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4-14 January
January 11–21, 2023 2023

“But the
“But word
the hour of Godand now is,
is coming,
when and multiplied.”
true worshipers will worship
the Father in spirit and truth; for the
Father is seeking
Acts 12:24, NKJV such to worship Him.”



who GROWS to become

more and more like Him

and GOES with Him

to help others do the same.

"By this all people

will know that
you are my disciples,
if you have love
for one another.”"
John 13:35


as they LOVE Him & others more,

LEARN from Him more,
and LIVE like Him more.


tion .
c n "The goal for a discipleship pathway
dire atio
s a stin is never to get someone through it;
It i de it is to get the disciple to own it"



Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association
Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Dayto1the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
- Make
God1 Makes
DAY Disciples
— WHERE ARE YOU?(4th January 2023, Wednesday)

“Then the Lord God calledGod

to Adam and said
makes youtoahim, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)

as you learn and experience Him
The Most Important Question
through different people & ways,
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
growing in faith & love,
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
like a seed planted
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between Godinand
Hissoil of your
crowning heart.
creation. Godhadmakes
The place where God you
met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Jesus
Hearts whosepassed
beats had on
oftenfrom there,
synchronized withHeHissaw a man
own were named
strangely Matthew
distant, almost sitting
silent that day. at the tax
office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him.”
Not Enough
God matures you as a disciple Matthew 9:9

Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
as you learn
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs how top. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
and Prophets,
Levi Matthew’s
them that what God offered grow them call
be not to discipleship
Him, that communion seems likeinaa close,
with God “love at first
trusting sight”was
relationship story.
not enough. In
instant thepops up,and
mild, balmy invites
climes Matthew
helpnow todofollow
others tothe theHim,
chillsame, and
guilty pair. TheMatthew
love and peace leaves
which hadeverything
been theirs was gone,
and in its place money
behind, they felt a sense
and ofall,
sin, ato
dread of the future,
follow a nakednessIsofitsoul.
the Master. The robe ofthat
possible light which
making had enshrouded
disciples them
like a seedling
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
of God and What are(p.some
holy angels” intoSin
57). a of the
had hints
changed that the narrative
God matures you
the spiritual condition gives
of the only us ininEden
creatures relation
with whomtoGod had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Pray
According to the biblical account, Matthew was a tax collector, one of the
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
most loathed, ifGod notmultiplies
globe, perhaps there is nothing
the mostyou
more important
hated, job that a Jew could have. Although the pay
for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
maywashavegood enough
passed, but theinto tofelled
lies that lead a comfortable
Adam life, the
and Eve have not changed. Satancost of being
still claims that Godan outcastsomething
is withholding was a from
that Heprice totrusted,
cannot be pay in
as youthataHe
is notthe
share thatThis
fruits highly
messagevalued religious
is especially alluring in a and collectivist
tech-obsessed, values.
digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise
and sow a type
the seedsof spiritual nirvana,
of blessings, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
The fact that Jesus thought of Matthew as a potential disciple tells us that God
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
like a fruitful tree multiplying
One whonot discriminate,
is drawing us to His sideand neither
with lovingkindness should
31:3)!when it comes to making
into more fruitful trees. God multiplies you
This is the first lesson we learn from Christ concerning discipleship.
pray together.

The second hint the narrative gives us is how quickly Matthew reacted to
Jesus’ call to join Him in ministry. It seems that Levi Matthew was waiting for
Christ to extend an invitation to join Him and serve Him. In this sense, Ellen G.
White discloses what was happening in Matthew’s heart when she wrote,

“Matthew had listened to the Saviour’s teaching. As the convicting Spirit of

God revealed his sinfulness, he longed to seek help from Christ” (Desire of
Ages, p. 272).

Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Here is a second lesson concerning discipleship, although we may be
askingARE the YOU?
people around us to join us in serving the Master, we should
trust that God’s Spirit is working in them, preparing the ground for God’s
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
invitation to discipleship through us..
The Most Important Question
Is there a more third question
searching and lastthanhint given
the one in the
God directed story
at the is even
newly-fallen more
Adam? revealing.
God, of course, knew The
exactly where Adam
Eve were. Hegives
is omniscient—all-knowing—after
us a sneak peak ofall,what so Godhappened
was really asking, Adam,
after do you
Levi know wheresaid
Matthew you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
to Jesus. A banquet ensued and “many tax collectors and sinners came and ate
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. [Jesus]
The first and
faces ever hisbore
created disciples”
no smile for(Matt 9:10).
their Creator thatIn other
day. Arms Hewords, the third
had fashioned lesson
from clay of Him that
did not enfold
day. calling
Hearts whose beats to discipleship
had often synchronized withisHisthat making
own were disciples
strangely has
distant, almost a ripple
silent that day. effect.
Matthew’s acceptance into Jesus’ circle made a regular tax collector into a
Not Enough
channel of salvation for others with the same job.
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them Questions:
that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
the mild,seeing
balmy climes
how of Eden now “seemed
simple it wastoto chillmake
the guiltyapair. The love out
disciple and peace whichMatthew,
of Levi had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
do we learn about discrimination and disciple-making?
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the2)eye ofWhat
God andmay be hindering
holy angels” (p. 57). Sin hadus fromthetrusting
changed in theofwork
spiritual condition the onlyof the Holy
creatures in EdenSpirit?
with whom God had
3) HisWhatvery image. Indeed,
is the it had effect
ripple shatteredthat
God’s accepting
image in them. new believers cause?

4) toDo
A Time we sometimes over-complicate the beginning of discipleship?
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there
Practical is nothing
Action more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
1) Have an inclusive attitude toward everyone because anyone can be a
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and of Jesus.
connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God2) Trust in the invisible
who made us. Now is the yetSatan’s
time to reject powerful work
lies and go ofthethe
back to OneHoly Spirit
who has inwith
loved us theanhearts oflove, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
those we want to reach to.
together. for the ripple effect that making disciples has by training the church

to be accommodating and understanding toward newcomers.

Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

God for His inclusiveness, which allows you and anyone to be His disciple.
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
Important a Question
judgmental attitude toward potential disciples.
Is Ask
there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
andThe HolyHeSpirit
Eve were. to empower you toall,be
is omniscient—all-knowing—after a channel
so God of salvation
was really asking, and
Adam, do you knowdiscipleship.
where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. lifefaces
The first to ever
Jesus, following
created bore no smileHis perfect
for their Creatorexample
that day. ArmsasHethe ultimate
had fashioned model
from ofenfold Him that
clay did not
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.

Not Enough
Suggested Songs:
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear Jesus Loves(Patriarchs
reasoning?” Me (SDAH 190)p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
and Prophets,
2) that
them Happiness
what God offeredIs to know
them was notthe Saviour
enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an3)instant the mild, balmy
Walking withclimes
Jesus of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritualreading
Today’s condition of
isthe only creatures
written in Eden
by Pastor with whom
Roger God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.

God makes you a disciple

as you learn and experience Him
Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association
through different people & ways, Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond
growing in faith & love,
like a seed planted
God makes you
in the soil of your heart.
Dayto2the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
- Mature
God1 Matures
DAY — WHERE Disciples
ARE YOU? (5th January 2023, Thursday)

“Then the Lord God calledGod matures

to Adam and saidyou as a‘Where
to him, disciple
are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)

as you learn how to
The Most Important Question
grow to be like Him,
Is there a more searchingand
go tothan the one
help God do
others directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
the same,
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
like a seedling
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between Godgrowing into a fruitful
and His crowning creation. tree. Godhadmatures
The place where God youevery previous day was empty on this
met them on
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
“11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists,
Notand some pastors and teachers, 

12 for
Ellen the equipping
White comments, Godrepresented
“Satan multiplies you
of thetosaints
the holyfor thethey
pair that workwouldofbeministry, for
gainers by breaking the edifying of the
the law of God. Do we not today
hear similarof
body reasoning?” into more disciples
Christ, (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what God offered as them was notthe
you share enough,
fruitsthat communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
13 till we all come
an instant the mild, balmyand
of Eden
unity of theto faith and
now “seemed
of the knowledge of the Son of
chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
sow the seeds of blessings,
andGod, to athey
in its place perfect
felt a senseman,
of sin,to theofmeasure
a dread of the stature
the future, a nakedness of soul. Theofrobe
the fullness
of light ofenshrouded
which had Christ;  them now
like a fruitful tree multiplying
14 that we
disappeared, and toshould no longer
supply its place be children,
they endeavored to fashion fortossed
themselves toa covering;
and froforand carried
they could about
not, while withmeet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritualGod
into more fruitful trees. multiplies
condition of the only you
creatures in Eden with whom God had
every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
of deceitful plotting, 
A 15 but,
Time to Pray speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is
the head—Christ— 
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
that He cannotaccording
be trusted, thatto Hethe
is not effective working
enough. This message by which
is especially alluringevery part does
in a tech-obsessed, itsage
digital share,
in which more
gadgets growth of promise
and connectedness the body a type for the edifying
of spiritual of itself
nirvana, a higher state inin love.”
which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting
Ephesians love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Whatpray together.
does it mean to mature?
Maturing is learning to take ownership of your discipleship pathway by
cultivating spiritual habits and learning how to grow in love for God and others
and to go make disciples of all nations. One of the best ways to do this is
together in a D-Group.
From Ephesians 4, the maturing process has a few elements. (Grow)
1)     Serve - To serve in ministry by using the spiritual gifts God has given (v11-12)
2)     Know - Unity in faith and experiential knowledge of God (v13-14)
3)     Love - Speaking truth in love and growing up into Christ (v15-16)

Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Firstly, to discover the spiritual gifts that God has given either through a
DAY 1 — WHEREgifts survey,
ARE YOU? trying out in serving in various ministries based on interest
or based on observations of spiritual leaders. To respond to God’s call in serving,
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
including making disciples, experience the joy of being co-labourers together
ThewithMost God and the
Important fruits of service.
Is  there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after
Secondly, amidst the temptations all, so Godof wascomparison,
really asking, Adam, do you know
different where you
styles, are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
struggles to unite under the banner of Jesus, in his faith, for the Mission of the
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. to make
The first faces disciples.
ever created Maturing
bore no smile andthat
for their Creator uniting
day. Armsunder the banner
He had fashioned from clayofdidthe gospel.
not enfold Him that
Despite the false teachings, trials and tribulations, to grow in experiencing Jesus
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
and have greater intimacy with Him.
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similarThirdly,
(Patriarchs andthe truth
Prophets, in Adam
p. 54). loveand andEve growing
made the mistakeup ofinto Christ
listening to theisdevil,
a challenge
and he convinced
them thatiswhat
a life
them was not There
enough,are that 2 relevant
communion withverses
God in a and 1 quote
close, trusting from was
relationship Ellennot enough. In
instant the mild, balmy climes
which will help us. of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of“By thisholy
God and allangels”
will know that
(p. 57). Sin hadyou aretheMy
changed disciples,
spiritual conditionif
of you have
the only love
creatures for one
in Eden with whom God had
shared Hisanother.”
very image. Indeed,
– John it had shattered God’s image in them.
A Time to Pray
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him,
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps much fruit;
there for
is nothing more without
important Me to
for which youpraycan do nothing.” –
than for John
a return to the place where15:5
God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
“The strongest argument in favour of the gospel is a loving and lovable
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who Christian.” –
made us. Now is theMinistry of Satan’s
time to reject Healing, pg
lies and go470
back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the  One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
It is God’s work as we surrender to Him, to allow His work in us to bear fruit.
Let’s pray together.
Through service in ministry, through spending time with Him in prayer and the
Word, to know Him more, to have the self-sacrificial love to be a loving and
lovable Christian and continuously abide in Jesus is a lifelong process.

Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

DAY I first gave
life to Jesus publicly through baptism at the age of 15, my favourite ministry to
serve in was the music ministry, through playing the piano. The first time I did so, I remember my hands and
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
legs shaking nervously and uncontrollably and I made several mistakes while playing for the service. I went to
ThetheMost toiletImportant
at the backQuestion
and cried. It was a kind lady who came to me and encouraged me, telling me not to
Is worry
there aand morehow proudquestion
searching she wasthanof me thatGod
the one gave me the
directed at courage to know
the newly-fallen thatGod,
Adam? it was not perfection
of course, but where
knew exactly the Adam
andheart to serve
Eve were. He that was required. It was a maturing
is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, somoment in serving
God was really asking,the Lord.
Adam, doIyou
explored various
know where youministries
are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
from cooking to AV to teaching Sabbath School and so on. It was joyful to serve in ministry.
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts Awhose
few years
beats later, when
had often Pr. Mark Finley
synchronized with Hiscame to Singapore,
own were there was
strangely distant, a call
almost to that
silent giveday.
Bible Studies. I felt
the Holy Spirit working in my heart and answered the call. It was the next step taken in service. We were
Not Enough
taught the process of doing so and I approached a Bible Study teacher to be paired up with and learn the
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear from.
similar It was an(Patriarchs
reasoning?” eye-opening processp.and
and Prophets, a joyous
54). Adam andone that eventually
Eve made the mistake resulted intomy
of listening theBible
devil, Student’s
and he convinced
them It was
that what Godaoffered
them wasstep and thethat
not enough, most joyful experience
communion ever
with God in in my
a close, life. relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
  in its place
and WhentheyIfelt
went to university,
a sense we had
of sin, a dread of theafuture,
Bible aQuiz duringofAY
nakedness which
soul. I won.
The robe It ledwhich
of light to people praising me,
had enshrouded them now
and I felt a sense of pride swell up within me. I stepped out and prayed to God to take away my pride, to meet
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed,
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
humble me and to stay connected with Him. Praise God that after persistent prayer, he did so. It was a clear
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
sign of the difference between the intellectual knowledge of God verses the relational knowledge of God, to
A know
Time to
as an intimate friend and person, not just facts about Him.
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
I started
globe, perhaps thereto look forward
is nothing to the experiential
more important for which toknowledge
pray than forofa God.
returnJoyfully spending
to the place where Godtimewaits
in the
for Word,
us. Millennia
mayrejoicing in discovering
have passed, but the lies new truths,
that felled hearing
Adam God’s
and Eve havevoice speaking
not changed. Satanto still
such that
as when
God isthe same message
withholding somethingwas from
that He
me 3 be trusted,
times in athat
weekHe through
is not enough. This people.
various messageIisenjoyed
joy ofinGod’s
a tech-obsessed,
presencedigital age nature,
through in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
through His Word and through prayer, eventually prayerfully surrendering the choice of my life partner to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
Oneduring the 10 days
who is drawing of Prayer.
us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.
During the 10 Days of Prayer, we prayed unitedly in faith for various people, for healing, confessing
our sins before the Lord to let nothing be between us and Him, we chose to fast, some chose physical fast,
others from social media fast. The unity of faith in the campus grew and there was a spiritual awakening,
desiring the relational knowledge of God.
Speaking the truth in love is question that I have asked myself over the years on how to do so.
Growing up into Christ is remembering to take the next step that God shows in faith even though we cannot
see the end.

Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

One day, I had a Bible Student who smoked, drank and so on. In response to his questions, I shared
the truth
DAY 1 —about why itARE
WHERE was not
YOU? in harmony with the Bible to do so. Nevertheless, he struggled in practice and
did not embrace the truth.
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
On another occasion, I visited him and was surprised to find him drinking. What should I do? It was
The Most Important Question
the first time and an eye-opening experience for me. I remembered the principle of speaking the truth in
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
love. After prayer, I decided to listen to him, why he was drinking, his struggles and prayed for Him. It was the
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eveloving thing I could
had disobeyed have done
God (Genesis atand
3, 4), thattheir
moment. The truth,
disobedience he had
created known,
a breach, was not
a break thehad
in what moment to use
heretofore as aa perfect
relationship but to envelope him
God and His in armscreation.
crowning of love,The
praying that the
place where GodLord
had will
met continue to work
them on every in his
previous dayheart through
was empty on this
day. The first faces
love and truth. ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
Speaking the truth in love and growing up into Christ is a continuous, daily decision and a lifelong
Not Enough
one. But practicing it, grows our spiritual muscles in abiding with Him and helps us to become a loving and
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
lovable Christian as we will be known as Jesus disciples because of our love.  
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
anDiscussion Questions:
instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
1) What should I do when I feel discouraged in my Christian journey or how
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye ofcan I encourage
God and holy angels” (p.others inchanged
57). Sin had their Christian journey?
the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
2) HisHow
shared can Indeed,
very image. I experience God
it had shattered orimage
God’s help others to do so?
in them.
3) How can I speak the truth in love?
A Time to Pray
4) How can I be a loving and lovable Christian?
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed,Action
Practical but the liesSteps:
that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
1) and
gadgets Start servingpromise
connectedness in a ministry or find
a type of spiritual 1 Bible
nirvana, a higherStudent towedisciple
state in which control our fate instead of bowing to the
God a Now
made us. prayeris the journal,
time to rejectwriting
Satan’s liesdown daily
and go back ofOne
to the God’s working
who has in an
loved us with your life, pray
everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
for a spiritual adventure with God and to have a relational knowledge of
Let’s prayGod
3) What is one thing I need to surrender in order to be in a loving and lovable
Christian? Prayerfully ask God to help

Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

1) Praise God for choosing us to be co-labourers in ministry, experiencing the
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
joy of leading others to know Him
Praise God Question
Important for his abundant grace for us in the maturing process, though
Is thereeach
a more time
fall, he thanpicks
the oneusGodup directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
were. HeGod for all who are praying
is omniscient—all-knowing—after for was
all, so God us really
loved ones,
Adam, do youour
where youetc.)
are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. the
first faces unkind
ever created bore words
no smileorforactions that
their Creator thatI day.
have Armsdone
He hadthat were
fashioned fromunloving
clay did not enfold Him that
day. From whosethe pride
beats in my
had often heart with
synchronized thatHisprevents me from
own were strangely distant,surrendering to the Lord
almost silent that day.
3) For being concerned only about my own salvation or my loved ones
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear Forreasoning?”
boldness to find
(Patriarchs and1 person
Prophets, toAdam
p. 54). encourage
and Eve madein thehis/her
mistake ofChristian
listening to thejourney
devil, and he convinced
2) that
them For experiences,
what God offered themto wasshare withthat
not enough, others,
communion God’s working
with God in a close,in ourrelationship
trusting life was not enough. In
For thethe
balmy climes
to lead of Eden
me nowto“seemed
a mentor to chill the
orguilty pair. The love
to disciple and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the1)eyeBy God’s
of God grace,
and holy angels”that(p. 57).we may
Sin had surrender
changed the spiritualand dailyof be
condition a loving
the only creaturesand
in Edenlovable
with whom God had
His very image.andIndeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
A 2)
TimeMy plans, to be at Jesus feet each morning, to allow myself to be used for His
to Pray
glory and His purpose each day
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
3) perhaps
globe, My heart, there isthat I will
nothing moreput Godforaswhich
important a priority
to pray than infor
my calendar,
a return my
to the place energy,
where God waitsmy for us. Millennia
may havethoughts, and
passed, but the lies feelings
that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
theSuggested Songs:
One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s Tistogether.
Love That Makes Us Happy (SDAH 579)
2) Tell Me The Story of Jesus (SDAH 152)
3) Lord I Want to be a Christian (SDAH 319)

Today’s reading is written by Pastor Kion Chuen Rong


God matures you as a disciple

as you learn how to
Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association
grow to be like Him, Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond
and go to help others do the same,
like a seedling
God matures you
growing into a fruitful tree.
Back to the Altar
Day 3 - Multiply — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
God1 Multiplies
DAY — WHERE AREDisciples
YOU? (6th January 2023, Friday)

“Then the Lord God calledGod
to Adam and said to
multiplies him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
into more disciples
The Most Important Question
as you share the fruits
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and sow the seeds of blessings,
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
like a fruitful tree multiplying
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between Godinto more
and His fruitful
crowning trees.The place whereGod
creation. multiplies
God had met them onyou
every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
“But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased
Notand produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do 4:8
we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what GodTo
Command offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place the
they felt beginning
a sense ofofChristianity,
of sin, a dread the natural
the future, a nakedness of soul. Theoverflow of being
robe of light which a disciple
had enshrouded them now
of Jesusand
disappeared, has always
to supply been
its place to maketodisciples
they endeavored of Jesus.
fashion for themselves “Follow
a covering; for theyme,” Jesus
could not, whilesaid,
unclothed, meet
eye of IGod
holy angels”
57). Sin had
of changed the spiritual
men” (Matt. condition
4:19). Thisof the
promise:in EdenJesus
with whom
wouldGod had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
take His disciples and turn them into disciple makers. And this was a command:
A He
to Pray each of His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising
From Adamand teaching
and Eve’s them towith
broken relationship obey
God toHim (Matt.
the present 28:19–20).
flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
From the start, God’s design has been for every single disciple of Jesus to
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets anddisciples
connectednesswho make
promise a typedisciples whoamake
of spiritual nirvana, disciples
higher state in which weuntil
controlthe gospel
our fate instead spreads
of bowing to the
God allmade
us. Now In the
is the timeharvest the seed
to reject Satan’s is back
lies and go multiplied. A single
to the One who has lovedgrain ofeverlasting
us with an wheat,love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
increased by repeated sowings, would cover a whole land with golden sheaves.
Sopray together.
widespread may be the influence of a single life, of even a single act.

Multiplying A Result Of Dying

By the casting of grain into the earth, the Saviour represents His sacrifice
for us. "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die." He says, "it abideth
alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." John 12:24. Only through the
sacrifice of Christ, the Seed, could fruit be brought forth for the kingdom of God.
In accordance with the law of the vegetable kingdom, life is the result of His
death. “There can be no life without growth. The plant must either grow or die.”
(White, Desire of Ages, p.106).


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

So with all who bring forth fruit as workers together with Christ: self-love,
DAY 1 — WHERE must AREperish;
YOU? the life must be cast into the furrow of the world's need.
But the law of self-sacrifice is the law of self-preservation. The husbandman
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
preserves his grain by casting it away. So the life that will be preserved is the life
The Mostis Important
freely given in service to God and man.
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were.
Fruit He is omniscient—all-knowing—after
Bearing And Abiding all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
God anddevelops,
His crowning "first
The blade,
place wherethen themetear,
God had themafter that
on every theday
previous fullwas
on this
day. Theear." Mark
first faces 4:28.bore
ever created Thenoobject of the
smile for their husbandman
Creator that day. Arms He inhadthe sowing
fashioned of did
from clay thenotseed
enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant,
and the culture of the plant, is the production of grain—bread for the hungry, and almost silent that day.

