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Jawla Application

My application was initially tested by a user. She remarked that the layout was
pleasing on all pages, but he recommended making some changes to the
registration page. I should first get rid of the email area and replace it with a
section for a phone number, then add a new password input field.
These recommendations, which I worked on with her, assisted me in enhancing
the visual appeal of the application. The ease with which the software could be
used, read, and understood was one of its many great features that she also
emphasised. She commended the organisation and execution of the app's
general concept as well.

1 Email to
Change Email to Phone
Number Create Re -
Phone Enter Password option
After removing signup text,
Changing Join button to Signup
and the background color

Why did I change it?

I agreed with this suggestion because some users

comfortable and feel more easy to use with phone
number signup, and the email section does not fit
with it, moslty users like phone number for singup.

That’s After Changing

To allow a second user to provide her own suggestions, I then present the same
app to her without making any modifications. She remarked that the style was
great but that she would alter the Email to a phone number and the Signup text
colour to purple because it was straightforward to complete, simple to
comprehend, and all around well-organized. Most users prefer using their phone
number over their email address, she claimed.

Before After

Why did I change it?

Mostly users more comfortable with phone number instead of
email, and signup text color purple looks more attractive
The most recent user reviewed the app after all of the changes were made in
order to endorse it, and she made some possible changes. The first one is the
ability for users to remove or amend tickets must be included. the second being
the ticket form. Complete that form with all necessary information.

Modification of

1 Modification of
Cart Items
Cart Items

Why did I change it?

Users can easily mofiy

there orders or remove
them, with edit option
we’ll increased the
quantity of the tickets
or we replace this with
another tickets.
2 Why this feedback?

Users can complete form with

necessary information, Admin can
view this, through firebase database.
XML code for search places activity pages.
Design for Complete that form with all necessary information.


This testing report's objective is to assess the "Jawla” Android app's usability, performance, and functionality.
The app seeks to offer information and services to travellers about travel in the Jawla area. This report
provides a summary of the test cases that were run, the issues that were found during the testing phase, and
the testing procedure.

Testing Method:

To guarantee thorough coverage of the app's features and functionalities, the testing was carried out utilising
a methodical manner. The main areas of attention were:

 Functionality testing involves confirming that the app's features and functions all working as planned.
 Performance testing involves analysing the responsiveness, load times, and resource use of the

 Usability testing is the process of evaluating the user interface, user experience, and general usability.

Testing Conditions:

The following environment was used for the testing:

Google Pixel 4 (Android 11.1) device

Android Studio Emulator (a number of simulated devices), Wi-Fi and cellular data networks.

Case Studies

To verify various features of the Jawla Tourism app, a thorough collection of test cases was developed. The
following topics were addressed by the test cases:

 User Signup and Login (a)

confirming that new users' registrations were successful, confirming the login process for current users b.
tourist information

 Testing
checking the information supplied for each location's correctness, examining the integration of the navigation
and map aspects

 Arrangement and Reservation

Testing the reservation system for lodging, excursions, and travel, Checking for the presence of real-time
booking updates

 Alerts and Notifications

Testing the push notice and alert delivery

Examining the effectiveness of updates and reminders e.
Assessing the app's response speed for different tasks, evaluating the effect on resource use and device

 Test Findings
The following problems were found as a result of the testing process:

a. delayed Loading Times: Certain app areas, notably those devoted to tourism destinations and events, had
delayed loading times, which made it difficult to obtain information immediately. The user experience was
adversely affected by this problem.

b. UI discrepancies: The app's user interface had discrepancies in several sections. For instance, the designs
and sizes of the buttons and icons varied, which had an impact on the overall aesthetics and usefulness.

c. Login Failure: In a small number of instances, users had trouble entering into the app and received error
messages despite providing valid login information. In order to identify the underlying source of this problem,
more research was needed.

d. Accurate Navigation: Users attempting to reach specified locations were frequently confused by the
integration with maps and navigation tools, which occasionally supplied incorrect instructions. The
dependability of the app's functioning was compromised by this problem.


The following suggestions are offered to improve the Jawla Tourism Android app in light of the difficulties

a. Performance Optimisation: Reduce the time it takes for pages to load slowly by streamlining data retrieval
and putting caching techniques in place to enhance responsiveness.

b. UI Consistency: Conduct a complete evaluation of the user interface to make sure that items are
consistently styled, sized, and placed across the whole programme, improving both the aesthetics and the
user experience.

Enhancing the login process will help users consistently log into the app without experiencing any issues. b.
Login Process Improvement: Look into the reasons why login attempts fail and put the necessary adjustments
in place.
d. Navigation Improvement: Work with map and navigation suppliers to boost directions' precision and raise
the navigation tools' general dependability.

