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Sadiq Public School

Do the right, fear no man

Subject: Islamiat Class: P6 Day: Friday, April 30h,2021

Lesson: Pillars of Islam

Topic: Namaz ( The Friday Prayer )

A: Inquiry:

• Children! Our today’s lesson is about Friday prayer.

• Do you know What is the purpose of Friday prayer in congregation?
• What is the importance of Friday prayer?
• What does the Qur’an say about Friday prayer?
• What did the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH say about Friday prayer ?
• Do you know the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH regarding Friday prayer?

B: Information:

• The Friday or Jum’a prayer is the weekly prayer that must be offered in congregation in the mosque.
• The importance of Friday prayer in a congregation cannot be denied.
• Its importance is quoted in Qur’an in surah Jum’a.
• “O you who believe when the call is proclaimed for Salat on Friday ,come to the remembrance of Allah
and leave off business and every other thing”.
• It unites Muslims as an Ummah, a community, and all differences between rich and poor, black and
white, master and servant disappear.
• The Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH and His companions used to offer all the 5prayers in the mosque.
• In a Friday Congregational prayer Imam starts the prayer and the followers follows the Imam.
• The Imam gives the khutaba – a sermon – and tells the people to do good and avoid evil, and live
peacefully with others.
• The Imam lectures on character building and social issues, and interprets them in the light of the
Qur’an and Sunnah.
• For Friday prayer The Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH made special preparations, which is included
bathing and changing into clean clothes.

C: Synthesising/absorbing the information:

When you have read and understood the topic, please answer the following short questions.

1. What is the importance of Friday prayer in congregation?

2. What does Quran say about Friday prayer?
3. What is the purpose of Friday prayer in congregation?
4. Write a short note on Friday prayer.

D : Practising:

• Write the answers in your notebook.

E: Feedback:

Students: Please if you have any questions at all about the topics, any word you did not understand,
anything at all, please send your concerned teacher an email and you will get a reply ASAP.
Class Teachers’ Names Instructions
Teachers’ Email Addresses

P6 students (boys) will

send their home
Hafiz Shabbir assignments to their
Ahmad subject teacher HSA for
checking and getting
P6G students (girls) will
send their home
assignments to their
P6G(A,B,C) Noreen Sarwar NS
subject teacher NS for
checking and getting

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