Not for future harvests. So the divine Husbandman looks for a harvest. He is
seeking to reproduce Himself in the hearts and lives of His followers, that
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear them He
similar reasoning?” mayand
(Patriarchs beProphets,
p. 54). Adamin andother hearts
Eve made andof lives.
the mistake listening to the devil, and he convinced
  that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
The inward working of the Holy Spirit is revealed outwardly in the
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, of fruit,
and to supply ripening
its place andtoperfecting
they endeavored to thea covering;
fashion for themselves glory of God.
for they The
could inward
not, while life meet
eye of Godinandthe
holyoutward action,
angels” (p. 57). Sin hadin the producing
changed of rich
the spiritual condition of thefruit. This isinshowing
only creatures forth
Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light.
A If thetoLord
Time Pray Jesus is formed within, the hope of glory, the life will be rich in good
From corresponding
Adam and withwith
Eve’s broken relationship theGod truth which
to the presentthey
flood ofprofess
severed ties tothat
believe. “Every
we see etched branch
on faces around the
globe, beareth fruit,
there is nothinghemore
whichittomay bring
pray than for a forth
return tomore fruit.”
the place whereOur fruit-
God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan
bearing testifies whether we are really abiding in Christ...( White, 5BC, 1143). still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
I was born in an Adventist family and I always thought that I am pretty much a good member of the
Let’s pray together.
Church. I regularly attend Church and its services and I am also actively supporting its ministries. I was even
proud to call myself an Adventist knowing that I belong to the last-day remnant Church of God.

Recently Discipleship groups was introduced to our Church and as a good member I did not hesitate
to join knowing that this is  another program that I must complete. All was going well and I do enjoy the
company of my friends during our meetings. I was thinking to myself this is just like another Bible study
discussion. Everything changed when we reached term 4. We were told to multiply by finding someone
whom we can introduce to Jesus. I would admit that this is totally outside of my Christian comfort zone. It was
easier for me to do things in the church and serve in its ministries but not going and intentionally looking for
someone outside of the church so that I can introduce Jesus to them.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

I was looking for a way out but I remember one of our lesson clarifies that everyone born into the
God is a ARE
YOU?the receiver becomes a channel of the light. I was confronted by the fact that
for the past 38 years of being in the Church, I have never prayerfully and intentionally made an effort to win a
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
single soul for Jesus. It was a relief that the first steps to multiplying is by prayerfully mingling with friends
showing them my
Important genuine sympathies and concerns for their well-being and slowly planting seeds of
Is truths. I wassearching
there a more surprisedquestion
that after more
than than
the one a month
God directedof
at praying, the Lord
the newly-fallen hasGod,
Adam? givenof me a Bible
course, knewstudent, God Adam
exactly where is
Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first theever
createdsowboreyour seed,forAnd
no smile inCreator
their the evening doArms
that day. not He
withhold your hand;”
had fashioned Ecclesiastes
from clay 11:6
did not enfold forthat
day. has promised, “sohadis often
whose beats my word that goes
synchronized outHisfrom
with own my
weremouth: It distant,
strangely will notalmost
to methatempty,
day. but will
accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear Questions:
similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
1) thatSpiritual
them life and
what God offered fruit
them was notbearing
enough, thatare the results
communion with Godofinaccepting
a close, trustingthe life and
relationship death
was not enough. In
an instantoftheJesus
mild, balmy climesand
Christ of Eden nowindwelling
the “seemed to chillof
the the
pair. TheSpirit.
love andWhy
peace which
do you had been theirs
think was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
of the professed followers of Jesus are not bearing fruits?
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
eye ofInGodJohn 15,
and holy Jesus
angels” revealed
(p. 57). the secret
Sin had changed of condition
the spiritual beingoffruitful in the Kingdom
the only creatures of God had
in Eden with whom
shared His very image.
God. What Indeed,
areasit hadofshattered God’sor
your life image in them. that are not yet connected to the
A Time to Praythat is Jesus? What actions can you do to ensure your life is fully
connected to Him?
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
Practical Action Steps:
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
1) and
gadgets Connect withpromise
connectedness Godadaily through
type of spiritual prayer,
nirvana, a higherreading and
state in which meditating
we control of His
our fate instead of bowing to the
God whoWords.
made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
2) List the names of the people within your circle of influence and pray for
Let’s praythem

3) Be intentional in allocating a time each day in activities to win soul for Jesus.

1) Praise God for the people who have help led you to Him.
2) Praise God for the blessing it has been in knowing Him.
1) For times you have been touched to share or bring someone to Jesus but


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

1) Pray
DAY 1 — for the Lord
WHERE ARE YOU?of the harvest to lead you to people whom you can lead to a
relationship with Jesus.
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
2) Pray for God’s blessings to be with all the missionaries and soul winners
The Mostaround
Importantthe Question
Is 3)
a morefor all Singapore
searching Adventists
question than the one God directedto have the courage
at the newly-fallen and
Adam? God, boldness
of course, to reach
knew exactly where Adam
and EveSingapore for Jesus.
were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
4) Pray for your local Church’s evangelistic plans and multiplication cycle to be
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. Theaccompanied bybore
first faces ever created power
no smilefrom on
for their high
Creator thatand be vigorously
day. Arms He had fashioned supported byenfold
from clay did not theHim that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
5) Pray for all D-group members to actively multiply this year.
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear Surrender
reasoning?”yourself toProphets,
(Patriarchs and receive the
p. 54). Adamanointing
and Eve madeofthethe Holy
mistake Spirit. to the devil, and he convinced
of listening
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
instant the mild, balmy
Songs: climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
1) Tis love that makes us happy (SDAH 579)
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
of Godmeandthe story (p.
holy angels” of57).
Sin had(SDAH 152)
changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His veryIimage.
3) Lord wantIndeed,
to beit had shattered God’s
a Christian image in319)
(SDAH them.

A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present reading is written
of severed ties thatby
we Pastor Isagani
see etched on facesValencia
around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Dayto4the Altar —is
- What Praying for a Reconnected Heart
a Disciple?
(7th1 January
DAY — WHERE 2023, Sabbath)
“25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and
Thechildren, brothers
Most Important and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be
Is my
a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were.whoever
27 And He is omniscient—all-knowing—after
does not carry their all, socross
God was reallyfollow
and asking, Adam, do you know
me cannot bewhere
myyou are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
Luke 14:25-27
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts Is it possible
whose that
beats had often many Adventist
synchronized Christians
with His own were today
strangely distant, dosilent
almost notthat
day. what
it means to be a genuine disciple of Jesus? The biblical definition of discipleship
Not Enough
becomes muddy and confusing.
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what two terms
God offered them was(Disciple andcommunion
not enough, that Christian) mean
with God thetrusting
in a close, samerelationship
thing inwas thenotsame
enough. In
instantthat webalmy
the mild, mean the
climes same
of Eden now thing
“seemedwhen we
to chill the speak
guilty oflove
pair. The my and"spouse" or been
peace which had my theirs
was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God andterm "disciples"
holy angels” (p. 57). Sinoccurs
had changed269the times in the New
spiritual condition Testament,
of the only while
creatures in Eden the God had
with whom
shared His "Christian"
very image. Indeed, only
it hadappears three
shattered God’s imagetimes.
in them.In the Book of Acts, we've told that
"the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch (Acts 11:26)." This makes
A Time to Pray
clear that the terms are interchangeable. For instance, Jesus' words in Luke 14:27
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, "anyone
perhaps who does
there is nothing not carry
more important histocross
for which and
pray than for afollow
return tome cannot
the place where be my disciple
God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
The first thing-- Luke notes specifically that "large crowds" were following
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
One whoand thatusJesus
is drawing specifically
to His side "turned
with lovingkindness to 31:3)!
(Jeremiah them" and elaborated on being a
Let’s pray together.

These were people who were "travelling with Jesus." There are positives in
their attitude toward Jesus. They were interested in what he had to say. They
mistook this positive attitude and interest in Jesus for true discipleship, as many
people do today. They considered themselves followers of Jesus, but they were
only casual followers, not committed followers.

They were willing and even anxious to follow Jesus, providing the cost was
not too high or the demands too great. They were like many people today who


do "Christian things" like go to Church, pray, sing Christian songs, etc. but are not
committed to Jesus.

Jesus addresses this mistaken understanding of discipleship in Luke

14:26-27. To be a disciple of Jesus, you must be committed to him above
everything else. In our hearts, Jesus must come before our loved ones, self-
interest, possessions, careers, hobbies, goals in life, and even our very lives. In
practice, this commitment to Jesus will be tested, and sometimes, in a moment
of weakness, Jesus will not come first in our choices. Still, genuine disciples have
made a sincere commitment in their hearts and will not continue to put other
things before Jesus.

Discussion Questions:
1) What are commonly mistaken as attributes of disciples but may not be so?
2) What misconceptions of disciples and disciple-making have you held
3) Are you willing to call yourself a disciple of Jesus?

Practical Action Steps:

Write down below on specific areas you want to improve as a disciple.

Share this with groups you may be in (sabbath school class, small groups, D-


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Take1 time
DAY — WHEREto prayerfully
ARE YOU?fill in the PRAY segments below, on items you would like
to praise, repent, ask, and yield.
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
The Most Important Question
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.

Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.

Suggested Songs:
1) It Starts With Me
2) Give Thanks
3) All The Way (SDAH 516)

Today’s reading is written by Pastor Johnny Kan


What is the
Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association
Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Multiplication Cycle

“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)

The Most Important Question

Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
The multiplication cycle offers a continuous step-by-step
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
process and cycle for multiplying, to share the blessing of
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
knowing God with others.
Not Enough

It is inspired from the agricultural cycle, and helps us lead

Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
others to become disciples of Jesus, just as we have.
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had

shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more

gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to

the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association
Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Dayto5the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
- Prepare
DAY 1 of
1— the ARE
WHERE Multiplication
YOU? Cycle (8th January 2023, Sunday)
The first phase in the Multiplication Cycle is to
“Then the Lord God called to Adam
said toPREPARE the soil of the heart. With the heart of
him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
Jesus, and a spirit of love, care, and service, we

mingle and make friends with people. We can hold
The Most Important Question or join interest groups, community service, or
simply do this wherever we go! Pray for guidance.
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so
This helps God was
people really asking,
to catch Adam,
a glimpse do youand
of Jesus know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and theirreadies their heart
disobedience to receive
created the agospel.
a breach, break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
“Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Pharisees
Hearts whose beatsand thesynchronized
had often teacherswith of His
theown law
weremuttered, 'This
strangely distant, man
almost welcomes
silent that day. sinners
and eats with them’” The next phase is to PLANT seeds of spiritual truth.
Not Enough We do this by introducing spiritual elements into Luke 15:1-2
S O our conversations, offering personal testimonies, or
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
sharing truth-filled literature or media. We can also

hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adamtoand Evegroups,

made the mistakeservice,
of listening
In the parable of the sower invite (Mark
friends 4:
care14-20) the  ground
worship is to
or the devil, and he convinced
described as the
them that what God offered them was not enough, other that communion
church activities.with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
mild,human heart.
balmy climes of Eden Often, the ground
now “seemed is hardened
to chill the guilty with
pair. The love and peace many other
which had been things
theirs was gone,
This allows the Spirit to work in the hearts (or soil)
in itsthe
placeground need
they felt a sense of sin,to be prepared
a dread of the peopleto we be
of the future, a nakedness softened
ofwith. before
soul. The robe of lightitwhich
is ready to receive
had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
God’s words.
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
Christ method involves personal ministry through mingling, caring for
A Time to Pray When the seed of truth has sprouted, the following
people, minister to their needs phase andwouldwinbe their confidence.
to CULTIVATE. Led by the Then He invite them to
From Adam Him.
follow and Eve’s brokendid
Jesus relationship
not waitwith
timeto the present
comes toto flood
offer anofinvitation
to Him ties
your see etched
He sought on faces
them around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important to receive
for whichBible Study.
to pray than This
for a helps
return them
to the to know
place GodGod waits for us. Millennia
out in many different places, and
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adamand
take the notice
Biblenot awhat
in changed. interest
structured Intentional social

Eve have still claims that God is withholding something from

us,encounter with
that He cannot be people
trusted, that He isis
VA notgiven Thisus to follow.
message When
is especially alluringwe in a intentionally
tech-obsessed, digitaltake
age innotice
which more
of another’s interest in life, it helps to build relationships with people through to the
and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing
You could be the one teaching, or assisting in the
Bible lies
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s Study
back to the Oneyour who hasfriend,
us with an everlasting love, back to
common activities. The intentional for them,interest
and offering leads us to not only socialise but
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
become observant of what people share with us.
Let’s pray together.

