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Strategic Management

Influencing Organizational Strategy

Table of Contents
What was Kodak’s Digital Imaging Strategy during 1992-2012?..................................................................1
Why did the strategy fail?............................................................................................................................5
Strategic management tools........................................................................................................................7
Product market mix.................................................................................................................................7
Product lifecycle......................................................................................................................................9
McKinsey 7-S model..............................................................................................................................10
Strategic management techniques............................................................................................................11
Was there a better alternative to the strategy?.........................................................................................11
Threat of New Entrants..........................................................................................................................11
Bargaining Power of Suppliers...............................................................................................................12
Bargaining Power of Buyers...................................................................................................................12
Threat of Substitution............................................................................................................................13
Rivalry amongst existing competitors....................................................................................................13
Alternative strategy...............................................................................................................................13
What can other companies facing disruptive change in their core business (e.g. Microsoft, Sony, Walt
Disney) learn from the experience of Eastman Kodak?.............................................................................14

What was Kodak’s Digital Imaging Strategy during 1992-

The Eastman Kodak Company is one of the American technology organizations that further
produces the camera related products with its several aspects based on photography. The main
headquarter of this enterprise is located at Rochester, and New York that further incorporated in
New Jersey. Kodak’s line of business includes- Enterprise Inkjet systems, Micro 3D printing,
Print systems, and Software, packaging and Solution together with Consumer & Film (Harris,
2014). It has been researched that the high-level management of Kodak is well aware of
technological developments in imaging during year 1980s. Kodak organization is highly
committed to the digital imaging strategy that further sealed with the appointment of CEO named
as George Fisher (MacKnight, 1995). From year 1992-2012, the organization developed a
digital strategy that further intended to transform the enterprise from traditional photographic
enterprise to a leader in the emerging field of digital imaging.

The scope of this transformation was to move analogue technology to digital technology; from
long design cycle to rapid prototyping; from industrial manufacturing processes to flexible
manufacturing processes; from value based on physical products to value based on digital
solutions i.e. ‘product + consumables + services’; from mass production, large inventories to
just in time, just in place, and customized products; and from high margins, heavy
infrastructure to lower margins, lean infrastructure (, 2017).

Under this strategy, the company had planned to manufacture the digital cameras instead of
film-based cameras. The researchers of the company were intended to extend the boundaries
of the technology. In 1996, the company introduced Advantix Preview film and camera
system. It allowed the users to preview their shots and indicated number of prints they want. It
still used photo film, paper, and chemical. However, later on the management lag to make the
right strategic choices.
The key strategy followed by Kodak enterprise was embodied with an emphasis on printed
images, an incremental approach of managing the transition to digital imaging, harvesting of
traditional photography business, external sourcing of knowledge through hiring, alliances, and
acquisitions and several strategies for the customer market and even for the commercial and
professional market (Harris, 2014). It has been researched that the future is not some harebrained
scheme of digital information highway. Basically, it is the stepwise progression of enhanced
photography with the effective use of several digital technologies (Lucas and Goh, 2013). In late
2000, digital cameras had achieved limited set of market penetration and it also has been
observed that the vast majority of photographic images were still captured over traditional film
(MacKnight, 1995). For better understanding, SWOT analysis is conducted in following section
that associates with different strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the organization
related to their business plans (Harris, 2014).

