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4.1 Is It Alive or Not?

Fill-In Notes

It can be hard to tell the di erence between what’s alive and what isn’t

- Examples of living things

- Examples of non-living things

Things that are alive are called _______________________________ and have

several common characteristics

1. All living things are made of _____________________. Very simple organisms

are ___________________________ (having one cell), while more complex ones

can be made of trillions of cells and called _______________________________.

- Complex organisms’ cells can have many di erent ________________.

2. All living things ________________ and _____________________ to their


- An environmental change that an organism responds to is called a


- Organisms have to be able to maintain a consistent internal

condition called ________________________.

- When a person gets cold they ___________________ which causes their

body to warm while plants grow toward __________________ to get more


3. All living things ____________________________ to pass on their traits.

- Some reproduce _________________ (2 parents) while others reproduce

by themselves, _______________________.

4. All living things have ________________________.

- _______________ is the _____________________ for making all the parts of an

organism and is passed from __________________ to o spring.

5. All living things use _____________________.

- Living things use energy for ___________________ reactions to stay alive

- The sum of all these energetic processes is called ____________________

6. All living things ________________ and ___________________.

- At least part of every organisms involves __________________ either my

getting bigger or creating more cells

- Unicellular organisms get bigger and then _____________ while

multicellular organisms grow and ____________ as they age.

- _________________ - SAPLING - ____________________

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