After which, we are able to understand their life story and what is important
to them. Caring for what is important to the person, expands the relationship and
the importance of their values to us. Being heard and understood is especially
important in this age where one’s voice can be often drowned by the many daily
messages through media. Genuine concern for another’s life is a value to be
cultivated in us. Time and time again, Jesus cared for different people including
sinners, children, and vulnerable adults like widows.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Ministering to people’s needs was a huge part of Jesus ministry. He healed
the sick,
DAY fed theARE
1 — WHERE hungry,
YOU?cover the naked as he travel through towns. Jesus taught
his disciples to do the same and we should also follow. Each of us have an area
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
of concern that prompts us to reach out to at least a group of people when
Most Important arises in the people that we have shown interest. It can be the
Is concern
there a more towards a person’s
searching question family
than the one member
God directed who needs
at the newly-fallen Adam?care
God, ofwhile sick,exactly
course, knew helping
where Adam
Evefind theis omniscient—all-knowing—after
were. He channel of resource for all, someone with
so God was really specific
asking, Adam, doneeds
you knowor reaching
where outand
you are? Adam
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
to those who feel vulnerable and naked in specific circumstances.
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Questions:
Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
1) Dwell on this amazing truth that the One who made all created things (see
Not Enough
John 1:3), Jesus, took upon Himself human flesh and in the flesh mingled
Ellen White comments,
with “Satan represented
and ministered totofallen
the holyhumanity
pair that they would
as He be gainers
did. How by breaking the lawthis
should of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them thattruth,
what Godsooffered
full of themhope,
was notimpact how
enough, that we mingle
communion with Godwith andtrusting
in a close, minister to others?
relationship was not enough. In
the mild,you
balmy ever
of Eden nowwitnessing toguilty
“seemed to chill the a person
pair. The who
love andwould likely
peace which nottheirs
had been fit well
was gone,
and in its in
place they felt
your a sense of What
church? sin, a dread of the future,
would it take a nakedness
for you of soul.
andTheyour robe of light whichto
church had enshrouded
find them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
grace to embrace those “sinners”?
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
3) HisHow
shared many
very image. non-Adventist
Indeed, friends
it had shattered God’s image in do you have? What is the nature of your
relationship? Who is influencing whom more, you them or they you?
A Time to Pray
4) Though we need to mingle in order to minister, why is the support from, and
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
accountability to, the church family an important factor that we mustn’t
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may haveneglect?
passed, but theHow can
lies that we
felled asand
Adam a church
Eve have not body
Satanone another
still claims that Godas we seeksomething
is withholding to from
us, that Heminster to thethat
cannot be trusted, world
He is notbut notThis
enough. get pulled
message into it?
is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
thePractical Action
One who is drawing us toSteps:
His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
1) Take time to build a friendship by striking up a conversation and being a
Let’s pray together.
good listener.
2) Minister to a need (prepare a meal during sick times, babysit, provide
transportation etc.)
3) Give a gift that would be meaningful.
4) Do an activity together of particular interest to your friend.
5) Go out to a restaurant together or invite your friend home for a meal.
6) Take time to help with project (home repair, craft project, car repair, etc.)
7) Be sensitive to periods of stress and crisis in your friend’s life and go out of
your way to offer support.
8) Pray for the Holy Spirit to open your friend’s heart to spiritual things.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Give thanks for specific blessings and praise God for his goodness
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
few minutes for private confession and thanks God for His forgiveness
Is Ask
there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
andPray for aHefriend
Eve were. that you want to reach
is omniscient—all-knowing—after out
all, so God wasto and
really pray
asking, that
Adam, do God
you knowwill open
where his/her
you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
heart to spiritual things.
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. God
Hearts whosetobeats
grant wisdom
had often for current
synchronized with His own challenges
were strangely and
almost silent that day.

Not Enough
Suggested Songs:
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear A New Commandment
reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
2) that
them Amazing Grace
what God offered (SDAH
them 108) that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
was not enough,
an3)instant the mild, balmy
Change climes of Eden
My Heart, O God now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
4) People Need The Lord
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
Today’s reading is written by Pastor Charlie Oh
A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


REPAR PREPARE the soil of the heart. With the heart of

Jesus, and a spirit of love, care, and service, we

mingle and make friends with people.
Published We
by the can hold
General Conference Ministerial Association
or join interest groups, community service, orDaily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond
simply do this wherever we go! Pray for guidance.

This helps people to catch a glimpse of Jesus and

readies their heart to receive the gospel.

Dayto6the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
- Sow
DAY 2 of
1— the ARE
WHERE Multiplication
YOU? Cycle (9th January 2023, Monday)
The next phase is to PLANT seeds of spiritual truth.
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said toWe him,do‘Where
this by areintroducing spiritual
you?’” (Genesis 3:9) elements into
SO our conversations, offering personal testimonies, or
sharing truth-filled literature or media. We can also
The Most Important Question W invite friends to care groups, worship service, or
other church activities.
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after
This allowsall, sothe
was really asking,
to work Adam,
in the do (or
hearts you soil)
know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience
of the people wecreatedinteracta with.
breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The firsthe told
faces ever them many
created bore things
no smile inCreator
for their parables, that day.saying: “A fashioned
Arms He had farmerfrom went clayout toenfold
did not sowHimhisthat
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
When the seed of truth has sprouted, the following Matthew 13:3
Not Enough phase would be to CULTIVATE. Led by the Spirit,
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the timepair
the holy comes to offer
that they anbe
would invitation
gainers byfor your friend
breaking the law of God. Do we not today
A young Christian was
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets,
receive byBiblehis pastor,
Study. “With
This helps themwhomto knowhave
God you shared
Adamin and Eve made theand
a systematic mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced

them with
that what Godsince
offeredyou baptise
them was in the
not enough,
manner. that church?
communion with TheGod young Christian
in a close, answered
trusting relationship was not“Ienough. In
instant the
tomild, balmy
learn howclimes
toofdoEdenitnow “seemed
first before to chill the guilty
I can pair.sharing
start The love and peace which
Christ. had beensuch
Without theirs was gone,
You could be the one teaching, or assisting in the
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
training, I feel very uncomfortable Bible Study
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored
to share”.
by accompanying your friend, praying
to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
for them, and offering support.
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very pastorIndeed,replied to him,
it had shattered God’s“Do
imageyou light a candle to make it more
in them.
comfortable or do you light it to give light?” “To give light of course”, the young
A Time to Pray
Christian reply.
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
The but
may have passed, pastor
the liesthen continues
that felled Adam and Eve tohave
not changed.him,
Satanwhen do
still claims thatyou
God isexpect it something
withholding to give from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
light? After it is burn halfway through or when it is first lid? “As soon as it is lit,”
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God whothe
us. Now believer.
is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
“Very well then, go and do likewise. You were given light not to make you
Let’s pray together.
comfortable but to share the light upon receiving it.
In Matthew 13:3, the Bible says that a “farmer went out to sow his seeds”. In
this parable in particular, we see that the farmer went out as usual with his bag on
his shoulder and just sow the seeds as he walks in the field. He didn’t sow the
seeds in a particular spot nor threw them in a specific way. All he did was to
consistently spread the seeds in the field.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

In sowing seeds of truth, if we understand it correctly, it is something that
DAY can do.
1 — WHERE ARE We can befriend someone, can share a Christian book, share
online messages or even invite people to a Christian gathering. God is calling
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
each one of us to be the Sower and to sow the seed of truth in someone today.
The Most Important Question
Is Testimony:
there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Uncle Labas loves to invite people to church. His desire is to see as many people come to church.
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
With tracts
relationship in his hand,
between God andheHiswould go to
crowning Chinatown
creation. in Melbourne
The place citymet
where God had to talk
themtoonanyone who would
every previous respond
day was tothis
empty on
day. simple andever
first faces onlycreated
Chineseborephrase hefor
no smile knows “Ni Haothat
their Creator Ma”?
day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.

He would give them the tracts and invite them to church. Through his simple gesture and well-
Not Enough
meaning ministry, many people came to know and accept Christ as their personal saviour.
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what God Questions:
Discussion offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
1) Any there any barriers that would hinder you from being a sower?
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
2) What
disappeared, are
and to some
supply practical
its place things
they endeavored thatforyou
to fashion can do
themselves to sow
a covering; thecould
for they seed of truth
not, while to meet
the eye ofsomeone today?
God and holy angels” ForSinexample,
(p. 57). had changedgiving our
the spiritual tracts.
condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Practical
Time to PrayAction Steps:
1) Adam
From Introducing
and Eve’s brokenspiritual
with God to theinto everyday
present conversation
flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
2) Giving short personal testimonies when there is opportunity
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us,3) Sharing
that He spiritual
cannot be trusted, that Hematerial orThis
is not enough. short clips.
message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
4) and
gadgets Invite a friendpromise
connectedness to a asmall group,
type of spiritual bible
nirvana, study,
a higher stateworship, and other
in which we control church
our fate instead of bowing to the
God whorelated
made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.
1) Praise God for the spread of the Gospel around the world and for causing the
Seventh- day Adventist church to grow.
2) Praise God for using us as His instrument to be the light of this world.
1) Confess our indifference and lack of passion for the lost and fear of
2) Spend 1-2 minutes privately confessing and remove the hardness in our


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

1) Pray
DAY 1 — thatWHERE God AREwillYOU?
give us the passion to share God’s love and witness for him.
2) Pray that God will open the way for us to work together with the church to find
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
ways to sow the seed of truth to our community, friends and neighbours.
Pray that God
Important will grant us the boldness to invite the people God has placed
Is thereaa burden in our
more searching heart.
question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
1) Thank God for the opportunity to be part of His end time church
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. firstus surrender
faces ournolives
ever created bore totheir
smile for Him andthat
Creator yield everything
day. Arms to Him.
He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
Suggested Songs:
Not Enough
1) Lord I Offer You My Life
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear Bringing in (Patriarchs
reasoning?” the Sheaves (SDAH
and Prophets, 369)and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
p. 54). Adam
3) that
them PasswhatItGod
Onoffered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for Today’s reading
they could not, whileisunclothed,
written bymeet
the eye of God and holyChildren
angels” (p. and Family
57). Sin Ministries
had changed Director
the spiritual Debbie
condition of theChan and Pastor
only creatures in EdenJohnny
with whom Wong
God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


We do this by introducing spiritual elements into

SO our conversations, offering personal testimonies, or
sharing truth-filled literature or media.
Published by theWe canConference
General also Ministerial Association

invite friends to care groups, worship service,Daily
or Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond
other church activities.

This allows the Spirit to work in the hearts (or soil)

of the people we interact with.