Strengths Weaknesses
 Supportive to lead the enhancement in  There was high change reluctance
market position of the organization among the staff members of Kodak as
 Supportive for the rapid product they were not getting additional
launch incentives for their work so that
 Effective to reduce the waste while restricts themselves to perform
manufacturing in the terms of cost, additional activities from the one, they
time and efforts were responsible to do perform as per
 Effective to enhance customer value their job designation. The staff was
 Effective to deliver cost effective not interested in learning new things
products with lower margins (Bhasin, that become the main reason why the
2019). adopted key strategy of Kodak get
 Kodak do not have any advanced
technology set-up due to which they
face issue regarding lagging in
Research and Development sector and
corresponding innovation.
 The strategy adopted by the
organization was not innovative at all
that further affect its success rate.
Moreover, delays in launching new
and upgraded technology-based
devices was another core reason that
result in complete failure of adopted
Digital Imaging Strategy during 1992-
 It has been researched that there were
some corporate blunders due to which
Kodak missed opportunities in digital
 The higher authorities of Kodak were
having poor strategic decision making
as the staff of Kodak didn’t took any
initiative within the way of updating
themselves with the advancement of
technology which is necessary as it
has been researched that none of the
technology keeps permanent and need
to be updated with continuous
enhancement in the field of
technology to make the enterprise
eligible to maintain its competitive
edge (Bhasin, 2019).
Threats Opportunities
 The threat of new entrants was high  Continuous involvement in R & D
for Kodak enterprise would open several opportunities for
 The bargaining power of customer Kodak company to compete with the
was high for Kodak. highly disruptive new entrants.
 The threat of substitute product of  There was an opportunity for the
services of Kodak was also high for company to launch the product at
Kodak. competitive pricing for the high
 Eastman Kodak Company was profitability.
operating in a highly competitive  The company must understand and
environment which was a threatening follow the ongoing digital technology
aspect for Kodak (Bhasin, 2019). trends to be competitive in the
aggressive competition market.
 The product of the company should be
manufactured as the competitive
product in the market (Bhasin, 2019).

Why did the strategy fail?

It has been researched that Kodak had failed to build the viable digital imaging business and
also get failed in terms of financial performance. The amount of enterprise losses increases
year by year from continuing operations before interest and taxes from 343 to 506 from year
2007 to year 2011. Another issue faced by Kodak was that Kodak had failed in implementing its
digital strategy in relation of being a laggard in developing the required abilities to compete in
the field of digital imaging. Kodak’s market was too unattractive just because of intense
competition that further create a challenging situation for the organization (Kodak strategy,
2019). It has been researched that the vision of Kodak regarding the establishment of its market
as a leader was completely misconceived in the field of digital imaging (Lucas and Goh, 2013).
The main cause of downfall of Kodak is the advent of Digital Technology and the management
was not adaptive to digital market even though after the invented digital cameras of the user
(Barriers to change and the downfall of Kodak, 2015). Following are some reasons those results
in complete failure of strategy that has been adopted by Kodak and its management (Kodak
strategy, 2019).

 High change reluctance: There was high change reluctance among the staff members of
Kodak as they were not getting additional incentives for their work so that restricts
themselves to perform additional activities from the one, they were responsible to do
perform as per their job designation. The staff was not interested in learning new things
that become the main reason why the adopted key strategy of Kodak get failed (Dittrich
and Hofmann, 2016).
 No advance technology set-up: Kodak do not have any advanced technology set-up due
to which they face issue regarding lagging in Research and Development sector and
corresponding innovation. The competitors of Kodak were adopted new technologies but
due to unavailability of advance technology setup, kodak face delay issue in launching
new camera products (D. Anthony, 2016).
 No innovation in strategy: The strategy adopted by the organization was not innovative
at all that further affect its success rate. Moreover, delays in launching new and upgraded
technology-based devices was another core reason that result in complete failure of
adopted Digital Imaging Strategy during 1992-2012 (hca, 2015).
 Poor strategic decision making: It has been researched that there were some corporate
blunders due to which Kodak missed opportunities in digital photography (,
2017). The higher authorities of Kodak was having poor strategic decision making as the
staff of Kodak didn’t took any initiative within the way of updating themselves with the
advancement of technology which is necessary as it has been researched that none of the
technology keeps permanent and need to be updated with continuous enhancement in the
field of technology to make the enterprise eligible to maintain its competitive edge
(Dittrich and Hofmann, 2016). Thus, the strategic failure was the direct reason or cause of
Kodak’s decades-long decline such as digital photography that significantly destroyed the
film-based business model of the organization (Kodak strategy, 2019).

