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“Online Exam Booking System”

A Project Report

Submitted by

Amisha G Solanki


In the partial Fulfillment for the award of the degree of



Computer Engineering

D. A. Degree Engineering & Technology, Mahemdabad

Gujarat Technological University,

(Feb to May 2023)

D. A. Degree Engineering & Technology, Mahemdabad


This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project
entitled Online Exam Booking System has been carried out by Amisha G
Solanki under my guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering , 8th Semester of
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad during the academic year

Dhruval Kachhiya Dhruval Kachhiya

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Internship Completion Certificate

D. A. Degree Engineering & Technology, Mahemdabad


We hereby declare that the Internship / Project report submitted along

with the Internship / Project entitled Online Exam Booking System
submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
in Computer Engineering to Gujarat Technological University,
Ahmedabad, is a bonafide record of original project work carried out by
me / us at D. A. Degree Engineering & Technology, Mahemdabad
under the supervision of Dhruval Kachiya and that no part of this report
has been directly copied from any students’ reports or taken from any other
source, without providing due reference.

Name of the Student Sign of Student

Amisha G Solanki


The success and final outcomes of this internship required a lot of guidance and

assistance from many people and we are extremely privileged to have got this all

through the completion of my internship. All that we have done is only due to such

supervision and assistance and we should not forget to thank them.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express my deep sense of gratitude

corporate mentor Mr. Sagar Brambhatt. I am greatly indebted to them for

providing their valuable guidance at all stage of the study, their advice, constructive

suggestions, positivity and supportive attitude and continuous encouragement,

without it would have not been possible to complete the internship.

I heartily thank my faculty mentor of Computer Engineering department Prof.

Dhruval Kachhiya I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant

encouragement, support and guidance from all teaching staffs of Information

Technology which helped us in successfully completing my internship program. I am

thankful to ADM Techno Pvt Ltd for giving me the opportunity. I owe my whole

hearted thanks and appreciation to the entire staff of the company for their

cooperation and assistance during the course of my work.


One of the main objectives of this internship is to expose us to a particular job

and a profession or industry. While we might have an idea about what a job is
like, we won't know until we actually perform it if it's what we thought it was,
if we have the training and skills to do it and if it's something we like.
The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a programming language that
allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases.
PHP is basically used for developing web based software applications.
PHP started out as a small open source project that evolved as more and more
people found out how useful it was. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first
version of PHP way back in 1994.PHP is a MUST for students and working
professionals to become a great Software Engineer specially when they are
working in Web Development Domain. PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP:
Hypertext Preprocessor". PHP is a server side scripting language that is
embedded in HTML. It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, session
tracking, even build entire e-commerce sites. PHP really does make that
dependence possible. In this case, the promise is as good as the result you get.
PHP emphasizes code readability and a concise syntax that lets you write
applications using fewer lines of code than other programming languages
require. We can also use a coding style that meets our needs, given that PHP
supports the functional, imperative, object-oriented, and procedural coding
styles. PHP is a well-designed language that can be used for real world
programming. PHP is a very high-level, dynamic, object-oriented, general
purpose programming language that uses interpreter and can be used in a vast
domain of applications. PHP was designed to be easy to understand and use.

List of Figures

Fig1.1 Company Logo ................................................................................ 11

Fig1.2 Company Home Page...................................................................... 12
Fig1.3 Company Products ........................................................................... 13
Fig 2.1 Agile Methodology ......................................................................... 18
Fig 3.1 Login Page ...................................................................................... 30
Fig 3.2 Home Screen ................................................................................... 31
Fig 3.3 Login Page ...................................................................................... 31
Fig 4.1 Student Information Page ................................................................ 33
Fig 4.2 Student Information Page Syntax .................................................... 34
Fig 5.1 Student Page ................................................................................... 36
Fig 5.2 Student Page Syntax ....................................................................... 37
Fig 6.1 Class Data ....................................................................................... 39
Fig 6.2 Class Data Syntax ........................................................................... 39
Fig 7.1 Set a Exam ...................................................................................... 41
Fig 7.2 Set a Exam Syntax .......................................................................... 41
Fig 8.1 Exam List ........................................................................................ 44
Fig 9.1 Programming conventions............................................................... 51

Table of Contents
Certificate ......................................................................................................................... i
College Certificate ........................................................................................................... ii
Industry Letter Head ....................................................................................................... iii
Declaration ..................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................. v
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... vi
List of Figures ............................................................................................................... vii
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................... viii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... ix
Chapter 1 Company Overview .................................................................................... 10
History ................................................................................................................ 11
Different Products ............................................................................................... 12