Dayto7the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
- Cultivate
DAY 3 of
1— the ARE
WHERE Multiplication
YOU? Cycle (10th January 2023, Tuesday)
When the seed of truth has sprouted, the following
phase would be to CULTIVATE. Led by the Spirit,
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said tothe
him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
time comes to offer an invitation for your friend
to receive Bible Study. This helps them to know God
The Most Important Question and the Bible in a systematic and structured
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so
onereally asking,
orAdam, do you know where you are? Adam and
You could teaching, assisting in the
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their Study by accompanying
disobedience your
created a breach, friend,
a break in praying
what had heretofore been a perfect
for them, and offering support.
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
“I The
thefaces ever created
vine; you areborethe
no smile for their Creator
branches. that remain
If you day. Arms Heinhad
me fashioned
and I from clay did
in you, younot enfold Him that
will bear
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
Not Enough John 15:5
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similarIn the previous
reasoning?” (Patriarchs days, we p.have
and Prophets, been
54). Adam following
and Eve the agricultural
made the mistake of listening to thecycle ofhe convinced
devil, and
them that what
growth God offered
from them wasperspective.
a spiritual not enough, that communion
The soilwith hasGod in a close,
been trusting relationship
prepared, the seedswas notsown,
enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and now the cultivation phase. Terminologies attached to that phase of
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and toinclude transplantation,
supply its place tilling,
they endeavored to fashion digging,
for themselves pruning,
a covering; fertilising,
for they and
could not, while unclothed, meet
eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Transplantation
Pray of the seedling is delicate. The receiving soil is tilled,
From Adam and added
Eve’s broken together
relationshipwith mulch
with God to give
to the present the
flood young
of severed tiesplant
that wethe beston
see etched start
facestoaround the
globe, perhapsSo
with more
young plants
important of faith.
for which to prayThe Holy
than for Spirit
a return to thetills
Godof the
waits forhearts
us. Millennia
passed, but
tothe lies that felled
render theAdampersonand Eve have not changed.
receptive to theSatan still claims that God isof
internalisation withholding somethingof
the nutrients from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets andwords. Thepromise
connectedness Holy aSpirit further
type of spiritual waters
nirvana, thestate
a higher growing
in which weshoots offate
control our faith asoftime
instead bowingisto the
Godspent in prayer
who made us. Now isand bible
the time study
to reject Satan’sthat enables
lies and go back togrowth
the One who into strong
has loved plants
us with of Jesus’s
an everlasting love, back to
One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.
During the process of growth, often the gardener has to till and dig around
the roots to loosen the soil of hardness. Attitudes and perceptions need
loosening so faith can grow. Periodical required pruning challenge and shape
the world views to shift priorities and loyalties, enlarging a kingdom view. This
enables further up-taking of spiritual fertilisation and watering by the Holy Spirit.

The work of cultivation is one of intentionality that aims towards the fruiting
of the plant. We as disciple making disciples are often invited to be co-workers in
the field (1 Corinthians 3:9- 17). The different agricultural attention given to the


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

plant we co-work to tend need to be done at the appropriate time and in the
right1 quantity.
DAY — WHERERegular ARE YOU? watering of the plant and at the right time is needful for
continuous growth. Sporadic watering and fertilisation will produce stunted
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
The Most Important Question
Is there a more as thequestion
searching young thanplant
the onedrinks in the
God directed at themoisture fromGod,
newly-fallen Adam? the soil that
of course, knewthen
exactly where Adam
Eve were. He the growth and spreading
is omniscient—all-knowing—after all,of more
so God roots,
was really spiritual
asking, Adam, dowatering of you
you know where theare?
Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
of the Word and prayer needs to be routinely constant so more rooting of faith
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. Thetake place.
first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
In this simile of cultivation, an important aspect of cultivation is grafting,
Not Enough
where a shoot or young branch is grafted onto another sturdy growing plant or
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear Inreasoning?”
similar John 15:1-17, Jesus
(Patriarchs and tells
Prophets, usAdam
p. 54). He is andthat sturdy
Eve made Vineofthat
the mistake wetoare
listening grafted
the devil, and heonto,
them thatGod The
what God Father
offered themiswasthe
not Gardener. Discipleship
enough, that communion with God inisalike
close,the grafting
trusting ofwas
relationship a shoot
not enough. In
instant Jesus
the mild, The
balmy sturdy
climes of Eden
Vine now “seemed
that leads to chill
tothe guilty
the pair. The love
fruiting. and peace
In this which had
process ofbeen theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
God, The Gardener supplies all that the young shoot or plant needs. The plant
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
theneed only
eye of God andput out the
holy angels” roots
(p. 57). orchanged
Sin had stay grafted on
the spiritual The Vine
condition and
of the only drink.
creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Testimony:
Time to Pray
From AdamSow, for you
and Eve’s do not
broken know where
relationship the seed
with God to thewill fall flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
share thisthere
testimony frommore
is nothing a church sisterfor
important in which
my country
to praySeychelles.
than for a Ireturn
will telltoitthe
in the firstwhere
place person
she shared it. *
for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets andHi. My name ispromise
connectedness Jocelyne. I am
a type of so happy
spiritual to being
nirvana, baptised
a higher today.
state in whichI we thank Godourand
control fateespecially I thankto the
instead of bowing
God whoJessy.
made us.HadNow sheisnot
the met mereject
time to the Satan’s
day I hadlies to
andmake a serious
go back decision,
to the One who hasI wouldloved usnot beanhere.
with everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!

I had been coming to church sporadically as a new interest. My job as a waitress meant that I
Let’s pray together.
sometimes had to work on Friday evening shifts or Saturday afternoon shifts so I was not sure I could join the
church. Whenever I had met Sister Jessy in church and moaned about my shift work and how I wished it
could be otherwise, she never judged me but always had a word of encouragement.

One Sunday afternoon when I was on shift, I saw Sister Jessy come for a meal at my place of work. I
had been praying and felt I really wanted to make the right decision, but I was fearful. I needed that job.
Could I trust God to take care of my needs? As if by some miracle, Sister Jessy walked into the restaurant; just
the person I needed. I went to take her orders wanting to be professional but the way she looked at me, It was
as if she knew something.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

After handing in her orders, as the restaurant was a bit quiet, I went back to her table. From a few
DAY 1 — we had more
less a short Bible study there and then. Sister Jessy gave me words of hope and
then put me in touch with the Pastor for follow-up Bible study.
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)

The Most Today, I joyfully

Important stand here baptised. My life has changed. God is able and is taking care of my needs.
Is Ithere
am grateful for the words
a more searching of than
question comfort,
the oneaffirmation
God directed andatencouragement that IGod,
the newly-fallen Adam? heard that fateful
of course, knew Sunday. It is Adam
exactly where
andlikeEvethe seed
were. Heofis truth that had been slow to take
omniscient—all-knowing—after all, root
so Godin my
was heart was suddenly
really asking, Adam, dogiven water
you know andyou
where germinating
are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
and growing.
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Jocelyne
Hearts whoseisbeats
now one
the strong, faithfulwith
synchronized member
His ownin my home
were churchdistant,
strangely in Seychelles.
almostShe never
silent thatceases
day. to make herself
available for those in need. She and her husband ferries people who need lifts to church every Sabbath and take them back.
Not Enough
Ellen White comments,
Discussion “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
1) How have you allowed the Holy Spirit to lead you in your growth of
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instantsystematic
the mild, balmy and
climes structured Bible
of Eden now “seemed study
to chill andpair.
the guilty prayer?
The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and2)in its How
place they felt a sense
have youofallowed
sin, a dreadGod’s
of the future, a nakedness
Spirit to useof you
soul. The
asrobe of light which had
a co-worker toenshrouded
invite yourthem now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
friend to encounter God in Bible Study?
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
3) HisInvery
shared the work
image. of cultivating
Indeed, whatimage
it had shattered God’s is your answer to God’s call for you to be the
in them.
one teaching, or assist by accompanying a friend to Bible study and
A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
have passed,Action
but the liesSteps:
that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
1) If you have not been doing so, set a time apart for you to meet with God in
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God whopersonal
made us. NowBible study
is the time and
to reject prayer
Satan’s lies and(preferably upon
go back to the One waking
who has up).an everlasting love, back to
loved us with
the2) If you
One who haveusnot
is drawing to Hisdone
side withso, share your
lovingkindness faith
(Jeremiah walk with your friend and invite to
Let’s prayBible
3) Encourage your friend / disciple by making space for them to share their
questions with you and their findings as they study


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Praise God for being the ever tender and watchful Gardener and for giving you
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
the opportunity of growing in Him
Most Important Question
Is Repent
there a morefor the times
searching questionyou have
than the neglected
one God tonewly-fallen
directed at the feed onAdam? the God,
Biblical nutrients
of course, knew exactlyHe hasAdam
Eve were. Heand or for not catching the
is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, soopportunity to invite
God was really asking, your
Adam, do friend
you know wheretoyouBible
are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
study/ knowledge of God
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. forwhose
Hearts thebeats
guidance of His Holy
had often synchronized withSpirit
His ownonwerehow to distant,
strangely step outalmostin faith
silent thatand
day. invite your
friend if you have not done so, or courage to give Bible studies yourself.
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similarto God’s leading
reasoning?” inProphets,
(Patriarchs and to be
54). Adam andco-worker withofHim
Eve made the mistake in making
listening disciples
to the devil, and he convinced
them Hiswhatkingdom.
God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
Suggested Songs:
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
of God andMeholya angels”
Servant (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very Iimage.
2) Here Am,Indeed,
Lord it had shattered God’s image in them.
A 3)
TimeTake My Life and Let It Be (SDAH 330)
to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important
Today’s for which
reading is to pray than
written byfor a return toMinistry
Women’s the place where God waits
Director Jessy forQuilindo
us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Dayto8the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
- Harvest
DAY 4 of
1— the ARE
WHERE Multiplication
YOU? Cycle (11th January 2023, Wednesday)
After cultivating interest with Bible studies, it is time
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said toto reap
him, a HARVEST
‘Where are you?’”of(Genesis
spiritual decision for Jesus
and for baptism. This can be done through public
calls in evangelistic meetings and sermons, or in
The Most Important Question personal Bible Study.

