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Alexandria University

College of Agriculture

While Egypt’s agriculture sector is well established, the country
continues to face challenges related to climate change,
urbanization, a rapidly expanding population, and food and water
In not more than 200 words, discuss the above-mentioned
challenges that face agriculture in Egypt.

Despite technological advances, such as improved crops,

genetically modified organisms, and irrigation systems, climate
remains a major factor in agricultural productivity as well as the
state of soil properties and natural communities.The impact of
climate on agriculture is more related to changes in local climate
patterns than global climate patterns. The Earth's surface
temperature has increased by about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit
[0.83 degrees Celsius] since 1880.
The Urban expand is urban problem that cities suffer from .It is
considered more changing reasons for the investment of the
land.This change is appeared in area which is devoted for
agricultural usage. This can be shown in Al- Ghraat region which
is followed to Al-Adhamyia province in the North of Baghdad .It is
agricultural area where all the constituents are available (natural
and human) However , during the comparison between usages
from(1995 -2016) we can see very clear shortage of agricultural
usage very clear shortage of agricultural usage compares with
residential (housing) usage and its horizontal expand at the
expense of the agricultural land and that lead to many urban
problems like, look of services (water, electricity sewage)
The population problem is one of the most important problems
that the state works to avoid in order not to destroy the state's
economy by decreasing or increasing the number of the
population in the state. in some countries. But if the country
suffers from an increase in population and a shortage of
resources, then this is a bigger problem than in other countries,
because an increase in population may lead to the consumption
of all foodstuffs.
The causes of food and water insecurity are the change in soil
use, the rise in prices, climate change and population increase.
All of these are the reasons that Egypt faces within the problem
of food and water security.

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