Chapter 2 Different Unit of the Organization ................................................................ 14

Different Departments ......................................................................................... 15
Requirements gathering and analysis .................................................................. 16
Different Stages of the Production. ...................................................................... 18

Chapter 3 Introduction to Internship ............................................................................. 19

Internship Summary ............................................................................................ 20
Purpose of the Project ......................................................................................... 21
Objective of the Project ....................................................................................... 21

Chapter 4 System Analysis.............................................................................................. .23

Study of Current System ..................................................................................... 24
Problem and Weakness of the Current System..................................................... 26
Proposed System ................................................................................................. 27
Main Modules in New System............................................................................. 28

Chapter 5 System Design................................................................................................... 29
System Design & Methodology........................................................................... 30
Student Information Page .................................................................................... 33
Subject Page........................................................................................................ 36
Class Data.........................................................................................................................39

Chapter 6 Implementation................................................................................................. 43
Exam List ............................................................................................................ 44
Backend API ....................................................................................................... 45

Chapter 7 PROJECT OUTCOME.................................................................................... 52

References .......................................................................................................... 55

Chapter 1
Company Overview

I got an internship at ADM Techno Pvt Ltd. The company was founded in 2015 and is
based in India . ADM Techno offers Digital Marketing & Advertising , web development,
mobile app development, software designing and testing services to clients in various
industries, including healthcare, education, e-commerce, and finance.

Fig1.1 Company Logo


ADM Techno Pvt Ltd was founded in 2015 by current Director Mr Anil Jadav with a
vision to provide innovative software solutions to businesses worldwide. Starting as a
small team of developers, the company quickly expanded its services and client base,
gaining a reputation for delivering high-quality solutions.

Over the years, ADM Techno Pvt Ltd has grown to become a trusted software
development company. They have worked with clients in various industries, from startups to
multinational corporations, helping them leverage the power of technology to achieve their
goals. The company continues to evolve and adapt to the ever- changing technology
landscape, striving to stay at the forefront of innovation.


ADM Techno offers Digital Marketing & Advertising , web development and
designing and testing services to clients in various industries, including healthcare,
education, e-commerce, and finance. They work closely with clients to understand
their specific needs and requirements and develop custom solutions to meet those
needs. Their products and services are designed to help businesses across various
industries leverage the power of technology to achieve their goals. The Company also
provides following Secvices

Fig1.2 Company Home Page

Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing encompasses all advertising and marketing efforts that use different
social media, emails, and WhatsApp/SMS.

Web Development

Website is also a generous way to promote the product and services in details globally. It
helps to share the detailed descriptions of all products and services for any class of

Project Training

We provide service for all type of graphics designing like Visiting card, Flyer, Social
media graphics, website graphics, Vector graphics etc.

At ADM Techo Pvt Ltd, the company also provides services like designing personalized
WordPress Portfolio Themes.

Fig1.3 Company Products

The company provides following Portfolio Masonry services.

 Content Strategy
 SEO Optimization
 Social Engagement
 Domain Migration
 Content Marketing
 Data Analysis

Chapter 2
Different Unit of the


As the company has grown in size, it was needed to separate various departments to
maintain the management and smooth flow of process. ADM Techno Pvt Ltd has
various units to handle different use cases.


Some departments in the company are as per below:

Business Development

This department is responsible for identifying new business opportunities, building

relationships with clients, and managing sales and marketing activities.


Most common department of the company which deals with the human resource
management processes like hiring, evaluation for promotion, salary related issues etc.


This department is used to maintain the IT infrastructure of the company and

employees. They also help with any type of technical issue faced by clients and
employees of the company.

There are some other departments out there which fall under Business Development
which handles various types of the work.

Main product of our company is mostly the software. Software is very different
thing than other industry’s end products. Its process is very different.

Requirements gathering and analysis :

The first step in manufacturing an IT product is to gather and analyze the

requirements for the product. This involves understanding the needs of the users or
customers, identifying the features and functionalities that are required, and
determining the technical specifications and constraints

Design :

Once the requirements are finalized, the next step is to design the product. This
involves creating a blueprint or design document that outlines the architecture,
components, interfaces, and algorithms required to build the product.

Implementation :

The implementation phase involves actually building the product according to the
design specifications. This can involve writing code, configuring servers and
databases, and integrating third-party components or libraries.

