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Test 2: May 15, 2018 Duration: 2h


(5) 1. Expansion joints are a constructive/structural solution that is often present in buildings.

Indicate the phenomena/actions that determine its use, identifying, in each case, the reasons
that justify its realization.

(5) 2. Consider the execution of flat slabs in buildings: 2.1 In solid

flat slabs it is usual to reinforce the column areas.
What does this reinforcement consist of and what reasons justify it.
2.2 What comment would you like to make regarding the placement of ducts next to pillars in
this type of slab?


(10) 3. Consider the simplified scheme shown in figure 1 of the standard floor of an office building
with the following characteristics: Reinforced concrete
building with 4 high floors (including roof), P square pillars and Pb walls
located in plan, Maximum clear height of pillars and walls
equal to 4.0 m.
Answer the following questions, always justifying all the options taken and using the pre-
dimensioning elements provided in the classes that are strictly necessary.

3.1 Indicate in the figure of the statement the structural scheme considering a framed
structure. Reference all new structural elements.
3.2 Pre-dimension the most unfavorable section of each type of structural element: column,
beam, slab and wall.
3.3. Analyze and comment on the bracing solution for the building.

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Figure 1

a) Answer the questions strictly. Answers that include references out of context will be penalized, as
well as those that reproduce the supporting texts in full. b) Write legibly.

c) Frauds detected during the test or, later, during the correction of the test, will be penalized,
with direct damage to all identified participants.

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(5) 1. Temperature variations, as well as deferred phenomena when present (creep and retraction)
determine deformations whose consequences for structures are all the more significant the
larger the dimensions in plan and which translate either into displacements (dilations or
contractions ), or in efforts, when those are, in whole or in part, restricted.

Also in the case of earthquakes, the judicious use of expansion joints can lead to better
control of the behavior of the structure under the action of earthquakes, whether separating
parts of the building with very different geometric characteristics (for example, in terms of
height) , or providing better control of the distribution of bracing elements, through an
adequate sectioning of the respective plan.

(3) 2.1 In flat slabs, the areas around the pillars must be solid, with an adequate thickness, to resist
the punching effort, on the one hand, but also the bending moments installed in the slabs,
whose higher values are they are located right above the pillars.

Thus, in solid slabs, reinforcement is usually carried out with capitals or abacuses around
the pillars, thus allowing an increase in the thickness of the slab in these areas. On the other
hand, in flat slabs, the required thickness is usually obtained by eliminating the lightening
blocks around the pillars, thus obtaining a massive area as intended.

(2) 2.2 For the reasons explained in the previous paragraph, the placement of ducts next to the
pillars, although not prohibited, must be avoided at all costs, since its existence necessarily
entails a reduction in the resistance capacity to the present punching effort in that area
(which may imply the adoption of measures, such as increasing the thickness and/or
aggravating the punching resistance reinforcement), in addition to disturbing, penalizing, the
distribution of negative bending moments acting on the slab in that region.

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