous, yearn 1.12.02) ~10-6,2031 (80,21,10 » 1) days Var) 2022 ~ 81.3-2092016 2653) 2 1 doy 2) 8 sen sertale eae of Sec 6) is nok , hed, % Ne wos eu in india, 15 less ban wo ng eae Dresk @ GD Re uns ps Stay’ in indo. 60. days in previous Pou, ww Inds duvingy x ‘howont previous guthen poe bro lakes « dubia sein fam Lads” Lesti"@"oh, sec Ud 08 be wns dajed. vl indis. fox ware Ahan 36s ea nh, poetsadi praiow and. also ie we an indi bo daye ” 0 + poaious er So comes tesidont “Gf seat He becomes otdi é positon A in n inde [as Ke lls loath che: “Conditions of, Sec 6L6) | ww TT mesident andar: 826-6) E ence” wr a 4s ovdinosi S aesidant — $2,606) as he was sesidon ox more Than 2 pravious year out of 10 ee preceeding the Srowsnt prnious Yeo apd. He WAS Ny indig. or move “han 130 days ¢ ouk ob 4 Preentag Pee ae . ; i 3 i = AO ate stokus a Wor. ‘Residtiall ' “Residential stobps ob ave (Sec 6 Cady une &e0 i a “won - ee Resident” “gecko 6Cad as e(wei niee pers section ACB) non-o% a " olin , eae” oes | ‘ Ve cmd” Aesidank® Set WCRD B Sec eee ad @ CL), acethead = contro) and m : en By esidant HOF as, * Sad” AS We lov Ses Wert » | Me. \aasko.: _ pals “both at Following, - eaailiiondh ee aay veal \nas Aes veces in, indir feos atleast 2 previous years oh immediake ly. ee in, - nie Preceding lo Previous yee selevont ho cunrent ee Yeon 5 I te a Maske. etic nen an ‘iindea. eats vgs WSse Aaninge rT Niows” §: ovecsduing, sale: Soret Spake sai a c ok 2 Oda , aésider 266 wile Gn Sadie. Coals aoa se oS Leth” oss Sno eat ie Rosy lowby iy Cr pote conor \ not ordinosil esident Tsec ca Sec 66) 4 @ gc] ent = Contso) and s im India + P non oxdinosil Resident . oh x ae a ac tia hi ne dice raul ox, both odasdion egndation - yy: roto. . 3.| non- Resident Lsec2C2ed]: ee WoT, Shab. be non- ceca in, Andisn ae hes ake corkss)..ond 0 ig skuated, wieslly, er ade “had airy, ne i 2 he Lwo ‘sks f en vs ols) < an individual | me Pee ae | Basen Lypes of; Solus eSidant } | non- =< non - . Besidank | oa Se nM ai | Gncome. setaived i 6x Blamedl Love | bred | ¥ecsineds in indie Tt lees “esa Fasalste" “Tommie” = Tortable | Welkex ig | [ich eeaalalis Sooned Wy Indio, | ina foreign | | ; Diffpend i Ba aneotig Country, | ! ; | Wire eae ere reece eeee ed de Income eamned, } n andia Whethes Toxolle “Tosalsle | tosnodsh India ot oukside India, P 3.| Greome earned and seteived ovkside india om a business contsolled 0% a AOTY sek wp instndsa. income. ia cvamithe =) | | indie Toll e ( | y-| Income eomed | | ox secewed | [Uvidledoce 28 Hlls Fe Aer ho siege --bod (1 Speobession’ Sebeup wou For an 8 pttutse | duel . ae “di i [lam omni] of “prety ty pr eeneeeeieer sa 5) Income eamed, Ve et a “awd yecewed ce cee Oe os outside india {pom Tostable |, Wel g Nol other somce i @xpeck income undey points 3) ee ae . 6. Income gannec | ‘ 1 oS : pais vibe gn = PNR Wek Fgh | Previous . ~ TEN gpsstion Sry [Pe eee ene Same ig vemi p eTehan ditt Yo indi dunin oa pom : Gurork _ provious _ adie Yor bly gt \ Sas a tenga 21 AINE: Singh an , indian: :chizen went’ tei usd ony yo" ock 2913 and xekurmed ofher % years shay pom Ahere. I on I och ste he ook 0- Lran luk velutined on ro rear He made anothey aktempt % go alcond Gy ally Sucedssed, to -We ) adi Doe canada or a te con \ iol stabies a 2022 \S Yekidentiol S eke os ee for Pert -2022 and. nora - re \ Assessment yen 3 n.02)- 202% whi previous yen nore - 202) Cie 202840 31.3.900) ) \ a Jot} och 2013 | —— > io ock 2015 vert << ro ock, 201" —> \o™ re 20n\ - 4 <— 10% tls pend ‘ KMESIAQR wos not soki ted Yo basic condibion oly xe qesidanial Sholiis unde sec ber) ¢ a Rite. — wn he was ck an, indi on ea days | in Pevions ees ox . [ace Keck 8: he was mo bo: wn | previous = and 365 see Woy pesca | poevous Year / F ee "S56 ihe WO DON = ses! S india. je ncueesment year seen Noss 0" previous penn aoal- 2022C 1.2021 Le 31.23.2022) 1 and | Epa cece - 3) i foo fot gan - 3) par ter Ca Re = 10 7 fey 216 das cyeMe was - Qulfiled, 182, days-n prawn, under test n in Sec 661) So he is Hoge! wesidontt” "of, india: teat pd * We wos ed the condibion “finden seeG oda ¥ Ne Sayed. sy iar 2] 10 “Heana 1 * Wo dled. She: condition Seeb C6) b, he eXdyed an WAL 130 days in 3 Goes sy SEQMIOUS fe is b ea o6din Undone ee gobichiedl both he Condon - 5] ascextoin , Ye esidential, siokus o the. o.esessee! | in. the whey cases i the assessment, ad |" 2.022- 233 j | Mohan iso “pXtben off’ tris swe | | oe Ay rok och ie | pon von iets fpr) 903) * on indi Mall the end of of te. ‘Pinncial, Yeo Dora ie #) Romowtan \ k Por v ‘dn, of 16 marth ,a019 | he \raning, Vived in it dis. fot 20! cl We ¢elwred. | Ba ® rokh seph .2031. ¥ oe | apragedes Ag ai ckizen h nile He of wh 3030" Dow endo fa vig et syed ve ve J, bo Hain. on ma . We, ventaisaa. 7 davalling, oo indi. on i. Wid alssence 3 owe “Angra haus nN indis. fs x Kw aa | dasingy “re previous or. Joa coe 98 nov ins india” duvinge ok Yeon Rox xeqpsxed coals é » So ae: wesidantial redakus duaing the _ peesiods ygary. 2031 - ne22 ara be S. vedidant (DOw-18 - Sayed an OSLO Rox an | | dere-2) ~ : : wi) | | | | | | | Dol\ - 80 - © ony: =o sept, ape Yaak fnonch ‘ada 2203 ‘Says ~ Dering, the previous aor soni On. | Rayna ton Stayed in Ww indi ye 208 sae! (OU ge Rance” Nei is “pasa! ‘undies “SecLion’’ Gory a ta f “and he is oxdindiny, esidont Under Seah, GUE oS he was vesidant for more than’ Previous. rel ob & 1o.: previous Hears - " Pietating’ th Whe! ptrtlelanly preyjous Ong, he = Ss an ‘india. He" ‘rote Mion Ay ab tt Bot , previous pears ss pelevany oe, peo a During, the previous | a ODN 33! my, Indes ot inv indi. » ile Bi oo Wen 48 nen vast, gash Scope of, Total income: Mork Me! : Let 1¢ levied on roe Actad: income ; “of, ot? person The: Lokal Snome ig based, ‘Lupe she xesidodish” stabs olan’ assessee.” Sec 5 ““peoides ‘he’ Geapeh Lota income wwhidh Neaiies on Whe ‘wisi. a Hes titlcle, os Sung The fplossing, one whe ‘neome of mY Ram pow the Pesuious, DoM=2022 » A) Aiaidand. Joein- yndion . com _ RG.10,000 8) pooh fpom_\ ‘yuainess., in. deren reecoiniack, in ‘ndis. | Ben 58 ;000° NP aie i, \usiries S10 (oir iad in loan snl. Fis! Luisi ness:..45, | “allel {yen indi. RS.2,60,007 coe WE sy) got yon \ouxiness | in 0: iediete, ( santosh ty Syondon’ head ote) ashy Neyego ( vy anretesh ratsiiad Doom a non- ogee & a Rohit on “he Vou provided. Le Kit fos \usiness comied on mdio RS:S0,009 xi) Shoe. of INCOME in WARD ponership gam AS: 1,599 — vil) rncome om house : _ pooper. is yemiyad in ameien AS, 62000 + Vii) Inter on dabanunes of, an sedis’ Compas: secavieds n- AL RS: Bs0sO!! 7 ix) Capital " ‘gain on gale of, 0) blond eee apt BE WHO, 4 x compuerized: Lascilsle “income he $a is 1k xesidant | and eye sesidant, 5 aed on- ordirany xesitont he previous ee. 302) - peat! _ diffrent oe Rin: of income | aesidert | non sano” . | ou. __Sesic Y Income “xersi.ved.o8| bela . | demed bo be i Anemige Served in WARD | - \« iG eeNE WF \owsiness| | %) poh Row 1 ,2.0,000 1,2.0,000 | 1)20,0c0 ay eee secoived ty | 07 1 05) \ | | “woe \ \; f | + ik) Ancome fromm caphal | gain on sole o aggitalls | Vand. ob. alerts | lL. - a | i ace be 2. NEoMe ensned. in , o indie Raker! vetainved., poi in india. OF outst 8) dividend. Bom, neal S rostabis/'| Tasly nes Pat Je,c20 | -19,002 | 10820 y) prot eoomed Pr | redvorAICMside, “wdiL0.)’ “) Y10y000 )y105000 * j;20,000 , | — caomed. 8, Bejow | 50,008 50,008 Md5SL ae i i |; : Mil) Tnesme canned in | : i indice habe Psoper G30 | Goo0 4 Gootd ' ee ae Lscoo | 2.800 S000 B.income canned ot PR OPCs i received, outside india | ag ode oh pasbession Sek up’ inside a \odis’ wnat pare: WW) pea eosmradh ot fe toring tn galtigton ub | conbrsdled. oF | Wy indi inside | : | i feetonesdled. f° oe up ot vecewed oAsida “indin. oe business “f oudsidn ti > Antoine ‘eanted” Gnd. setaived, oubside in indie SuIneome eas ted A ond. cocaiveds ovksida. indis. yon any ol, sowce. Vi) Sone of rome vin indion GOdrEChp Sen — | | } i \ | oka losta) ve \reoine. of tnt. Ran d+ Income eooned. | SOSN wil. | will | | i | | | | } { ; | ben | OAT 6 25H 3.52.50 Jase } [a rasabte | ipo) | eal / % pore | tag : of | Sil : f Pe he

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