Testing :

Throughout the implementation phase, testing is carried out to ensure that the product
meets the requirements and works as expected. This can include unit testing,
integration testing, and acceptance testing.

Once the product has been fully tested and approved, it is deployed to production
environments. This can involve configuring servers, installing software, and
migrating data.

Maintenance and Support :

After deployment, the product requires ongoing maintenance and support to ensure
that it continues to function properly and meets the changing needs of the users or
customers. This can include bug fixes, performance optimizations, and new feature


The different stages of production in the IT industry can be vary depending on the
specific product being developed, as well as the development process used. However,a
general set of stages can be defined as shown in the image follows:

Fig 2.1 Agile Methodology

Chapter 3
Introduction to Internship


This chapter includes the process of valuable learning opportunity for students. It
provides hands-on experience and exposure to the practical aspects of the field,
allowing students to apply their classroom knowledge in real-world settings. During an
internship students work under the supervision of experienced professionals in the
field, learning about the industry and gaining practical experience in areas such as
software development, network engineering, system design, and hardware
development. They may also have the opportunity to work on projects or assist with
research, providing them with exposure to cutting-edge technologies and industry


The entire internship period was a huge exposure towards the software development
and its different stages along with learning of different technologies and tools.

During the 12 weeks of internship a lot of learning is being done on different tools
and technologies which can enhance the overall efficiency and coding standards.
Training began with the basic concept of VS Code , HTML, CSS and JavaScript,
TypeScript,and Angular JS.

Followed by training a project was assigned to all the interns under the guidance of
the project lead and the mentor, wherein had to build a software from scratch using
the concepts and skills learnt during the entire training and along with it also an
experience was gained regarding the real software development process, right from
planning, researching, designing, and prototyping to development and testing.

The purpose of internship is to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems and create a
tangible solution. Internship project provide students with hands-on experience in designing,
implementing, testing, and delivering software or hardware solutions. They help students develop
skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, project management, communication, and teamwork.
Internship project can range from individual assignments to group projects that involve
collaborating with other students, industry partners, or clients. They can focus on different areas
such as software development, network engineering, cyber security, artificial intelligence, machine
learning, or Internet of Things. Projects can be carried out in various settings such as a classroom, a
research lab, or an industry environment.


The objective of this project varies depending on the specific project and its intended
outcome. However, some common objectives of a project may include:

(1 )Solving a specific problem :

Projects in computer engineering often aim to develop solutions to real-world

problems. The objective of the project is to identify the problem and develop a solution
using computer engineering techniques.

( 2)Developing new technology:
Projects can also focus on developing new technologies or applications. The objective
of the project is to create a novel technology or application that provides value to
users or society.

( 3 )Enhancing existing technology:

Projects can also aim to improve or enhance existing technologies or applications.

The objective of the project is to identify areas for improvement and implement
changes that enhance the performance or functionality of the technology.

(4) Learning and exploration:

Some projects may be focused on learning and exploration, where the objective is to
develop knowledge and skills in a particular area of computer engineering.

(5 )Academic or research purposes:

Projects in computer engineering can also be designed for academic or research

purposes, where the objective is to contribute new knowledge to the field or to
demonstrate mastery of a particular subject area.

Chapter 4
System Analysis



The study of the current system is an important step in the development of a new
system or solution in computer engineering. It involves analyzing the existing system,
identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding how it works. The purpose
of studying the current system is to gain insights into what works well and what needs
to be improved.

The study of the current system typically involves the following steps:

(1) Gathering information:

The first step is to gather information about the current system. This may involve
reviewing documentation, interviewing users, and observing the system in action.

(2) Analyzing the system:

Once the information is gathered, the next step is to analyze the system. This involves
identifying its key components, how they interact, and what problems exist.

(3) Identifying strengths and weaknesses:

Based on the analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the current system are
identified. This includes areas where the system is working well and areas that need

(4) Understanding user requirements:

Another important aspect of studying the current system is to understand user

requirements. This involves identifying the needs and expectations of the users and
how they use the system.

(5) Documenting the findings:

Finally, the findings of the study are documented in a report or other documentation.
This serves as a basis for the development of a new system or solution.


The current online exam booking system may have several problems and weaknesses
that need to be addressed. Some common issues include:
( 1 ) Inefficient and time-consuming booking process:

The current system may have a slow and cumbersome booking process, which can
frustrate users and discourage them from using the system. This may result in lower
participation rates and revenue loss.