A number of problems that need attention and improvement were discovered during the testing process for
the Jawla Tourism Android app. Despite the problems, the app showed promise in offering tourists in the
Jawla area useful services. The programme may increase its functionality, speed, and overall user experience
by taking the suggestions into consideration, maximising its value to users. The Jawla Tourism app must
undergo continuous testing and iterative changes in order to be a success and be widely used.
Mobile Applications User Testing Consent Form

Mobile Applications (UFCF7H-15-3):

User Testing and Feedback of a Mobile Application in Development

The Participant Information Sheet is enclosed with his consent form. Before signing this
document, please make sure you have read, understood, and asked any necessary questions
about the participant information sheet. Please get in touch with a member of the module
team if you have any queries; their contact information may be found on the participant
information sheet.

Please sign and date the form if you are willing to test the "in development mobile
application" and offer comments on it. A copy will be sent to you to retain for your records.

 Before being asked to sign this form, I have read and understand the material on the participant information sheet (attached below).
 I now have the chance to ask inquiries concerning the study.
 I received satisfactory responses to my inquiries from the study team.
 I consent to the use of anonymized quotes in the study's final report.
 I am aware that my participation is completely optional and that I can stop at any moment, up until the data has been anonymized,
without having to give a reason.
 I concur to participate in the study.


Signature: Date:
User Testing Form
Name: Date: 15-5-2022
Signature: ………………………
This is a form for my mobile application (hotel booking), and I would like your evaluation of the

Evaluation The Reason

Design & Good design but not as such the user satisfied

Color & Change the email sectoion to phone

font number.

Read ability Used words that are easy to read and understand

User ability easy to used

General Looks Good.




…………………………………………… The way to evaluate by adding number of stars

on table:

Very bad
1. Change Email section to Phone number, and add re input option.

2. Removing Signup and change join now to sign up

Mobile Applications User Testing Consent Form

Mobile Applications (UFCF7H-15-3):

User Testing and Feedback of a Mobile Application in Development

The Participant Information Sheet is enclosed with his consent form. Before signing this
document, please make sure you have read, understood, and asked any necessary questions
about the participant information sheet. Please get in touch with a member of the module
team if you have any queries; their contact information may be found on the participant
information sheet.

Please sign and date the form if you are willing to test the "in development mobile
application" and offer comments on it. A copy will be sent to you to retain for your records.

 Before being asked to sign this form, I have read and understand the material on the participant information sheet (attached below).
 I now have the chance to ask inquiries concerning the study.
 I received satisfactory responses to my inquiries from the study team.
 I consent to the use of anonymized quotes in the study's final report.
 I am aware that my participation is completely optional and that I can stop at any moment, up until the data has been anonymized,
without having to give a reason.
 I concur to participate in the study.


Signature: Date:
User Testing Form
Name: ................................... Date: 1…6…-…
5-…2…0.2. 2
Signature: ………………………
This is a form for my mobile application (hotel booking), and I would like your evaluation of the

Evaluation The Reason

Design & Its design is beautiful.


Color & The design of the pages is beautiful, but it is

preferable to change the email section to phone
font number ,add re input password and change text
Read ability Change color the word “Sign Up” on the
register page.

User ability Easy to use and move between pages.

General well organized application




…………………………………………… The way to evaluate by adding number of stars

on table:

Very bad
1. change the email section. 2. Replace the word “Signup color” .

Mobile Applications User Testing Consent Form

Mobile Applications (UFCF7H-15-3):

User Testing and Feedback of a Mobile Application in Development

The Participant Information Sheet is enclosed with his consent form. Before signing this
document, please make sure you have read, understood, and asked any necessary questions
about the participant information sheet. Please get in touch with a member of the module
team if you have any queries; their contact information may be found on the participant
information sheet.

Please sign and date the form if you are willing to test the "in development mobile
application" and offer comments on it. A copy will be sent to you to retain for your records.

 Before being asked to sign this form, I have read and understand the material on the participant information sheet (attached below).
 I now have the chance to ask inquiries concerning the study.
 I received satisfactory responses to my inquiries from the study team.
 I consent to the use of anonymized quotes in the study's final report.
 I am aware that my participation is completely optional and that I can stop at any moment, up until the data has been anonymized,
without having to give a reason.
 I concur to participate in the study.


Signature: Date:

User Testing Form

Name: ………………………………… Date: ……………..
Signature: ………………………
This is a form for my mobile application (hotel booking), and I would like your evaluation of the

Evaluation The Reason

Design & Uniquely designed for all pages.


Color & Just add an update or delete option to the booking

form while maintaining the uniformity of the
font colours used across the page components.

Read ability Easy to understand and read words have been

used in the application.

User ability The app is easy to use.

idea I have a proposal to include edit or remove choices
and complete all required information in the
booking form. The application is gorgeous and was
created in a style that was appropriate for its



The way to evaluate by adding number of stars on table:

Very bad

Recommendation: All changing completed:

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