With continuous growth in the field of technology and use of mobile devices, it has been noticed
that the manufacturers of mobile devices started integrating the high-quality cameras in the
mobile devices that further reduces the overall demand of Kodak cameras in the market
because it quite costly to purchase them instead of purchasing a mobile device (,
2012). Kodak takes lots of time to plan new strategies in context to increase the sales of their
cameras and imaging devices. Thus, the main reason behind this failure was delays made by the
team to launch new product and lack of innovation in their existing business strategy.
Strategic management tools
Product market mix
Product market mix is one of the key marketing strategy and strategic management tool that is
used to evaluate four main factors of the organization and these factors in context with Kodak
organization are discussed below this section in brief manner-

 Price: Currently, Kodak is using competitive based product pricing strategy and set the
prices of its products as per this key strategy. Kodak prefers to sell its products at higher
cost than its competitors that negatively affect the customer base and revenue rate of the
organization because customers also look for the organization that could offer them high
quality products at cheaper rates. Kodak offered camera and other devices with additional
features those are not offering by its competitors so that prefer to increase the product
prices to generate maximum profit. Kodak is also using product bundle pricing strategy
according to which the products are bundled together and sold at lower prices than the
individual price of similar product to increase customer attention over the pricing
strategy. Furthermore, the organization also introduces optional product pricing strategy
for some of its products where the price of base product is defined by the organization
separately and separate prices for the accessories of base products to generate maximum
financial benefits. For online product sales, the prices of the products are high because
the organization sold products online by including the cost of delivery to customer’s
doorstep. For some specific category products, Kodak prefers fixed cost strategy so the
customers can’t negotiate for such products. Customer retention could be increased by the
organization by introducing the discounts of products and corresponding allowances to
get high market share. Moreover, psychological pricing strategy could also follow by
Kodak company to generate maximum benefits.
 Place: Kodak company use two different channels to sell its products i.e. directly
approach to customers and sell products through official website of the organization and
secondly, selling products to the wholesalers who could sale them further to the other
retailers located across the country and then the customers could get the product through
these intermediators. An intensive marketing strategy has been adopted by the
organization where the officials of the company tries to sell their products to large
number of retailers with the key expectation to increase their overall sales rate. Kodak
also follows an omni-channel distribution system where the organization has integrated
both types of its stores (online and offline) to make the customers eligible to get easy
access towards different product set of the organization. The officials of Kodak company
should open up company operated retail stores where it would be easy for them to deliver
all kind of products to their customers. This approach would also secure most of
organization’s key expenses as wholesaler and retailers’ margins would not exist after
opening the suggested company operated retail store.
 Promotion: Multiple media channels are using by Kodak to promote its products among
large customer base across the countries where it operates and is planning to operate. The
organization is also preferring the use of social media advertising strategy that is
relatively cheaper because it is just based on the use of all-time active internet connection
which is the basic need to every organization these days. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter
are some social media applications those are used by Kodak to promote its products
because the marketing team of the organization is completely aware of increasing use of
these social media sites (, 2019). Kodak actively participated in several
events & trade exhibitions and also undergoes through personal selling to increase the
sales rate in the retail stores of the company.
 Product: It has been investigated that Eastman Kodak company sold its products under
five broad categories and each of this category serve as a separate product line. The
customers are offered with large product variety so that it become easy for them to select
the product of their own choice. The products sold by Eastman Kodak are highly
differentiated on the basis of changing customer requirements and market trends as well.
The management of Kodak organization keep itself updated towards latest technological
trends so that they could follow the same to attract large customer base towards high
quality products and services of the organization. The products offered by Kodak are
considered as really unique which is important to classify the products of the organization
from those offered by the competitive organizations. The products of Kodak are
perceived to be higher quality than that of its competitor organizations. Also, it has been
observed that the customers of Kodak are ready to pay higher price for the product
required by them just because of excellent quality delivered by Kodak. Kodak prefers to
make advancements in its existing product designs but it should be focused towards
introducing technologically advanced and unique products apart from the products &
corresponding designs already selling by them to retain maximum customer and even to
increase the revenue rate of the organization. Also, kodak should improve its product
packaging style so that it become easy to ship the products without any fear of damage to
customer end (Mastovich, 2011).

