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I possess a strong understanding of the importance of employee development, and I

am committed to creating engaging learning experiences that foster growth and

development. I am confident that my ability to work collaboratively, coupled with my
attention to detail, will enable me to create high-quality training materials that meet
the needs of your organization.

Furthermore, I am passionate about staying up to date on the latest industry trends,

technology and best practices related to training and development. I believe that
continuous learning and development is essential for personal and professional
growth, and I strive to create that type of culture in the workplace.
Question Responses Segments Categories Themes/Sub
Participant A Themes
How educators
Learner Negative
(Have you ever “Yes definitely, definitely I Yes definitely misbehaviour experience
experienced have experienced yes”. learner
misbehaviour in misbehaviour
your classroom?)

(How often daily aaahhh not very often it

does this not very often it depends
depends it really depends
uuumm let’s say there’s some days we are just
going to disrupt the class
activities happening by the
today because there is
schools where all the learners activities the spirit is
are okay yes we are going to
have a nice day you know you they just do whatever
they want, because they
know and then some days we
are young
are just going to disrupt the
class today because there is
activities the spirit is
everywhere and also I think
the problem is especially the
younger teachers, most of the
times we do have problems
because we are young,
especially like the new
generation they just do
whatever they want, because
they are young and okay but
(What is the most
we don’t need any experience
frequent type of
misbehaviour you we can just do one, two,
experience in
three, four, five.
your classroom?)

Class disruption, Definitely,

so let’s say I give class and I Class disruption,
am so into the lesson and Definitely, so let’s say I
there is just this one specific give class and there is
learner that just decides okay just this one specific
I am going to talk now or I am learner that just decides
going to say something to my okay I am going to talk
classmate next to me or now, or I am going to
whatever so class is class say something to my
disruption is definitely ja classmate next to me so
class is class disruption

How does maintain Positive

effective order. school
discipline impact (Positive culture
the learning school
environment? culture) Cognitive
(In your opinion Okay I enforce discipline teach the learners, I development
what is the within my classroom because want the learners to get Positive of learners
purpose of obviously I want to teach the all of their knowledge learning
discipline in your learners number one therefore I have certain environment
classroom?) obviously, I want the learners rules in order to keep the (Cognitive
to get all of their knowledge classroom okay. development)
therefore I have certain rules
in order to keep the classroom
(Do you think okay.
I think so] uumm I won’t say I I do think so...
influences the
definitely agree but on certain
that learner is obviously
points I do think so aahh I going to be like okay I Good
academic am doing something academics
think... let’s say I give a
wrong I need to stop (Cognitive
learner detention points it doing one, two, three, development)
four, five I think in a way
doesn’t help all the time fair
it does
enough but if I give a learner
detention points all the time
all the time eventually that
learner is obviously going to
be like okay I am doing
something wrong I need to
stop doing one, two, three,
four, five I think in a way it
does but not really Like now
days like I said they all have
their own minds I and do
what I want to do and that’s
(How does
So I think aahh so I think it
actually does in away impact Good social
discipline impact
does in away impact the skills (Positive
the school positively in terms
the learning school positively… school
of let’s say aahh for example culture)
environment of
the learners here will still
last year I had a conversation
the school?) come and say good
with one of my colleges and morning ma’am how are
you good morning have
she said in the city obviously
a nice day so I think the
she had they went for an discipline it definitely
impacts the school
activity or to do something
there I don’t know I can’t
remember whatever it is and
it was by a big well known
school and they were by this
school and they were and one
of the learners were greeting
them yes yes yes yes yes
aahh I think because we are
still staying in a rural area
and most of the time the
learners shows respect and
discipline I think actually how
can I say this now I think it
does impact the school
positively because of the
environment we stay in does
that make sense, In away
definitely because we still get
learners like for like example
like I said no learner will great
you yes yes yes yes yes at
least here yea obviously we
don’t have children under
discipline all the time, but half
of the school is definitely if I
can say 99.9% if 1% ja aahh
half of the school is definitely
disciplined like I said in the
city yes the learners here will
still come and say good
morning ma’am how are you
good morning have a nice day
so I think the discipline it
definitely impacts the school

Which methods three strikes Giving Giving

educators can learners learners a
use to maintain having a conversation warnings chance, by
discipline in the with the learner and underrating
classroom? asking the learner okay Talking to the their
what is your problem is learner one situation at
(As an educator Obviously the discipline there maybe at home on one home and
which types of method where I say okay you getting
discipline get three strikes or uumm I Ja I do call the parents Getting parents
methods do you think also that works a lot parents involved with
and they get angry, but it
find most speaking to the learner involved their
effective in your having a conversation with works development
classroom?) the learner and asking the
learner okay what is your
problem is there maybe at Trying Use multiple
home and then say okay your different methods
discipline is disrupting the methods
classroom and speaking with
the learner and now say that
the learner can now Push back Parents are
understand okay from both part of the
one,two,three,four,five I think parents and problem
that definitely works for me. learners