( 2 )Limited functionality:

The current system may have limited functionality, making it difficult for users to
customize their exams or schedule appointments. This can result in a poor user
experience and lower satisfaction rates.

( 3 ) Technical issues:

The current system may experience technical issues such as slow loading times, error
messages, or crashes. This can result in lost bookings and negative reviews.

( 4 ) Security concerns:

The current system may not have adequate security measures in place to protect user
data and prevent unauthorized access. This can result in data breaches, which can be
damaging to the reputation of the organization and result in legal liability.
( 5 ) Lack of integration with other systems:

The current system may not be integrated with other systems such as payment
processing, scheduling software, or reporting tools. This can result in manual data
entry and a higher risk of errors.

A proposed online exam booking system should aim to address the problems and
weaknesses of the current system. Some possible features and improvements of a
proposed system include:

( 1 ) Streamlined and user-friendly booking process:

The proposed system should have a simple and efficient booking process that is easy
to use for both users and administrators. This can be achieved through a clean and
intuitive interface, easy-to-understand instructions, and fewer steps required to
complete the booking process.

( 2 ) Customizable exam options:

The proposed system should provide users with the ability to customize their exams,
including the ability to choose the exam type, time, and location.

(3 )Robust security measures:

The proposed system should have strong security measures in place to protect user
data and prevent unauthorized access. This can include encryption, multi-factor
authentication, and regular security audits.

( 4 ) Integration with other systems:

The proposed system should be integrated with other systems, such as payment
processing, scheduling software, or reporting tools, to streamline data entry and reduce

( 5 ) Automated notifications and reminders:

The proposed system should send automated notifications and reminders to users
regarding their exam booking, including confirmation of the booking, reminders of
the date and time of the exam, and any changes or updates to the exam schedule.

( 6 ) Analytics and reporting: The proposed system should provide administrators with

access to analytics and reporting tools to track user activity, monitor system
performance, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Overall, a proposed online exam booking system should focus on improving the user
experience, increasing efficiency, and enhancing security. By addressing the
weaknesses of the current system, the proposed system can provide users with a better
experience and help organizations to increase participation rates, generate revenue, and
improve their reputation.

Main Modules in Exam Booking System

(1) Admin Login :

Admin Login is a feature of a website or application that allows the administrator or

the person in charge to access the back-end or administrative area of the system. The
admin area typically has more privileges and controls than the user-facing areas of the
website or application.

(2) Admin Panel :

Admin Panel is a central location where administrators can perform a range of tasks
such as user management, content management, system configuration, analytics, and
reporting. 28
Chapter 5
System Design


Login Page
Fig 3.1 Login Page
In this part of project User needs to enter his/her basic details like Name , Email id &

Fig 3.2 Home Screen

Fig 3.3 Login Page

The analysis of the specific functional requirements for the system is as follows:

(1) User login

Student login: enter student ID, password and verification code correctly, log in,
and enter the student examination page.

Teacher login: enter the sign, password and verification code correctly, log in,
enter the teacher management page, the course information management,
examination question bank management and artificial marking examination

Administrator login: enter the user name, password and verification code
correctly, log in, and enter the backstage page.

(2) Backstage management

User management: manage student information, teacher information and

administrator information, including the operation of adding, modifying, deleting,
and querying.

Professional information management: manage student profession, including the

operation of profession adding, modifying, deleting, querying.

Examination subject management: according to the profession to divide

examination subjects, including the operation of adding, modifying, deleting,
querying for professional examination subjects, and set the prescribed examination
time, only in the prescribed time test time for the examinee to carry out the

(3) Student examination:

The examinee opens the browser to enter the examination page, enters the login
verification information and confirms no error, the system randomly extracts the test
question, the examinee begins to answer the paper, the system automatically
countdown. At the end of the answer, confirm the assignment, finish the examination,
or the time has arrived, the examinee has not finished the answer, and the system will
force the ending of the answer, and automatically score and archive the examination
questions after the completion of the examination.

Student Information Page

Fig 4.1 Student Information Page

Fig 4.2 Student Information Page

Student information is an essential component of an exam booking project as it allows

administrators to manage and track student details and progress. The following are the
typical student information that might be included in an exam booking system:

(1) Name:

The student's full name is required for identification purposes and to avoid confusion
with other students.

(2) Contact Information:

Contact information such as the student's email address, phone number, and mailing
address is necessary for communication and to keep students informed of any updates
or changes to the exam schedule.

