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Designing Quality Measures - Paper

After reviewing the information in this module and reading the

information Understanding Quality Measurement Links to an external site., describe
what quality healthcare means to you as a patient and explain why. Next, describe what
quality would mean to a healthcare organizational leader and explain why. Finally, as the
CEO of a healthcare organization, describe how would you design quality objectives so
that they are measurable and explain why.
Your paper must meet the following requirements:

 Be 2-3-pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference
 Format your entire paper according to the APA
 Include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs,
and a conclusion.
 Write well and clearly using excellent grammar and style techniques. Be
concise. Be logical.
 Support your paper by using a minimum of 2-3-credible sources.


Agency for healthcare research and quality. (2020, June). Understanding quality


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