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Water is one of the basic necessity and we cannot live

without water. Water plays a vital key role in existence of
various forms of life on earth. It is widely used for various
purposes such as washing, cleaning, cooking, drinking,
bathing and other domestic uses. Water is a colourless and
odourless substance and it is essential for living beings. As we
all know, nearly 70 to 80 percent of the Earth’s surface is
covered by water, only 1-2 per cent water is pure and
suitable for human use.
Every day we waste millions of gallons of water without even
realising it. It is an essential and very much important part of
our life. Conservation of Water refers to preserving,
controlling and developing water resources, both surface
water and groundwater. It is the system that reduce the
wastage and protect the water and it’s resources. We should
understand the importance of water and come forward to
create awareness about conservation of water among our
own friends, family, neighbours, society. Why conserve?
Because if we don’t think of our future generations if we
waste our water resources needlessly then 50 years down
the line we will not have sufficient supply of fresh water. We
have to make a little bit of extra effort to save water save
Maybe you all are thinking that there are so many process
has done according to this process and not a single
procedure for conservation of water is going to work
properly. Ok then let me give you an example…….
According to water issue United States was in a very critical
situation in 2019. Then director of Ian Jhonson take that issue
very seriously at Colorado college.
The college's water recovery and reuse initiative include
irrigating landscape zones with Colorado Springs-supplied
non-potable water, a combination of water from a local
reservoir and treated domestic wastewater. Additionally, CC
has started recovering grey water in the central heating plant
to condense flu gas and recover heat.
CC also has installed smart irrigation systems to make sure
the college isn't watering unnecessarily. Technicians are
trained to make sure the irrigation system is properly
programmed and run, which has reduced water usage for
Colorado College also has phased in efficient water fixtures
as older ones have retired. Fixture retrofits have included
outfitting existing faucets with low-flow faucet aerators,
replacing shower heads, and replacing tank and flush valve
toilets with low-flow models. In 2012, while renovating
Worner Campus Center and Rastall Dining Hall, the college
replaced the dishwasher that was in use at the time with a
more efficient one and retrofitted toilets and urinals with
low-flow units. Recently, Facilities Services updated the
shower fixtures in Bemis Hall to be more efficient.
It has become necessary in all areas because these natural
resources are reducing along with the increasing population
and their usages.
There are several ways to conserve water.
• Keeping the tap closed when not in use.
• Check for the openings or leaks in water distribution
• Make sure to use collected rainwater for gardening or
washing purpose.
• Always have a measure of how many buckets of water is
wasted in a day and try to reduce.
• Do not run more water than necessary while washing
and cleaning clothes, utensils, etc.
• Do not prolong your bathing. Go for a quick shower
rather than wasting buckets of water
This is the domestic way of preserving water…
We can also harvest rainwater for preservation through some
method :
• (b) Rainwater harvesting is the process of collection and
storage of rainwater rather than allowing it to run off.
• (c) The importance of rainwater harvesting is that it can
be stored for future use as rainwater is pure and fresh; it
can be used directly for many domestic purposes such
as cleaning, washing, and gardening.
• (d) The stored rainwater also checks and revitalises the
ground level water and improves its quality. Harvesting
rainwater also checks surface water run-off and reduces
soil erosion.
• (e) Use your washing machine for full loads only while
washing clothes. Every time you use a washing machine,
you use a lot of water. Therefore, try to wash your
clothes once in bulk instead of small parts when needed.
• (f) Protection of water from pollution – As we all know
that fresh water is present in minimal quantity; hence,
we should try not to pollute them by minimising the use
of fertilisers, pesticides, and other chemicals in fields. As
run-off water from fields can pollute water bodies near
1. Minimised effects of drought and water
shortage: With time, our need for fresh water
sources is constantly increasing because of the
growing population and industrial growth, but the
freshwater supply stays constant. Thus, by
reducing the amount of water we use, we can
protect our Earth against future drought years.
2. It preserves our environment and energy:
Reducing our water usage, and going forward to
better water management, reduces the energy
required to process and deliver it to homes, farms,
agriculture fields, and communities by using
pumps. This, in turn, helps to reduce pollution and
conserve fuel resources. As a result, our
environment is protected.
3. Saves money: If we fail to conserve water, this can
eventually lead to a lack of adequate water supply,
which can have drastic consequences.
4. It makes freshwater available for recreational
purposes: We need freshwater not only in
swimming pools, spas, and golf courses but are
also used for beautifying our surroundings by
watering lawns, trees, flower gardens, and
vegetable gardens, as well as filling public
fountains at parks. If we fail to conserve water
now, we may lose these beauties later on.
5. If an ample amount of fresh water is present in the
environment, it will reduce the need for new
wastewater treatment facilities
6. Conservation of water saves aquatic habitat to a
great extent.
7. Rainwater harvesting increases the water table by
increasing the level of underground potable water.
We should understand the fact that saving water saves
a life and follow the motto, “Save Water Save Life”.
Water is as precious as money. So, whenever we waste
water, we should feel that we are wasting money.
Though water is a renewable natural resource, it is not
replaced and replenished in nature as fast as it is
consumed. Wasting water at the domestic as well as
the industrial level has become very common. Hence, it
is very important at the consumer level as well as the
industrial level to reduce any wastage of water and
reduce its unnecessary consumption.

To avoid severe water scarcity in future, we should

start conserving water from today before it comes to
an alarming rate. Various methods of water
conservation have been implemented, such as
rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation, sprinkle irrigation,
sewage wastewater recycling, and many more.

As an individual, we should take the responsibility to

save water save earth by bringing small modifications
in our daily routine such as closing the tap when not in
use, checking for any leakage at home and fixing it,
taking a shorter bath, and many more. Hence, it can be
concluded that instead of waiting for somebody else to
start conserving water, we should take the first step
towards conserving water!

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