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Matter- it is anything that occupy space, it has mass

ex. air, water, rock etc

States of MATTER

a. solid- holds its shapes

b. liquid- shape conforms to container

c. gas- balloon

d. plasma- charge particles, no distinct shape

ex. sun, star, aurora

Classifications of MATTER

1. Pure Substance

a. Elements- these are pure substances whose smallest particles are

made up of one kind of an atom.

EX. hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, helium

b. Compound

2. Mixture

a. homogenous

b. heterogenous

ATOM- It is part of an element that composed of subatomic particles such

as electrons, protons and neutrons

Chemical Properties- these are characteristics of the substance that

undergores chemical changes

Physical Properties- these are characteristics of matter that can be


Malleable- it is the ability of solid materials to undergo compressive stress


Ductile- it is the ability of solid material to deform tensile stress (stretch)

Pure Substance- each substance has a chemical and physical properties

unique to itself

ex. water (H20), sulfur (S)

Acid and Bases Indicators- substances that change color when place in
an acid or base

ACID- it is any hydrogen containing substance that is capable of donating a

hydrogenion to another substance


- acids taste

- acids react with- the reaction produces hydrogen active metals to

hydrogen gas from gas which can see as bubbles

BASE- it is a molecule or ianle to accept hydrogen ion from acid


- baste tastes bitter

- bases are slippery to touch- they feel slippery because they react with
acid molecules in your skin called fatty acids

Neutralization- Acids and bases react to one another, they are from salt
and water
Litmus Paper- these are indicators containing vegetables dye from lichen

acid- blue litmus paper turn into red or pink

bases- red litmus paper turn into blue

Methyl red- is an indicator dye that turns red in acidic solution

Phenolplathalein- a chemical that changes color depending on whether it

meets an acid or a base

- Purple if it meets basic

- Colorless if it meets acidic

Natural Indicator- prepare this type of indicator using plants

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