Product lifecycle
Introduction stage: This is the first stage of product life cycle of Kodak organization that
is associated with four key factors i.e. product, pricing, distribution, and promotion. The
company had planned to manufacture the digital cameras instead of film-based cameras.
In 1996, the company introduced Advantix Preview film and camera system that allowed
the users to preview their shots and indicated number of prints they want. The company
still used photo film, paper, and chemical. However, later on the management lag to make
the right strategic choices. Kodak uses Competitive product pricing strategy, fixed cost
strategy, and fixed cost strategy. For product distribution, kodak prefers to use its official
website whereas for product promotion, social media applications and networking sites
are used by the marketing executives of Kodak.
Growth stage: In Growth stage of product, Kodak prefers to maintain the additional
features of its camera devices. The officials of Kodak try to manage its pricing strategies
as per customer preferences. Kodak also increases the distribution channels as per the
demand of customers increases for their products.
Maturity stage: At maturity stage, Kodak enhances the product features to make it unique
from those selling by its competitive organizations like Sony. Fixed cost price strategy
has been adopted by the organization at this stage. Incentives and Intensives are offered
by the organization to encourage customer preferences for their own products.
Decline stage: As the product sale of kodak decline, the company has several options
such as harvesting the products, reducing product price, liquidating the remaining
inventory, and selling the remaining inventory to another organization that is interested to
continue the product to manage organizational disasters (, 2019).
McKinsey 7-S model
 Strategy: It has been observed through the case study analysis that the digital imaging
strategy of Kodak organization was not innovative at all due to which it gets failed
(Krigsman, 2011). The focus of the organization is on developing similar style products
without focusing on the changing market trends and customer preferences
(, 2019).
 Structure: Kodak has hierarchical organizational structure and the team is divided to
three main level employees i.e. high-level management, middle level management and
low-level management. Various departments of the organization communicate about
business strategy through the use of emails, and various social media applications such
as- WhatsApp groups and Facebook groups etc.
 Staff: It has been observed that there is no readiness among the staff members of Kodak
to accept the technological changes. The higher authorities of Kodak was having poor
strategic decision making as the staff of Kodak didn’t took any initiative within the way
of updating themselves with the advancement of technology which is necessary as it has
been researched that none of the technology keeps permanent and need to be updated
with continuous enhancement in the field of technology to make the enterprise eligible to
maintain its competitive edge (, 2019).
 Systems: The employees of the organization are managed by the HRM department of the
organization with the use of different information systems. Also, the organization uses
customer relationship management system to keep up to date with customer retention
strategy. The employees have online work environment to manage the customer needs
and preferences and then serve them accordingly (Teeboom, 2019).
 Style: Kodak was founded several years ago by the passionate pioneer but is having a
negative atmosphere for the employees to work. The working style of the organization is
just to work without being focused towards the latest market trends and customer
 Skills: The higher authorities of Kodak were having poor strategic decision-making
skills as well as the skills regarding the acceptance of recent technological trends as the
staff of Kodak didn’t took any initiative within the way of updating themselves with the
advancement of technology.
 Shared values: Teamwork is a shared value that is present among the employees of the
organization. It has been observed that the employees of Kodak have some shared values
but most of them doesn’t promote the inclusion of innovative business strategy
(Jurevicius, 2013).

Strategic management techniques

Gap analysis: Under the currently adopted strategy, the company had planned to manufacture the
digital cameras instead of film-based cameras. The researchers of the company were intended to
extend the boundaries of the technology. In 1996, the company introduced Advantix Preview
film and camera system. It allowed the users to preview their shots and indicated number of
prints they want. It still used photo film, paper, and chemical. However, later on the management
lag to make the right strategic choices. Thus, it can be concluded that the organization was not
adopting innovative approach of product designing and manufacturing that directly affect the
brand value of the organization, customer base and decreased revenue rate as well.

Game theory: This is the strategic management theory that could be used by Kodak organization
in order to determine the way how the competitors of the organization in the market would react
and respond to increased product prices and product categories. This theory is basically used by
the enterprises to evaluate the way how the individuals would react as well as behave in various
alternative situations. As per this game theory of strategic management, kodak could make
strategic business decisions regarding effective product pricing strategy, customer and employee
retention strategy.