Is there a more searching question than the one God

The directed
Bible saysat“The
the newly-fallen Adam?
harvest truly God, of
is great, butcourse,
the knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—afterlaborersall,are
so God
few;was really asking,
therefore Adam,
pray the doofyou
Lord theknow where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience
harvest to send created a breach,
out laborers intoaHis
break in what(Luke
harvest” had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. harvest
The first truly
faces ever is bore
created plentiful, but
no smile for the
their labourers
Creator areHefew.
that day. Arms Therefore,
had fashioned pray
from clay theenfold
did not Lord ofthat
day. Hearts
the whose beats
harvest had often
to send synchronizedinto
labourers with His
Hisown were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
Not Enough Matthew 9:37-38
The harvest is not the end. Baptism is but a
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the beginning
holy pairof a spiritual
that they would journey.
be gainersWeby must PRESERVE
breaking the law of God. Do we not today
R V E the newly baptised believer, to help them grow from
hear you
similar not say,
reasoning?” ‘There
(Patriarchs andare still
Prophets, p.four months
54). Adam and Eveand then comes the
made the mistake of listening to
spiritual childhood to adulthood.
harvest’? Behold,
the devil, and he convinced

them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God
I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill thewith
Form a D-Group guiltythem,
pair. The love and
so that theypeace which had been theirs was gone,
can learn
harvest!” how to continually grow and mature in Jesus.
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which They had enshrouded them now
too can then learn and experience the joy of making
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, whileJohn
disciples, just as you have in helping them.
unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His veryfor
Praying image.
the Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
A Time to The
Pray soul without prayer is like lungs without air. Prayer allows God to
change our hearts and open our eyes to the harvest. Our Lord commanded us to
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, for the
perhaps thereharvest.
is nothing morePrayer for for
important the harvest
which is not
to pray than for aan option.
return Hiswhere
to the place teaching
God waitsinforthese
us. Millennia
may have passed,
passage but the lies at
suggest thatleast
felled Adam
three andreasons
Eve have notwhy
muststill claims
praythatforGod is withholding
the harvest:something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God The harvest
made us. Now is “now”
is the andSatan’s
time to reject ripe.lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side
We cannot postpone to tomorrow with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!we can do today. The best time to
dopray together.
something worthwhile is between yesterday and tomorrow. We are living in
the last of the last days. We cannot afford to say let’s wait for, “4 months”. We
need to prepare our hearts right now in these days to bring the harvest in. Rev
14:15 speaks of the harvest being ripe: “Thrust your sickle and reap, for the time
has come for you to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe”.
2. The harvest will be destroyed.
All it takes for evil to abound is for good men to do nothing. If a fruit is ripe
and it is not plucked, it will drop and be destroyed. All over the world, people are
hungry hoping for good and are searching for God. They are getting ripped for


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

harvest. That’s why there has been steady growth among various religions. If we
DAY 1 — WHERE are slow and not fast enough to pluck the fruit when it is ripe, we will
lose the souls to other faiths. Prophet Joel warned the Leaders of Israel, their
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
lethargy with regard to their responsibilities, “Be ashamed you farmers. Wail, you
Importantfor the wheat and the barley; because the harvest of the field has
Is perished” (Joel question
there a more searching 1:11).than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
During the dark ages, between 300 AD to 1500 AD, the harvest was
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces being lost
ever created tonopaganism
bore because
smile for their Creator ofArms
that day. theHebackslidden
had fashioned from state ofnot
clay did the
enfold Him that
day. Hearts whoseMostbeatsof
oftenareas where
synchronized withPaul
His ownwon for Christ
were strangely were
distant, almostlost
day. major
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear The reasoning?”
harvest must be
(Patriarchs andseen and
Prophets, labourers
p. 54). Adam and Evesent outmistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
made the
them that whatWhen Jesusthem
God offered geared His disciples,
was not enough, that communion“Liftwith
upGodyour eyestrusting
in a close, and relationship
look at the was notfields”,
enough. In
anHe instant the mild,
urged balmy climes
them not onlyof Edentonow “seemed
see withtotheir
chill theeyes
guilty pair.
butThe love and
also withpeace which
their had beenThe
hearts. theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
problem with Christians is that many are asleep and others do not care. When
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
theGodeye ofsearched desperately,
God and holy angels” “Whom
(p. 57). Sin had changed the shall I send
spiritual andof who
condition the onlywill go for
creatures uswith
in Eden ?”, whom
 IsaiahGod had
quicklyHis very image. Indeed, it“Here
responded, had shattered
am God’s
I, send imageme”
in them.
(Isaiah 6:8). Our churches got to be
A filled
Time towith Pray hearts of Isaiah.
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps screamed,
there is nothing more “ How shall
important theyto hear
for which without
pray than a to
for a return preacher ? How
the place where shall
God waits they
for us. Millennia
maypreach unless
have passed, but thethey are
lies that sent”
felled (Rom
Adam and 10:14-15).
Eve have not changed.Isaiah
Satan stillreminds us istowithholding
claims that God see thesomething
feet from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
that stretched seeking the lost. He admires, “How beautiful are the feet of those
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
Godwhowho preach
made us. Now theis the
gospel of peace,
time to reject who
Satan’s lies and gobring
back togood tidings
the One who of usgood
has loved with anthings”(Isaiah
everlasting love, back to
One who The world around us cannot be reached unless we are sent into the nuke
is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s praycorners
together. of our city. Our church members should be willing to go.

Here is an amazing story of another child of God who returned to church after several years of
straying. Let’s name her Gracy (pseudonym). Stuffed with the saving experiential knowledge of our Lord, she
nurtured in her a relentless passion and zeal to lead her family members to the truth. She brought her family
members for Bible studies. Our intensive Bible studies with the seekers were also focussed on discipling. It
was the Lord’s leading that, after several months of Bible study, one of the seeker’s (let’s name her Tracy) was
baptised revealing her conversion experience.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Having experienced the constraining love of Christ, Tracy began to respond to God’s love with the
DAY 1— passion
WHERE to reach
AREher family members and close contacts leading them to Bible study groups. Tracy’s
passion to reach her contacts is revealing in her gentle moves in reaching them. Patience and perseverance
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
matters. Seekers moved by Tracy have begun to taste the love of God through our regular weekly Bible
The Most Important Question
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were.Gracy’s
He is precious contact Tracy is now inall,the
omniscient—all-knowing—after frontwas
so God linereally
being counted
asking, Adam,todoteam workwhere
you know with members of and
you are? Adam
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
Church. Being contracted into the family of God to be counted for the task of bringing some more closer to
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. is the
The first sign
faces of created
ever true conversion. Me,forastheir
bore no smile a pastor journeying
Creator withHeGracy,
that day. Arms Tracy andfrom
had fashioned several other
clay did notseekers, amthat
enfold Him
day. to experience
Hearts whose the Lord’s
beats had often leadingwith
synchronized as His
members turn disciples.
were strangely distant, almost silent that day.

Not Enough
Discussion Questions:
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear How have(Patriarchs
reasoning?” you helped/do
and Prophets, p.we
Adam andseekers
Eve mademake theofdecision
the mistake todevil,
listening to the accept
and he convinced
them thatJesus
what God asoffered
was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, andAction
to supply itsSteps:
place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
eye ofGet
God and
downholy angels”
from(p.our 57).“donkey”
Sin had changed(asthedid
the only creatures
whoin Eden withemptied
also whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
himself to care for the perishing soul on his way). We need to shift from our
A Time to comfort
Pray zone.
2) Adam
From Findand a few
Eve’s like-minded
broken relationship withpeople
God to the inpresent
church floodto
of plunge
severed tiesinto the
that we seefield
etched–onit faces
do the
globe, perhaps there is being
wonders nothing more
moved important
byforthewhich to pray
Holy than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
3) Let your group meet at least once a week physically. There is nothing
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness topromise
meeting asspiritual
a type of a group ina person.
nirvana, higher state Your
in whichmeeting venue
we control our could
fate instead be to the
of bowing
God whoanywhere
made us. Now isbut focus
the time only
to reject onlies
Satan’s talking andtopraying
and go back the One whoabout
has lovedreaching the love, back to
us with an everlasting
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
unreached. No strategy is better than what the Lord would inspire you
Let’s prayduring
together. your moments of discussion with one another, earnest searching and

praying. Let’s keep in mind, that this group meeting is to be neither focussed
or Bible study or praying for our personal needs.
4) After a few meetings, escalate to the next step. Once in two weeks hang
around among the people whom you want to reach out. Be it a market
place, eating place, centres of sports, public parks, wherever people gather
just be there. As you see people caught in different walks of life see them
with your heart. Pray earnestly in your heart pleading the Lord to build
bridges between you and them. If you have yielded yourself to be used by
Him, He will navigate you through all kinds of hurdles.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

1) Dear Father, your love is amazing and awesome. We praise you and thank
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
you for the gift of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and the sins of
The MosttheImportant
World. Question
Is 2)
a morepraise
searchingyou for the
question than thenudges of theatHoly
one God directed Spirit urging
the newly-fallen Adam? God, usofto team-work
course, knew exactly with
where Adam
and Evethewere.agents of heaven in the task
He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, of reaching
so God was really the least,
asking, Adam, the
do youlast
knowand wherethe
you lost.
are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
3) We praise you for your persevering love and long suffering despite our
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. Therebellious
first faces everand
created complacent
bore no smile forattitude.
their CreatorYou have
that day. Armsnot given
He had fashionedupfrom
with clayus.
did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
1) Father, we have become self-centred caring only for our personal needs. We
Not Enough
are concerned about our health, wealth, influence and social status and we
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar for all about
(Patriarchsus. andWe arep.complacent,
Prophets, 54). Adam and Eve made lethargic, lazy
the mistake to stretch
of listening outand
to the devil, tohecare
them that theGod perishing
offered themsouls. was not Even
enough,ifthatwe try to serve
communion with Godothers,
in a close,we have
trusting begun
relationship wastonotseek
enough. In
an instant the mild,and
returns balmyprofits
climes of Eden onlynow to“seemed
nourish to chill the selfish
our guilty pair.motives.
The love and Forgive
peace whichus hadLord,
been theirs
letwas gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
mercies speak for us.
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
of Godplead
and holythat
angels”you purge
(p. 57). Sin hadus of every
changed sin we
the spiritual have
condition committed
of the only creaturesin thewith
in Eden open,
whomin God had
His very image.
throughIndeed,the it hadwords
shatteredof God’s
our image in them. thoughts of our hearts, through
A Timedisobedience
to Pray against the plan of God for our lives, in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ.
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
Askperhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
We askbut
passed, that you
the lies thatfill meAdam
felled and andour church
Eve have withSatan
not changed. the still
ever burning
claims that God iszeal andsomething
withholding desire from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
to reach-out to win souls for your Kingdom.
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
madeeachus. Nowoneis the of
timeus to discover
to reject thegospiritual
Satan’s lies and gifts
back to the One whothat youushave
has loved with aninstilled
everlasting in
back to
the OneYouwho ishave
drawinggiven them for the noble purpose of reaching the unreached. Let us
us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray ignore them or misuse them. If we do not use them, for sure, we will loose
3) May we be faithful to the calling. You have called us to be your witnesses. That
indeed is the purpose of our existence here on earth.
1) Lord, we release ourselves as vessels for soul winning. Please empower us
with the Holy Spirit. Help us that we totally yield our lives and stay committed
to the task until the end.
2) Discipleship starts with me! I commit my life, with all its entirety right now. Use
me Lord as you will.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Suggested Songs:
1) Far
DAY 1 —and NearARE
fields are Teaming (SDAH 358)
2) Rescue the Perishing (SDAH 367)
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
3) Redeemed! (SDAH 337)
The Most Important Question
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the
Today’s newly-fallen
reading Adam? God,
is written of course,
by Pastor knew exactly
Paulraj where Adam
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.

Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


and for baptism. This can be done through public

calls in evangelistic meetings and sermons, or in
personal Bible Study. Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

HAR The Bible says “The harvest truly is great, but the
laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the
harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Luke

Dayto9the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart
- Preserve
DAY 5 of
1— the ARE
WHERE Multiplication
YOU? Cycle (12th January 2023, Thursday)
The harvest is not the end. Baptism is but a
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and beginning
him, ‘Whereofare
a spiritual journey.
3:9)We must PRESERVE
RVE said tothe newly
you?’” (Genesis
baptised believer, to help them grow from
spiritual childhood to adulthood.

