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1. Mariana is reading a job posting and she sees the following list. Which part of the job
posting is she reading?

- Bachelor degree in Business related subject

- Masters degree
- 3 years of experience in Controlling
- Self-management
- Social awareness
- Team player
- Motivation
- Calculation skills

Job specification
Perceptual job design
Strategic position planning
Job description

2. As of 01.07.2019, a company employs 150 employees within its operations

department, working in 3 shifts. Due to excellent business perspectives, the company
has already recruited 8 new employees who will start on 01.01.2020. In addition, 6
apprentices will complete their education on March, 2020 and be employed by the
company afterwards. Also, 13 of the current employees will retire by end of 2019 and
another 6 employees have cancelled their employment contract for the same date.

Due to loss of an important customer business, the company has to adjust its workforce by
01.01.2020. Starting on that date, operations will be limited to 2 shifts plus a reserve of 10%.

Calculate the net staff demand following this re-structuring by 01.01.2020.


3. Harold has been hired as a HR manager in Toyota. He is responsible of creating a

plan for job design for the manufacturing department of the company to reach the goal
of manufacturing 45 vans per hour. But he has doubts about which interdisciplinary
approach he will select. Which one would you recommend?

Motivational job design

Mechanistic job design

Repetitive skills job design

Motor job design


4. A cell phone shop in Germany is operating Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 8.00
pm. It also performs it services on Saturdays from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. An employee
works 5 days a week, 7 hours a day and is legally entitled to leave for vacation. In
addition, a surcharge of 15% is to be included for cases of illness, working hours
outside opening hours, etc. On average, 20 customers are served per hour. Each
customer conversation takes 15 minutes.

Calculate the FTE requirement. How many headcounts would be required at a minimum?

Note: Part-time employees work 50% of the normal working hours.

12*5+10*52 weeks=

3640 – Total working hours

3640 – full

5. A restaurant in Germany has a workforce of 15 full-time-employees and 30 part-time-

employees. All of them are earning 15 Euro per working hour. Additionally, the
restaurant has a manager and 2 shift supervisors. The full-time-employees are
working 40 hours per week, whereas the part-time-employees cover 50% of the
company’s regular working hours. The restaurant manager has an annual total
compensation of 45.000 Euro and the shift supervisors have a monthly salary of 2.800
Euro each. Due to the excellent economic situation, for all employees (including the
manager) an salary increase of 3,0% is expected for the next year. The current rate for
Social Contribution is 21,03 %.

Please calculate the Employer’s Gross Pay for the next year according to bottom-up


6. What is the difference between headcounts, FTE and PTE?


7. Draw up the potential-performance matrix and explain it in your own words.


8. A company (C) has regular working hours from 8am to 4:30pm from Monday to
Friday. For each of its employees, 25 vacation days have been contractually agreed.
The total personnel costs of C amount to 210.000 Euros. Last year, the company
received 30 applications for 5 advertised positions. In addition, the following
employee data is known for the current year 2018 and the year before. Two of them
have a disability. In 2018, there are 11 holidays.

Name Age* Working time Sickness Employed Training days

rate 2018 since 2018

A.B. 25 Full-time 5 2014 10

C.D 29 3 days/week 3 2010 8

G.H. 45 Full-time 8 2003 10

I.J. 36 Full-time 3 2007 2

K.L. 27 3 days/week 7 2009 9

O.P. 23 2 days/week 2 2012 2

Q.R. 38 Full-time 1 2014 0

S.T. 22 2 days/week 4 2016 0

*Status 2018

Calculate the following KPIs for the company C:

 Labour costs per employee
 Application quota
 Average age per employee
 Sickness rate
 Average years of service

Note: The vacation days of part-time employees are calculated as follows:

Agreed holidays / number of working days of the company * working days of the
part-time employee

LCE = Total staff costs/Number of FTE

210000\6=350000 Euro\employee
Application quota= 30\5=6
Average age= 30,6

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