(3) ID Number:

Each student should have a unique identification number to avoid confusion with other
students and to enable tracking of their exam results and progress.

(4) Exam Preferences:

The student's preferred exam location, date, and time should be recorded to ensure that
the student is assigned an exam slot that suits their schedule and location.

(5) Exam History:

The student's previous exam results and progress should be recorded to track their
progress and identify any areas that require improvement.

Subject Page

Fig 5.1 Student Page

Fig 5.2 Student Page

The subject page in an online exam booking system is a web page where students can
view and select the subject(s) they want to book an exam for. The subject page
typically includes the following features:

(1) Subject List: The subject page displays a list of subjects that are available for the
exam. The list may be arranged alphabetically, by subject category or by exam date.

(2) Subject Details: When a student clicks on a subject, they can view the subject
details, such as the exam date, time, and location, as well as any prerequisites or
eligibility criteria.
(3) Exam Availability:

The subject page also displays the number of available exam slots for each subject,
which helps students to select a suitable date and time for their exam.

(4) Filters and Sorting:

The subject page may have filtering and sorting features that allow students to narrow
down their subject search by exam date, location, or other criteria.

Class Data

Fig 6.1 Class Data

Fig 6.2 Class Data

The subject page in an online exam booking system is a web page where students can
view and select the subject(s) they want to book an exam for. The subject page
typically includes the following features:

(1) Subject List:

The subject page displays a list of subjects that are available for the exam. Thelist
may be arranged alphabetically, by subject category or by exam date.

(2) Subject Details:

When a student clicks on a subject, they can view the subject details, such as theexam
date, time, and location, as well as any prerequisites or eligibility criteria.

(3) Exam Availability:

The subject page also displays the number of available exam slots for eachsubject,
which helps students to select a suitable date and time for their exam.

(4) Filters and Sorting:

The subject page may have filtering and sorting features that allow students tonarrow
down their subject search by exam date, location, or other criteria.

(5) Teachers Data :

The subject page must have teachers data for better clarity.

Set a Exam

Fig 7.1 Set a Exam

Fig 7.2 Set a Exam

In an online exam booking system, the "Set Exam" feature allows administrators to
create and set up the exams that students can book through the system. Here are the
key elements of the "Set Exam" feature:

(1) Exam Questions:

When setting up an exam, administrators should input the exam details, such as the
exam title, description, duration, passing score, and any other relevant information.

(2) Exam Subject:

Administrators should set up the exam schedule, including the exam date, start time,
and end time, to ensure that the exam is available for booking during the desired time

(3) Exam Marks Obtained:

Administrators should specify the exam location(s), such as the building, room, and
address, where the exam will be held. This information helps students to select an
exam slot at a convenient location.

(4) Exam Slots:

Administrators should set up the number of exam slots available for each exam session.
This helps to prevent overbooking and ensures that students have access to available exam

Chapter 6

Exam List

Fig 10.1 Exam List

In an online exam booking system, the "Exam List" feature provides students with a list of
available exams they can book. Here are the key elements of the "Exam List" feature:

(1) Exam Title:

The title of each exam is displayed to allow students to easily identify the exam they want
to book.

(2) Exam Details:

The details of each exam, such as the exam duration, passing score, and any other
relevant information, are displayed to provide students with a clear understanding of what
the exam entails.

(3) Exam Questions:

The exam Questions, allows the examiner to set exam question.

(4) Exam Marks:

The exam marks suggests the marks obtained by students.

Backend API

Bcakend APIs in exam booking system

In an online exam booking system, the backend APIs (Application Programming Interface)
are the endpoints that facilitate communication between the front-end interface and the
server-side application. Here are some of the common backend APIs used in an exam
booking system:

Authentication API:

This API handles user authentication, allowing only authorized users to access thesystem.

Registration API:
This API allows users to register and create an account on the system, providing theirpersonal
and contact information.

Exam List API:

This API provides the list of available exams, including the exam details, schedule, location,
and fees.

Exam Booking API:

This API handles the booking of an exam by the student, updating the exam slot
availability and booking details in the database.

Payment API:

This API facilitates payment processing, allowing students to pay the exam feessecurely
through the system.

User Profile API:

This API allows users to view and update their profile information, such as contact details,
exam history, and payment history.

Notification API:

This API sends notifications to the user regarding their exam booking, paymentstatus,
and other relevant information.


