Study Plan at Chess Level Intermediate

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ChessGoals Study Plans

Let us help you reach your chess goals!

Intermediate Study Plan

1100-1699 Blitz, USCF, or FIDE.


Hi! I’m National Master Matt Jensen.

I’ve played chess for over 30 years and coached for the last 25+ years. I obtained the
USCF National Master title at the age of 29 after years of intense study as an adult.
Subscribe to the ChessGoals YouTube Channel to get a sense of my teaching style.

I have a degree in Statistics and have combined my love of numbers and chess to form
the ChessGoals project. Survey data from over 400 chess learners guided the
recommendations in the ChessGoals study plans.

The structured 12-week study plan will give you daily activities to complete. We will do
our best to answer common questions within this plan. There are some recommended
purchases, but you can run this plan for free if you’d like to.

For support and accountability, join the ChessGoals community for as little as $5/month.
NM Matt Jensen and other study plan experts will help guide you on your journey.

Getting Started
1. Setup a free membership if you do not have one already.
2. Join the ChessGoals Club on and introduce yourself to the
community. Let us know how you found ChessGoals.
3. Consider joining the ChessGoals community and introduce yourself. We have
study plan channels to help guide you on your journey.
4. Start one Daily game. Daily games are games where you have 1-3 days to make
each move. We recommend selecting three days per move. You will be checking
this game once per day.
5. We recommend two book purchases for Intermediate players: Yusupov’s Build
Your Chess 1 and Silman’s Endgame Course.
6. Log your ratings here:
a. Blitz _____
b. Rapid _____
c. USCF _____ (if applicable)
d. FIDE ____ (if applicable)
7. Think about a resource you already have or would like to use for each of the
following tasks
a. Woodpecker Method: ____________
b. Strategy Review: ____________
c. Opening Review: ____________
d. Endgame Review: ____________
8. Familiarize yourself with the site
a. ChessGoals club
b. Live chess
c. Puzzles
d. Lessons

Tasks Explained

Daily game: Spend approximately 5 minutes per move. Since there is no clock, try
to think critically about each move. Apply what you’ve learned in your strategy lessons.
Downloading the app is an easy way to make your chess moves anytime
throughout the day. Aim to make a move on each game when it’s your turn, about 5-10
minutes per day. Go into analysis mode and think of two positive takeaways and one
takeaway to improve on after each game finishes.

Rapid games: We recommend playing at 10+0 or 15+10 time control. These

games can be replaced by over-the-board (OTB) rated events like USCF or FIDE. Go
into analysis mode and think of two positive takeaways and one takeaway to improve on
after each game.

Blitz games: To be played at a 5+5 or 3+2 time control. Go into analysis mode and
think of two positive takeaways and one takeaway to improve on after each game. Many
people ask: Can blitz make you a better chess player? The answer is yes!

Game Analysis: Retry mistakes or look at key moments after each game in analysis
mode. Take advantage of’s analysis features. After each game, tell yourself
two positive and two constructive takeaways. You either win or learn, and when you win,
you also learn. More tips on game analysis -

Woodpecker Method: Purchase the book on Amazon or Chessable.

Here are the main points of the Woodpecker:
1. Go through a set of problems and retain the order
2. Go back through the same set of problems, looking to improve your solving time
and accuracy
3. Repeat steps 1-2.
If you are getting faster or have extra time, add more puzzles to the end of the set. Puzzles (can replace Woodpecker): Work your way through the
regular puzzles. When you get a puzzle incorrect, try it a second time. If still incorrect,
try to understand why the answer works. This understanding will build your pattern
recognition over time and is very important. You can also use puzzle rush or puzzle
battle for this section.
5 Lessons (Strategy Option): This will be your own pace, but try to
stick to our recommended time allotments. Work your way through the lessons in order,
starting with the Intermediate section.

Silman’s Endgame Course: Use your physical board to practice the endgame
positions. Work through the chapters slowly.

Openings: If you have a premium membership, there are some

excellent lessons on chess openings.ChessGoals has complete opening courses
designed for intermediate players up through master level.

Two Tracks

If you want to play more games, start on page 7 with the Intermediate Adult Learner
Plan. This plan is suitable for adults addicted to studying chess but don’t find the time to
play many games.

If you want a balanced program with a Yusupov book as your guide, begin on page 21
with the Intermediate Yusupov Plan.

After completing a 12-week schedule, reevaluate which plan you’d like to run next.


Week 1
Start each day with your Daily game. Start a new forum topic titled “X’s
Intermediate Adult Learner Plan” and replace X with your name. Once you
complete the base work for the day, move to the extra credit. Introduce
yourself on the Discord server if you joined ChessGoals. A common
question is how to analyze games. Check out this blog post on game
analysis tips.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Start study plan post In order of Priority
❏ Daily game [see tasks ❏ slow game 1
explained] ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ slow game 2
❏ Analyze slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 ❏ Opening Review
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Chess Content

Day 4 ❏ Daily game If there’s still time after the

❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 or slow games.

