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Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little boy named Timmy.

Timmy loved to play with his friends. But he also loved to tell the truth.

He never told a lie, even if it was easier to do so.

One day, Timmy's friends found a toy in the park.

They all wanted to keep it, but they knew it belonged to someone else.

Timmy suggested they go to the park office and ask if anyone had lost a toy.

When they got there, they saw a sad little girl crying, and her mom was trying to
console her.

The little girl had lost her favorite toy, a purple aeroplane.

Timmy's friends were afraid to tell the little girl they had found her toy, but
Timmy knew it was the right thing to do.

He walked up to the little girl and handed her the toy plane, saying, "Here is
your toy plane little girl"

The little girl's face lit up, and she hugged Timmy, saying thank you.

Timmy felt so happy he could make someone else happy by telling the truth.

He knew it was always better to be honest, no matter how hard it might be.

As Timmy and his friends walked back to their homes, they saw a man drop his wallet
on the grass.

Timmy picked up the wallet and called after the man.

The man was so grateful that he gave Timmy a reward for his honesty.

Timmy's friends were amazed at how honest he was, and they all wanted to be like

From that day on, Timmy became known as the little boy who loved to tell the

Everyone in the village admired him for his honesty and trustworthiness.

The moral of the story is that honesty is always the best policy.

It may be hard to tell the truth sometimes, but it will always pay off in the end.

So, be like Timmy, and always tell the truth, no matter what.

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