VS Code (Visual Studio Code) is an integrated development environment (IDE) that can be
used for developing software applications, including an online exam booking system. Here
are some of the ways VS Code can be used in an exam booking systemproject

Code editing:

VS Code provides a powerful code editor with advanced features such as syntax
highlighting, auto-complete, and code formatting, making it easier for developers to write
and edit code.


VS Code offers a debugging feature that enables developers to identify and fix errors in the
code efficiently.

Version control:

VS Code provides integrated version control support, allowing developers to track

changes made to the code and collaborate with team members using Git, GitHub, or other
version control systems.

VS Code offers a wide range of extensions that can enhance the functionality of theIDE,
such as extensions for coding languages, debugging, and code analysis.

Integrated terminal:

VS Code includes an integrated terminal that allows developers to execute commands and
run scripts directly from the IDE.

Live share:

VS Code provides a Live Share feature that enables developers to collaborate in real-
time with team members, allowing them to work together efficiently and effectively.

Overall, VS Code is a powerful and versatile IDE that can be used effectively in
developing an online exam booking system, providing developers with a range of tools and
features to create efficient and functional code.


Coding standards are a set of guidelines or best practices that define how code should be
written, formatted, and structured in a software development project. Following coding
standards can help improve the readability, maintainability, and overall quality of the
codebase. Here are some of the common coding standards that can be applied in an online
exam booking system project:

Code formatting:

Consistent code formatting can improve the readability and understanding of the code. A
popular code formatting tool is Prettier, which can be integrated with VS Code.
Naming conventions:

Using consistent and descriptive names for variables, functions, and classes can make the
code easier to understand. A popular naming convention is CamelCase, where the first
letter of each word is capitalized, except the first word.


Adding comments to the code can improve the code's readability and make it easier to
understand. Comments should be concise and informative, explaining what the code
does and why.

Error handling:

Proper error handling can make the code more robust and prevent it from crashing.
All possible error scenarios should be considered, and appropriate error messages
should be displayed to the user.

Security: Security should be taken into account when writing code. Best practices
include using prepared statements for database queries, hashing sensitive data, and
validating user input.


Breaking down the code into smaller, reusable modules can make it easier to
understand and maintain.
Above coding standards can help ensure the quality, readability, and maintainability of
the codebase in an online exam booking system project.

Programming Conventions

Programming conventions are a set of rules and guidelines that developers follow
when writing code. These conventions help improve code readability and
maintainability and make it easier for other developers to understand and work on
the code. Here are some common programming conventions that can be applied in an
online exam booking system project:


Use consistent indentation to make the code structure easier to understand. For
example, using four spaces for indentation can improve readability.

Variable naming:

Use meaningful and descriptive names for variables, functions, and classes. Variable
names should start with a lowercase letter and follow the CamelCase naming

Function and method naming:

Use descriptive names for functions and methods that reflect their purpose. Function
and method names should start with a lowercase letter and follow the CamelCase
naming convention.


Use comments to explain what the code does and why it is necessary. Comments
should be concise and informative.

Error handling:

Proper error handling is essential for the application's robustness. Ensure all possible
error scenarios are handled, and appropriate error messages are displayed to the user.

Consistent code style:

Use a consistent code style throughout the project. This includes things like using
consistent naming conventions, formatting, and code structure.


Break down the code into smaller, reusable modules to make it easier to understand
and maintain.

Avoid magic numbers:

Avoid using hard-coded values in the code. Instead, define constants or variables with
descriptive names to improve code readability.

Fig 11.1 Programming conventions

Chapter 7


The project outcomes of an online exam booking system can include:

Streamlined exam booking process: The online exam booking system can help
streamline the process of booking exams by eliminating manual tasks, reducing
paperwork, and improving the accuracy of data.

Improved exam scheduling: The system can help improve the scheduling of exams
by allowing students to book their exams at their convenience and ensuring that the
exam slots are evenly distributed.

Better data management: The system can help manage data related to student exams,
exam schedules, and exam results, making it easier to track and analyze student

Enhanced user experience: The system can provide an enhanced user experience for
students and administrators by providing easy-to-use interfaces, real-time feedback,
and personalized dashboards.

Improved security: The system can provide enhanced security measures to protect
student data, exam questions, and results from unauthorized access.

Increased efficiency: The system can help increase the efficiency of the exam
booking process by automating tasks, reducing errors, and improving the turnaround

Cost savings: The system can help save costs associated with manual processes, such
as printing and storing paper-based documents.

The online exam booking system can help to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and
security of the exam booking process, resulting in better outcomes for students and




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