Klkelt6if Module+4++ +march+ +Final+Term +DRRR

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EXERCISE 1: Watch the following movies:

1. Towering Inferno – A classic 1970s disaster movie about a fire that breaks out in a state-of-the-art San
Francisco high rise building during the opening ceremony attended by a host of A-list guests. And overworked
fire chief and the building’s architect must cooperate in the struggle to save lives and subdue panic while a
corrupt, cost-cutting contractor tries to evade responsibility.
2. Ladder 49 – is a 2004 American drama film directed by Jay Russel, about the heroics of fictional Baltimore
firefighter Jack Morrison, who is trapped inside a warehouse fire, and his recollection of the events that got
him to that point. The movie is a celebration of the firefighting profession and the lifestyle associated with it.
The film stars were Joaquin Phoenix and John Travolta.

After watching these films, answer the following questions:

1. Identify the causes of the two fire incidents
2. Describe and compare the precautionary measures and procedures employed in addressing the two fire
3. Describe the roles of firefighters in firefighting and fire control

EXERCISE 2: Answer the following questions

1. Discuss briefly the key concepts, principles and elements of disaster risk reduction.
2. Explain briefly the importance of disaster risk reduction on one’s life
3. Discuss briefly the different components of a community-based emergency plan.

4. Identify the three elements of the Fire Triangle and explain how fire is created

5. Enumerate the different causes of fire. Identify the top three most common causes of fire and explain why?

6. Summarize the basic response procedures during a fire incident

7. As a young citizen of the Philippines, what are your roles in disaster risk reduction and management?
8. Give the essence of at least 4 DRR – related laws and policies
9. Explain briefly how the NDRRMC has evolved into what it is now.

EXERCISE 3: Video yourself, preparing your own Survival Kit (actual kit). Send your video via Edmodo

EXERCISE 4: List the agencies tasked for disaster reduction and management with their contact details, prepare an
Emergency Directory List for your Family. Attached your output here.

✔ In American, home fire is the number one disaster threat. It kills more American that earthquake, hurricanes
and tornadoes combined.
✔ In the Philippines, fire is also listed as one of the most common hazards that cased death, especially in Metro
Manila. The month of March is even declared as Fire Prevention Month in this country. Ironically, it during
this month that there are so many fire problems.
✔ Fire, like hazards should be addressed properly to reduce its risk and damage that it may case to life and
property. It should be a part of a disaster preparedness plan.
✔ Education is known to be the chief agent of change. The young generation who are exposed to current and
future hazards should be properly guided as to hoe they prepare, mitigate, respond to and recover from
disaster that hazards may bring.
✔ The creation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMS) is a product of the
national governments departments initiative to protect the Filipino citizens from disasters brought by natural

EXERCISE 5: Prepared a Fire Emergency and Evacuation Plan in your house. Prepare a map and attached your answer

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