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2 Emergency Service Mode in Rope Plant

The operation depends on the value programmed at the add. 43 (PPE).
 PPE = 32  the car goes down in low speed, stops at the first floor and commands the main doors opening (AP1)
for the busy signal time. In the rope plants at 2 speed TG is commanded instead TP.
 PPE = 31  will be enabled the emergency operation with the search for the optimum direction of motion. The
operation is described below:
 If the EM input is activated when the car is moving and the ALT signal is not interrupted, the car continues to
move (until reaches the first floor that meets) in the same direction in which it was already moving;
 If the ALT signal is interrupted (this will cause the stop of the car) before the activation of the EM input, the
control board activates the search for the optimum direction of motion. When the ALT signal comes back, thje
control board try to move the car in one of the two directions and at each interruption and return of ALT signal
the control board reverses the direction in which attempts to move the car.. To interrupt the ALT signal to search
for the optimum direction of motion it is necessary to connect a control contact of the emergency device in serie
s to ALT input. So the ALT input is interrupted if there is an overload of the emergency device (the overload
occurs when the car moves in the unfavourable direction).
Can be programmed a waiting time for a new attempt after the interruption and return of ALT signal. This waiting
time is programmable at address 30 (RIP).
If the car never reaches the floor when moving in one direction, the control board stops the operation after a timeout
time programmable at address 27 even if the ALT signal was not interrupted, and after the time programmed at
address 30 makes a new attempt in the opposite direction.
 PPE < 31 and PPE < plant’s number of stops and PPE ≠30:
o If the car is in stop zone, opens the doors;
o If the car is halted at an upper level of PPE, reaches it with a regular stop;
o If the car is out of floor, under PPE floor, reaches the lower level and opens the doors.
 PPE < 31 and PPE > plant’s number of stops and ≠30  the car goes down, stops at the nearest floor and opens
the doors.

 PPE = 30
if during the automatic emergency the overload CCS is not enabled, the board ‘ll command the up direction ;
if during the automatic emergency the overload is enabled, the board ‘ll command the down direction ;
 Input EM is ON
 Input ALT is ON
 The control board has to be always ON until it doesn’t finish the manouvre.
The car runs in low speed (with VVVF interface board with emergency speed), stops at the first floor, and opens the correct side door.

 BRAKE RELEASE EMERGENCY see the paragraph of therminal RU

During the emergency service mode, the synchronising contactors are always deactivated and the low speed is forced.


To enable platform management or the “Man Present” call managment, must be programmed the value ‘2’ at address 63
and wire separately landing calls and car calls (like a down collective plant) .
For the correct working of platform lifts with ‘Man Present’ Mode you must enable the multiplexing of the call’s inputs
adding value '+64' at address 61.
This management includes the following actions:
 Car runs only if call button (car or landing ones) is kept pressed
 All landing buttons are ignored when car runs for a car call
 When car is busy for an external call, other landing calls are ignored until the corresponding call button is pressed. If
the current call button is released, car is still reserved for this call until car reserved signal is active, but car stops
when the call button is released.
The control board is able to manage variations of these operations. In fact, if the third entrance is not enabled (‘0’ at add.
3), INT input signal is the activation command of this service mode in this way:
 If INT is always connected to GND: car and landing calls are managed like single call plant’s ones
 If INT is connected to GND when car is not reserved: car calls are served like “man-present” service’s ones and
landing calls are served like automatic single call system’s ones. To connect INT to GND when car is not reserved, it
is possible to wire this input to:
 A “presence in car” sensor (car reserved).
 A car call button circuit properly configured.
 To the AP2 output signal, that is, in this condition, active (closed to GND) when plant is not reserved or when
landing call is active.

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