Was there a better alternative to the strategy?

Managers of Eastman Kodak could have made extensive usage of Porter Five Forces to
understand different five competitive forces which heavily influences overall profitability and
support development of an effective strategy for enhancing Eastman Kodak company. A well-
defined and detailed Porter Five Forces Analysis has been given below (Marci Martin, 2018) –

Threat of New Entrants

Different entrants in Electronic Equipment and Digital Imaging industry brings a high degree of
innovation, and new methods of performing various operations which put significant pressure
over Eastman Kodak Company through numerous aspects such as lower pricing strategy,
reduction of costs, and providing enhanced value propositions to large fraction of customers. The
threats of new entrants are quite moderate. Thus, Eastman Kodak needs to manage such
challenges and build effective barriers with an objective to safeguard competitive edge (Marci
Martin, 2018).

To manage the threats of new entrants, Eastman Kodak needs to innovate various products and
services. Such products would not only bring new customers to the fold but would also provide a
reason for old customers to stay associated with the company. Further, the company could have
done so by building effective economies of scale so that it is able to fixed cost per unit (Fern Fort
University, 2019).

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

All companies in Electronic Equipment and Digital Imaging buy their raw material from a wide
range of suppliers. Such suppliers in dominant positions can decrease the overall margins for
Eastman Kodak Company in the market. Powerful suppliers in the marker can make extensive
use of their negotiating power in order to extract higher prices (Fern Fort University, 2019).
Thus, the bargaining power of suppliers is also moderate. Eastman Kodak needs to tackle the
issues which originate primarily because of bargaining power of suppliers (Marci Martin, 2018).

To deal with such issues, Eastman Kodak needs to build highly effective and efficient supply
chain with a wide range of suppliers. Moreover, the company needs to experiment with new
product design by making use of different materials so that if price of one raw material rises up
then the company could shift to another (Naughton, 2012).

Bargaining Power of Buyers

Buyers often demand hefty services from the company and want to extract best offerings by
paying minimal or optimal price. This puts strong pressure on Eastman Kodak profitability in
context to long-term and long-run. The more powerful and smaller the customer base of the
organization would be, the higher would be the bargaining power of customers and higher
would be the ability to seek increasing discounts (Marci Martin, 2018).

To tackle challenges imposed by Bargaining Power of Buyers, the company needs to build a
large customer base as it will reduce the overall bargaining power of buyers and provide an
extensive opportunity to the firm by streamlining the sales and production process. Further, the
introduction of new products would also help in reducing the deflection of existing customers of
Eastman Kodak to various customers.

Threat of Substitution
When a new product or service satisfactorily meets the needs of customer in different ways, the
overall profitability of industry suffers to a great extent (Fern Fort University, 2019). The threat
of substitute products or services is considerably high if it is capable of offering value
proposition which is uniquely different from present offerings provided by the industry (Marci
Martin, 2018).

To tackle such issues, Eastman Kodak company needs to be highly service oriented rather than
just product oriented and by understanding the exact needs of customers rather than focusing on
what the customers are buying (Eastman Kodak Company Porter Five (5) Forces & Industry
Analysis [Strategy], 2019).

Rivalry amongst existing competitors

If the competition and rivalry amongst various existing players in a particular industry are highly
intense then it would drive down the overall prices and decrease the profitability of industry to a
great degree of extent (Fern Fort University, 2019). Eastman Kodak Company primarily operates
in a highly competitive environment. The competition imposes a heavy toll on the long-term
profitability of the organization (Marci Martin, 2018).

