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Prompt / Question Response


Testimonial Theme Social


Phase II

Basic introductory Mularam is an SGI beneficiary from Purnasar, Sri

details of the Dungargarh. He has been associated with TechnoServe
beneficiary since 6 years.

How was the Mularam earlier used to keep all types of animals in one shed
beneficiary managing only,be it the milching or non milcing animals due to which
before TNS intervention there was spread of communicable disease and competition
OR before being
in food.He was also unaware of disease types and its local
associated with
TechnoServe? cure.

What was TNS Team recognized the issue and trained him to keep animals
Intervention/guidance/s in separate enclosure which will help him in keeping the
upport? animals healthy. The team also trained him to identify
different breeds of animals and different types of diseases
which may occur in them.

How did TNS After continuous training by the team now he keep different
guidance/support/interv animals in different enclosure resulting in efficient
ention help the management of food,water and medicine (for infected
beneficiary and impact
animal).Now he is able to identify the diseases and try to cure
their life?
them with some local method and if needed he even takes
veterinary doctor support.

Beneficiary’s Beneficiary is thankful to Technoserve for their support and

concluding remarks for guidance. Their intervention has changed the way he was
or about TNS team using to manage his animals. He recommends the programs
to other villagers, as the program has the power to bring
about transformative change.

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