So ja I think most of the time

ah I eh I think also that’s
where discipline most of the
time where teachers most
well not most of the teachers
okay this learner is a spoiled
brat but most of the time we
don’t know what is actually
happening at home and why
is the learner acting like this
so finding out what is actually
the problem most of the time
the problem is not in the
classroom the problem is at
home finding out what is the
problem I think that helps a
lot and getting the learner
help sending the learner
obviously to the consoler to
help them okay with the
problems they are going
through one, two, three, four,
five I think that helps a lot
Ja I do call the parents and
they get angry, but it works

definitely yearly
(Do you change ah definitely yearly ahh it
your discipline depends on I see okay it’s not
method for each working like last year I had a
class you teach, certain type of discipline, this
or do you change year I have mine so it don’t
it yearly?) help all the time but most of
the time it does so ja so
definitely yearly, I should
actually do it most of the time
but I do it yearly

But why do you

why would I like I said for me
change your it works in a way it works for
me I should actually do it ahh
discipline yearly?
every term to see this works
this doesn’t work I am
definitely thinking of
implementing now that you
are talking to me thank you
for that so uumm last year I
followed a certain pattern this
year I am following another
pattern but now I definitely
think I should do it every term

(What challenges
have you faced What challenges? Like lets
while trying to
say… one learner one specific
enforce discipline
in your learner I can see that learner
is talking and I will say you
must stop this now and
definitely that learner
some of them will say its
obviously some of them will not me ma’am or they
want to talk back
say its not me ma’am or they
want to talk back always
wanting to defend themselves
when I tell them but you are
doing one, two, three, four,
five so there is definitely a
challenge from the learners
trying to say okay its not me
it’s one, two, three, four, five
or so on

(Have you ever Ja I have I got many

Ja I have I got many times and
got any push times and they have
they have been angry at me if
back from I see these strikes aren’t been angry at me
parents the helping if I see nothing is
way?) helping with this learner, so
maybe I sending them so
someone can help them
consoler if it is not working I
call the parent I tell the
parent one, two, three, four,
five is happening please talk
to the learner and most of the
time when I call the parents it
works because the parents
speaks to the learner or the
child will come to me and say
ma’am I am sorry for doing
one, two, three, four, five
wrong so half of the time I do
call parents or most of the
time I do when see maybe this
and this is not working I call
the parents so they can also
be involved in their children’s

What can avoid corporal Avoid hurting Avoid

inexperienced punishment. the learner negative
educators learn (physically confrontation
about enforcing I would not insult a and mentally) and be
discipline from learner in front of the consistent.
experienced classroom. Teachers do
educators? become Remove
(In your avoid using in the classroom… overwhelmed. yourself from
experience which sssseee hhhmmm that is a the situation
discipline tricky one definitely I avoid… Try to calm and ask for
methods would the one I would avoid I think I yourself. help
you avoid using would avoid a lot of them
in your uuhh this is a tricky one which
classroom?) one would I avoid…: aahh Be consistent
definitely what I would say in your
most of the time do want to punishment.
one learner but obviously
that’s not a method I can There is a
follow and would avoid mentor
corporal punishment or even program
trying let’s say when a learner
makes me angry, I would not
insult a learner in front of the
classroom I would never never
try to do that because I know
it will become the main
problem if you insult the
learner because they will try
and record you and stuff like

Ja most definitely in terms of

there was a few times I Ja most definitely in
became so overwelled where terms of there was a few
(Have you ever
I was screamed at ma’am times I became so
become ma’am and everything so overwelled.
there is definitely times where
overwhelmed by
I get overwhelmed and crying
misbehaviour in and all of those and angry so
ja definitely
the classroom?)

When I do the first thing, I do

is this exercise for myself its
either for anger or
(When you disappointment whatever, I
do these breathing exercises I do these breathing
in out so that I can control exercises… calm myself
overwhelmed because obviously when I down
scream at unless I get very
what actions do
very angry, I scream at a
you take?) learner obviously I will do that
exercise to calm myself down

Inexperienced don’t try to be,

and I think this is the problem
(What advice
with new beginners teachers
would you give to
inexperienced uumm don’t try to be the nice
educators on
teacher from the beginning be don’t try to be the nice
how to enforce
teacher from the
discipline when strict with the learners once
beginning be strict with
starting their new
you don’t implement the learners
careers?) discipline you are going to be
in trouble I experienced it in
my first year and definitely I
learnt from that experienced I
think from the beginning be
strict don’t be like aahh okay
we are just going to be relax
full and I am not going to get
angry at you or I am not
going to give you detention
point or whatever because I
don’t want obviously friction
between me and my learners
but from the beginning be
strict that what I would say to
beginners or inexperienced

Most definitely we do have

mentors to help us okay
especially I have or I still have
or I still see her as my mentor
we do have mentors to
(What type of I had mentoring when came help us… to just guide
support system the teacher
here she definitely helped me
does the school
provide for newly with a lot of stuff so I think ja
the school does have mentors
educators who
are struggling or to help new teachers
are unsure how
obviously and ja a very good
to enforce
discipline in their support system now that I
have they meant to just guide
the teacher one, two, three,
four, five and everything part
of that.

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