Alternative strategy
To tackle the challenges imposed by existing competitors in the digital imaging industry,
Eastman Kodak company needs to build a sustainable differentiation by building a scale so that it
could compete better. Alternatively, it could also collaborate with various competitors to increase
the overall market size rather than continuously competing for a smaller fraction of market. By
analyzing all five competitive forces, an alternative strategy could have been formed which
would have allowed easy and seamless transformation (Kodak strategy, 2019). With the help of
evaluation of various forces, game-changing trends could be identified well in advance and can
smoothly respond with an objective to exploit the emerging productivity. Thus, an alternative
strategy for Eastman Kodak could have been developed by strictly analyzing and evaluating
different components. This would have allowed the overall strategy to be highly successful for
the organization. A better alternative strategy would have been to deploy an incremental model in
which one aspect of the company is modified at one instant. This would allow providing a
structured method of transforming current business process. The period of 1992 to 2012 was the
period of rapid digital technological advancements. In this period, the digital cameras
embedded smartphones started to be launched such as Apple, and Blackberry etc. The digital
cameras were rapid in use. Thus, the researchers of the company must have the
understanding of the ongoing trends and must introduced the competitive changes to be
worked on. Along with this, the teams must be competent to work on them.

What can other companies facing disruptive change in

their core business (e.g. Microsoft, Sony, Walt Disney)
learn from the experience of Eastman Kodak?
Eastman Kodak is most commonly mischaracterized as a company whose managers failed to
recognize that digital technology would decimate the overall traditional business. However, the
overall case of Kodak is highly complicated and a large number of outcomes could be gathered
(Sloane, 2018). A large number of companies such as Microsoft, Sony, Walt Disney could learn
from the Eastman Kodak as it failed to grasp the overall significance of technological transition
which threatened the business to a great degree of extent (Clayton M. Christensen and Michael
Overdorf, 2000).

One of the biggest problems with version of various events is that it is wrong. Further, it provides
some important lessons which could be adhered by other companies. For instant, the Kodak
management was constantly and seamlessly tracking the rate at which digital media was
continuously replacing film (Rogers, 2018). However, a large number of factors accumulated
which made it highly difficult for Kodak to shift the gears and effectively originate a customer
franchise that would be sustainable over a long period of time (Clayton M. Christensen and
Michael Overdorf, 2000).

Every situation differs from each other on a wide range of aspects, but there are numerous
experiences of Kodak which particularly suggests various sobering questions for managers who
are undergoing considerable technology-driven change. Some of them are -
 Is the core technology being replaced by and converged to the point of fully being
replaced by another general-purpose technology platform? If it is so, then the
company could experience a significant decrement in the overall manufacturing scale
and numerous early-mover advantages which include bringing far down the legacy of a
manufacturing learning curve (Clayton M. Christensen and Michael Overdorf, 2000).

 Is the technology which underpins various business operations and activities likely
to shift and converge to highly digital and modular platform which will lower the
overall barriers to entry? If it is so then the pressure of commoditization would be
highly inevitable, and the company must take effective measures to live on such lower
margins (Webber and Gordon, 2014).

 Is there a presence of capital-intensive legacy business? If it is true, then the

organization could develop a strategy primarily for scaling down of production volumes
which is highly efficient in terms of capital and manages the overall manufacturing
costs from rising excessively (Webber and Gordon, 2014). This might involve usage of
older equipment and repurposing of various production assets in order to develop
alternative products (Clayton M. Christensen and Michael Overdorf, 2000).

 How does the overall balance of the power in the ecosystem undergo change as the
technology shifts impacts various parts of the current value chain? This question is
could be understood as whether or not the interest of partners will cause the company to
practice things which are highly contrary to various long-term interests? This would
require strong cognitive thinking and effective decision-making about how the partners
of the ecosystem will manage the transition and adjustment of strategy accordingly
(Clayton M. Christensen and Michael Overdorf, 2000).

Thus, different companies have a large number of lessons which could be learned from the
failure of strategy of Eastman Kodak. Managers of the different organization could adhere to
above given question which will help in development of an effective business strategy (Clayton
M. Christensen and Michael Overdorf, 2000). By development of effective strategy, the
sustainability and viability of any
have-doneorganization could be obtained for an extended period of time (Webber and Gordon,
2014). Thus, undergoing a drastic technological change is a complex and sophisticated process
which needs to be managed with utmost keenness (Shih, 2016). The above-mentioned questions
will help managers of the organization to evaluate different aspects of current business which
will lead to development of highly effective and sustainable business strategy (Webber and
Gordon, 2014).

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