Mba 52072

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University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

Master of Business Administration Degree Examination


Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies
201612017 Academic Year - Year I - Second Semester
iluman Resource Management - MBA 520721MBA 52072 (R)

Sunday 02nd September 20 18

No of pages 05

Instructions to candidates

1. Do NOT open this paper until instructed by the supewisor.

2, You must NOT write in your answer booklet until

instructed by the supeivisor.

3. Time allowed Three hours (03).

4. Number of questions eight (08).

5. Answer five (0Q questions including question 01.

6. Begin each answer on a separate page in the answer

booklet Submit all workings.

Page 1 of 5
Question 01
Read the case given and answer to the questions asked at the end of the case.
Rajika is a forty-year-old permanent nurse. She has been employed by a leading hospital in the
country for nine years. During the frst five years, Rajika worked as a nurse on the neurological
surgery floor. She could enjoyed thisjob but after a few years ofhectic schedules and long

shiffs she decided to change her working context into ttre operating room" In the beginning,
Rajika was quite excited for th9 change of pace, and the more structured schedules, offered to
her while woiking in the operating room. After one year working in the operating room
however, Rajika began to find her work boring and less interesting. She was not interested in
going to work, and always looked forward to her days off. She further felt that she missed her

years of work on the neurological surgery floor that suited her best. The Doctor in charge of
the hospital is now of the view that the job designing of Rajika to be revised. Further he noted
tlmt, other nurses working in the neurological surgery floor, are more relar<ed, however,
override, sometimes' some doctors' duties as well. This has created few conflicts between the
nurses and the doctors. Besides, nurses voice to the patients has been, sometime, so rude, that

had provoked few critical patients. These situations also had led few conflicts between the
nlrses and the patients. Importantly, three of the very matured nurses, working in the operating
room, are to get fetired during next couple of months, yet, there is now replacements found.
The nurses working in other sections have high level of reluctance to work in the operating
room. This is going to be a great challenge to be faced by the hospital soou. Other than this,
patients had many complaints about negligence by the new nurses in the neurological surgery

floor. The senior nurses is of the view that the training now given to new nurses, is exactly not
the one they received many years ago which gave them a well-balanced exposure to do the real
job...... .

a) Identify all issues now the hospital has been facing.

(08 Marks)
b) Identiff and justiff the root cause/s that might have led the issues you identified in section
(10 Marks)

c) What model you would suggest to be applied in redesigning of Rajika's Job? Explain how
you would redesign Rajika's job using your suggested model.
(10 Marks)

(Total1$ Marks)

Page 2 of 5
Question 02
a) Describe what Human Resource Management (HRM) is highlighting its purpose,
contenf and nature.
(08 Marks)

b) Explain briefly the limitations of and criticisms raised against the major domain of
HRM today.
(10 Marks)
(Iotal 18 Marks)

Question 03
a) Explain briefly, referring to suitable examples, the job enrichment and job enlargement
(08 Marks)
b) Answer either to i) or ii).
r) Explain, using an example, the strategic recruitment process. (10 Marks)
ii) Discuss with an illustration, the typical 'employee selection process'.
(10 Marks)

(Total 18 Marks)

Question 04
a) Discuss the shategic significance of human resource planning for a modem business
(08 Marks)
b) Explain briefly, with an example, the human resource planning processes.
(10 Marks)

(Total18 Marks)

Question 05
a) Briefly explain, the main outputs ofjob analysis, using appropriate examples
(08 Marks)

Page 3 of 5
b) Answer either to i) or ii)
i) Explain the qpplicability of 'buddy method / buddy system' in a modern
business organizatioo as an induction method of new employees.

(10 Marks)

ii) Explain briefly, the role ofHR in the process of socialization of newly recruited
employees, considering the 'life cycle of employee socialization process'.
(10 Marks)

(fotal 18 Marks)

Question 06
Answer either to a) or b)
Answer to a) i) and a) ii).
a) i) Discuss briefly the process of performance appraisal.
(08 Marks)

ii) Explain with suitable examples the various errors that can be made by the
appraisers when they evaluate performance of their subordinates,
(10 Marks)

(Total 18 Marks)
Answer to b) i) and b) ii)
b) r) Explain briefly, how the Balance Score Card @SC) is used in managing the
overall business performance of an organisation.
(08 Marks)

ii) Develop aperfomrance agreement for a selected job.

(10 Marks)

flotal 18 Marks)

Question 07
Answer either to a) ot b)
Answer to a) i) and a) ii).
a) l) Differentiate the nature of the reward strategy of companies facing to 'grourlh
stage' and 'mature stage' of their business life cycle.
(08 Marks)

Page 4 of5
ii) Explain how the nature of HRM strategy changes when the business strategy at
different phases of business life cycle changes.

(10 Marks)
(Total18 Marks)

Answer to b) r) and b) ii)

b) i) Describe with examples the four rules in 'hot stove rules', developed by
' McGregor for enforcing discipline.

(08 Marks)
ii) What are the reasons for falling membership of uade unions, particularly in the
private sector in Sri Lanka, over the \ast}S years?
(10 Marks)
(Total 18 Marks)

Question 08
Write short answers on any three (03) of the following topic areas:
a) possible decisions taken with regard to the employment of a probationer at the end of
hislher plobationary period;
b) Economic and social impacts of having sound HRM practices in business organizations;
c) Issues, faced by individual employees in there caf,eer management;

d) Differences between HRM and Hunan Resource Development GIRD);

e) Contextual sensitivity of HRM;

D Different levels of analysis in HRM;

g) Process of deciding rewards;

h) Differencesbetween oinduction' and'socialisation'.

(Total 18 Marks)

Page 5 of 5

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