The Most Important Question

Form a D-Group with them, so that they can learn
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
how to continually grow and mature in Jesus. They
and Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after too canall, so God
then was
learn really
and asking, Adam,
experience do of
the joy youmaking
know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience
disciples, just ascreated a breach,
you have a break
in helping in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. disciple
first faces is not
ever above
created his
bore no teacher,
smile but everyone
for their Creator that day. Armswho
He hadis perfectly
fashioned trained
from clay did not will
Him that
day. hiswhose
Hearts teacher”
beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
Luke 6:40
Not Enough
Ellen White Thecomments, “Satan is
harvest represented
not thetoend. the holyWhen
pair that someone
they would be gainers
has beenby breaking the law of God.
baptised, it isDobut
we not
a today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what Godof a spiritual
offered them was journey.
not enough, Furthermore,
that communion withour God inwork
a close,istrusting
not yet finished,
relationship we
was not enough. In
instant the the of
mild, balmy climes newly
Eden nowbaptised
“seemed to believer,
chill the guiltyto them
The love and peacegrowwhichspiritually, from
had been theirs was gone,
and in its place theyto
childhood feltadulthood.
a sense of sin, a dread of thegrowth
In that future, a nakedness
journey, of soul.
robe ofmentor,
light which had enshrouded
train, and them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
nurture the new members into active disciples of Christ who make other
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared While
His very image. weitwant
Indeed, to retain
had shattered members,
God’s image in them. just keeping people in the church is
not our goal. The truth is that if we want to keep our members, we must send
A Time to Pray
them out! If we want them to hold on to the truth, we must train them to give it
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may  have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
“Let be
us, that He cannot ministers
trusted, thatteach
He is notchurch members
enough. This that in
message is especially order
alluring in a to grow indigital
tech-obsessed, spirituality,
age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
they must carry the burden that the Lord has laid upon them—the burden of
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
One who issouls
drawinginto the
us to His sidetruth.” Christian(Jeremiah
with lovingkindness Service, 31:3)!p. 69. This statement is powerful.
Not only does it reveal that our members must be involved in soul-winning
Let’s pray together.
service to grow spiritually, but it also gives us insight into the nature of soul-
winning. We aren’t only called to “spread” the truth or “scatter” the truth but also
to “lead souls into the truth.” That implies a process, a cycle, multiple steps that
individuals go through before embracing the truth and becoming disciples of

In every harvest of fruit or grain, there are seeds. The purpose of those
seeds is to be replanted so the cycle can continue. Passionate new disciples can
become passive spectators if they are simply gathered into the store house. 
Newly committed disciples need to take their place as disciple-makers to


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

multiply the harvest. The harvest is multiplied as new disciples become disciple
DAY followers
1 — WHERE AREbecome
YOU? leaders, leaders become mentors, newly gathered
churches become missionary senders, and small groups become outreach
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
The  Most Important Question
As searching
Is there a more this reproduction
question than thehappens
one God directed theatgrowth of the
the newly-fallen movement
Adam? God, of course, becomes
knew exactly where Adam
andexponential. Our view of and participation
Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God wasin theasking,
really harvest
do you knowfrom a local
where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
focus to a national outlook to a global vision. The influence and reach of the
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first facesspread geographically
ever created bore no smile for theirand
that day. to reach
Arms He hadnew people
fashioned from claygroups,
did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beatssocial classes
had often andwith
synchronized languages.
His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.

Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similarTo help preserve
reasoning?” his new
(Patriarchs members
and Prophets, in the
p. 54). Adamharvest
and Eve cycle,
madePastor JacobofSerns
the mistake (Weatherford
listening Seventh-day
to the devil, and he convinced
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting
Adventist Church, Texas, United Stated) intentionally conducts New Member Orientation classes every week. relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
“We want to give those joining our church a strong start, including members transferring from another
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
church. Theand
disappeared, meeting
to supplyhas various
its place they30-minute
endeavoredsegments such
to fashion for as, OuraStories,
themselves covering;Our Beliefs,
for they couldandnot,Our Hopes”
while unclothed, meet
the  eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
Our Stories is a chance to highlight the testimony of each person joining by asking them, “How has
A God
to Pray you to this place in your life?” Celebrating what God is doing invigorates all those in the class,
From we also
Eve’s each new
broken memberwith
relationship share
Goda to
the presentversion
flood of of it during
severed our we
ties that church worship
see etched on service.
faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
Our Beliefs
may have passed, but thegives people
lies that a chance
felled Adam and to
Evereview the
have not 28 fundamental
changed. doctrines
Satan still claims of isthe
that God Adventistsomething
withholding Church, orfrom
cannot bethem:
to call trusted,the
is not enough. This
waysmessage is especially
of following Jesus.alluring in a tech-obsessed,
We encourage digital age
participants in which
to pick out amore
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
favourite belief or two and to ask for clarification on a belief they would like to be able to explain better to a
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
  pray together.
Let’s Our Hopes involve the four hopes that we have for every new member in their first six months:
That they have a regular personal Bible reading plan, strengthened by a Sabbath School class
That they join or start a ministry group, serving in a way they enjoy
That they have the joy of leading someone else to Jesus and seeing them baptised
That they make at least seven good friends in their new church family
These New Member Orientation classes provide a strong start to accelerate the growth process of the
new members.

In Singapore, we have Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) that help new members achieve similar goals,
and progress on their discipleship pathways.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

Discussion Questions:
1) 1If—allWHERE
DAY we doARE is evangelistic
YOU? meetings, is that sufficient?
2) If we do reap a harvest of baptisms, but fail to have an intentional and
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
regular discipleship plan for the continued growth of new members, what
The Most will happen? 
Important Question
Is 3)
there aIfmore
every member
searching wastheinvolved
question than in some
one God directed form ofAdam?
at the newly-fallen personal outreach
God, of course, service,
knew exactly where Adam
and Eve were. the church grow?all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
is omniscient—all-knowing—after
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first faces
Practical ever created
Action bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
1) Serve as mentors/disciplers to newer members
Not2)EnoughFollow a systematic plan to aid new members in establishing vital spiritual
Ellen Whitehabits (daily
comments, prayer
“Satan representedand Bible
to the study,
holy pair consistent
that they attendance,
would be gainers by breaking theregular
law of God. Do we not today
hear similar etc.). and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
reasoning?” (Patriarchs
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
3) Provide them with ongoing instruction in areas such as the devotional life,
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its church life,
place they felt Christian
a sense lifestyle,
of sin, a dread anda nakedness
of the future, evangelism.of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
4) Integrate new
disappeared, members
and to supply its place intotothe
they endeavored lifeforand
fashion ministries
themselves a covering;offorthe church
they could while
not, while unclothed, meet
the eye oftraining
God and holy theangels”
Sin had changed the spiritual
membership condition of the
to befriend and onlypray
Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
baptised member.
A 5)
Time to Pray for
Pray labourers and for spiritual growth through the new member
From Adam discipleship
and Eve’s broken ministry.
relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

We praise the Lord for giving us the Parable of the Growing Seed (Mark 4:26-29)
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
as a model for multiplying disciples, planting churches and building movements
KingdomImportant living.
Is Repent
there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
Eve were. usHe isfor not embracing the principles
omniscient—all-knowing—after as taught
all, so God was really in this
asking, Adam, do youstory.
know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. Thethe Lord
first faces everto helpbore
created usnoexamine Jesus’
smile for their Creatorteaching
that day. Armsand
He hadministry andclay
fashioned from adopt
did not each of that
enfold Him
day. principles
Hearts whose beatsin hadwhich the harvest
often synchronized with Hiscanown be
weremultiplied leading
strangely distant, almost silenttothat
the spread of His
message and the growth of His Kingdom.
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similarto the empowerment
reasoning?” of the
(Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54).Holy
Adam andSpirit so that
Eve made its powerful
the mistake of listening toinfluence
the devil, andcan
he convinced
them that what Godevery
them was notof the church
enough, to become
that communion with God indisciple making
a close, trusting disciples
relationship for In
was not enough.
instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
eye of God and holySongs:
angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
1) IHis veryFollow
Will image. Indeed,
Thee it had shattered623)
(SDAH God’s image in them.

A 2)
TimeAll The Way My Saviour Leads Me (SDAH 516)
to Pray
3) I Want Jesus To Walk With Me (SDAH 624)
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
Today’s reading is written by Dr Eric Teo
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

the-Altar — Praying for aMovement
A Discipleship Reconnected Heart
DAY 1 —January 2023,
“18 “Therefore hear the parable of the sower: 
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not
Theunderstand it, then
Most Important Question the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in
Is his
thereheart. This is question
a more searching he who thanreceived
the one Godseed
directedby the
at the wayside. 
newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
and20 But
Eve were.heHewho received the seed on
is omniscient—all-knowing—after stony
all, so God wasplaces, thisAdam,
really asking, is hedowhoyou knowhears
wherethe word
you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3,
and immediately receives it with joy; 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
21 yet
day. The firsthe has
faces everno root
created boreinnohimself, butCreator
smile for their endures
that day.only
Arms for a while.
He had fashionedFor
fromwhen tribulation
clay did not enfold Him that
day. persecution
whose beats hadarises
often because of the
synchronized with word,
His own immediately he
were strangely distant, almost stumbles. 
silent that day.
22 Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and
Not Enough
the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
becomes unfruitful. 
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
23 But
them heGod
that what who received
offered them was notseed on that
enough, thecommunion
good groundwith God inisaheclose,who hears
trusting the word
relationship was not and
enough. In
anunderstands it, who
instant the mild, balmy climes indeed
of Eden nowbears fruit
“seemed to chilland produces:
the guilty some
pair. The love a hundredfold,
and peace which had been theirs some
was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
sixty, some thirty.””
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures Matthew
in Eden with13:18-23
whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
It all began with a movement. In A.D. 33, the followers of Jesus witnessed
A Time to Pray
the death of their Messiah. They were lost, disappointed and afraid. They did not
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
know what to do, for their Saviour  was gone. But then, 3 days later, Jesus rose
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may These
have passed, 12lies
but the disciples gave
that felled Adam andthe rest
Eve have notof theirSatan
changed. livesstilltoclaims
bethatdisciples of Jesus
God is withholding – andfrom
us,in the
that world
He cannot todaythat
be trusted, more than
He is not 2.2This
enough. billion
is especiallyare Christians.
alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who began
drawing us to with
His sideawith
lovingkindnessIn the 1830s
(Jeremiah 31:3)! – a Baptist preacher, William
Miller, taught that Jesus was coming on October 22, 1844. In his interpretation of
Let’s pray together.
Daniel 8:14, “Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the
sanctuary be cleansed”.  This started one of the biggest discipleship movements
the world had ever seen. Thousands of people, believing that Jesus was coming
soon, gave everything to spread the word. They sold homes, quit jobs and
dedicated their lives to preparing for the soon coming of Jesus. But Jesus didn’t
come, they felt lost, disappointed and afraid. Many lost their faith. However, out
of this Great Disappointment arose a discipleship movement – a group of
disciples who still believed that Jesus was coming soon, and were willing to give
everything to tell others so they could be prepared. This group would become
the Seventh-day Adventist Church – today with 21 million members worldwide.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