Day 5 ❏ Daily game

❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Woodpecker Method __ min
(track time spent)

Week 2
This week, we will focus the seventh day on openings. Try to complete
some extra credit this week.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Opening Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 3
Try to start implementing ideas learned from reviewing your games.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Strategy Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 4
One-quarter of the way done with the twelve weeks! We will add endgames
to the end of this week.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Endgame Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 5
One-third of the way through the twelve weeks! Now would be a good time
to compare your ratings to where you started. You should probably see
some rating gains already, but if you don’t, it’s OK! Stick with the plan;
you’ve been focused for four weeks already.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Woodpecker __ min
(track time spent)

Week 6
Almost to the halfway point! Back to openings at the end of this week.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Opening Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 7
Halfway done! Go check in on the ChessGoals Club and let the members
know how you’re doing! I hope you are enjoying the Discord community.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Strategy Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 8
Time for some new endgames this week!

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Endgame Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 9
2/3rds of the way done! Keep plugging along and try to get to the extra
credit when you have time.

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Woodpecker Method __ min
(track time spent)

Week 10
3/4ths of the way done! Finish strong!

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Opening Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 11

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Strategy Review __ min
(track time spent)

Week 12
Last week!

Base Work Extra Credit

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post Complete in order
❏ Daily game ❏ slow game 1
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Analyze slow game 1
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Woodpecker Method
❏ slow game 2
Day 2 ❏ Daily game ❏ Analyze slow game 2
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 Any Order
Day 3 ❏ Daily game ❏ Opening Review
❏ Play 15+10 game ❏ Endgame Review
❏ Analyze 15+10 game ❏ Strategy Review
❏ Chess Content
Day 4 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 If there’s still time after the
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂 above, add more Daily game
or slow games.
Day 5 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play 15+10 game
❏ Analyze 15+10 game
Day 6 ❏ Daily game
❏ Play four 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
❏ Analyze 5+5 games 𐄂𐄂𐄂𐄂
Day 7 ❏ Endgame Review __ min
(track time spent)

Congrats, you’ve completed the 12-week program!

Revisit your ratings from the program's start and compare them to your current ratings.

How did you do? You can rerun this plan or move on to the next one.

Please send me an email ( and let me know your thoughts on

the program. Post your results on the Discord server as well!


Week 1
Each day, start with your daily game and solve five puzzles. Try to take
your time on the puzzles, as described in the Tasks Explained section. Start
a new forum topic titled “X’s Yusupov Intermediate Plan” and replace X with
your name. Introduce yourself on the Discord server if you joined
ChessGoals. You can substitute 3+2 games on blitz days.
Day 1 ❏ Daily games [See tasks explained]
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 minutes of Lessons
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 1
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 1

Week 2
Openings this week and continued mating motifs in Yusupov’s course.

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 Minutes of Openings
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 2
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 2

Week 3
Try to start implementing ideas learned from reviewing your games.

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 Minutes of lessons
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 3
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 3

Week 4
You’re one-quarter of the way done with the twelve weeks! We will add
endgames to the end of this week.

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Silman’s Endgame Course - Part Two Exam & Review
sections if needed
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 4
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 4

Week 5
You’re one-third of the way through the twelve weeks! Now would be a
good time to compare your ratings to where you started. You should
probably see some rating gains already, but if you don’t, it’s OK! Stick with
the plan; you’ve been focused for four weeks already.
Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post
❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 minutes of lessons
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 5
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 5

Week 6
Almost to the halfway point! Back to openings at the end of this week.

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 minutes of openings
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 6
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 6

Week 7
Halfway done! Go check in on the ChessGoals Club and let the members
know how you’re doing! I hope you are enjoying the Discord community.

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 minutes of lessons
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 7
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 7

Week 8
Time for some new endgames this week!

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Silman’s Endgame Course - King and Pawn Endgames
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 8
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 8

Week 9

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 minutes of lessons
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 9
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 9

Week 10
3/4ths of the way done! Finish strong!

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 minutes of openings
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 10
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 10

Week 11

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ 40 minutes of lessons
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 11
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 11

Week 12 - Blitz
Last week!

Day 1 ❏ Update study plan post

❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 2 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 3 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 4 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play four blitz games (5+5 or 3+0 time control)
Day 5 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Play two rapid games (15+10 time control)
❏ Analyze rapid games
Day 6 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Silman’s Endgame Course - Minor piece vs. lone pawn
and rook vs. lone pawn.
❏ Silman’s Endgame Course - Part 3 test
❏ Yusupov Examples - Chapter 12
Day 7 ❏ Daily games
❏ Solve five puzzles
❏ Yusupov Test - Chapter 12

Congrats, you’ve completed the 12-week program!

Revisit your ratings from the program's start and compare them to your current ratings.

How did you do? You can rerun this plan or move on to the next one.

Please send me an email ( and let me know your thoughts on

the program. Post your results on the Discord server as well!

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