It all began with a movement. In 2019, the pastors and workers of the
DAY 1 — WHERE Adventist
ARE YOU? Conference Singapore gathered together to talk about
the growth of the Adventist church in Singapore. The vision was launched –
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
‘Every Adventist A Disciple, Making Disciples For Jesus’. The goal – that every
Thesingle Seventh-day
Most Important QuestionAdventist in Singapore is not only attending church, but is a
Is multiplying disciple
there a more searching for
question Jesus.
than the one This was ata the
God directed change in Adam?
newly-fallen mindset:God, ofDiscipleship
course, knew exactlyiswhere
not Adam
anddestination, but a journey – it is theall,Discipleship
Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after Pathway
so God was really asking, Adam,that
do youwe knowallwhere
need you to
Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
as we mature in Christ. As a result of this new movement, Discipleship Groups
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. – faces
The first groups which
ever created borewould
no smile sharpen each
for their Creator other
that day. Armsspiritually,
He had fashionedhelping
from claymembers notthat
did not enfold Him
day. to whose
Hearts growbeatsin their knowledge
had often ofHis
synchronized with the
ownBible and love
were strangely distant,for Christ,
almost but
silent that also to
multiply and bring more to Jesus.  Little did we know that from 2020-2022, the
Not Enough
Discipleship would be essential help to the spiritual health hundreds of Seventh-
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear Adventists
similar in Singapore
reasoning?” (Patriarchs during
and Prophets, theand
p. 54). Adam pandemic
Eve made thewhere
mistake ofwe could
listening to thenot
devil,meet for
and he convinced
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
This year, in 2023, the Discipleship movement continues, focusing on
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
eye of God andThis
angels” (p.journey
57). Sin had that
changeda disciple takes –ofloving
the spiritual condition Jesus &
the only creatures others
in Eden more,
with whom God had
shared His very from
learning image. Indeed,
Jesusit had
more, shattered
andGod’s imagelike
living in them.
Jesus more – will lead us not just to be
A mature disciples, but multiplying disciples through the Multiplication Cycle. This
Time to Pray
mindset shift – the a mature disciple isn’t just one that knows the Bible or has
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, through
perhaps a Discipleship
there is nothing more important Group,
for which but
to prayone
than that is actively
for a return multiplying
to the place where God waitsand
for us. Millennia
may people
have passed, but the liesto
thatJesus – this
felled Adam andis
have notwill revolutionise
changed. the
Satan still claims thatmission to something from
God is withholding
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
Singapore. God is calling each and every one of us to be part of this call – to be
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us.making
Now is thedisciples
time to rejectfor Jesus
Satan’s lies and– go
One who has loved disciple!
us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.
When I was first invited to join a D-group shortly after completing my Bible study, I saw it mainly as
an activity to help me learn and build my knowledge. I thought it was simply meant to help me become a
better follower of God.

However, I quickly learnt that D-groups are not just about growing as a follower, but also to build our
capabilities. I learned how to help develop others to be disciples of God and grow in their own spiritual


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

At the time, fear and doubt seeped into my mind. Am I really the right person for this? Am I capable
DAY 1 —Do I even know
YOU? I am doing? How can I help someone else to grow when I still have so much
more to learn?
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
Now, coming to the end of the final term of my D-group, these questions, while they no longer
Moststrong emotional
Important reactions, still come to mind occasionally. The only difference is that I am now more
Is equipped
there a moreand I realise
searching I am not
question alone
than in this.
the one I will always
God directed at thehave support
newly-fallen fromGod,
Adam? myofother brothers
course, in Christ
knew exactly in Adam
were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. The first me,ever
the D-group is not
created bore just about
no smile myCreator
for their end goal of growing
that day. Arms Hespiritually or just
had fashioned fromtoclay
didothers achieve
not enfold Him that
day. samewhose
had it is about
often appreciating
synchronized with Histhe
ownjourney and enjoying
were strangely the step-by-step
distant, almost process of
silent that day.
gathering, bonding, and growing together, not just as individuals.
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similarIreasoning?”
have just started myand
(Patriarchs new D-group,
Prophets, andAdam
p. 54). I amand continuing
Eve made this journeyofwith
the mistake a new
listening Christian,
to the devil, andand I
he convinced
them thatthat I can
what Godimpart
offeredto himwas
them what
have learnt in my journey
that communion with–God
discipleship is a journey,
in a close, trusting and I look
relationship was notforward to In
the mild, balmy
journeyof Eden
withnow “seemed
another newtodisciple
chill the guilty
in thepair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
by James Tong
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image.
Discussion Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
A 1) Describe
Time to Pray your discipleship journey since you got to know Jesus
2) Were there any mindset changes you have made since you were baptised in
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps ofisdiscipleship?
there nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may is the
passed, but difference
the lies between
that felled Adam and Eve haveanot
disciple andstill
changed. Satan a multiplying disciple?something from
claims that God is withholding
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God Action
who made us. Now is theSteps:
time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
1) What changes can you make to your discipleship journey this year to move
Let’s praytowards
together. being a multiplying disciple?

2) How can you be a part of the Discipleship Movement in Singapore?

3) Is there someone that you would like to bring to be a disciple of Jesus?


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

1) Praise God for His leading in the discipleship movements through history
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
2) Praise God for how He has led you personally
Most Important Question
Is 1)
a more God for question
searching forgiveness forGod
than the one the missed
directed at the opportunities
newly-fallen Adam? God, to ofmultiply
course, knew exactly where Adam
and2)EveConfess the times you have chosen
were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after not
all, so God wasto beasking,
really a disciple
Adam, dofor Christ
you know where you are? Adam and
Eve had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been a perfect
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
day. thatever
first faces the Holy
created Spirit
bore will
no smile forempower
their Creator thatallday.
Seventh-day Adventists
Arms He had fashioned in not
from clay did Singapore
enfold Him that
to join
day. Hearts whosethebeatsDiscipleship Movement
had often synchronized with His ownto werebestrangely
multiplying disciples
distant, almost silent thatfor
day. Christ
2) Pray that God will help you personally to be a better, multiplying disciple for
Not Enough
Ellen White comments, “Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
1) that
them Yield
what your life them
God offered to God,
was notallowing
enough, thatHim to use
communion withyou
God in toa close,
bring others
trusting to Christ
relationship was not enough. In
Ask thethat
mild, balmy
God’s climes of Eden
will now “seemed
be done to chillown
in your the guilty pair. Theas
church loveweandseek
peace which had been theirs was gone,
to make
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
multiplying disciples for Jesus
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image.
Suggested Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.
A 1)
to Prayof Worship
2) Shepherd of My Soul
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
3) perhaps
globe, Softlythere
nothing more(SDAH
important 287)
for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana,Today’s
a higher reading is written
state in which we controlby Pastor
our Christon
fate instead Choo
of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Altar — Praying for a Reconnected
- Onward ThisHeart
DAY 1 —January 2023,
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith… ”
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
Hebrews 12:2
The Most Important Question
In 1952 Florence Chadwick attempted to swim 26 miles from the coast of
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
Eve were. He to Catalina Island. After all,
is omniscient—all-knowing—after 15sohours,
God was a heavy
really asking,fog began
Adam, to block
do you know her
where you are?view,
Adam and
Eveshe became disoriented, and she gave up. To her chagrin, Chadwick learneda perfect
had disobeyed God (Genesis 3, 4), and their disobedience created a breach, a break in what had heretofore been
relationship between God and His crowning creation. The place where God had met them on every previous day was empty on this
that she had quit just 1 mile short of her destination.
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
Two months later Chadwick tried a second time to swim to Catalina Island
Not Enough
from the coast. Again a thick fog settled in, but this time she reached her
Ellen White comments,
destination, “Satan represented
becoming the tofirst
the holy
womanpair thatto
would be
thegainers by breaking
Catalina the law of God.
Channel. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them thatshe
whatkept an image
God offered them wasofnot the shoreline
enough, in her
that communion withmind
God in aeven whenrelationship
close, trusting she couldn’t see In
was not enough.
instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
When the problems of life cloud our vision, we have an opportunity to
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared Histoverysee our
image. goal
Indeed, with
it had the God’s
shattered eyesimageof faith.
in them.The New Testament letter to the
Hebrews urges us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing
A Time to Pray
our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (12:1-2). When we feel like
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
quitting, this is our signal to remember not only what Jesus suffered for us but
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may He now
have passed, helps
but the lies thatus toAdam
felled endure—until the
and Eve have not daySatan
changed. we see Him
still claims thatface
God isto face. something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
Jesus presented to His twelve disciples the challenge of evangelism. Then
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
One whogave them
is drawing us toaHismission as the antidote
side with lovingkindness (Jeremiahto doubt. The commission was not to
go out and baptise everyone to increase the number of members of the new
Let’s pray together.
church but to out and make disciples. A disciple is a person who follows Jesus
daily, learning of the Master to become more like Him.

The commission of Jesus shook other structures of comfort that is

characteristic of human nature. The disciples had to go. Disciples are not made
without getting out of the four walls of the temple, or without leaving the comfort
of their seats. It is necessary to break the barrier of inactivity and get out, unlike
the mission given to Israel, whom other people should come and see. This is the
challenge! This is the order! Christ is the commander!  


Published by the General Conference Ministerial Association

Daily Readings by Pr. Dwain Esmond

Back to the Altar — Praying for a Reconnected Heart

In the end, don't forget that the power to share is not just information. The
share ARE is Jesus.
YOU?He is asking us to share Him, and He promises to give us
spiritual power and go with us wherever we go. He is the nucleus, the primary
“Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:9)
subject of what we are sharing, and He is the power of what we are sharing -
The in you, the
Most Important hope of glory.
Is there a more searching question than the one God directed at the newly-fallen Adam? God, of course, knew exactly where Adam
andDiscussion Questions:
Eve were. He is omniscient—all-knowing—after all, so God was really asking, Adam, do you know where you are? Adam and
Eve1)had disobeyed
Looking back
God on3,how
(Genesis 4), andGod has led you
their disobedience thus
created far, ahow
a breach, breakdo you
in what hadfeel?
heretofore been a perfect
2) Are between
there God and His
any crowningyou
people creation.
wouldThe place where
like God had met
to thank God them on in
for every previous
your walkday with
was empty
Him?on this
day. The first faces ever created bore no smile for their Creator that day. Arms He had fashioned from clay did not enfold Him that
3) Looking forward, what steps would you like to take with Jesus, write down in
day. Hearts whose beats had often synchronized with His own were strangely distant, almost silent that day.
the “Practical Action Steps” below.
Not Enough
Ellen Action
White comments, Steps:
“Satan represented to the holy pair that they would be gainers by breaking the law of God. Do we not today
hear similar reasoning?” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 54). Adam and Eve made the mistake of listening to the devil, and he convinced
them that what God offered them was not enough, that communion with God in a close, trusting relationship was not enough. In
an instant the mild, balmy climes of Eden now “seemed to chill the guilty pair. The love and peace which had been theirs was gone,
and in its place they felt a sense of sin, a dread of the future, a nakedness of soul. The robe of light which had enshrouded them now
disappeared, and to supply its place they endeavored to fashion for themselves a covering; for they could not, while unclothed, meet
the eye of God and holy angels” (p. 57). Sin had changed the spiritual condition of the only creatures in Eden with whom God had
shared His very image. Indeed, it had shattered God’s image in them.

A Time to Pray
From Adam and Eve’s broken relationship with God to the present flood of severed ties that we see etched on faces around the
globe, perhaps there is nothing more important for which to pray than for a return to the place where God waits for us. Millennia
may have passed, but the lies that felled Adam and Eve have not changed. Satan still claims that God is withholding something from
us, that He cannot be trusted, that He is not enough. This message is especially alluring in a tech-obsessed, digital age in which more
gadgets and connectedness promise a type of spiritual nirvana, a higher state in which we control our fate instead of bowing to the
God who made us. Now is the time to reject Satan’s lies and go back to the One who has loved us with an everlasting love, back to
the One who is drawing us to His side with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3)!
Let’s pray together.


Take time to prayerfully fill in the PRAY segments below, on items you would like
to praise, repent, ask, and yield.




Suggested Songs:
1) I’d Rather Have Jesus (SDAH 327)
2) I Would Be Like Jesus (SDAH 311)
3) Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (SDAH 290)
4) It Start With Me

Today’s reading is written by Pastor Peter Foo


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